Пример #1
 function getLastInsertID()
     if ($this->hasError()) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         return claro_sql_insert_id();
Пример #2
        $thisLPMId = $_REQUEST['cmdid'];
        $sortDirection = "ASC";
    case "createLabel":
        // create form sent
        if (isset($_REQUEST["newLabel"]) && trim($_REQUEST["newLabel"]) != "") {
            // determine the default order of this Learning path ( a new label is a root child)
            $sql = "SELECT MAX(`rank`)\n                    FROM `" . $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE . "`\n                    WHERE `parent` = 0";
            $result = claro_sql_query($sql);
            list($orderMax) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
            $order = $orderMax + 1;
            // create new module
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $TABLEMODULE . "`\n                   (`name`, `comment`, `contentType`, `launch_data`)\n                   VALUES ('" . claro_sql_escape($_POST['newLabel']) . "','', '" . CTLABEL_ . "', '')";
            $query = claro_sql_query($sql);
            // request ID of the last inserted row (module_id in $TABLEMODULE) to add it in $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE
            $thisInsertedModuleId = claro_sql_insert_id();
            // create new learning path module
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE . "`\n                   (`learnPath_id`, `module_id`, `specificComment`, `rank`, `parent`)\n                   VALUES ('" . (int) $_SESSION['path_id'] . "', '" . (int) $thisInsertedModuleId . "','', " . (int) $order . ", 0)";
            $query = claro_sql_query($sql);
        } else {
            $displayCreateLabelForm = true;
            // the form code comes after name and comment boxes section
// change sorting if required
if (isset($sortDirection) && $sortDirection) {
    // get list of modules with same parent as the moved module
    $sql = "SELECT LPM.`learnPath_module_id`, LPM.`rank`\n            FROM (`" . $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE . "` AS LPM, `" . $TABLELEARNPATH . "` AS LP)\n              LEFT JOIN `" . $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE . "` AS LPM2 ON LPM2.`parent` = LPM.`parent`\n            WHERE LPM2.`learnPath_module_id` = " . (int) $thisLPMId . "\n              AND LPM.`learnPath_id` = LP.`learnPath_id`\n              AND LP.`learnPath_id` = " . (int) $_SESSION['path_id'] . "\n            ORDER BY LPM.`rank` {$sortDirection}";
Пример #3
 $sourceDoc = $baseWorkDir . $insertDocument;
 if (check_name_exist($sourceDoc)) {
     // check if a module of this course already used the same document
     $sql = "SELECT *\n                    FROM `" . $TABLEMODULE . "` AS M, `" . $TABLEASSET . "` AS A\n                    WHERE A.`module_id` = M.`module_id`\n                      AND {$modifier} A.`path` LIKE \"" . claro_sql_escape($insertDocument) . "\"\n                      AND M.`contentType` = \"" . CTDOCUMENT_ . "\"";
     $query = claro_sql_query($sql);
     $num = mysql_num_rows($query);
     $basename = substr($insertDocument, strrpos($insertDocument, '/') + 1);
     if ($num == 0) {
         // create new module
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $TABLEMODULE . "`\n                        (`name` , `comment`, `contentType`, `launch_data`)\n                        VALUES ('" . claro_sql_escape($basename) . "' , '" . claro_sql_escape(get_block('blockDefaultModuleComment')) . "', '" . CTDOCUMENT_ . "', '' )";
         $query = claro_sql_query($sql);
         $insertedModule_id = claro_sql_insert_id();
         // create new asset
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $TABLEASSET . "`\n                        (`path` , `module_id` , `comment`)\n                        VALUES ('" . claro_sql_escape($insertDocument) . "', " . (int) $insertedModule_id . ", '')";
         $query = claro_sql_query($sql);
         $insertedAsset_id = claro_sql_insert_id();
         $sql = "UPDATE `" . $TABLEMODULE . "`\n                        SET `startAsset_id` = " . (int) $insertedAsset_id . "\n                        WHERE `module_id` = " . (int) $insertedModule_id . "";
         $query = claro_sql_query($sql);
         // determine the default order of this Learning path
         $sql = "SELECT MAX(`rank`)\n                        FROM `" . $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE . "`";
         $result = claro_sql_query($sql);
         list($orderMax) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
         $order = $orderMax + 1;
         // finally : insert in learning path
         $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE . "`\n                        (`learnPath_id`, `module_id`, `specificComment`, `rank`, `lock`)\n                        VALUES ('" . (int) $_SESSION['path_id'] . "', '" . (int) $insertedModule_id . "','" . claro_sql_escape(get_block('blockDefaultModuleAddedComment')) . "', " . (int) $order . ", 'OPEN')";
         $query = claro_sql_query($sql);
         $dialogBox .= get_lang("%moduleName has been added as module", array('%moduleName' => $basename)) . '<br />' . "\n";
     } else {
         // check if this is this LP that used this document as a module
         $sql = "SELECT *\n                        FROM `" . $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE . "` AS LPM,\n                             `" . $TABLEMODULE . "` AS M,\n                             `" . $TABLEASSET . "` AS A\n                        WHERE M.`module_id` =  LPM.`module_id`\n                          AND M.`startAsset_id` = A.`asset_id`\n                          AND {$modifier} A.`path` = '" . claro_sql_escape($insertDocument) . "'\n                          AND LPM.`learnPath_id` = " . (int) $_SESSION['path_id'];
         $query2 = claro_sql_query($sql);
Пример #4
                 $errorFound = true;
                 array_push($errorMsgs, get_lang('Error in SQL statement'));
             // visibility
             if (isset($item['isvisible']) && $item['isvisible'] != '') {
                 $item['isvisible'] == "true" ? $visibility = "SHOW" : ($visibility = "HIDE");
             } else {
                 $visibility = 'SHOW';
                 // IMS consider that the default value of 'isvisible' is true
             // finally : insert in learning path
             $sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE . "`\n                        (`learnPath_id`, `module_id`, `specificComment`, `rank`, `visibility`, `lock`, `parent`)\n                        VALUES ('" . $tempPathId . "', '" . $insertedModule_id[$i] . "','" . claro_sql_escape(get_block('blockDefaultModuleAddedComment')) . "', " . $rank . ", '" . $visibility . "', 'OPEN', " . $parent . ")";
             $query = claro_sql_query($sql);
             // get the inserted id of the learnPath_module rel to allow 'parent' link in next inserts
             $insertedLPMid[$item['itemIdentifier']]['LPMid'] = claro_sql_insert_id();
             $insertedLPMid[$item['itemIdentifier']]['rank'] = 1;
             if (claro_sql_error()) {
                 $errorFound = true;
                 array_push($errorMsgs, get_lang('Error in SQL statement'));
             if (!$errorFound) {
                 array_push($okMsgs, get_lang('Module added : ') . "<i>" . $moduleName . "</i>");
     // if sizeof($manifestData['items'] == 0 )
Пример #5
  * create the message in the message table and return the identification of this
  * @return int message identification
 private final function addMessage($messageToSend)
     //create an array of the name of the table needed
     $tableName = get_module_main_tbl(array('im_message'));
     $subject = claro_sql_escape($messageToSend->getSubject());
     $message = claro_sql_escape($messageToSend->getMessage());
     if (is_null($messageToSend->getSender())) {
         $sender = claro_get_current_user_id();
     } else {
         $sender = (int) $messageToSend->getSender();
     if (!is_null($messageToSend->getCourseCode())) {
         $course = "'" . claro_sql_escape($messageToSend->getCourseCode()) . "'";
     } else {
         $course = "NULL";
     if (!is_null($messageToSend->getGroupId())) {
         $group = (int) $messageToSend->getGroupId();
     } else {
         $group = "NULL";
     if (!is_null($messageToSend->getToolsLabel())) {
         $tools = "'" . claro_sql_escape($messageToSend->getToolsLabel()) . "'";
     } else {
         $tools = "NULL";
     // add the message in the table of messages and retrieves the ID
     $addInternalMessageSQL = "INSERT INTO `" . $tableName['im_message'] . "` \n" . "(sender, subject, message, send_time, course, `group` , tools) \n" . "VALUES ({$sender},'" . $subject . "','" . $message . "', '\n" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", claro_time()) . "'," . $course . "," . $group . "," . $tools . ")\n";
     // try to read the last ID inserted if the request pass
     if (claro_sql_query($addInternalMessageSQL)) {
         return claro_sql_insert_id();
     } else {
         throw new Exception(claro_sql_errno() . ":" . claro_sql_error());