Пример #1
 public function delDefaultFor($d)
     $def = $this->getDefaultFor();
     array_remove_value($def, $d);
     return $this;
 public function createForm()
     $form = new Am_Form_Admin();
     $options = Am_Currency::getSupportedCurrencies();
     array_remove_value($options, Am_Currency::getDefault());
     $sel = $form->addSelect('currency', array('class' => 'am-combobox'))->setLabel(___('Currency'))->loadOptions($options)->addRule('required');
     $date = $form->addDate('date')->setLabel(___('Date'))->addRule('required')->addRule('callback2', "--wrong date--", array($this, 'checkDate'));
     $rate = $form->addText('rate', array('length' => 8))->setLabel(___("Exchange Rate\nenter cost of 1 (one) %s", Am_Currency::getDefault()))->addRule('required');
     return $form;
Пример #3
 * show help on a page
function show_help() {
	if ( !empty($_POST['anchor']) and preg_match("/^[a-z]+$/", $_POST['anchor']) ) {
		$identifier = BN."#".$_POST['anchor'];
	} else {
		$identifier = BN;
	if (Login::$member) {
		$hide = Login::$member->hide_help();
		array_remove_value($hide, $identifier);
	} else {
		if (empty($_SESSION['show_help'])) {
			$_SESSION['show_help'] = array($identifier);
		} elseif (!in_array($identifier, $_SESSION['show_help'])) {
			$_SESSION['show_help'][] = $identifier;
Пример #4
  * Removes the specified automatically-removed path.
  * @param $path
 public function removeAutomaticallyRemovedPath($path)
     array_remove_value($this->automaticallyRemovedPaths, $path);
     $this->automaticallyRemovedPaths = array_values($this->automaticallyRemovedPaths);
Пример #5
    header("Location: ?page={$page}");
// uninstall
if ($act == "uninstall") {
    $plug = $_GET['plugin'];
    if ($_POST['yes']) {
        // if it's active
        if (in_array($plug, unserialize($set->sinfo->active_plugins))) {
            // we deactivate
            $active_plugins = unserialize($set->sinfo->active_plugins);
            if (!is_array($active_plugins)) {
                $active_plugins = array();
            $active_plugins = array_remove_value($active_plugins, $plug);
            $db->query("UPDATE `" . MAI_PREFIX . "settings` SET `active_plugins` = '" . serialize(array_unique($active_plugins)) . "'");
            if (is_callable($plug . "_deactivate")) {
                call_user_func($plug . "_deactivate");
        // we uninstall
        if (is_callable($plug . "_uninstall")) {
            call_user_func($plug . "_uninstall");
        header("Location: ?page={$page}");
    } else {
        $content = "<div class='content'>\n\t<form action='#' method='post'>\n\t{$lang->are_you_sure} <br/>\n\t<input type='submit' name='yes' value='{$lang->yes}'> <a href='?'>{$lang->cancel}</a>\n\t</form>\n\t</div>";
Пример #6
 * 调用相册显示数据标签
 * @version        $Id: getphotolist.lib.php netman
 * @package        Stourweb.Taglib
 * @copyright      Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011, Stourweb, Inc.
 * @link           http://www.stourweb.com
function lib_getphotolist(&$ctag, &$refObj)
    global $dsql, $cfg_indexphoto;
    include SLINEDATA . "/webinfo.php";
    $attlist = "row|10,flag|,type|top,limit|0";
    FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist);
    extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP);
    $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnertext());
    $basefield = 'a.aid,a.title,a.seotitle,a.litpic,a.content,a.title as littitle,a.alt,a.author,a.shownum,a.webid,a.headimgid';
    $revalue = '';
    $destwhere = isset($refObj->Fields['kindid']) ? "and FIND_IN_SET({$refObj->Fields['kindid']},kindlist) " : '';
    if ($type == 'mdd') {
        if (isset($refObj->Fields['kindid'])) {
            $sonid = $refObj->Fields['kindid'];
            $number = isset($refObj->Fields['shownumber']) ? $refObj->Fields['shownumber'] : $row;
            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__photo as a left join #@__kindorderlist as c on (c.classid={$sonid} and a.id=c.aid and c.typeid=6) where  FIND_IN_SET({$sonid},a.kindlist) order by c.isding desc,case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$number}";
        } else {
            return '';
    } else {
        if ($type == 'sonhot') {
            if (isset($refObj->Fields['kindid'])) {
                $sonid = $refObj->Fields['kindid'];
                $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__photo a where FIND_IN_SET({$sonid},kindlist)  order by shownum desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
            } else {
                return '';
        } else {
            if ($type == 'attr') {
                if (isset($attrid)) {
                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__photo a where FIND_IN_SET({$attrid},attrid)  order by displayorder asc,shownum desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                } else {
                    return '';
            } else {
                if ($type == 'relative') {
                    $kindlist = $refObj->Fields['kindlist'];
                    $maxkindid = array_remove_value($kindlist);
                    $where = " FIND_IN_SET({$maxkindid},kindlist) ";
                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__photo a where {$where} order by modtime desc,addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                } else {
                    if ($type == 'sonj') {
                        if (isset($refObj->Fields['sonid'])) {
                            $sonid = $refObj->Fields['sonid'];
                            $sql = "select aid,title,seoname,headimg,content,title as littitle,alt,author,shownum,webid,headimgid from #@__photo  where webid!='' {$destwhere} and   photokind={$sonid} order by modtime desc,addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                        } else {
                            return '';
                    } else {
                        if ($flag == 'recommend') {
                            $sql = "select {$basefield} ,b.isjian,b.isding ,b.displayorder from #@__photo a left join #@__allorderlist b on(a.id=b.aid and b.typeid=6) order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                        } else {
                            if ($flag == 'isding') {
                                $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__photo where webid={$sys_webid}  and isding=1 order by addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                            } else {
                                if ($flag == 'roll') {
                                    if ($GLOBALS['cfg_indexphoto'] == "0") {
                                        $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__photo where webid={$sys_webid} order by modtime desc,addtime desc";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($GLOBALS['cfg_indexphoto'] == "-1") {
                                            $sql = "select id,pictname as photoname,litpic as headimg,pid as aid  from #@__photo_picture where webid={$sys_webid} order by modtime desc";
                                        } else {
                                            $sql = "select id,pictname as photoname,litpic as headimg,pid as aid  from #@__photo_picture where webid={$sys_webid}  and pid={$GLOBALS['cfg_indexphoto']} order by modtime desc";
                                } else {
                                    return '';
    $ctp = new STTagParse();
    $ctp->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]");
    $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
    while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) {
        $weburl = GetWebURLByWebid($row['webid']);
        $row['url'] = $weburl . "/photos/show_{$row['aid']}.html";
        $row['title'] = !empty($row['seotitle']) ? $row['seotitle'] : $row['photoname'];
        $row['litpic'] = !empty($row['litpic']) ? $row['litpic'] : getDefaultImage();
        $row['lit240'] = getPicByName($row['litpic'], 'lit240');
        $row['lit160'] = getPicByName($row['litpic'], 'lit160');
        $row['alt'] = !empty($row['alt']) ? $row['alt'] : $row['photoname'];
        foreach ($ctp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) {
            if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') {
                $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row);
            } else {
                if (!empty($row[$ctag->GetName()])) {
                    $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row[$ctag->GetName()]);
        $revalue .= $ctp->GetResult();
    return $revalue;
Пример #7
function array_remove_value(&$arr, $var)
    foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
            array_remove_value($arr[$key], $var);
        } else {
            $value = trim($value);
            if ($value == $var) {
            } else {
                $arr[$key] = $value;
    $tmp_arr = array();
    foreach ($arr as $value) {
        $tmp_arr[] = $value;
    $arr = $tmp_arr;
Пример #8
     $delmeta = $metavalue;
     $idarr = $_POST["chk"];
     if (count($idarr) > 0) {
         foreach ($idarr as $id) {
             $varid = $_POST["extid"];
             $varname = $_POST["extname"];
             $varvalue = $_POST["extvalue"];
             if (is_numeric($id)) {
                 if ($metadata->ExistMetaName($posttype, $varname[$id], $aid)) {
                     $sql = "UPDATE yiqi_meta SET metaname = '" . $varname[$id] . "',metavalue = '" . $varvalue[$id] . "' where metaid = '" . $varid[$id] . "'";
                 } else {
                     $sql = "INSERT INTO yiqi_meta (metaid,metatype,objectid,metaname,metavalue) VALUES (NULL,'{$posttype}','{$aid}','" . $varname[$id] . "','" . $varvalue[$id] . "')";
                 $delmeta = array_remove_value($delmeta, $varname[$id]);
     if (count($delmeta) > 0) {
         foreach ($delmeta as $delmetainfo) {
             if ($delmetainfo != '' && $delmetainfo != '-') {
                 $sql = "DELETE FROM yiqi_meta WHERE metaname = '{$delmetainfo}' and metatype = '{$posttype}' and objectid = '{$aid}'";
 } else {
Пример #9
 * 调用文章显示数据标签
 * @version        $Id: getarclist.lib.php netman
 * @package        Stourweb.Taglib
 * @copyright      Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011, Stourweb, Inc.
 * @link           http://www.stourweb.com
function lib_getarclist(&$ctag, &$refObj)
    global $dsql;
    include SLINEDATA . "/webinfo.php";
    $attlist = "row|8,flag|,type|top,limit|0,haspic|,attrid|0,attrname|";
    FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist);
    extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP);
    $webid = empty($sys_webid) ? 0 : $sys_webid;
    $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnertext());
    $revalue = '';
    $basefield = 'a.id,a.aid,a.webid,a.title,a.seotitle,a.shownum,a.content,a.addtime,a.webid,a.attrid,a.litpic as litpic,a.kindlist,a.author';
    $picwhere = !empty($haspic) ? " and (a.litpic is not null and a.litpic!='') and a.ishidden=0 " : '';
    $picwhere2 = !empty($haspic) ? " where (a.litpic is not null and a.litpic!='') and a.ishidden=0 " : '';
    if ($type == 'mdd') {
        if ($flag == 'recommend') {
            $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc';
        } else {
            if ($flag == 'hot') {
                $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc';
            } else {
                if ($flag == 'new') {
                    $orderby = 'order by a.addtime desc';
                } else {
                    if ($flag == 'imagehot') {
                        $orderby = " and a.litpic!='' order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc";
                    } else {
                        $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc';
        $orderby .= ",a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc";
        $sonid = isset($definekind) ? $definekind : $refObj->Fields['kindid'];
        if ($GLOBALS['sys_child_webid'] != 0) {
            $dest_id = $GLOBALS['sys_child_webid'];
        $sonid = $sonid ? $sonid : $dest_id;
        if (isset($sonid)) {
            $number = isset($refObj->Fields['shownumber']) ? $refObj->Fields['shownumber'] : $row;
            $where = " FIND_IN_SET({$sonid},a.kindlist) and a.ishidden=0 ";
            $where .= !empty($haspic) ? " and a.litpic is not null" : '';
            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article as a left join #@__kindorderlist as c on (c.classid={$sonid} and a.id=c.aid and c.typeid=4)  where {$where}  {$orderby}  limit {$limit},{$number}";
        } else {
            return '';
    } else {
        if ($type == 'theme') {
            $themeid = $refObj->Fields['themeid'];
            if (empty($themeid)) {
                return '';
            $sql = "select a.* from #@__article a where FIND_IN_SET({$themeid},a.themelist) {$picwhere} order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
        } else {
            if ($type == 'pinlun') {
                $sql = "select a.*,b.id as plid,b.memberid,b.content as plcontent,b.addtime as pltime from #@__article a inner join #@__comment b on (a.id = b.articleid)  order by b.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
            } else {
                if ($flag == 'specical') {
                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a where ishidden=0 and isindex =1  {$picwhere}   order by modtime desc,addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                } else {
                    if ($flag == 'recommend') {
                        $sql = "select {$basefield},b.isjian,b.isding as isding,b.displayorder from #@__article a left join #@__allorderlist b on (a.id=b.aid and b.typeid=4) {$picwhere2}   order by  case when  b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                    } else {
                        if ($flag == 'kindrecommend') {
                            $kid = $refObj->Fields['kid'];
                            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a where a.ishidden=0 and FIND_IN_SET({$kid},a.kindlist) {$picwhere} order by a.displayorder asc, a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                        } else {
                            if ($flag == 'isindex') {
                                $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a where a.isindex=1 {$picwhere}  order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                            } else {
                                if ($flag == 'new') {
                                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a {$picwhere2}  order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                } else {
                                    if ($flag == 'hot') {
                                        $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a where a.webid IS NOT NULL {$picwhere} order by a.shownum desc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($flag == 'photo') {
                                            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a where webid IS NOT NULL and a.litpic !='' {$picwhere} order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($flag == 'jieban') {
                                                $getsql = "select id from #@__article_attr where aid=0 and webid=0";
                                                $arr = $dsql->GetOne($getsql);
                                                $jiebanid = $arr['id'];
                                                $sql = "select {$basefield},b.isding,b.displayorder,b.isjian from #@__article a left join #@__attrorderlist b on a.aid=b.aid and a.webid=b.webid where FIND_IN_SET({$jiebanid},a.attrid) {$picwhere} order by b.displayorder asc, a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                            } else {
                                                if ($flag == 'relative') {
                                                    $kindlist = $refObj->Fields['kindlist'];
                                                    $maxkindid = array_remove_value($kindlist);
                                                    $destid = $GLOBALS['dest_id'];
                                                    if (empty($destid)) {
                                                        $maxkindid = array_remove_value($kindlist);
                                                        $maxkindid = empty($maxkindid) ? 0 : $maxkindid;
                                                    } else {
                                                        $maxkindid = $destid;
                                                    $where = " FIND_IN_SET({$maxkindid},a.kindlist) ";
                                                    //排序顺序:置顶+tag关联》排序+ tag关联》最新更新+tag关联
                                                    $sql = "select a.* from #@__article a left join #@__kindorderlist b on (a.id=b.aid and b.typeid=4 and b.classid='{$maxkindid}') where  {$where} order by ifnull(b.displayorder,9999) asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row} ";
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($flag == 'attr') {
                                                        $attrid = $refObj->Fields['attrid'];
                                                        $sql = "select a.* from #@__article a where FIND_IN_SET({$attrid},a.attrid) and a.ishidden=0 order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($flag == 'byattr') {
                                                            if (!empty($attrid)) {
                                                                $where = " (find_in_set({$attrid},a.attrid)" . loc_getsubattrid($attrid) . ')';
                                                                $sql = "select a.* from #@__article a left join #@__attrorderlist b on a.aid=b.aid and a.webid=b.webid where {$where} {$picwhere} order by b.displayorder asc, a.modtime desc,a.modtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                                            } else {
                                                                if (!empty($attrname)) {
                                                                    $temp_one = $dsql->GetOne("select id from #@__article_attr where attrname='{$attrname}'");
                                                                    if (empty($temp_one)) {
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        $sql = "select a.* from #@__article a  where FIND_IN_SET({$temp_one['id']},a.attrid) and a.ishidden=0 order by  a.modtime desc,a.modtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                                        } else {
                                                            return '';
    $ctp = new STTagParse();
    $ctp->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]");
    $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
    while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) {
        $webroot = GetWebURLByWebid($row['webid']);
        $sonid = $refObj->Fields['sonid'];
        $row['url'] = $webroot . "/raiders/show_{$row['aid']}.html";
        $row['haspic'] = empty($row['litpic']) ? 0 : 1;
        $litpic = getUploadFileUrl($row['litpic']);
        $row['lit240'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litimg', 'lit240', $row['litpic']));
        $row['lit160'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litimg', 'lit160', $row['litpic']));
        $row['litpic'] = $litpic;
        if ($row['allow'] == "usecontentpic" && !empty($row['litpic'])) {
            $row['imgtitle'] = $row['title'] . '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['cfg_templets_skin'] . '/images/gl_yt.gif" />';
        } else {
            $row['imgtitle'] = $row['title'];
        $row['title'] = $row['title'];
        $row['attrname'] = getAttrname($row['attrid']);
        $row['attrnamearr'] = getAttrname($row['attrid'], true);
        $row['destname'] = Helper_Archive::getBelongDestName($row['kindlist']);
        $row['destid'] = array_remove_value($row['kindlist']);
        $row['pinyin'] = Helper_Archive::getDestPinyin($row['destid']);
        $row['commentnum'] = Helper_Archive::getCommentNum($row['id'], 4);
        if ($type == 'pinlun') {
            $userinfo = $GLOBALS['User']->getInfoByMid($row['memberid']);
            $row['commentlitpic'] = getUploadFileUrl($userinfo['litpic']);
            $row['commentnickname'] = empty($userinfo['nickname']) ? '匿名' : $userinfo['nickname'];
            $row['commentid'] = $row['plid'];
            $row['commentcontent'] = $row['plcontent'];
            $row['commentaddtime'] = $row['pltime'];
        if ($type == 'pinlun') {
            $row['pinlun'] = getArticlePinLun($row['id']);
        foreach ($ctp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) {
            if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') {
                $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row);
            } else {
                if (isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])) {
                    $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row[$ctag->GetName()]);
        $revalue .= $ctp->GetResult();
    return $revalue;
Пример #10
 public function __unset($name)
     if (array_key_exists('update', $this->query)) {
         array_remove_value($this->query['update'], $name);
Пример #11
  * Возвращает полный список сущностей, не проверяя права доступа
 public final function getAllIdents($includePattern = false)
     if (!is_array($this->IDENTS)) {
         $all = array_keys(FoldedStorage::getEntities($this->UNIQUE));
         $this->IDENTS['full'] = $all;
         $this->IDENTS['short'] = array_values(array_remove_value($all, self::PATTERN_NAME));
     return $this->IDENTS[$includePattern ? 'full' : 'short'];
Пример #12
function lib_getlinelist(&$ctag, &$refObj)
    global $startcity;
    global $dsql;
    include SLINEDATA . "/webinfo.php";
    $attlist = "row|8,flag|,type|top,sonid|,limit|0,";
    FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist);
    extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP);
    $webid = 0;
    $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnertext());
    $revalue = '';
    $basefield = "a.aid,a.id,a.webid,a.title,a.seotitle,a.sellpoint,a.litpic,a.storeprice,a.price,a.linedate,a.features,a.transport,a.lineday,a.startcity,a.overcity,a.shownum,a.satisfyscore,a.bookcount,a.attrid,a.kindlist,a.color,a.iconlist";
    if ($type == 'top' && empty($flag)) {
        return '';
    $limit = !empty($limit) ? $limit : 0;
    if ($type == 'startcity') {
        $sql = "select  {$basefield} from #@__line as a left join #@__kindorderlist as c on (a.id=c.aid) where a.ishidden=0 and c.typeid=1 and startcity='{$startcity}' and c.classid={$sonid} and FIND_IN_SET({$sonid},a.kindlist) {$orderby}  limit {$limit},{$row}";
    if ($type == 'mdd') {
        if ($flag == 'hot') {
            $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc';
        } else {
            if ($flag == 'recommend') {
                $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc';
            } else {
                if ($flag == 'specical') {
                    $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc ';
                } else {
                    $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc';
        $sonid = isset($definekind) ? $definekind : $refObj->Fields['kindid'];
        if ($GLOBALS['sys_child_webid'] != 0) {
            $dest_id = $GLOBALS['sys_child_webid'];
        $sonid = $sonid ? $sonid : $dest_id;
        $shownum = isset($row) ? $row : $refObj->Fields['shownum'];
        $shownum = empty($shownum) ? 6 : $shownum;
        if (isset($sonid)) {
            $number = isset($refObj->Fields['shownumber']) ? $refObj->Fields['shownumber'] : $row;
            $sql = "select {$basefield},c.isjian,c.istejia,c.isding  from #@__line as a left join #@__kindorderlist as c on (c.classid={$sonid} and a.id=c.aid  and c.typeid=1) where a.ishidden=0 and  FIND_IN_SET({$sonid},a.kindlist) {$orderby}  limit {$limit},{$shownum}";
        } else {
            return '';
    } else {
        if ($type == 'searchrec') {
            if ($GLOBALS['childid'] != 0) {
                $kchild = $GLOBALS['childid'];
                $sql = "select  distinct {$basefield}  from #@__line as a left join #@__kindorderlist as c on (c.classid={$kchild} and a.id=c.aid  and c.typeid=1) where a.ishidden=0 and c.isjian=1 and FIND_IN_SET({$kchild},a.kindlist) order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc  limit 0,4";
            } else {
                $sql = "select {$basefield} a from #@__line where a.ishidden=0 and a.isjian=1  order by a.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
        } else {
            if ($type == 'destsearchrec') {
                if ($GLOBALS['destid'] != 0) {
                    $kchild = $GLOBALS['destid'];
                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__line as a left join #@__kindorderlist as c on (c.classid={$kchild} and a.id=c.aid  and c.typeid=1) where  a.ishidden=0 and FIND_IN_SET({$kchild},a.kindlist) {$orderby}  limit 0,4";
                } else {
                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__line a where a.ishidden=0 and a.isjian=1  order by a.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
            } else {
                if ($type == 'top') {
                    if ($flag == 'recommend') {
                        $sql = "select {$basefield},b.isding,b.istejia,b.displayorder from #@__line as a left join #@__allorderlist b on (a.id=b.aid and b.typeid=1) where a.ishidden=0 order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end, b.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                    } else {
                        if ($flag == 'specical') {
                            $sql = "select {$basefield},b.isding,b.istejia,b.displayorder from #@__line as a left join #@__allorderlist b on (a.id=b.aid and b.typeid=1) where a.ishidden=0 order by b.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                        } else {
                            if ($flag == 'hot') {
                                $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__line a where a.ishidden=0  order by a.shownum desc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                            } else {
                                if ($flag == 'attribute') {
                                    if (empty($attrid)) {
                                        $attrid = $refObj->Fields['attrid'];
                                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__line a where FIND_IN_SET('{$attrid}',a.attrid) and a.ishidden=0  order by a.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                } else {
                                    if ($flag == 'relative') {
                                        $kindlist = $refObj->Fields['kindlist'];
                                        $maxkindid = array_remove_value($kindlist);
                                        $maxkindid = empty($maxkindid) ? $GLOBALS['dest_id'] : $maxkindid;
                                        $maxkindid = empty($maxkindid) ? 0 : $maxkindid;
                                        $where = " FIND_IN_SET({$maxkindid},a.kindlist) ";
                                        $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__line a where {$where} and a.ishidden=0 order by a.shownum desc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit 0,{$row}";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($flag == 'listexcept') {
                                            $sql = "select aid from #@__line where isjian=1 and a.ishidden=0 order by isjian desc,displayorder asc limit 0,5";
                                            $dsql->Execute("list", $sql);
                                            $a = "";
                                            while ($str = $dsql->GetArray("list")) {
                                                $a .= $str["aid"] . ",";
                                            $a = substr($a, 0, -1);
                                            if (!$a == "") {
                                                $a = "and aid not in ({$a})";
                                            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__line a where {$a} order by  a.shownum desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                } else {
                    if ($type == 'theme') {
                        $themeid = $refObj->Fields['themeid'];
                        if (empty($themeid)) {
                            return '';
                        $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__line a where a.ishidden=0 and FIND_IN_SET({$themeid},a.themelist) order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit 0,{$row}";
                    } else {
                        if ($type = "day") {
                            $dayid = $refObj->Fields['groupid'];
                            if (empty($dayid)) {
                                return '';
                            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__line a where a.ishidden=0 and a.lineday={$dayid} order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit 0,{$row}";
    $ctp = new STTagParse();
    $ctp->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]");
    $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
    $num = 0;
    while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) {
        $webroot = GetWebURLByWebid($row['webid']);
        $url = $webroot . "/lines/show_{$row['aid']}.html";
        $row['url'] = $url;
        $row['bookurl'] = "{$webroot}/lines/booking_{$row['aid']}.html";
        $startcity = getStartCityName($row['startcity']);
        $startcity = !empty($startcity) ? "[{$startcity}出发]" : '';
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg_startcity_open'])) {
            $row['title'] = "{$startcity}{$row['title']}";
        } else {
            $row['title'] = "{$row['title']}";
        $row['startcity'] = $startcity;
        $row['color'] = !empty($row['color']) ? "color:{$row['color']}" : '';
        $real = getLineRealPrice($row['aid'], $row['webid']);
        $row['lineprice'] = $real ? $real : $row['price'];
        $row['commentnum'] = Helper_Archive::getCommentNum($row['id'], 1);
        $row['sellnum'] = Helper_Archive::getSellNum($row['id'], 1);
        //$row['satisfyscore']=Helper_Archive::getSatisfyScore($row['id'],1); //满意度
        $row['satisfyscore'] = !empty($row['satisfyscore']) ? $row['satisfyscore'] . "%" : "";
        if (!empty($row['lineprice']) && !empty($row['storeprice'])) {
            $row['discount'] = abs((int) $row['storeprice'] - (int) $row['price']);
        } else {
            $row['discount'] = 0;
        $row['price'] = empty($row['lineprice']) ? '<span class="rmb_1">电询</span>' : "<span class='rmb_1'>&yen;</span><span class='rmb_2'>" . $row['lineprice'] . '</span>';
        $row['price2'] = empty($row['lineprice']) ? '<span>电询</span>' : '<span>&yen;</span><strong>' . $row['lineprice'] . '</strong><i>起</i>';
        $row['agentprice'] = intval($row['storeprice']);
        $row['sellprice'] = empty($row['lineprice']) ? '0' : $row['lineprice'];
        $row['storeprice'] = !empty($row['storeprice']) ? "<span class=\"rmb_2\">&yen;</span>" . $row['storeprice'] : "<span class=\"rmb_1\">电询</span>";
        $row['lineseries'] = getSeries($row['id'], '01');
        $row['litpic'] = getUploadFileUrl($row['litpic']);
        $row['lit240'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litimg', 'lit240', $row['litpic']));
        $row['lit160'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litimg', 'lit160', $row['litpic']));
        $row['jifentprice'] = !empty($row['jifentprice']) ? '&yen;' . $row['jifentprice'] : '无';
        $row['startdate'] = getLine_StartDate($row);
        $row['jifentprice'] = MLine::getMinTprice($row['id']);
        $row['list'] = $num;
        foreach ($ctp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) {
            if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') {
                $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row);
            } else {
                $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row[$ctag->GetName()]);
        $revalue .= $ctp->GetResult();
    return $revalue;
Пример #13
 * 调用团购显示数据标签
 * @version        $Id: gettuanlist.lib.php netman
 * @package        Stourweb.Taglib
 * @copyright      Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011, Stourweb, Inc.
 * @link           http://www.stourweb.com
function lib_gettuanlist(&$ctag, &$refObj)
    global $dsql;
    include SLINEDATA . "/webinfo.php";
    $attlist = "row|8,flag|,type|top,limit|0,haspic|1,day|";
    FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist);
    extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP);
    $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnertext());
    $revalue = '';
    $basefield = 'a.*';
    $time = time();
    if ($type == 'mdd') {
        if ($flag == 'recommend') {
            $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc,a.addtime desc';
        } else {
            if ($flag == 'hot') {
                $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc,a.addtime desc';
            } else {
                if ($flag == 'new') {
                    $orderby = 'order by a.addtime desc';
                } else {
                    $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc,a.addtime desc';
        if (isset($refObj->Fields['kindid'])) {
            $sonid = $refObj->Fields['kindid'];
            $number = isset($refObj->Fields['shownumber']) ? $refObj->Fields['shownumber'] : $row;
            $where = "a.ishidden=0 and FIND_IN_SET({$sonid},a.kindlist) and a.endtime>{$time} and a.starttime<={$time}";
            $where .= !empty($haspic) ? " and a.litpic is not null" : '';
            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__tuan as a left join #@__kindorderlist as c on (c.classid={$sonid} and a.id=c.aid and c.typeid=4)  where {$where}  {$orderby}  limit {$limit},{$number}";
        } else {
            return '';
    } else {
        if ($type == 'daytime') {
            if (!empty($day)) {
                $day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($day));
                $day = strtotime($day);
                $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__tuan a where a.ishidden=0 and starttime={$day} and endtime!='' order by a.addtime asc,a.endtime asc limit {$limit},{$row}";
            } else {
                $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__tuan a where a.ishidden=0 and endtime>{$time} and endtime!='' and a.starttime>{$time}   order by a.starttime asc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
        } else {
            if ($flag == 'recommend') {
                $sql = "select {$basefield},b.isjian,b.isding as isding,b.displayorder from #@__tuan a left join #@__allorderlist b on (a.id=b.aid and b.typeid=13) where a.ishidden=0 and a.endtime>{$time}  order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
            } else {
                if ($flag == 'new') {
                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__tuan a where a.ishidden=0 and endtime>{$time} and endtime!='' and a.starttime<={$time}   order by a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                } else {
                    if ($flag == 'hot') {
                        $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__tuan a where a.ishidden=0 and endtime>{$time} and endtime!='' and a.starttime<={$time}   order by a.shownum desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                    } else {
                        if ($flag == 'byendtime') {
                            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__tuan a where a.ishidden=0 and endtime>{$time} and endtime!='' and a.starttime<={$time}   order by a.endtime asc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                        } else {
                            if ($flag == 'photo') {
                                $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__tuan a where a.ishidden=0 and a.litpic !='' and endtime>{$time} and endtime!='' and a.starttime<={$time} order by a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                            } else {
                                if ($flag == 'nostart') {
                                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__tuan a where a.ishidden=0 and endtime>{$time} and endtime!='' and a.starttime>{$time}   order by a.starttime asc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                } else {
                                    if ($flag == 'relative') {
                                        $kindlist = $refObj->Fields['kindlist'];
                                        $maxkindid = get_exist_kind($kindlist);
                                        $maxkindid = empty($maxkindid) ? 0 : $maxkindid;
                                        $where = " FIND_IN_SET({$maxkindid},a.kindlist) ";
                                        //排序顺序:置顶+tag关联》排序+ tag关联》最新更新+tag关联
                                        $sql = "select a.* from #@__tuan a where find_in_set('{$attrid}',a.attrid) where a.ishidden=0 and endtime>{$time} and endtime!='' and a.starttime<={$time}  order by a.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row} ";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($type == 'theme') {
                                            $themeid = $refObj->Fields['themeid'];
                                            if (empty($themeid)) {
                                                return '';
                                            $sql = "select a.* from #@__tuan a where a.ishidden=0 and FIND_IN_SET({$themeid},a.themelist) and endtime>{$time} and endtime!='' and a.starttime<={$time}  order by a.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                        } else {
                                            return '';
    $ctp = new STTagParse();
    $ctp->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]");
    $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
    while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) {
        $webroot = GetWebURLByWebid($row['webid']);
        $sonid = $refObj->Fields['sonid'];
        $row['url'] = $webroot . "/tuan/show_{$row['aid']}.html";
        $row['litpic'] = getUploadFileUrl($row['litpic']);
        $row['lit240'] = str_replace('litimg', 'lit240', $row['litpic']);
        $row['lit160'] = str_replace('litimg', 'lit160', $row['litpic']);
        $row['attrname'] = getTuanAttrname($row['attrid']);
        $row['attrnamearr'] = getTuanAttrname($row['attrid'], true);
        $row['destname'] = Helper_Archive::getBelongDestName($row['kindlist']);
        $row['destid'] = array_remove_value($row['kindlist']);
        $row['discount'] = floor($row['price'] / $row['sellprice'] * 100) / 10;
        $row['booknum'] = Helper_Archive::getSellNum($row['id'], 13) + $row['virtualnum'];
        $row['satisfyscore'] = Helper_Archive::getSatisfyScore($row['id'], 13);
        $row['price'] = $row['price'];
        foreach ($ctp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) {
            if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') {
                $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row);
            } else {
                if (isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])) {
                    $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row[$ctag->GetName()]);
        $revalue .= $ctp->GetResult();
    return $revalue;
Пример #14
 * 调用酒店数据标签
 * @version        $Id: gethotellist.lib.php netman
 * @package        Stourweb.Taglib
 * @copyright      Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011, Stourweb, Inc.
 * @link           http://www.stourweb.com
function lib_gethotellist(&$ctag, &$refObj)
    global $dsql;
    $attlist = "row|8,flag|,type|top,sonid|,limit|0";
    FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist);
    extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP);
    $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnertext());
    $revalue = '';
    $basefield = 'a.id,a.sellpoint,a.aid,a.kindlist,a.title,a.address,a.litpic,a.ishidden,a.hotelrankid,a.webid,a.hotelrankid as hotelrankids,a.shownum,a.iconlist';
    if ($type == 'top' && empty($flag)) {
        return '';
    $limit = !empty($limit) ? $limit : 0;
    $destwhere = isset($refObj->Fields['kindid']) ? "and FIND_IN_SET({$refObj->Fields['kindid']},a.kindlist) " : '';
    if ($type == 'mdd') {
        $sonid = $refObj->Fields['kindid'];
        if ($GLOBALS['sys_child_webid'] != 0) {
            $dest_id = $GLOBALS['sys_child_webid'];
        $sonid = $sonid ? $sonid : $dest_id;
        if (!isset($sonid)) {
            return '';
        if ($flag == 'hot') {
            $orderby = 'order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc';
        } else {
            if ($flag == 'recommend') {
                $orderby = 'order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc';
            } else {
                if ($flag == 'specical') {
                    $orderby = 'case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc';
                } else {
                    $orderby = 'order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc';
        $orderby .= ",a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc";
        $where = "FIND_IN_SET({$sonid},a.kindlist)";
        $sql = "select {$basefield},b.isding,b.isjian,b.istejia from #@__hotel a left join #@__kindorderlist as b on (a.id=b.aid and b.classid='{$sonid}' and b.typeid='2') where " . $where . " and (a.ishidden='0' or a.ishidden is null){$orderby} limit {$limit},{$row}";
    } else {
        if ($type == 'rank') {
            if (isset($refObj->Fields['sonid'])) {
                $sonid = $refObj->Fields['sonid'];
                $sql = "select a.*,b.hotelrank from #@__hotel a left join #@__hotel_rank b on a.hotelrankid=b.aid  where a.webid=0 and a.hotelrankid={$sonid}   and a.ishidden='0' order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
            } else {
                return '';
        } else {
            if ($type == 'rankhot') {
                $sql = "select a.*,b.hotelrank from #@__hotel a left join #@__hotel_rank b on a.hotelrankid=b.aid where a.ishidden='0' order by a.shownum desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
            } else {
                if ($type == 'theme') {
                    $themeid = $refObj->Fields['themeid'];
                    if (empty($themeid)) {
                        return '';
                    $sql = "select a.*,b.hotelrank,a.price as price from #@__hotel a left join #@__hotel_rank b on (a.hotelrankid=b.aid and a.webid=b.webid)  where a.ishidden='0' and FIND_IN_SET({$themeid},a.themelist)  order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc,a.shownum desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                } else {
                    if ($type == 'top') {
                        if ($flag == 'recommend') {
                            $sql = "select {$basefield},b.displayorder,b.isding,b.isjian,b.istejia,a.ishidden,a.price from #@__hotel a left join #@__allorderlist b on(a.id=b.aid and b.typeid=2)  where a.ishidden='0' order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc  limit {$limit},{$row}";
                        } else {
                            if ($flag == 'special') {
                                $sql = "select {$basefield},b.displayorder,b.isding,b.isjian,b.istejia as istehui,a.ishidden from #@__hotel a left join #@__allorderlist b on(a.id=b.aid and b.typeid=2)  order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                            } else {
                                if ($flag == 'hot') {
                                    $sql = "select a.*,b.hotelrank,a.price as price from #@__hotel a left join #@__hotel_rank b on (a.hotelrankid=b.aid and a.webid=b.webid)  where a.ishidden='0'   group by a.title order by a.shownum desc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                } else {
                                    if ($flag == 'relative') {
                                        $kindlist = $refObj->Fields['kindlist'];
                                        $maxkindid = array_remove_value($kindlist);
                                        $maxkindid = empty($maxkindid) ? $GLOBALS['dest_id'] : $maxkindid;
                                        $maxkindid = empty($maxkindid) ? 0 : $maxkindid;
                                        $where = " FIND_IN_SET({$maxkindid},a.kindlist) ";
                                        //排序顺序:置顶+tag关联》排序+ tag关联》最新更新+tag关联
                                        $sql = "select a.*,b.hotelrank from #@__hotel a left join #@__hotel_rank b on (a.hotelrankid=b.aid and a.webid=b.webid)  where  a.ishidden='0'  and {$where} order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row} ";
                                    } else {
                                        return '';
    $ctp = new STTagParse();
    $ctp->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]");
    $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
    while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) {
        $urlname = GetPinyin($row['kindname']);
        $flag != "channel" ? $webroot = GetWebURLByWebid($row['webid']) : "";
        $row['url'] = GetWebURLByWebid($row['webid']) . "/hotels/show_{$row['aid']}.html";
        $row['title'] = $row['title'];
        $row['kindname'] = getHotelKindCity2($row['kindlist']);
        $row['commentnum'] = Helper_Archive::getCommentNum($row['id'], 2);
        $row['sellnum'] = Helper_Archive::getSellNum($row['id'], 2) + $row['bookcount'];
        $row['satisfyscore'] = Helper_Archive::getSatisfyScore($row['id'], 2);
        $row['listingprice'] = getHotelSellPrice2($row['id']);
        $row['price'] = Helper_Archive::getHotelMinPrice($row['id']);
        $row['sellprice'] = empty($row['price']) ? '0' : $row['price'];
        $row['price2'] = empty($row['price']) ? '电询' : '&yen;' . $row['price'] . '起';
        $row['price3'] = empty($row['price']) ? '电询' : '<strong>&yen;' . $row['price'] . '</strong><span>起</span>';
        $row['price4'] = empty($row['price']) ? '电询' : '<span>&yen;</span><strong>' . $row['price'] . '</strong><i>起</i>';
        $row['price'] = empty($row['price']) ? '<span class="rmb_1">电询</span>' : "<span class='rmb_1'>&yen;</span>" . $row['price'] . "<span>起</span>";
        $litpic = getUploadFileUrl($row['litpic']);
        $row['lit240'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litimg', 'lit240', $row['litpic']));
        $row['lit160'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litimg', 'lit160', $row['litpic']));
        $row['litpic'] = $litpic;
        $row['typeurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmsurl'] . "/hotels/{$urlname}_{$row['id']}.html";
        foreach ($ctp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) {
            if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') {
                $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row);
            } else {
                if (!empty($row[$ctag->GetName()])) {
                    $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row[$ctag->GetName()]);
                } else {
                    $ctp->Assign($tagid, '');
        $revalue .= $ctp->GetResult();
    return $revalue;
Пример #15
	 * list the child comments for one parent-comment
	 * @param mixed   $parent ID of parent comment or "pro"/"contra"/"discussion"
	 * @param integer $level  (optional) folding level, top level is 0
	 * @param boolean $full   (optional) allow showing full text
	private function display_comments($parent, $level=0, $full=true) {

		$sql = "SELECT comment.*, rating.score";
		if (Login::$member) {
			$sql .= ", seen.comment AS seen
			FROM comment
			LEFT JOIN rating ON rating.comment = comment.id AND rating.member = ".intval(Login::$member->id)."
			LEFT JOIN seen   ON seen.comment   = comment.id AND seen.member   = ".intval(Login::$member->id);
		} else {
			$sql .= "
			FROM comment
			LEFT JOIN rating ON rating.comment = comment.id AND rating.session = ".DB::esc(session_id());
		// intval($parent) gives parent=0 for "pro"/"contra"/"discussion"
		$sql .= "
			WHERE proposal=".intval(self::$proposal->id)."
				AND rubric=".DB::esc($this->rubric)."
				AND parent=".intval($parent)."
			ORDER BY removed, rating DESC, created";
		$result = DB::query($sql);

		$comments = array();
		$open_ids = array();
		while ( $comment = DB::fetch_object($result, "Comment") ) {
			/** @var Comment $comment */
			$comments[] = $comment;
			if (in_array($comment->id, self::$open_ids)) $open_ids[] = $comment->id;

		if (!$comments and self::$parent!=$parent) return;


		$position = 1;
		$remaining = 0;
		$new       = 0;
		$highlight_started = false;
		$comments_head = self::comments_head($level);
		$open = in_array($parent, self::$open);
		foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
			$limit_reached = $position > $comments_head;
			if (
				$limit_reached and
				!$open and
				!$open_ids // display comments until all to be open have been displayed
			) {
				if (Login::$member and !$comment->seen) $new++;
			} else {
				// highlight
				if (
					$limit_reached and
					isset($_GET['openhl']) and $_GET['openhl']==$parent and
				) {
<div id="openhl">
					$highlight_started = true;
				// display one comment and its children
				$this->display_comment($comment, $position, $level, $full);
				array_remove_value($open_ids, $comment->id);

		if ($highlight_started) {

		// links to remaining comments only under fully shown comments
		if ($remaining and $full) {
			$open = self::$open;
			$show = self::$show;
			$open[] = $parent;
			$open = array_unique($open);
<li><a href="<?php 
echo URI::append(['open' => $open, 'show' => $show, 'openhl' => $parent]);
			if (!intval($parent)) {
				if ($this->rubric=="discussion") {
					if ($new) printf(ngettext("show remaining 1 new comment", "show remaining %d comments, %d of them new", $remaining), $remaining, $new);
					else printf(ngettext("show remaining 1 comment", "show remaining %d comments", $remaining), $remaining);
				} else {
					if ($new) printf(ngettext("show remaining 1 new argument", "show remaining %d arguments, %d of them new", $remaining), $remaining, $new);
					else printf(ngettext("show remaining 1 argument", "show remaining %d arguments", $remaining), $remaining);
			} else {
				if ($position==1) {
					if ($new) printf(ngettext("show 1 new reply", "show %d replys, %d of them new", $remaining), $remaining, $new);
					else printf(ngettext("show 1 reply", "show %d replys", $remaining), $remaining);
				} else {
					if ($new) printf(ngettext("show remaining 1 new reply", "show remaining %d replys, %d of them new", $remaining), $remaining, $new);
					else printf(ngettext("show remaining 1 reply", "show remaining %d replys", $remaining), $remaining);

		if (
			isset($_GET['parent']) and $_GET['parent']==$parent and
			Login::access_allowed("comment") and
		) {
<li id="form" class="anchor">
	<div class="comment">
			form(URI::append(['parent'=>$parent]), "", "comment", "comment", true);
<div class="time"><?
			if (intval($parent)) echo _("New reply");
			elseif ($this->rubric=="discussion") echo _("New comment");
			else echo _("New argument");
<input name="title" type="text" maxlength="<?php 
echo Comment::title_length;
" value="<?php 
echo h(isset($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title'] : "");
" required><br>
<textarea name="content" rows="5" maxlength="<?php 
echo Comment::content_length;
" required><?php 
echo h(isset($_POST['content']) ? $_POST['content'] : "");
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add_comment">
<input type="hidden" name="parent" value="<?php 
echo $parent;
<input type="submit" value="<?php 
echo _("save");

Пример #16
function executeProcess(array $argv)
    $CLASS_PATTERN = file_get_contents(file_path(__DIR__, 'class.txt'));
    $METHOD_PATTERN = file_get_contents(file_path(__DIR__, 'method.txt'));
     * Название тестового файла.
     * Для проверки мы сначала удалим класс для него, если он был, потом проверим, что за класс был сгенерирован.
    $TEST_MESSAGES_FILE = 'ExampleSdkProcessMessages';
    //Убедимся, что тестовый .msgs существует и удалим тестовый .php файл
    $TEST_PHP_DI = DirItem::inst(__DIR__ . '/classes', $TEST_MESSAGES_FILE, PsConst::EXT_PHP)->remove();
    $TEST_MSGS_DI = DirItem::inst(__DIR__ . '/classes', $TEST_MESSAGES_FILE, PsConst::EXT_MSGS);
    check_condition($TEST_MSGS_DI->isFile(), "File {$TEST_MSGS_DI->getAbsPath()} must exists");
    dolog('Loading all files, ended with Messages.msgs');
    //TODO - после нужно получать эту информацию из какого-нибудь места
    $exceptDirs[] = DirManager::autogen()->relDirPath();
    $exceptDirs[] = DirManager::resources()->relDirPath();
    $exceptDirs[] = DirManager::stuff()->relDirPath();
    //$exceptDirs = array();
    $items = DirManager::inst()->getDirContentFull(null, function (DirItem $di) {
        return $di->isFile() && ends_with($di->getName(), 'Messages.msgs');
    }, $exceptDirs);
    dolog('Message files for processing: {}', count($items));
    //Проверим, что был выбран тестовый файл
    check_condition(in_array($TEST_MSGS_DI, $items, true), "Test file [{$TEST_MESSAGES_FILE}] is not included");
    //Удалим его из массива...
    array_remove_value($items, $TEST_MSGS_DI, true);
    //И поместим наверх, чтобы он был обработан первым
    array_unshift($items, $TEST_MSGS_DI);
    /* @var $msgsDi DirItem */
    foreach ($items as $msgsDi) {
        dolog('PROCESSING [{}]', $msgsDi->getAbsPath());
        //Сбросим методы
        $METHODS = array();
        //Извлечём название класса
        $CLASS = $msgsDi->getNameNoExt();
        //DirItem файла с сообщениями php
        $classDi = DirItem::inst($msgsDi->getDirname(), $CLASS, PsConst::EXT_PHP);
        //Получаем сообщения из файла .msgs
        $messages = $msgsDi->getFileAsProps();
        foreach ($messages as $MSG_KEY => $MGG_VALUE) {
            dolog(' >> {}={}', $MSG_KEY, $MGG_VALUE);
            //Получим список всех параметров из макросов ({0}, {1}, {2} и т.д.)
            preg_match_all("/\\{(.+?)\\}/", $MGG_VALUE, $args);
            $args = array_values(array_unique($args[1]));
            sort($args, SORT_NUMERIC);
            $ARGS = array();
            for ($index = 0; $index < count($args); $index++) {
                $arg = $args[$index];
                $lineDescr = PsStrings::replaceWithBraced('[{}] in line [{}={}]', $msgsDi->getRelPath(), $MSG_KEY, $MGG_VALUE);
                check_condition(is_inumeric($arg), "Invalid argument [{$arg}] for {$lineDescr}");
                check_condition($index == $args[$index], "Missing index [{$index}] for {$lineDescr}");
                $ARGS[] = '$p' . $index;
            $ARGS = join(', ', $ARGS);
            //Добавляем метод
            dolog(" A: {}::{} ({})", $CLASS, $MSG_KEY, $ARGS);
            $PARAMS['SUPPORT_CLASS'] = PsMsgs::getClass();
            $PARAMS['MESSAGE'] = $MGG_VALUE;
            $PARAMS['FUNCTION'] = $MSG_KEY;
            $PARAMS['ARGS'] = $ARGS;
            $METHODS[] = PsStrings::replaceMapBracedKeys($METHOD_PATTERN, $PARAMS);
        dolog('Made methods: ({})', count($METHODS));
        if ($METHODS) {
            $PARAMS['FILE'] = $msgsDi->getAbsPath();
            $PARAMS['CLASS'] = $CLASS;
            $PARAMS['DATE'] = date(DF_PS);
            $PARAMS['METHODS'] = "\n" . join("\n\n", $METHODS) . "\n";
            $CLASS_PHP = PsStrings::replaceMapBracedKeys($CLASS_PATTERN, $PARAMS);
         * Если обрабатываем тестовый файл - проверим его
        if ($msgsDi->equals($TEST_MSGS_DI)) {
            dolog('Validating test class {}', $TEST_MESSAGES_FILE);
            //Проверим, что .php был сгенерирован
            check_condition($TEST_PHP_DI->isFile(), "File {$TEST_PHP_DI->getAbsPath()} was not created!");
            //Проверим, что для каждого сообщения был создан метод
            $methods = PsUtil::newReflectionClass($TEST_MESSAGES_FILE)->getMethods();
            $messages = $TEST_MSGS_DI->getFileAsProps();
            check_condition(count($methods) == count($messages), 'Methods count missmatch, check ' . $TEST_PHP_DI->getAbsPath());
            /* @var $method ReflectionMethod */
            foreach ($methods as $method) {
                check_condition(array_key_exists($method->getName(), $messages), "No method {$TEST_MESSAGES_FILE}::" . $method->getName());
            //Проверим, что возвращают методы тестового сгенерированного класса
            function doTest($className, $methodName, array $params, $expected)
                $method = "{$className}::{$methodName}";
                $actual = call_user_func_array($method, $params);
                dolog("{}({})='{}', Expected='{}'", $method, join(', ', $params), $actual, $expected);
                check_condition($actual == $expected, "{$actual} != {$expected}");
            doTest($TEST_MESSAGES_FILE, 'message1', array(), 'Message 1');
            doTest($TEST_MESSAGES_FILE, 'message2', array('a', 'b', 'c'), 'Parametred a,c,b');
            dolog('Test class is valid!');
    //# DirItems validation end
Пример #17
 function initElements()
     /* @var $bootstrap Bootstrap */
     $modules = $this->addMagicSelect('modules')->setLabel(___('Enabled Modules'));
     $this->setDefault('modules', array());
     foreach (Am_Di::getInstance()->modules->getAvailable() as $module) {
         $fn = APPLICATION_PATH . '/' . $module . '/module.xml';
         if (!file_exists($fn)) {
         $xml = simplexml_load_file($fn);
         if (!$xml) {
         $modules->addOption($module . ' - ' . $xml->desc, $module);
     $plugins = self::getPluginsList(Am_Di::getInstance()->plugins_payment->getPaths());
     array_remove_value($plugins, 'free');
     $this->addMagicSelect('plugins.payment')->setLabel(___('Payment Plugins') . "\n" . ___("plugins that process credit cards on your website\n" . "will appear in the list once you enable [cc] module above"))->loadOptions($plugins);
     $this->setDefault('plugins.payment', array());
     $this->addMagicSelect('plugins.protect')->setLabel(___('Integration Plugins'))->loadOptions(self::getPluginsList(Am_Di::getInstance()->plugins_protect->getPaths()));
     $this->setDefault('plugins.protect', array());
     $this->addMagicSelect('plugins.misc')->setLabel(___('Other Plugins'))->loadOptions(self::getPluginsList(Am_Di::getInstance()->plugins_misc->getPaths()));
     $this->setDefault('plugins.misc', array());
Пример #18
     * @param array $args
     * name: 帐目摘要
     * received: 是否到帐
     * reviewed: 已审核
     * count: 计入创收
     * project: 指定项目id
     * project_labels
     * project_without_labels
     * project_is_active
     * show_payer: 获得付款人信息payer, payer_name
     * date: (预估)到账日期
     *	array(
     *		from=>日期字符串
     *		to=>日期字符串
     *	)
     * contract_date: 签约日期
     *	array(
     *		from=>日期字符串
     *		to=>日期字符串
     *	)
     * group_by: 
     *	account: 根据帐目编号分组并获得帐目中创收金额received, 总额total, receive_date, receivable_date, comment
     *	team: 根据团组分组并获得team_name, team
     *	people: 根据项目人员分组并获得people_name, people,role,type
     *	month: 根据收款月份分组并获得month
     *	month_contract: 根据签约月份分组并获得month
     * team: 团队
     * people: 指定项目人员
     * role: 指定项目人员角色(需配合group:people或people)
     * account: 指定帐目编号
     * sum: 获得amount求和,此操作将使除group获得的其他值失去意义
     * @return array
    function getList(array $args = array())
        $this->db->select('account.*')->join('project', 'project.id = account.project', 'LEFT');
        if (isset($args['received'])) {
            $this->db->where('account.received', (bool) intval($args['received']));
        if (isset($args['project'])) {
            $this->db->where('project', $args['project']);
        if (isset($args['project_labels'])) {
            foreach ($args['project_labels'] as $id => $label_name) {
                $this->db->join("project_label t_{$id}", "account.project = t_{$id}.project AND t_{$id}.label_name = '{$label_name}'", 'inner');
        if (isset($args['project_without_labels'])) {
            foreach ($args['project_without_labels'] as $id => $label_name) {
                $this->db->where("account.project NOT IN (SELECT project FROM project_label WHERE label_name = '{$label_name}')");
        if (isset($args['project_is_active'])) {
            $this->db->where('project.active', (bool) $args['project_is_active']);
        if (isset($args['show_project'])) {
            $this->db->select('project.id project, project.type project_type, project.name project_name');
            if (isset($args['project_name'])) {
                $this->db->like('project.name', $args['project_name']);
        if (isset($args['show_payer'])) {
            $this->db->join('people payer', "payer.id = account.people", 'left')->select('IF(payer.abbreviation IS NULL, payer.name, payer.abbreviation) AS payer_name,payer.id AS payer', false);
            if (isset($args['payer_name'])) {
                $this->db->like('payer.name', $args['payer_name']);
        if (isset($args['show_account'])) {
            $this->db->join('account a', 'a.id = account.account', 'inner')->select('a.name AS name, a.type AS type');
        foreach (array('date', 'contract_date') as $date_args) {
            if (!isset($args[$date_args])) {
                $args[$date_args] = array_prefix($args, $date_args);
        if (isset($args['date']['from']) && $args['date']['from']) {
            $this->db->where("TO_DAYS(account.date) >= TO_DAYS('{$args['date']['from']}')", NULL, FALSE);
        if (isset($args['date']['to']) && $args['date']['to']) {
            $this->db->where("TO_DAYS(account.date) <= TO_DAYS('{$args['date']['to']}')", NULL, FALSE);
        if (isset($args['contract_date']['from']) && $args['contract_date']['from']) {
            $this->db->where("TO_DAYS(project.time_contract) >= TO_DAYS('{$args['contract_date']['from']}')", NULL, FALSE);
        if (isset($args['contract_date']['to']) && $args['contract_date']['to']) {
            $this->db->where("TO_DAYS(project.time_contract) <= TO_DAYS('{$args['contract_date']['to']}')", NULL, FALSE);
        if (isset($args['team'])) {
            $team = intval($args['team']);
            $this->db->where('account.team', $team);
        if (isset($args['people'])) {
            $people = intval($args['people']);
            $this->db->join('project_people', "project_people.project = project.id AND project_people.people = {$people}", 'inner');
            if (isset($args['role'])) {
                $this->db->select('weight', false);
                if (is_array($args['role'])) {
                    $this->db->where_in('project_people.role', $args['role']);
                } else {
                    $this->db->where('project_people.role', $args['role']);
        if (isset($args['account'])) {
            $account = intval($args['account']);
            $this->db->where('account.account', $account);
        if (isset($args['amount'])) {
            $this->db->where('account.amount', $args['amount']);
        if (isset($args['reviewed'])) {
            $this->db->where('account.received', (bool) intval($args['reviewed']));
        if (isset($args['count'])) {
            $this->db->where('account.count', (bool) intval($args['count']));
        if (isset($args['group_by'])) {
            if ($args['group_by'] === 'account') {
						MAX(account.type) AS type, 
						SUM(IF(account.received,account.amount,0)) AS received_amount,
						SUM(IF(account.received,0,account.amount)) AS total_amount,
						SUM(IF(account.received,0,account.amount)) - SUM(IF(account.received,account.amount,0)) AS receivable_amount,
						MAX(IF(account.received,account.date,NULL)) AS received_date, 
						MAX(IF(account.received,NULL,account.date)) AS receivable_date, 
						GROUP_CONCAT(account.comment) AS comment
					', false);
            } elseif ($args['group_by'] === 'team') {
                $this->db->group_by('account.team')->join('team', 'team.id = account.team', 'inner')->select('team.name AS team_name, team.id AS team');
            } elseif ($args['group_by'] === 'people') {
                if ($args['role']) {
                    $this->db->join('project_people', 'project_people.project = account.project', 'inner')->select('project_people.role, project_people.weight, account.amount * project_people.weight `amount`', false);
                    if (is_array($args['role'])) {
                        $this->db->where_in('project_people.role', $args['role']);
                    } else {
                        $this->db->where('project_people.role', $args['role']);
                } else {
                    $this->db->join('project_people', 'project_people.project = account.project', 'inner');
                $this->db->join('people', 'people.id = project_people.people', 'inner')->group_by('project_people.people')->select('people.name AS people_name, people.id AS people');
            } elseif ($args['group_by'] === 'month') {
                $this->db->group_by('LEFT(account.date,7)', false)->order_by('month')->select('LEFT(account.date,7) AS month', false);
            } elseif ($args['group_by'] === 'month_contract') {
                $this->db->group_by('LEFT(project.time_contract,7)', false)->order_by('month')->select('LEFT(project.time_contract,7) AS month', false);
            } elseif ($args['group_by'] === 'project') {
            if (isset($args['having'])) {
        if (isset($args['sum']) && $args['sum'] === true) {
            array_remove_value($this->db->ar_select, 'account.*');
            array_remove_value($this->db->ar_select, '`amount`', true);
            if (isset($args['role'])) {
                if (isset($args['ten_thousand_unit']) && $args['ten_thousand_unit']) {
                    $this->db->select('ROUND(SUM(account.amount * weight)/1E4,1) `sum`', false);
                } else {
                    $this->db->select('ROUND(SUM(account.amount * weight)) `sum`', false);
            } else {
                if (isset($args['ten_thousand_unit']) && $args['ten_thousand_unit']) {
                    $this->db->select('ROUND(SUM(account.amount)/1E4,1) `sum`', false);
                } else {
                    $this->db->select('ROUND(SUM(account.amount)) `sum`', false);
            //$this->db->having('sum >',0);
        } else {
            if (isset($args['ten_thousand_unit']) && $args['ten_thousand_unit']) {
                $this->db->select('ROUND(account.amount/1E4,1) `amount`', false);
        return parent::getList($args);
Пример #19
function lib_getspotlist(&$ctag, &$refObj)
    global $dsql;
    include SLINEDATA . "/webinfo.php";
    $attlist = "row|8,flag|,type|top,sonid|,limit|0,kindid|";
    FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist);
    extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP);
    $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnertext());
    $revalue = '';
    $basefield = 'a.aid,a.id,a.title,a.litpic,a.area,a.tagword,a.kindlist,a.webid,a.attrid,a.shownum,a.want,a.went,a.sellpoint,a.iconlist';
    if ($type == 'top' && empty($flag)) {
        return '';
    $destwhere = isset($refObj->Fields['kindid']) ? "and FIND_IN_SET({$refObj->Fields['kindid']},kindlist) " : '';
    if ($type == 'mdd') {
        if ($flag == 'recommend') {
            $orderby = ' order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc';
        } else {
            if ($flag == 'hot') {
                $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc';
            } else {
                $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc';
        $orderby .= ",a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc";
        if ($GLOBALS['sys_child_webid'] != 0) {
            $dest_id = $GLOBALS['sys_child_webid'];
        if (!empty($refObj->Fields['kindid']) || $dest_id) {
            $sonid = $refObj->Fields['kindid'];
            $sonid = empty($sonid) ? $dest_id : $sonid;
            $where = "where  FIND_IN_SET({$sonid},a.kindlist) {$orderby}  limit {$limit},{$row}";
            $sql = "select a.* from #@__spot as a left join #@__kindorderlist as c on (c.classid={$sonid} and a.id=c.aid and c.typeid=5)  {$where}";
            //echo $sql;
        } else {
            $sql = "select {$basefield},b.isding as isding,b.isjian,b.displayorder from #@__spot as a left join #@__allorderlist b on (a.id=b.aid and b.typeid=5) order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
    } else {
        if ($type == 'aroundspot') {
            $kindid = array_remove_value($refObj->Fields['kindlist']);
            $sql = "select * from #@__spot where FIND_IN_SET({$kindid},kindlist) order by modtime desc,addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
        } else {
            if ($type == 'top') {
                if ($flag == 'recommend') {
                    $sql = "select a.ishidden,{$basefield},b.isding as isding,b.isjian,b.displayorder from #@__spot as a left join #@__allorderlist b on (a.id=b.aid and b.typeid=5) where a.ishidden=0 order by case when b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                } else {
                    if ($flag == 'hot') {
                        $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__spot a where webid is not null {$destwhere}  order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc,a.shownum desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                    } else {
                        if ($flag == 'want') {
                            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__spot a where a.webid is not null {$destwhere}  order by a.want desc,a.shownum desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                        } else {
                            if ($flag == 'went') {
                                $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__spot a where a.webid is not null {$destwhere}  order by a.went  desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                            } else {
                                if ($flag == 'attr') {
                                    $attrid = $refObj->Fields['attrid'];
                                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__spot a where FIND_IN_SET({$attrid},a.attrid) order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                } else {
                                    if ($flag == 'relative') {
                                        $kindlist = $refObj->Fields['kindlist'];
                                        $maxkindid = array_remove_value($kindlist);
                                        $where = " FIND_IN_SET({$maxkindid},a.kindlist) ";
                                        $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__spot a where {$where}  order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc,a.shownum desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                    } else {
                                        return '';
            } else {
                if ($type == 'theme') {
                    $themeid = $refObj->Fields['themeid'];
                    if (empty($themeid)) {
                        return '';
                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__spot a where FIND_IN_SET({$themeid},a.themelist) order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
    $ctp = new STTagParse();
    $ctp->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]");
    $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
    while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) {
        $webroot = GetWebURLByWebid($row['webid']);
        $url = $webroot . "/spots/show_{$row['aid']}.html";
        $row['url'] = $url;
        $price = getSpotPrice($row['id']);
        $sellprice = getSpotsellPrice($row['id']);
        $row['title'] = $row['title'];
        $row['lit240'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litpic', 'lit240', $row['litpic']));
        $row['lit160'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litpic', 'lit160', $row['litpic']));
        $row['litpic'] = getUploadFileUrl($row['litpic']);
        $row['sellprice'] = $price;
        $row['oldprice'] = $sellprice;
        $row['price'] = !empty($price) ? "<b>&yen;" . $price . "</b>起" : '电询';
        $row['price2'] = empty($price) ? '电询' : '<span>&yen;</span><strong>' . $price . '</strong><i>起</i>';
        $row['price3'] = $price;
        $row['satisfyscore'] = Helper_Archive::getSatisfyScore($row['id'], 5);
        foreach ($ctp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) {
            if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') {
                $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row);
            } else {
                if (!empty($row[$ctag->GetName()]) || $row[$ctag->GetName()] == '0') {
                    $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row[$ctag->GetName()]);
                } else {
                    $ctp->Assign($tagid, '');
        $revalue .= $ctp->GetResult();
    return $revalue;
Пример #20
 public function testArrayRemoveValueRemovesCorrectValue()
     $array = ['test', 'test2'];
     array_remove_value($array, 'test2');
     $this->assertEquals('test', $array[0]);
Пример #21
  * @param array $args
  *	project: get schedule only under this project
  *	project_type
  *	project_labels: 仅获取带有给定标签的事务的日程
  *	people: 
  *	people_type: 
  *	people_labels: 仅获取带有给定标签的人员的相关日程
  *	group_by
  *		people
  *	in_todo_list 仅在指定people或group_by people的时候有效
  *	enrolled 仅在指定people或group_by people的时候有效
  *	completed 仅在指定people或group_by people的时候有效
  *	time array or boolean 时间段的范围
  *		false
  *		array(
  *			from=>timestamp/date string/datetime string
  *			to=>timestamp/date string/datetime string
  *			input_format=>timestamp, date(default)
  *			date_form=>mysql date form string, or false (default: '%Y-%m-%d')
  *		)
  *	in_project_of_people bool
  *	show_creater
  *	show_project
  *	id_in_set
  * @return array
 function getList(array $args = array())
     if (isset($args['project']) && $args['project']) {
         $this->db->where('schedule.project', $args['project']);
     if (isset($args['project_type']) && $args['project_type']) {
         $this->db->where("schedule.project IN (SELECT id FROM project WHERE type ={$this->db->escape($args['project_type'])} AND company = {$this->company->id} )");
     if (isset($args['project_labels']) && $args['project_labels']) {
         foreach ($args['project_labels'] as $id => $label_name) {
             $this->db->join("project_label t_{$id}", "schedule.project = t_{$id}.project AND t_{$id}.label_name = {$this->db->escape($label_name)}", 'inner');
     if (isset($args['people']) || isset($args['people_labels']) || isset($args['group_by']) && $args['group_by'] === 'people') {
         $this->db->join('schedule_people', 'schedule_people.schedule = schedule.id', 'inner');
     //TODO 判断多个人同时属于一个日程,并区分对待人员状态(如统计一个律师对一个客户的时间)
     if (isset($args['people']) && $args['people']) {
         $this->db->where('schedule_people.people' . $this->db->escape_int_array($args['people']), NULL, FALSE);
     if (isset($args['people_type']) && $args['people_type']) {
         $this->db->where("schedule.id IN (\n\t\t\t\tSELECT schedule FROM schedule_people WHERE people IN (\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT id FROM people WHERE type = {$this->db->escape($args['people_type'])}\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t)");
     if (isset($args['people_labels']) && $args['people_labels']) {
         foreach ($args['people_labels'] as $id => $label_name) {
             $this->db->join("people_label t_{$id}", "schedule_people.people = t_{$id}.people AND t_{$id}.label_name = {$label_name}", 'inner');
     if (isset($args['group_by'])) {
         //TODO 判断多个人同时属于一个日程,并区分对待人员状态(如统计一个律师对一个客户的时间)
         if ($args['group_by'] === 'people') {
             if (isset($args['people_is_staff']) && $args['people_is_staff']) {
                 $this->db->where('schedule_people.people IN (SELECT id FROM staff)', NULL, false);
             $this->db->group_by('schedule_people.people')->join('people', 'people.id = schedule_people.people', 'inner')->select('people.id people, people.name people_name');
     if ((isset($args['people']) || isset($args['group_by']) && $args['group_by'] === 'people') && isset($args['in_todo_list'])) {
         $this->db->where('schedule_people.in_todo_list', $args['in_todo_list']);
     if ((isset($args['people']) || isset($args['group_by']) && $args['group_by'] === 'people') && isset($args['enrolled'])) {
         $this->db->where('schedule_people.enrolled', $args['enrolled']);
     if (isset($args['people']) || isset($args['group_by']) && $args['group_by'] === 'people') {
         !isset($args['deleted']) && ($args['deleted'] = false);
         $this->db->where('schedule_people.deleted', $args['deleted']);
     if (isset($args['completed'])) {
         $this->db->where('schedule.completed', $args['completed']);
     if (!isset($args['time'])) {
         $args['time'] = array_prefix($args, 'time');
     if ($args['time']) {
         if ($args['time'] === false) {
             $this->db->where(array('schedule.start' => NULL, 'schedule.end' => NULL));
         if (isset($args['time']['from']) && $args['time']['from']) {
             if (isset($args['time']['input_format']) && $args['time']['input_format'] !== 'timestamp') {
                 $args['time']['from'] = strtotime($args['time']['from']);
             $this->db->where('schedule.start >=', $args['time']['from']);
         if (isset($args['time']['to']) && $args['time']['to']) {
             if (isset($args['time']['input_format']) && $args['time']['input_format'] !== 'timestamp') {
                 $args['time']['to'] = strtotime($args['time']['to']);
             if (isset($args['time']['input_format']) && $args['time']['input_format'] === 'date') {
                 $args['time']['to'] += 86400;
             $this->db->where('schedule.end <', $args['time']['to']);
         if (!isset($args['date_form'])) {
             $args['date_form'] = '%Y-%m-%d';
         if ($args['date_form'] !== false) {
             $this->db->select(array("FROM_UNIXTIME(schedule.start, '{$args['date_form']}') `start`", "FROM_UNIXTIME(schedule.end, '{$args['date_form']}') `end`", "FROM_UNIXTIME(schedule.deadline, '{$args['date_form']}') `deadline`"), false);
     if (isset($args['in_project_of_people']) && $args['in_project_of_people']) {
         $this->db->where("\n\t\t\t\tschedule.project IN (\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT project FROM project_people WHERE people{$this->db->escape_int_array($args['in_project_of_people'])}\n\t\t\t\t)", NULL, FALSE);
     if (isset($args['show_project']) && $args['show_project']) {
         $this->db->join('project', 'project.id = schedule.project', 'left')->select('project.name project_name');
     if (isset($args['show_creater']) && $args['show_creater']) {
         $this->db->join('people creater', 'creater.id = schedule.uid', 'inner')->select('creater.id creater, creater.name creater_name');
     if (isset($args['id_in_set'])) {
         $args['id_in'] = $args['id_in_set'];
         if ($args['id_in_set']) {
             $this->db->order_by("FIELD(schedule.id, " . implode(', ', $args['id_in_set']) . ")", '', false);
             $args['order_by'] = false;
     if (isset($args['sum']) && $args['sum']) {
         array_remove_value($this->db->ar_select, 'schedule.*');
         array_remove_value($this->db->ar_select, '`deadline`', true);
         array_remove_value($this->db->ar_select, '`start`', true);
         array_remove_value($this->db->ar_select, '`end`', true);
         $this->db->select('SUM(IF(hours_checked IS NULL, hours_own, hours_checked)) sum', false);
     $schedules = parent::getList($args);
     !isset($args['sum']) && array_walk($schedules, function (&$schedule, $index) {
         if ($schedule['completed']) {
             $schedule['color'] = '#36C';
         } else {
             if ($schedule['start'] < $this->date->now) {
                 $schedule['color'] = '#555';
             } else {
                 $schedule['color'] = '#E35B00';
         $schedule['all_day'] = (bool) $schedule['all_day'];
         $schedule['completed'] = (bool) $schedule['completed'];
     }, $this);
     return $schedules;
Пример #22
 public function run($request_method = REQUEST_METHOD)
     global $controller;
     if (empty($this->route) || !array_key_exists('controller', $this->route) || !array_key_exists('action', $this->route)) {
     // Module
     $controller = $this->route['controller'];
     $module = array_value($this->module_for_controller, $controller, array_value($this->route, 'module', 'main'));
     // Layout
     $format = array_value($this->route, 'format', 'html');
     $layout_path = MODULES_PATH . array_value($this->route, 'layout', "{$module}/{$controller}/{$controller}") . ".{$format}.php";
     if (!file_exists($layout_path)) {
         $layout_path = MODULES_PATH . array_value($this->layouts, $controller, "{$module}/{$module}") . ".{$format}.php";
         if (!file_exists($layout_path)) {
             $layout_path = MODULES_PATH . "main/application/application.{$format}.php";
             if (!file_exists($layout_path)) {
                 $layout_path = '';
     // Controller
     $helpers_path = MODULES_PATH . "{$module}/{$module}_helpers.php";
     if (file_exists($helpers_path)) {
         include_once $helpers_path;
     $controller_path = MODULES_PATH . "{$module}/{$module}_controller.php";
     if (file_exists($controller_path)) {
         include_once $controller_path;
     if ($controller != 'application') {
         $helpers_path = MODULES_PATH . "{$module}/{$controller}/{$controller}_helpers.php";
         if (file_exists($helpers_path)) {
             include_once $helpers_path;
         $controller_path = MODULES_PATH . "{$module}/{$controller}/{$controller}_controller.php";
         if (file_exists($controller_path)) {
             include_once $controller_path;
         } else {
     $controller = camelize($controller) . 'Controller';
     $controller = new $controller();
     $controller->params = $this->route;
     $controller->module = $module;
     $controller->controller = $this->route['controller'];
     $controller->render_format = $format;
     $controller->request_method = $request_method;
     // Action
     $action = $this->route['action'];
     // Translations
     global $i18n_all;
     $i18n_all = [];
     $translations = $controller->required_locales($action);
     if (!in_array('default', $translations)) {
         $translations[] = 'default';
     $translation_found = false;
     foreach ($translations as $locale) {
         $i18n_all[$locale] = [];
         $i18n =& $i18n_all[$locale];
         $translations_path = "i18n/application.{$locale}.i18n.php";
         if (file_exists($translations_path)) {
             $translation_found = true;
             include_once $translations_path;
         $translations_path = "i18n/{$module}/{$module}.{$locale}.i18n.php";
         if (file_exists($translations_path)) {
             $translation_found = true;
             include_once $translations_path;
         $translations_path = "i18n/{$module}/{$controller->controller}/{$controller->controller}.{$locale}.i18n.php";
         if (file_exists($translations_path)) {
             $translation_found = true;
             include_once $translations_path;
         if (!$translation_found) {
             array_remove_value($translations, $locale);
     $controller->set_locale(array_value($translations, 0, 'default'));
     $controller->render_layout_with_action($layout_path, $action);
     return $controller;
Пример #23
  * Метод просматривает дерево и возвращает группы, зависящие от указанного дочернего элемента.
  * Если после удаления этого дочернего элемента группа больше не зависит ни от одного элемента
  * этого типа, то данная группа будет исключена из ветки зависимости для этого типа.
  * $cleanAffectedGroups - данный флаг позволяет сказать, что группа должна быть сразу очищена
  * при обнаружении, что она зависит от переданной дочерней сущности. Это нужно для того, чтобы 
  * отметить всю группу - провалидированной в случае, если дочерняя сущность была изменена.
 private function scanTreeAndGetAffectedGroups($type, $child, &$TREE, $cleanAffectedGroups = false)
     $affectedGroups = array();
     if (array_key_exists($type, $TREE)) {
         foreach ($TREE[$type] as $group => &$childEntitys) {
             if (in_array($child, $childEntitys)) {
                 $affectedGroups[] = $group;
                 if ($cleanAffectedGroups) {
                 } else {
                     array_remove_value($childEntitys, $child);
                     if (empty($childEntitys)) {
                 if (empty($TREE[$type])) {
     return array_unique($affectedGroups);
Пример #24
if (is_array($row)) {
    $memberinfo = Helper_Archive::getMemberInfo($row['memberid']);
    $row['title'] = JieBan::getJiebanTitle($row);
    $row['kindnamelist'] = JieBan::getKindnameList($row, '-');
    $row['membername'] = $memberinfo['nickname'];
    $row['memberlitpic'] = $memberinfo['litpic'] ? $memberinfo['litpic'] : $GLOBALS['cfg_templets_skin'] . '/images/member_default.gif';
    $row['url'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmsurl'] . '/jieban/show_' . $row['id'] . '.html';
    $row['attrlist'] = JieBan::getAttrList($row['attrid']);
    $row['joinnum'] = JieBan::getJoinNumber($row['id']);
    $row['memo'] = $row['memo'] == 'null' ? '' : $row['memo'];
    $row['vartime'] = empty($row['vartime']) ? 0 : $row['vartime'];
    $row['pkname'] = get_par_value($row['kindlist'], $typeid);
    $row['destid'] = array_remove_value($row['kindlist']);
    $row['pinyin'] = Helper_Archive::getDestPinyin($row['destid']);
    $row['kindid'] = $row['destid'];
    if (!empty($row['lineid'])) {
        $row['lineinfo'] = JieBan::getLineInfo($row['lineid']);
        $GLOBALS['condition']['_hasline'] = 1;
    $msgInfo = Helper_Archive::getDefineMsgInfo2('reg_msgcode');
    if ($msgInfo['isopen'] == 1) {
        $GLOBALS['condition']['_msgcode'] = 1;
        $row['msgtype'] = 'msg';
    } else {
        $GLOBALS['condition']['_txtcode'] = 1;
        $row['msgtype'] = 'txt';
Пример #25
 /** @return FoldedResources */
 private function IDENTS()
     if ($this->IDENTS_LOADED) {
         return $this;
     $this->IDENTS_LOADED = true;
      * 1. Загружаем список существующих сущностей фолдинга
     $full = $this->getResourcesDm()->getSubDirNames();
     $this->ALL_IDENTS['full'] = $full;
     //С шаблоном
     $short = $full;
     array_remove_value($short, self::PATTERN_NAME);
     $short = array_values($short);
     $this->ALL_IDENTS['short'] = $short;
     //Без шаблона (+ нужно реиндексировать массив)
      * 2. Загружаем список видимых сущностей фолдинга
     if ($this->isWorkWithTable()) {
         $this->VISIBLE_IDENTS = array_values(array_intersect($short, FoldingBean::inst()->getIdents($this, false)));
     } else {
         $this->VISIBLE_IDENTS = $short;
      * 3. Строим список сущностей фолдинга, к которым пользователь имеет доступ
     if (AuthManager::isAuthorizedAsAdmin()) {
         //Админ имеет доступ и к шаблону
         $this->ACCESS_IDENTS['full'] = $full;
         $this->ACCESS_IDENTS['short'] = $short;
     } else {
         $this->ACCESS_IDENTS['full'] = $this->VISIBLE_IDENTS;
         $this->ACCESS_IDENTS['short'] = $this->VISIBLE_IDENTS;
      * 5. Отлогируем то, что получилось
     if ($this->LOGGER->isEnabled()) {
         $this->LOGGER->info('Загружаем список доступных сущностей');
         $this->LOGGER->info('Все сущности ({}): {}', count($full), array_to_string($full));
         $hidden = array_diff($full, $this->VISIBLE_IDENTS);
         if (empty($hidden)) {
             $this->LOGGER->info('Скрытых сущностей нет');
         } else {
             $this->LOGGER->info('Cкрытые сущности ({}): {}', count($hidden), array_to_string($hidden));
         $this->LOGGER->info('Доступные пользователю сущности ({}): {}', count($this->ACCESS_IDENTS['full']), array_to_string($this->ACCESS_IDENTS['full']));
     return $this;
Пример #26
 public function __sleep()
     $ret = array_keys(get_object_vars($this));
     array_remove_value($ret, '_db');
     array_remove_value($ret, '_di');
     return $ret;
Пример #27
 function initElements()
     /* @var $bootstrap Bootstrap */
     $modules = $this->addMagicSelect('modules', null, array('help-id' => '#Enabling.2FDisabling_Modules'))->setLabel(___('Enabled Modules'));
     $this->setDefault('modules', array());
     foreach (Am_Di::getInstance()->modules->getAvailable() as $module) {
         $fn = APPLICATION_PATH . '/' . $module . '/module.xml';
         if (!file_exists($fn)) {
         $xml = simplexml_load_file($fn);
         if (!$xml) {
         $modules->addOption($module . ' - ' . $xml->desc, $module);
     foreach (Am_Di::getInstance()->plugins as $type => $mgr) {
         if ($type == 'modules') {
         /* @var $mgr Am_Plugins */
         switch ($type) {
             case 'payment':
                 $help_id = '#Enabling.2FDisabling_Payment_Plugins';
             case 'protect':
                 $help_id = '#Enabling.2FDisabling_Integration_Plugins';
             case 'misc':
                 $help_id = '#Enabling.2FDisabling_Other_Plugins';
                 $help_id = '';
         $el = $this->addMagicSelect('plugins.' . $type, array('class' => 'magicselect am-combobox'), array('help-id' => $help_id))->setLabel(___('%s Plugins', ___($mgr->getTitle())));
         $paths = $mgr->getPaths();
         $plugins = self::getPluginsList($paths);
         if ($type == 'payment') {
             if (!Am_Di::getInstance()->modules->isEnabled('cc')) {
                 $this->plugins_cc = self::getPluginsList(array(APPLICATION_PATH . '/cc/plugins'));
                 $plugins = array_merge($plugins, $this->plugins_cc);
             array_remove_value($plugins, 'free');
         } elseif ($type == 'storage') {
             $plugins = array('upload' => 'upload', 'disk' => 'disk') + $plugins;
     $this->setDefault('plugins.payment', array());
     $this->setDefault('plugins.protect', array());
     $this->setDefault('plugins.misc', array());
     $this->setDefault('plugins.storage', array('upload', 'disk'));
Пример #28
 * @param $arr
 * @param string $delval
 * @return array
function array_remove_value($arr, $delval = '')
    if (empty($arr)) {
        return null;
    foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $arr[$key] = array_remove_value($value);
        } else {
            if ($delval === $value) {
            } else {
                $arr[$key] = $value;
    return $arr;
Пример #29
  * Changes the file-extension priority (order on spl-file-extension stack)
  * This method is intend to change the file-extension priority (order on spl-file-extension stack).
  * @param string  $fileExtension The file-extension to change priority for
  * @param int $priority      The new priority of the file-extension
  * @author Benjamin Carl <*****@*****.**>
  * @return bool TRUE on success, otherwise FALSE
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function changeFileExtensionPriority($fileExtension = '.php', $priority = 0)
     // get current active extension order
     $extensionPriority = explode(',', spl_autoload_extensions());
     // count of current file-extensions
     $extensionCount = count($extensionPriority);
     // set prio to max possible
     $priority > $extensionCount - 1 ? $priority = $extensionCount - 1 : '';
     // check if reposition needed
     if (!(isset($extensionPriority[$priority]) && $extensionPriority[$priority] == $fileExtension)) {
         // remove element by value
         $extensionPriority = array_remove_value($extensionPriority, $fileExtension);
         // and insert
         array_splice($extensionPriority, $priority, 0, $fileExtension);
         // and set to spl's list of autoload extensions
         spl_autoload_extensions(implode(',', $extensionPriority));
     } else {
         // nothing to do
         return false;
     // success
     return true;