function redirectHandler()
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    $result = ChargeBee_HostedPage::retrieve($id);
    if ($result->hostedPage()->state == "succeeded") {
        header("Location: /ssp-php/subscription");
    } else {

 * Adding ChargeBee php libraries and configuration files.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/Config.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/Util.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ErrorHandler.php";
if (endsWith(substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, "?")), "/update")) {
} else {
    if (endsWith(substr($uri, 0, strpos($uri, "?")), "/redirect_handler")) {
    } else {
 * Redirects the customer to ChargeBee Update Card Hosted Page API.
function updateCardHostedPage()
     * Calling the ChargeBee Update Card Hosted Page API to update card for 
     * a customer by passing the particular customers' customer id.
     * Note : To use this API return url for Update Card API's page must be set.
    $hostUrl = getHostUrl();
    $result = ChargeBee_HostedPage::updatePaymentMethod(array("customer" => array("id" => $_GET['customer_id']), "embed" => "false", "redirectUrl" => $hostUrl . "/update_payment_method/redirect_handler", "cancelUrl" => $hostUrl . "/update_payment_method/profile?customer_id=" . urlencode($_GET['customer_id'])));