    case "sunday":
    case "Sunday":
        $day_id = 7;
$query_room_schedule = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM class_schedule_t  WHERE room_code='{$room_code}' AND day='{$day_id}'") or die(mysql_error());
while ($row_room_schedule = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_room_schedule)) {
    $time_start = $row_room_schedule['time_start'];
    $time_end = $row_room_schedule['time_end'];
    $time_start = strtotime($time_start);
    $time_end = strtotime($time_end);
    //echo $time_start." - ".$time_end."\n";
    //echo conflict_check($time_start, $time_end, $time, $time)."<br>";
    //echo $time[0]."\n";
    if (conflict_check($time_start, $time_end, $time, $time) == "conflict") {
        echo $row_room_schedule['schedule_id'];
//echo $time_start;
localtime(true); returns associative array with these indexes
"tm_sec" - seconds, 0 to 59
"tm_min" - minutes, 0 to 59
"tm_hour" - hours, 0 to 23
"tm_mday" - day of the month, 1 to 31
"tm_mon" - month of the year, 0 (Jan) to 11 (Dec)
"tm_year" - years since 1900
"tm_wday" - day of the week, 0 (Sun) to 6 (Sat)
"tm_yday" - day of the year, 0 to 365
Пример #2
    } else {
        echo $str_start . " = " . $str_end;
echo "<br>";
$start1 = "12:00";
$end1 = "13:00";
$start2 = "13:00";
$end2 = "14:00";
$t_start1 = strtotime($start1);
$t_end1 = strtotime($end1);
$t_start2 = strtotime($start2);
$t_end2 = strtotime($end2);
echo "{$start1} - {$end1} <br>";
echo "{$start2} - {$end2} <br>";
echo conflict_check($t_start1, $t_end1, $t_start2, $t_end2);
function conflict_check_print($t_start1, $t_end1, $t_start2, $t_end2)
    if ($t_start1 >= $t_start2 && $t_start1 < $t_end2) {
        echo "conflict.";
    } else {
        echo "good.";
    echo "<br>";
    if ($t_end1 > $t_start2 && $t_end1 <= $t_end2) {
        echo "conflict.";
    } else {
        echo "good.";
    echo "<br>";
    if ($t_start2 >= $t_start1 && $t_start2 < $t_end1) {
Пример #3
function is_faculty_loaded_e($class_id, $start, $end, $days, $schedule_id)
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM class_t WHERE class_id={$class_id}");
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
    $emp_id = $row['teacher_id'];
    if ($emp_id == NULL) {
        return "";
    $sy_id = get_active_sy();
    foreach ($days as $day) {
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM class_schedule_t WHERE schedule_id <> {$schedule_id} AND day='{$day}' AND class_id IN (SELECT class_id FROM class_t WHERE teacher_id='{$emp_id}' AND sy_id={$sy_id}) ") or die(mysql_error() . "  yeh");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
            $db_start = $row['time_start'];
            $db_end = $row['time_end'];
            $t_start = strtotime($start);
            $t_end = strtotime($end);
            $t_db_start = strtotime($db_start);
            $t_db_end = strtotime($db_end);
            if ("conflict" == conflict_check($t_start, $t_end, $t_db_start, $t_db_end)) {
                $class_id = $row['class_id'];
                $query_subject = mysql_query("SELECT subject_t.subject_title FROM subject_t, class_t WHERE class_t.class_id={$class_id} AND subject_t.subject_code=class_t.subject_code");
                $row_subject = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_subject);
                $subject = $row_subject['subject_title'];
                $st = date('h:i A', $t_db_start);
                $en = date('h:i A', $t_db_end);
                return "Teacher has conflicting schedule {$subject} @ {$st} - {$en}.";
    return "";