Пример #1
 * library to simplify processing code_types
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Kevin Yeh <*****@*****.**> and OEMR <www.oemr.org>
 * LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php>;.
 * @package OpenEMR
 * @author  Kevin Yeh <*****@*****.**>
 * @link    http://www.open-emr.org
function diag_code_types($format = 'json', $sqlEscape = false)
    global $code_types;
    $diagCodes = array();
    foreach ($code_types as $key => $ct) {
        if ($ct['active'] && $ct['diag']) {
            if ($format == 'json') {
                $entry = array("key" => $key, "id" => $ct['id']);
            } else {
                if ($format == 'keylist') {
                    $entry = "'";
                    $entry .= $sqlEscape ? add_escape_custom($key) : $key;
                    $entry .= "'";
            array_push($diagCodes, $entry);
    if ($format == 'json') {
        return json_encode($diagCodes);
    if ($format == 'keylist') {
        return implode(",", $diagCodes);
Пример #2
function review_of_systems_report($pid, $encounter, $cols, $id)
    $count = 0;
    $data = formFetch("form_review_of_systems", $id);
    $sql = "SELECT name from form_review_of_systems_checks where foreign_id = '" . add_escape_custom($id) . "'";
    $results = sqlQ($sql);
    $data2 = array();
    while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
        $data2[] = $row['name'];
    $data = array_merge($data, $data2);
    if ($data) {
        print "<table><tr>";
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == "id" || $key == "pid" || $key == "user" || $key == "groupname" || $key == "authorized" || $key == "activity" || $key == "date" || $value == "" || $value == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
            if ($value == "on") {
                $value = "yes";
            $key = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key));
            if (is_numeric($key)) {
                $key = "check";
            print "<td><span class=bold>{$key}: </span><span class=text>{$value}</span></td>";
            if ($count == $cols) {
                $count = 0;
                print "</tr><tr>\n";
Пример #3
 function Tree($root, $root_type = ROOT_TYPE_ID)
     $this->_db = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db'];
     $this->_root = add_escape_custom($root);
     $this->_root_type = add_escape_custom($root_type);
Пример #4
function QuotedOrNull($fld)
    if ($fld) {
        return "'" . add_escape_custom($fld) . "'";
    return "NULL";
Пример #5
function invalue($name)
    if (!$_POST[$name]) {
        return "''";
    $fld = add_escape_custom(trim($_POST[$name]));
    return "'{$fld}'";
Пример #6
function addwhere($where, $colname, $value)
    if ($value) {
        $where .= " AND ";
        $where .= "{$colname} LIKE '%" . add_escape_custom($value) . "%'";
    return $where;
Пример #7
function updateInvoiceRefNumber()
    $irnumber = getInvoiceRefNumber();
    // Here "?" specifies a minimal match, to get the most digits possible:
    if (preg_match('/^(.*?)(\\d+)(\\D*)$/', $irnumber, $matches)) {
        $newdigs = sprintf('%0' . strlen($matches[2]) . 'd', $matches[2] + 1);
        $newnumber = add_escape_custom($matches[1] . $newdigs . $matches[3]);
        sqlStatement("UPDATE users AS u, list_options AS lo " . "SET lo.notes = '{$newnumber}' WHERE " . "u.username = '******'authUser'] . "' AND " . "lo.list_id = 'irnpool' AND lo.option_id = u.irnpool");
    return $irnumber;
Пример #8
function formDataCore($s, $isTrim = false)
    //trim if selected
    if ($isTrim) {
        $s = trim($s);
    //strip escapes
    $s = strip_escape_custom($s);
    //add escapes for safe database insertion
    $s = add_escape_custom($s);
    return $s;
Пример #9
 function populate()
     if (!empty($this->id)) {
         $res = sqlQuery("SELECT providerID,fname,lname,mname " . ", DATE_FORMAT(DOB,'%m/%d/%Y') as date_of_birth " . ", pubpid " . " from " . $this->_table . " where pid =" . add_escape_custom($this->id));
         if (is_array($res)) {
             $this->pubpid = $res['pubpid'];
             $this->lname = $res['lname'];
             $this->mname = $res['mname'];
             $this->fname = $res['fname'];
             $this->provider = new Provider($res['providerID']);
             $this->date_of_birth = $res['date_of_birth'];
Пример #10
 function populate()
     $res = sqlQuery("SELECT fname,lname,federaldrugid, specialty, npi, state_license_number FROM users where id =" . add_escape_custom($this->id));
     if (is_array($res)) {
         $this->lname = $res['lname'];
         $this->fname = $res['fname'];
         $this->federal_drug_id = $res['federaldrugid'];
         $this->specialty = $res['specialty'];
         $this->npi = $res['npi'];
         $this->state_license_number = $res['state_license_number'];
     $ins = new InsuranceNumbers();
     $this->insurance_numbers = $ins->insurance_numbers_factory($this->id);
 function persist()
     if (is_numeric($this->id) and !empty($this->checks)) {
         $sql = "delete FROM form_review_of_systems_checks where foreign_id = '" . $this->id . "'";
         foreach ($this->checks as $check) {
             if (!empty($check)) {
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO form_review_of_systems_checks set foreign_id='" . add_escape_custom($this->id) . "', name = '" . add_escape_custom($check) . "'";
                 //echo "$sql<br>";
Пример #12
 function populate()
     $sql = "SELECT * from " . $this->_prefix . $this->_table . " WHERE id = '" . add_escape_custom(strval($this->id)) . "'";
     $results = sqlQuery($sql);
     if (is_array($results)) {
         foreach ($results as $field_name => $field) {
             $func = "set_" . $field_name;
             //echo "f: $field m: $func status: " .  (is_callable(array($this,$func))? "yes" : "no") . "<br>";
             if (is_callable(array($this, $func))) {
                 if (!empty($field)) {
                     //echo "s: $field_name to: $field <br>";
                     call_user_func(array(&$this, $func), $field);
Пример #13
function PrepareSearchItem($SearchItem)
    $SplitArray = explode(' like ', $SearchItem);
    if (isset($SplitArray[1])) {
        $SplitArray[1] = substr($SplitArray[1], 0, -1);
        $SplitArray[1] = substr($SplitArray[1], 1);
        $SearchItem = $SplitArray[0] . ' like ' . "'" . add_escape_custom($SplitArray[1]) . "'";
    } else {
        $SplitArray = explode(' = ', $SearchItem);
        if (isset($SplitArray[1])) {
            $SplitArray[1] = substr($SplitArray[1], 0, -1);
            $SplitArray[1] = substr($SplitArray[1], 1);
            $SearchItem = $SplitArray[0] . ' = ' . "'" . add_escape_custom($SplitArray[1]) . "'";
    return $SearchItem;
Пример #14
function fetchAppointments($from_date, $to_date, $patient_id = null, $provider_id = null, $facility_id = null, $pc_appstatus = null, $with_out_provider = null, $with_out_facility = null, $pc_catid = null)
    $where = "";
    if ($provider_id) {
        $where .= " AND e.pc_aid = '{$provider_id}'";
    if ($patient_id) {
        $where .= " AND e.pc_pid = '{$patient_id}'";
    } else {
        $where .= " AND e.pc_pid != ''";
    $facility_filter = '';
    if ($facility_id) {
        $event_facility_filter = " AND e.pc_facility = '" . add_escape_custom($facility_id) . "'";
        // escape $facility_id
        $provider_facility_filter = " AND u.facility_id = '" . add_escape_custom($facility_id) . "'";
        // escape $facility_id
        $facility_filter = $event_facility_filter . $provider_facility_filter;
    $where .= $facility_filter;
    //Appointment Status Checking
    $filter_appstatus = '';
    if ($pc_appstatus != '') {
        $filter_appstatus = " AND e.pc_apptstatus = '" . $pc_appstatus . "'";
    $where .= $filter_appstatus;
    if ($pc_catid != null) {
        $where .= " AND e.pc_catid=" . intval($pc_catid);
        // using intval to escape this parameter
    //Without Provider checking
    $filter_woprovider = '';
    if ($with_out_provider != '') {
        $filter_woprovider = " AND e.pc_aid = ''";
    $where .= $filter_woprovider;
    //Without Facility checking
    $filter_wofacility = '';
    if ($with_out_facility != '') {
        $filter_wofacility = " AND e.pc_facility = 0";
    $where .= $filter_wofacility;
    $appointments = fetchEvents($from_date, $to_date, $where);
    return $appointments;
Пример #15
function PrepareSearchItem($SearchItem)
    //Parses the search value part of the criteria and prepares for sql.
    $SplitArray = split(' like ', $SearchItem);
    if (isset($SplitArray[1])) {
        $SplitArray[1] = substr($SplitArray[1], 0, -1);
        $SplitArray[1] = substr($SplitArray[1], 1);
        $SearchItem = $SplitArray[0] . ' like ' . "'" . add_escape_custom($SplitArray[1]) . "'";
    } else {
        $SplitArray = split(' = ', $SearchItem);
        if (isset($SplitArray[1])) {
            $SplitArray[1] = substr($SplitArray[1], 0, -1);
            $SplitArray[1] = substr($SplitArray[1], 1);
            $SearchItem = $SplitArray[0] . ' = ' . "'" . add_escape_custom($SplitArray[1]) . "'";
    return $SearchItem;
Пример #16
 static function factory_phone_numbers($foreign_id = "")
     if (empty($foreign_id)) {
         $foreign_id = "like '%'";
     } else {
         $foreign_id = " = '" . add_escape_custom(strval($foreign_id)) . "'";
     $phone_numbers = array();
     $p = new PhoneNumber();
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM  " . $p->_table . " WHERE foreign_id " . $foreign_id . " ORDER BY type";
     //echo $sql . "<bR />";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     //echo "sql: $sql";
     while ($row = sqlFetchArray($results)) {
         $phone_numbers[] = new PhoneNumber($row['id']);
     return $phone_numbers;
Пример #17
  * Convenience function to get an array of many document objects
  * For really large numbers of documents there is a way more efficient way to do this by overwriting the populate method
  * @param int $foreign_id optional id use to limit array on to a specific relation, otherwise every document object is returned 
 function notes_factory($foreign_id = "")
     $notes = array();
     if (empty($foreign_id)) {
         $foreign_id = "like '%'";
     } else {
         $foreign_id = " = '" . add_escape_custom(strval($foreign_id)) . "'";
     $d = new note();
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM  " . $d->_table . " WHERE foreign_id " . $foreign_id . " ORDER BY DATE DESC";
     //echo $sql;
     $result = $d->_db->Execute($sql);
     while ($result && !$result->EOF) {
         $notes[] = new Note($result->fields['id']);
     return $notes;
Пример #18
 static function factory_address($foreign_id = "")
     if (empty($foreign_id)) {
         $foreign_id = "like '%'";
     } else {
         $foreign_id = " = '" . add_escape_custom(strval($foreign_id)) . "'";
     $a = new Address();
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM  " . $a->_table . " WHERE foreign_id " . $foreign_id;
     //echo $sql . "<bR />";
     $results = sqlQ($sql);
     //echo "sql: $sql";
     $row = sqlFetchArray($results);
     if (!empty($row)) {
         $a = new Address($row['id']);
     return $a;
Пример #19
function xl($constant, $mode = 'r', $prepend = '', $append = '')
    // set language id
    if (!empty($_SESSION['language_choice'])) {
        $lang_id = $_SESSION['language_choice'];
    } else {
        $lang_id = 1;
    if ($lang_id == 1 && !empty($GLOBALS['skip_english_translation'])) {
        // language id = 1, so no need to translate
        //  -- remove comments
        $string = preg_replace('/\\{\\{.*\\}\\}/', '', $constant);
    } else {
        // TRANSLATE
        // first, clean lines
        // convert new lines to spaces and remove windows end of lines
        $patterns = array('/\\n/', '/\\r/');
        $replace = array(' ', '');
        $constant = preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $constant);
        // second, attempt translation
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM lang_definitions JOIN lang_constants ON " . "lang_definitions.cons_id = lang_constants.cons_id WHERE " . "lang_id='{$lang_id}' AND constant_name = '" . add_escape_custom($constant) . "' LIMIT 1";
        $res = sqlStatementNoLog($sql);
        $row = SqlFetchArray($res);
        $string = $row['definition'];
        if ($string == '') {
            $string = "{$constant}";
        // remove dangerous characters and remove comments
        $patterns = array('/\\n/', '/\\r/', '/"/', "/'/", '/\\{\\{.*\\}\\}/');
        $replace = array(' ', '', '`', '`', '');
        $string = preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $string);
    $string = "{$prepend}" . "{$string}" . "{$append}";
    if ($mode == 'e') {
        echo $string;
    } else {
        return $string;
 function default_action_process()
     if ($_POST['process'] != "true") {
     $this->evaluation = new FormEvaluation($_POST['id']);
     if ($GLOBALS['encounter'] == "") {
         $GLOBALS['encounter'] = date("Ymd");
     addForm($GLOBALS['encounter'], "Evaluation Form", $this->evaluation->id, "evaluation", $GLOBALS['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized']);
     if (!empty($_POST['cpt_code'])) {
         $sql = "select * from codes where code ='" . add_escape_custom($_POST['cpt_code']) . "' order by id";
         $results = sqlQ($sql);
         $row = sqlFetchArray($results);
         if (!empty($row)) {
             addBilling(date("Ymd"), 'CPT4', $row['code'], $row['code_text'], $_SESSION['pid'], $_SESSION['userauthorized'], $_SESSION['authUserID'], $row['modifier'], $row['units'], $row['fee']);
     $_POST['process'] = "";
Пример #21
         //Do something with result, ie put in DB
         //echo $resultCode . ":" .$value . " " . $unit. "\n";
         $check_type2 = sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM procedure_type WHERE procedure_type_id = '" . add_escape_custom($resultCode) . "'");
         if ($check_type2['count'] <= 0) {
             $sql_type_data = "procedure_type_id = '" . add_escape_custom($resultCode) . "', " . "parent = '" . add_escape_custom($observationCode) . "', " . "name = '" . add_escape_custom($resultCodeTex) . "', " . "procedure_type = 'res'";
             $type_id = sqlInsert("INSERT INTO procedure_type SET {$sql_type_data}");
         $result_status = mapResultStatus($resultStatus);
         $abnormalFlag = mapAbnormalStatus($abnormalFlag);
         $check_result = sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, procedure_result_id FROM procedure_result WHERE procedure_report_id = '" . add_escape_custom($report_id) . "' AND procedure_type_id = '" . add_escape_custom($resultCode) . "'");
         if ($check_result['count'] <= 0) {
             $sql_result_data = "procedure_report_id = '" . add_escape_custom($report_id) . "', " . "procedure_type_id = '" . add_escape_custom($resultCode) . "', " . "date = DATE_FORMAT('" . add_escape_custom($resultDateTime . '00') . "', '%Y%m%d%H%i%s'), " . "facility = '" . add_escape_custom($str_facilityId) . "', " . "units = '" . add_escape_custom($unit) . "', " . "result = '" . add_escape_custom($value) . "', " . "`range` = '" . add_escape_custom($referenceRange) . "', " . "abnormal = '" . add_escape_custom($abnormalFlag) . "', " . "comments = '" . add_escape_custom($comment) . "', " . "result_status = '" . add_escape_custom($result_status) . "'";
             sqlInsert("INSERT INTO procedure_result SET {$sql_result_data}");
         } else {
             $sql_result_data = "date = DATE_FORMAT('" . add_escape_custom($resultDateTime . '00') . "', '%Y%m%d%H%i%s'), " . "facility = '" . add_escape_custom($str_facilityId) . "', " . "units = '" . add_escape_custom($unit) . "', " . "result = '" . add_escape_custom($value) . "', " . "`range` = '" . add_escape_custom($referenceRange) . "', " . "abnormal = '" . add_escape_custom($abnormalFlag) . "', " . "comments = '" . add_escape_custom($comment) . "', " . "result_status = '" . add_escape_custom($result_status) . "'";
             sqlStatement("UPDATE procedure_result SET {$sql_result_data} WHERE procedure_result_id = '" . add_escape_custom($check_result['procedure_result_id']) . "'");
     // Send a message regarding a report with pending review status.
     lab_results_messages($patient_id, $report_id, $user_id);
 // Need to confirm that the lab result message has been received.
 // This is the url of the confirm request.
 $url = "confirm/" . $id;
 // Make the confirmation request.
 $response = $client->sendRequest($url, "POST");
 // Check response for success or error.
 if ($response->IsError) {
     echo xl("Error confirming receipt of lab results") . ": {$response->ErrorMessage}\n";
 } else {
     echo xl("Success confirming receipt of lab result") . " \n";
Пример #22
require_once "portal.inc.php";
// Consider this a step towards converting the insurance form to layout-based.
// Faking it here makes things easier.
// Also note that some fields like SSN and most of the subscriber employer
// items have been omitted because they are not relevant for claims.
$insurance_layout = array(array('field_id' => 'type', 'title' => 'Type', 'uor' => '2', 'data_type' => '1', 'list_id' => 'insurance_types', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'date', 'title' => 'Effective Date', 'uor' => '2', 'data_type' => '4', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'provider', 'title' => 'Provider', 'uor' => '2', 'data_type' => '16', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'plan_name', 'title' => 'Plan Name', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'policy_number', 'title' => 'Policy Number', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'group_number', 'title' => 'Group Number', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_employer', 'title' => 'Group Name', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_lname', 'title' => 'Subscriber Last Name', 'uor' => '2', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_fname', 'title' => 'Subscriber First Name', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_mname', 'title' => 'Subscriber Middle Name', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_DOB', 'title' => 'Subscriber DOB', 'uor' => '2', 'data_type' => '4', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_sex', 'title' => 'Subscriber Sex', 'uor' => '2', 'data_type' => '1', 'list_id' => 'sex', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_relationship', 'title' => 'Subscriber Relationship', 'uor' => '2', 'data_type' => '1', 'list_id' => 'sub_relation', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_street', 'title' => 'Subscriber Street', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_city', 'title' => 'Subscriber City', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_state', 'title' => 'Subscriber State', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '1', 'list_id' => 'state', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_postal_code', 'title' => 'Subscriber Zip', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''), array('field_id' => 'subscriber_phone', 'title' => 'Subscriber Phone', 'uor' => '1', 'data_type' => '2', 'list_id' => '', 'edit_options' => ''));
$postid = intval($_REQUEST['postid']);
if ($_POST['bn_save']) {
    $newdata = array();
    $ptid = intval($_POST['ptid']);
    foreach ($insurance_layout as $frow) {
        $data_type = $frow['data_type'];
        $field_id = $frow['field_id'];
        // newInsuranceData() does not escape for mysql so we have to do it here.
        $newdata[$field_id] = add_escape_custom(get_layout_form_value($frow));
    newInsuranceData($ptid, $newdata['type'], $newdata['provider'], $newdata['policy_number'], $newdata['group_number'], $newdata['plan_name'], $newdata['subscriber_lname'], $newdata['subscriber_mname'], $newdata['subscriber_fname'], $newdata['subscriber_relationship'], '', fixDate($newdata['subscriber_DOB']), $newdata['subscriber_street'], $newdata['subscriber_postal_code'], $newdata['subscriber_city'], $newdata['subscriber_state'], '', $newdata['subscriber_phone'], $newdata['subscriber_employer'], '', '', '', '', '', '', $newdata['subscriber_sex'], fixDate($newdata['date']), 'TRUE', '');
    // Finally, delete the request from the portal.
    $result = cms_portal_call(array('action' => 'delpost', 'postid' => $postid));
    if ($result['errmsg']) {
    echo "<html><body><script language='JavaScript'>\n";
    echo "if (top.restoreSession) top.restoreSession(); else opener.top.restoreSession();\n";
    echo "document.location.href = 'list_requests.php';\n";
    echo "</script></body></html>\n";
// Get the portal request data.
if (!$postid) {
Пример #23
 * Function to return part of sql query to deal with interval
 * @param  string  $table          selected mysql table (or EXCEPTION(s))
 * @param  string  $intervalType   type of interval (ie. year)
 * @param  string  $intervalValue  searched for within this many times of the interval type
 * @param  string  $dateTarget     target date(format Y-m-d H:i:s).
 * @return string                  contains pertinent date interval filter for mysql query
function sql_interval_string($table, $intervalType, $intervalValue, $dateTarget)
    $dateSql = "";
    // Collect the correct column label for date in the table
    $date_label = collect_database_label('date', $table);
    // Deal with interval
    if (!empty($intervalType)) {
        switch ($intervalType) {
            case "year":
                $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . add_escape_custom($intervalValue) . " YEAR) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') ";
            case "month":
                $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . add_escape_custom($intervalValue) . " MONTH) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') ";
            case "week":
                $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . add_escape_custom($intervalValue) . " WEEK) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') ";
            case "day":
                $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . add_escape_custom($intervalValue) . " DAY) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') ";
            case "hour":
                $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . add_escape_custom($intervalValue) . " HOUR) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') ";
            case "minute":
                $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . add_escape_custom($intervalValue) . " MINUTE) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') ";
            case "second":
                $dateSql = "AND (" . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " BETWEEN DATE_SUB('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "', INTERVAL " . add_escape_custom($intervalValue) . " SECOND) AND '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') ";
            case "flu_season":
                // Flu season to be hard-coded as September thru February
                //  (Should make this modifiable in the future)
                //  ($intervalValue is not used)
                $dateArray = explode("-", $dateTarget);
                $Year = $dateArray[0];
                $dateThisYear = $Year . "-09-01";
                $dateLastYear = $Year - 1 . "-09-01";
                $dateSql = " " . "AND ((" . "MONTH('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') < 9 " . "AND " . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " >= '" . $dateLastYear . "' ) " . "OR (" . "MONTH('" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "') >= 9 " . "AND " . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " >= '" . $dateThisYear . "' ))" . "AND " . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " <= '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "' ";
    } else {
        $dateSql = "AND " . add_escape_custom($date_label) . " <= '" . add_escape_custom($dateTarget) . "' ";
    // return the sql interval string
    return $dateSql;
Пример #24
            echo "</div></td></tr>";
</table> <!-- end patient_stats_issues -->
<table id="patient_stats_spreadsheets">
// Show spreadsheet forms if any are present.
$need_head = true;
foreach (array('treatment_protocols', 'injury_log') as $formname) {
    if (sqlNumRows(sqlStatement("SHOW TABLES LIKE ?", array("form_" . $formname))) > 0) {
        $dres = sqlStatement("SELECT tp.id, tp.value FROM forms, " . "form_" . add_escape_custom($formname) . " AS tp WHERE forms.pid = ? AND " . "forms.formdir = ? AND tp.id = forms.form_id AND " . "tp.rownbr = -1 AND tp.colnbr = -1 AND tp.value LIKE '0%' " . "ORDER BY tp.value DESC", array($pid, $formname));
        if (sqlNumRows($dres) > 0 && $need_head) {
            $need_head = false;
            echo " <tr>\n";
            echo "  <td colspan='{$numcols}' valign='top'>\n";
            echo "   <span class='title'>Injury Log</span>\n";
            echo "  </td>\n";
            echo " </tr>\n";
        while ($row = sqlFetchArray($dres)) {
            list($completed, $start_date, $template_name) = explode('|', $row['value'], 3);
            echo " <tr>\n";
            echo "  <td colspan='{$numcols}'>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
            echo "<a class='link' href='javascript:;' ";
            echo "onclick='load_location(\"../../forms/{$formname}/new.php?popup=1&id=";
            echo htmlspecialchars($row['id'], ENT_QUOTES) . "\")'>" . htmlspecialchars($start_date, ENT_NOQUOTES) . " " . htmlspecialchars($template_name, ENT_NOQUOTES) . "</a></td>\n";
Пример #25
$height = $_POST['height'];
$temperature = $_POST['temperature'];
$temp_method = $_POST['temp_method'];
$pulse = $_POST['pulse'];
$respiration = $_POST['respiration'];
$note = $_POST['note'];
$BMI = $_POST['BMI'];
$BMI_status = $_POST['BMI_status'];
$waist_circ = $_POST['waist_circ'];
$head_circ = $_POST['head_circ'];
$oxygen_saturation = $_POST['oxygen_saturation'];
if ($userId = validateToken($token)) {
    $user = getUsername($userId);
    $acl_allow = acl_check('encounters', 'auth_a', $user);
    if ($acl_allow) {
        $strQuery = "UPDATE `form_vitals` SET \n                                        `date`='" . add_escape_custom($date) . "',\n                                        `pid`='" . add_escape_custom($patientId) . "',\n                                        `user`='" . add_escape_custom($user) . "',\n                                        `groupname`='" . add_escape_custom($groupname) . "',\n                                        `authorized`='" . add_escape_custom($authorized) . "',\n                                        `activity`='" . add_escape_custom($activity) . "',\n                                        `bps`='" . add_escape_custom($bps) . "',\n                                        `bpd`='" . add_escape_custom($bpd) . "',\n                                        `weight`='" . add_escape_custom($weight) . "',\n                                        `height`='" . add_escape_custom($height) . "',\n                                        `temperature`='" . add_escape_custom($temperature) . "',\n                                        `temp_method`='" . add_escape_custom($temp_method) . "',\n                                        `pulse`='" . add_escape_custom($pulse) . "',\n                                        `respiration`='" . add_escape_custom($respiration) . "',\n                                        `note`='" . add_escape_custom($note) . "',\n                                        `BMI`='" . add_escape_custom($BMI) . "',\n                                        `BMI_status`='" . add_escape_custom($BMI_status) . "',\n                                        `waist_circ`='" . add_escape_custom($waist_circ) . "',\n                                        `head_circ`='" . add_escape_custom($head_circ) . "',\n                                        `oxygen_saturation`='" . add_escape_custom($oxygen_saturation) . "' \n                                         WHERE id = ?";
        $result = sqlStatement($strQuery, array($vital_id));
        if ($result !== FALSE) {
            $xml_array['status'] = 0;
            $xml_array['reason'] = 'Visit vital update successfully';
        } else {
            $xml_array['status'] = -1;
            $xml_array['reason'] = 'Could not update isit vital';
    } else {
        $xml_string .= "<status>-2</status>\n";
        $xml_string .= "<reason>You are not Authorized to perform this action</reason>\n";
} else {
    $xml_array['status'] = -2;
    $xml_array['reason'] = 'Invalid Token';
Пример #26
function lab_exchange_match_patient($externalId, $firstName, $middleName, $lastName, $dob, $gender, $ssn, $address)
    $sql = "SELECT pid from patient_data WHERE ";
    $where = "";
    // Search for pid and return if pid match with $externalId(from lab API)
    if ($externalId != "") {
        $where .= "pid = '".add_escape_custom($externalId)."' " ;
        $res = sqlQuery($sql . $where);
        if ($res['pid']) {
            return $res['pid'];
        else {
            $where = "";
    // If empty $externalId or externalId no matched
    if (preg_replace("/[:space:]/", "", $firstName) != "") {
        $where .= "fname = '" . add_escape_custom($firstName) . "' ";
    if (preg_replace("/[:space:]/", "", $lastName) != "") {
        if ($where != "") {
            $where .= "AND ";
        $where .= "lname = '" . add_escape_custom($lastName) . "' ";
    //    if (ereg_replace("[:space:]", "", $middleName) != ""){
    //        if ($where != "") $where .= "AND ";
    //        $where .= "mname = '".add_escape_custom($middleName)."' " ;
    //    }
    if (preg_replace("/[:space:]/", "", $dob) != "") {
        if ($where != "") {
            $where .= "AND ";
        $where .= "DOB = DATE_FORMAT('" . add_escape_custom($dob) . "', '%Y-%m-%d') ";
    if (preg_replace("/[:space:]/", "", $gender) != "") {
        if ($gender == "F") {
            $sex = "Female";
        if ($gender == "M") {
            $sex = "Male";
        if (isset($sex)) {
            if ($where != "") {
                $where .= "AND ";
            $where .= "(sex = '" . add_escape_custom($sex) . "' OR sex = '" . add_escape_custom($gender) . "')";
    if (preg_replace("/[:space:]/", "", $ssn) != "") {
        if ($where != "") {
            $where .= "AND ";
        // Change to xxx-xx-xxxx format.
        $ss = substr($ssn, 0, 3) . "-" . substr($ssn, 3, 2) . "-" . substr($ssn, 5);
        $where .= "(ss = '" . add_escape_custom($ssn) . "' OR ss = '" . add_escape_custom($ss) . "' OR ss = '')";
    if ($where == "") {
        return false;
    } else {
        $res = sqlQuery($sql . $where);
        if ($res['pid']) {
            return $res['pid'];
        } else {
            return false;
Пример #27
// $count = 0;
$sqlBindArray = array();
$from = "FROM form_encounter AS fe " . "JOIN forms AS f ON f.pid = fe.pid AND f.encounter = fe.encounter AND " . "f.formdir = 'newpatient' AND f.deleted = 0 ";
if ($issue) {
    $from .= "JOIN issue_encounter AS ie ON ie.pid = ? AND " . "ie.list_id = ? AND ie.encounter = fe.encounter ";
    array_push($sqlBindArray, $pid, $issue);
$from .= "LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.id = fe.provider_id WHERE fe.pid = ? ";
$sqlBindArray[] = $pid;
$query = "SELECT fe.*, f.user, u.fname, u.mname, u.lname " . $from . "ORDER BY fe.date DESC, fe.id DESC";
$countQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) as c " . $from;
$countRes = sqlStatement($countQuery, $sqlBindArray);
$count = sqlFetchArray($countRes);
$numRes = $count['c'];
if ($pagesize > 0) {
    $query .= " LIMIT " . add_escape_custom($pagestart) . "," . add_escape_custom($pagesize);
$upper = $pagestart + $pagesize;
if ($upper > $numRes || $pagesize == 0) {
    $upper = $numRes;
if ($pagesize > 0 && $pagestart > 0) {
    generatePageElement($pagestart - $pagesize, $pagesize, $billing_view, $issue, "&lArr;" . htmlspecialchars(xl("Prev"), ENT_NOQUOTES) . " ");
echo $pagestart + 1 . "-" . $upper . " " . htmlspecialchars(xl('of'), ENT_NOQUOTES) . " " . $numRes;
if ($pagesize > 0 && $pagestart + $pagesize <= $numRes) {
    generatePageElement($pagestart + $pagesize, $pagesize, $billing_view, $issue, " " . htmlspecialchars(xl("Next"), ENT_NOQUOTES) . "&rArr;");
$res4 = sqlStatement($query, $sqlBindArray);
if ($billing_view && $accounting_enabled && !$INTEGRATED_AR) {
Пример #28
 //setup for display of encounter date info
 $encounter_count = 0;
 $day_diff = '';
 $last_date_seen = '';
 $next_appt_date = '';
 $pid = '';
 // calculate date differences based on date of last encounter with billing entries
 $query = "select DATE_FORMAT(max(form_encounter.date),'%m/%d/%y') as mydate," . " (to_days(current_date())-to_days(max(form_encounter.date))) as day_diff," . " DATE_FORMAT(max(form_encounter.date) + interval " . add_escape_custom($add_days) . " day,'%m/%d/%y') as next_appt, dayname(max(form_encounter.date) + interval " . add_escape_custom($add_days) . " day) as next_appt_day from form_encounter " . "join billing on billing.encounter = form_encounter.encounter and " . "billing.pid = form_encounter.pid and billing.activity = 1 and " . "billing.code_type not like 'COPAY' where " . "form_encounter.pid = ?";
 $statement = sqlStatement($query, array($iter["pid"]));
 if ($results = sqlFetchArray($statement)) {
     $last_date_seen = $results['mydate'];
     $day_diff = $results['day_diff'];
     $next_appt_date = $results['next_appt_day'] . ', ' . $results['next_appt'];
 // calculate date differences based on date of last encounter regardless of billing
 $query = "select DATE_FORMAT(max(form_encounter.date),'%m/%d/%y') as mydate," . " (to_days(current_date())-to_days(max(form_encounter.date))) as day_diff," . " DATE_FORMAT(max(form_encounter.date) + interval " . add_escape_custom($add_days) . " day,'%m/%d/%y') as next_appt, dayname(max(form_encounter.date) + interval " . add_escape_custom($add_days) . " day) as next_appt_day from form_encounter " . " where form_encounter.pid = ?";
 $statement = sqlStatement($query, array($iter["pid"]));
 if ($results = sqlFetchArray($statement)) {
     $last_date_seen = $results['mydate'];
     $day_diff = $results['day_diff'];
     $next_appt_date = $results['next_appt_day'] . ', ' . $results['next_appt'];
 //calculate count of encounters by distinct billing dates with cpt4
 $query = "select count(distinct date) as encounter_count " . " from billing " . " where code_type not like 'COPAY' and activity = 1 " . " and pid = ?";
 $statement = sqlStatement($query, array($iter["pid"]));
 if ($results = sqlFetchArray($statement)) {
     $encounter_count_billed = $results['encounter_count'];
 // calculate count of encounters, regardless of billing
 $query = "select count(date) as encounter_count " . " from form_encounter where " . " pid = ?";
Пример #29
function getQRDAPatientNeedInfo($patArr)
    //Defining Array elements
    $genderArr = array();
    $genderArr['Male'] = 0;
    $genderArr['Female'] = 0;
    $genderArr['Unknown'] = 0;
    $raceArr = array();
    $raceArr['American Indian or Alaska Native'] = 0;
    $raceArr['Asian'] = 0;
    $raceArr['Black or African American'] = 0;
    $raceArr['Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander'] = 0;
    $raceArr['White'] = 0;
    $raceArr['Other'] = 0;
    $ethincityArr = array();
    $ethincityArr['Not Hispanic or Latino'] = 0;
    $ethincityArr['Hispanic or Latino'] = 0;
    $mainArr = array();
    if (count($patArr) > 0) {
        $patRes = sqlStatement("SELECT pid, sex, race, ethnicity FROM patient_data WHERE pid IN (" . add_escape_custom(implode(",", $patArr)) . ")");
        while ($patRow = sqlFetchArray($patRes)) {
            //Gender Collection
            if ($patRow['sex'] == "Male") {
            } else {
                if ($patRow['sex'] == "Female") {
                } else {
            //Race Section
            if ($patRow['race'] == "amer_ind_or_alaska_native") {
                $raceArr['American Indian or Alaska Native']++;
            } else {
                if ($patRow['race'] == "Asian") {
                } else {
                    if ($patRow['race'] == "black_or_afri_amer") {
                        $raceArr['Black or African American']++;
                    } else {
                        if ($patRow['race'] == "native_hawai_or_pac_island") {
                            $raceArr['Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander']++;
                        } else {
                            if ($patRow['race'] == "white") {
                            } else {
                                if ($patRow['race'] == "Asian_Pacific_Island") {
                                } else {
                                    if ($patRow['race'] == "Black_not_of_Hispan") {
                                    } else {
                                        if ($patRow['race'] == "Hispanic") {
                                        } else {
                                            if ($patRow['race'] == "White_not_of_Hispan") {
                                            } else {
            if ($patRow['ethnicity'] == "hisp_or_latin") {
                $ethincityArr['Hispanic or Latino']++;
            } else {
                if ($patRow['ethnicity'] == "not_hisp_or_latin") {
                    $ethincityArr['Not Hispanic or Latino']++;
    $mainArr['gender'] = $genderArr;
    $mainArr['race'] = $raceArr;
    $mainArr['ethnicity'] = $ethincityArr;
    return $mainArr;
Пример #30
 * Lookup Code Descriptions for one or more billing codes.
 * Function is able to lookup code descriptions from a variety of code sets. See the 'external'
 * items in the comments at top of this page for a listing of the code sets supported.
 * @param  string $codes  Is of the form "type:code;type:code; etc.".
 * @param  string $desc_detail Can choose either the normal description('code_text') or the brief description('code_text_short').
 * @return string         Is of the form "description;description; etc.".
function lookup_code_descriptions($codes, $desc_detail = "code_text")
    global $code_types, $code_external_tables;
    // ensure $desc_detail is set properly
    if ($desc_detail != "code_text" && $desc_detail != "code_text_short") {
        $desc_detail = "code_text";
    $code_text = '';
    if (!empty($codes)) {
        $relcodes = explode(';', $codes);
        foreach ($relcodes as $codestring) {
            if ($codestring === '') {
            list($codetype, $code) = explode(':', $codestring);
            $table_id = $code_types[$codetype]['external'];
            if (isset($code_external_tables[$table_id])) {
                $table_info = $code_external_tables[$table_id];
                $table_name = $table_info[EXT_TABLE_NAME];
                $code_col = $table_info[EXT_COL_CODE];
                $desc_col = $table_info[DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION] == "" ? $table_info[EXT_COL_DESCRIPTION] : $table_info[DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION];
                $desc_col_short = $table_info[DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION] == "" ? $table_info[EXT_COL_DESCRIPTION_BRIEF] : $table_info[DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION];
                $sqlArray = array();
                $sql = "SELECT " . $desc_col . " as code_text," . $desc_col_short . " as code_text_short FROM " . $table_name;
                // include the "JOINS" so that we get the preferred term instead of the FullySpecifiedName when appropriate.
                foreach ($table_info[EXT_JOINS] as $join_info) {
                    $join_table = $join_info[JOIN_TABLE];
                    $check_table = sqlQuery("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $join_table . "'");
                    if (empty($check_table)) {
                        HelpfulDie("Missing join table in code set search:" . $join_table);
                    $sql .= " INNER JOIN " . $join_table;
                    $sql .= " ON ";
                    $not_first = false;
                    foreach ($join_info[JOIN_FIELDS] as $field) {
                        if ($not_first) {
                            $sql .= " AND ";
                        $sql .= $field;
                        $not_first = true;
                $sql .= " WHERE ";
                // Start building up the WHERE clause
                // When using the external codes table, we have to filter by the code_type.  (All the other tables only contain one type)
                if ($table_id == 0) {
                    $sql .= " code_type = '" . add_escape_custom($code_types[$codetype]['id']) . "' AND ";
                // Specify the code in the query.
                $sql .= $table_name . "." . $code_col . "=? ";
                array_push($sqlArray, $code);
                // We need to include the filter clauses
                // For SNOMED and SNOMED-CT this ensures that we get the Preferred Term or the Fully Specified Term as appropriate
                // It also prevents returning "inactive" results
                foreach ($table_info[EXT_FILTER_CLAUSES] as $filter_clause) {
                    $sql .= " AND " . $filter_clause;
                // END building the WHERE CLAUSE
                if ($table_info[EXT_VERSION_ORDER]) {
                    $sql .= " ORDER BY " . $table_info[EXT_VERSION_ORDER];
                $sql .= " LIMIT 1";
                $crow = sqlQuery($sql, $sqlArray);
                if (!empty($crow[$desc_detail])) {
                    if ($code_text) {
                        $code_text .= '; ';
                    $code_text .= $crow[$desc_detail];
            } else {
                //using an external code that is not yet supported, so skip.
    return $code_text;