/** * * 返回总店的所有分店信息 * param: parentId */ public function shopbranches_get() { $url = HOST . "/classes/Shop?"; $parentId = $this->get('parentId'); if (empty($parentId)) { outputError(-1, '没有总店信息'); } $where = array('parent' => avosPointer('Shop', $parentId)); $url .= 'where=' . json_encode($where); $json = $this->kq->get($url); $error = checkResponseError($json); if (!empty($error)) { return $error; } $results = resultsWithJson($json); foreach ($results as $result) { $array[] = array_slice_keys($result, array('title', 'objectId', 'phone', 'address', 'openTime', 'location')); } if (!isLocalhost()) { $this->output->cache(CacheTime); } return $this->output_results($array); }
public function district_get() { $url = HOST . "/classes/District?include=city&"; $json = $this->jsonWithGETUrl($url); $error = checkResponseError($json); if (!empty($error)) { return $error; } $results = resultsWithJson($json); foreach ($results as $result) { $array[] = array_slice_keys($result, array('title', 'objectId')); } if (!isLocalhost()) { $this->output->cache(CacheTime); } return $this->outputArray($array); }
function sendBackground($options = array()) { if (@$options['disabled']) { return; } // don't send if 'disabled' option set $hasText = array_key_exists('text', $options); $hasHTML = array_key_exists('html', $options); // error checking $errors = ''; if (!isValidEmail(@$options['to'], true)) { $errors .= "'to' isn't a valid email '" . htmlencode($options['to']) . "'!<br/>\n"; } if (!isValidEmail(@$options['from'])) { $errors .= "'from' isn't a valid email '" . htmlencode($options['from']) . "'!<br/>\n"; } if (!array_key_exists('subject', $options)) { $errors .= "'subject' must be defined!<br/>\n"; } if (!$hasText && !$hasHTML) { $errors .= "Either 'text' or 'html' or both must be defined!<br/>\n"; } if (!isValidEmail(@$options['from'])) { $errors .= "'from' isn't a valid email '" . htmlencode($options['from']) . "'!<br/>\n"; } if (!array_key_exists('subject', $options)) { $errors .= "'subject' must be defined!<br/>\n"; } if (array_key_exists('headers', $options)) { $errors .= "'headers' not supported by sendBackground yet.<br/>\n"; } if (array_key_exists('attachments', $options)) { $errors .= "'attachments' not supported by sendBackground yet.<br/>\n"; } if ($errors) { return $errors; } // save message $colsToValues = array_slice_keys($options, array('from', 'to', 'subject', 'text', 'html')); $colsToValues['createdDate='] = 'NOW()'; $colsToValues['sent'] = ''; $colsToValues['backgroundSend'] = '1'; $colsToValues['reply-to'] = @$colsToValues['headers']['Reply-To']; $colsToValues['cc'] = @$colsToValues['headers']['CC']; $colsToValues['bcc'] = @$colsToValues['headers']['BCC']; mysql_insert('_outgoing_mail', $colsToValues, true); }