function _wpr_subscriptionforms_list() { global $wpdb; $tprefix = $wpdb->prefix; $query = "SELECT a.* FROM " . $tprefix . "wpr_subscription_form a, " . $tprefix . "wpr_newsletters b where;"; $forms = $wpdb->get_results($query); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Subscription Forms</h2> </div> <script> function selectAllFormsCheckBox(state) { jQuery(".forms_check").attr({ checked: state}); } </script> <ul style="padding:20px;"> <li>Click on <em>Create New Form</em> button below to create a new subscription form. To place the newly created subscription form in the sidebar of your blog, go to the <a href="widgets.php">Widgets section</a>. To place the subscription form in a separate page or another website, copy the generated HTML code for the form and paste the code it in your own HTML page. </ul> <form name="formslist" action="admin.php?page=wpresponder/subscriptionforms.php&action=delete" method="post"> <table class="widefat" style="margin: 10px; margin:10px 0px;;"> <thead> <tr> <th><input type="checkbox" name="selectall" value="1" onclick="selectAllFormsCheckBox(this.checked);" /></th> <th scope="col">Name</th> <th>Newsletter</th> <th>Follow-Up</th> <th>Blog Subscription</th> <th scope="col">Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <?php if (count($forms) > 0) { foreach ($forms as $form) { ?> <tr> <td align="center"width="20"><input type="checkbox" name="forms[]" class="forms_check" value="<?php echo $form->id; ?> " /></td> <td><?php echo $form->name; ?> </td> <td><a href="admin.php?page=wpresponder/subscribers.php&action=nmanage&nid=<?php echo $form->nid; ?> "> <?php $newsletter = _wpr_newsletter_get($form->nid); echo $newsletter->name; ?> </a></td> <td><?php switch ($form->followup_type) { case 'postseries': $postseries = _wpr_postseries_get($form->followup_id); echo "Subscribe to the '" . $postseries->name . "' post series"; break; case 'autoresponder': $autoresponder = _wpr_autoresponder_get($form->followup_id); echo "Subscribe to the '" . $autoresponder->name . "' autoresponder."; break; case 'none': echo "None"; break; } ?> </td> <td><?php switch ($form->blogsubscription_type) { case 'cat': $category = get_category($form->blogsubscription_id); echo "Posts in the " . $category->name . " category"; break; case 'all': echo "All Blog Posts "; break; case 'none': echo "No blog subscription"; break; } ?> <td><a href="admin.php?page=wpresponder/subscriptionforms.php&action=edit&fid=<?php echo $form->id; ?> " class="button">Edit</a> <a href="admin.php?page=wpresponder/subscriptionforms.php&action=form&fid=<?php echo $form->id; ?> " class="button">Get Form HTML</a></td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <tr> <td colspan="10"><div align="center"><big>--No subscription forms defined. <a href="admin.php?page=wpresponder/subscriptionforms.php&action=create">Click here</a> to create one now--</big> </div></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </td></td> </table> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Delete Forms" class="button" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the selected subscription forms?');" /> <input type="button" onclick="window.location='admin.php?page=wpresponder/subscriptionforms.php&action=create';" class="button" value="Create New Form"> </form> <?php }
function wpr_mail_form($parameters = array(), $mode = "new", $error) { global $wpdb; ?> <style> .wrap label { font-family: Arial; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; } </style> <script> function Field(id,name,label) { = id; = name; this.label= label; } var ListOfFields = new Array(); <?php $query = "select id,name from " . $wpdb->prefix . "wpr_newsletters"; $newsletters = $wpdb->get_results($query); foreach ($newsletters as $newsletter) { $query = "select * from " . $wpdb->prefix . "wpr_custom_fields where nid=" . $newsletter->id; $fields = $wpdb->get_results($query); ?> ListOfFields['<?php echo $newsletter->id; ?> '] = new Array(); <?php foreach ($fields as $field) { ?> ListOfFields['<?php echo $newsletter->id; ?> '].push(new Field("<?php echo $field->id; ?> ","<?php echo $field->name; ?> ","<?php echo $field->label; ?> ")); <?php } } ?> function loadCustomFields(id) { var fieldList = ListOfFields[id]; var container = document.getElementById('custom_fields'); container.innerHTML='' var listItem = document.createElement("ol"); var item1 = document.createElement("li"); newItem = document.createElement("li"); newItem.innerHTML = "Enter <strong>[!name!]</strong> to substitute for Name."; listItem.appendChild(newItem); newItem = document.createElement("li"); newItem.innerHTML = "Enter <strong>[!email!]</strong> to substitute for E-Mail Address."; listItem.appendChild(newItem); var newItem; if (fieldList.length >0) { for (field in fieldList) { newItem = document.createElement("li"); newItem.innerHTML = "Enter <strong>[!"+fieldList[field].name+"!]</strong> to substitute for "+fieldList[field].label+"."; listItem.appendChild(newItem); } } container.appendChild(listItem); } /* * Functions for the preview email function. */ function wpr_GetNewsletter() { return document.mailForm.newsletter.value; } function wpr_GetSubject() { return document.mailForm.subject.value; } function wpr_GetHtmlBody() { return editor.getData(); } function wpr_GetTextBody() { return document.mailForm.body.value; } function wpr_GetWhetherHtmlEnabled() { return (document.mailForm.htmlenabled.checked)?1:0; } function showPreviewForm() { var nid = wpr_GetNewsletter(); if (!'<?php echo get_bloginfo("wpurl"); ?> /?wpr-admin-action=preview_email&nid='+nid,'previewWindow','width=500,height=500')) alert("Please disable your pop up blocker to see the preview email form."); } function previewEmail() { if (validateFieldValues()) showPreviewForm(); } </script> <div style="clear:both"></div> <blockquote> <div class="wrap"> <h2><?php echo $parameters->formtitle ? $parameters->formtitle : "New Mail"; ?> </h2> <?php if ($error) { ?> <div class="updated fade" style="background-color: rgb(255,241,204);"> <div style="color:red; font-weight:bold; display:inline"> Error: </div> <?php echo $error; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> " name="mailForm" method="post"> <table width="800" cellpadding="20" border="0" cellspacing="10"> <?php if (!isset($_GET['aid'])) { $query = "SELECT id,name from " . $wpdb->prefix . "wpr_newsletters"; $newsletters = $wpdb->get_results($query); ?> <tr> <td width="200"><label for="thenewsletter">Select A Newsletter:</label> <br> <small>Select the newsletter that receives this email broadcast.</small></td> <td width="474"><select style="width: 520px;" name="newsletter" id="thenewsletter" onchange="var davalue=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; loadCustomFields(davalue); newsletterChanged(davalue) "> <?php foreach ($newsletters as $newsletter) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $newsletter->id; ?> " <?php if ($parameters->nid == $newsletter->id) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> ><?php echo $newsletter->name; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select></td> </tr> <?php } else { $responder = _wpr_autoresponder_get($_GET['aid']); $newsletter = _wpr_newsletter_get($responder->nid); ?> <tr> <td width="200">Select A Newsletter: <p><small>Select the newsletter that receives this email.</td> <td width="474"><?php echo $newsletter->name; ?> </td> </tr> <input type="hidden" name="newsletter" id="thenewsletter" value="<?php echo $newsletter->id; ?> " /> <?php } ?> <tr> <td><label for="subject">Subject</label> <br> <small>Enter the subject of the email that your subscribers will receive</small></td> <td><input name="subject" value="<?php echo $parameters->subject; ?> " type="text" id="subject" size="70" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><label for="textbody">Text Body </label> <br /> <small>Enter the email to be shown to subscribers who read your email in a mail client that doesn't support HTML email. </small> <div style="float:right"><a href=""><img src="" /></a></div> <textarea name="body" id="textbody" cols="55" rows="20" wrap="hard"><?php echo $parameters->textbody; ?> </textarea> <br /> Hard breaks are inserted at the end of each line. </p> <h2>Custom Fields:</h2> <div id="custom_fields"> <?php if (isset($_GET['nid'])) { $fields = _wpr_newsletter_all_custom_fields_get($nid); if (count($fields)) { ?> Use the following placeholders to be substituted in the newsletter. <ul> <?php foreach ($fields as $field) { ?> <li><!<?php echo $field->name; ?> !> for <?php echo $field->label; ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } } ?> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="htmlenabled" id="htmlenabled" onchange="changeHTMLBodyFieldsAvailability(this.checked,'htmlbodyfields');" <?php if ($parameters->htmlenabled == 1) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <label for="htmlenable">Enable HTML Body</label> <br /> <div id="htmlbodyfields"> <small>Check/uncheck this checkbox to enable or disable the HTML body of the email. When disabled only the text body will be sent.</small><br/> <br/> <?php CreateNewTemplateSwitcherButton("editor", "htmlbody"); ?> <label for="htmlbody">Enter the HTML Body Of The Email:</label> <br> <small>When HTML is enabled, most of your subscribers will see only the content in this body when they open the email. If you don't enter a HTML body the email will be sent as text email. <div id="htmlwrapper"> <textarea name="htmlbody" id="htmlbody" rows="20" cols="90"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($parameters->htmlbody); ?> </textarea> </div> <input type="button" value="Disable WYSIWYG Editor" onclick="toggleHTML();this.value=(editorExists)?'Disable WYSIWYG Editor':'Enable WYSIWYG Editor';"> </div> <br/> </div> </td> </tr> <?php if ($mode == "new") { $theminute = date("i", $parameters->time); $thehour = date("H", $parameters->time); if ($parameters->time) { $date = date("m/d/Y", $parameters->time); } ?> <tr> <td>Send At: </td> <td><?php if (empty($parameters->time)) { ?> <input name="whentosend" <?php if ($parameters->whentosend == "now") { echo "checked=\"checked\""; } ?> type="radio" id="sendnow" value="now" checked="checked" /> <label for="sendnow"> Immediately </label> (Now)<br /> <input type="radio" <?php if ($parameters->whentosend == "date") { echo "checked=\"checked\""; } ?> name="whentosend" id="sendattime" value="date" /> <label for="sendattime"> <?php } ?> On <input type="text" name="date" id="date" value="<?php echo $date; ?> "> </label> at <select name="hour" id="hour" onfocus="document.getElementById('sendattime').checked=true;"> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { $hour = sprintf("%'02d", $i); ?> <option><?php echo $hour; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> : <select name="minute" id="minute"> <option value="0">00</option> <option value="30">30</option> </select> Hrs<br/> Date format: mm/dd/yyyy <div style="background-color: #fefefe; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc;"> The e-mail will delivered as per your local time. Your timezone has been detected to be:<br /> <strong> <input type="hidden" name="timezoneoffset" id="timezonefield" value="0" /> <script> var thedate = new Date(); var theoffset = thedate.getTimezoneOffset(); var theoffset = theoffset *60; var theDirection = (theoffset<0)?1:0; theoffset = (theoffset<0)?-theoffset:theoffset; var theHours = Math.floor(theoffset/3600); var theMinutes = ((theoffset%3600)/3600)*60; var theSymbol = (theDirection==1)?"+":"-"; document.write("GMT "+theSymbol+" "+theHours+" hours and "+theMinutes+" minutes"); document.getElementById('timezonefield').value=(-theoffset); var theBroadcastTime = <?php if (empty($parameters->time)) { echo time() + 3600; } else { echo $parameters->time; } ?> ; theBroadcastTime *= 1000; function setTheTime() { var theDate = new Date(); if (theBroadcastTime ==0) return false; theDate.setTime(theBroadcastTime); var month = (theDate.getMonth()+1).toString(); //add a zero if the month is a single digit. if (month.length==1) { month = "0"+month; } var date = theDate.getDate().toString(); date = (date.length==1)?"0"+date:date; var year = theDate.getFullYear(); theFullDate = month+"/"+date+"/"+year; document.getElementById('date').value = theFullDate; whichHour = theDate.getHours().toString(); if (whichHour.length==1) { whichHour = "0"+whichHour; } hourField = document.getElementById('hour') var size = hourField.options.length; for (var curr=0; curr<size;curr++) { if (hourField.options[curr].value==whichHour) { hourField.selectedIndex=curr; break; } } whichMinute = theDate.getMinutes(); whichMinute = (whichMinute/3600==0)?0:30; minuteField = document.getElementById('minute') var size = minuteField.options.length; for (var curr=0; curr<size;curr++) { if (minuteField.options[curr].value==whichMinute) { minuteField.selectedIndex=curr; break; } } } setTheTime(); function setActualTime() { var theFullDate = document.getElementById('date').value; var theDateParts = theFullDate.split("/"); var themonth = theDateParts[0]; var thedate = theDateParts[1]; var theyear = theDateParts[2]; var theHour = document.getElementById('hour').options[document.getElementById('hour').selectedIndex].value; var theMinute = document.getElementById('minute').options[document.getElementById('minute').selectedIndex].value; themonth = themonth.replace(/^0/,''); thedate = thedate.replace(/^0/,''); theHour = theHour.replace(/^0/,''); month= parseInt(themonth); thedate = parseInt(thedate); var goDate = new Date(); thedate = parseInt(thedate); goDate.setDate(thedate); goDate.setYear(theyear); month=parseInt(themonth); month -=1; goDate.setMonth(month); theMinute = parseInt(theMinute); goDate.setMinutes(theMinute); theHour = parseInt(theHour); goDate.setHours(theHour); goDate.setSeconds(0); var utcStamp = goDate.getTime(); var utcStamp = utcStamp/1000; // utcStamp += theoffset; utcStamp = Math.floor(utcStamp); document.getElementById('actualTime').value= utcStamp.toString(); } function getCurrentUTCTime() { var theDate = new Date(); var theTime = theDate.getTime(); theTime = Math.floor(theTime/1000); return (theTime); } function validateTheForm() { //if the broadcast is scheduled to go out at a later time. if (document.getElementById('sendattime').checked==true) { currentTime = getCurrentUTCTime(); scheduledTime = parseInt(document.getElementById('actualTime').value); if (currentTime > scheduledTime) { alert('You cannot schedule a mailout to go out in the past. Please select a time in the future.'); return false; } } if (!validateFieldValues()) { return false; } return true; } window.setInterval('setActualTime()',1); </script> </strong> <input type="hidden" name="actualTime" value="0" id="actualTime" /> <br /> </div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { //jQuery("#date").datepicker({ minDate: 0}); }); function changeHTMLBodyFieldsAvailability(field,nameOfTheDivToHide) { if (!field) { document.getElementById(nameOfTheDivToHide).style.display = "none"; } else { document.getElementById(nameOfTheDivToHide).style.display="inline"; } } var editorExists=false; var editor; function toggleHTML() { if (editorExists) { var html = editor.getData(); editor.destroy(); editorExists=false; var textElement = document.createElement("textarea"); } else { var element = document.getElementById("htmlbody"); editor = CKEDITOR.replace("htmlbody",{ skin: 'moono', toolbar : [ ['Source','Maximize','ShowBlocks','-','Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Undo','Redo','-','Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','RemoveFormat'], '/', ['Bold', 'Italic','Underline','Strike', '-', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList','-','Subscript','Superscript','-','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock', '-','Outdent','Indent','Blockquote','-', 'Link','Image','SpellChecker'],['Link','Unlink','Anchor',], '/', ['Format','Font','FontSize','TextColor','BGColor','-','-','Table','CreateDiv'], ] }); editorExists=true; } } function setVisibilityOfHTMLFields() { changeHTMLBodyFieldsAvailability(document.getElementById('htmlenabled').checked,'htmlbodyfields'); } setVisibilityOfHTMLFields(); toggleHTML(); </script></td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <tr> <td>Send On<br /> <small>0 for immediately after subscribing</small></td> <td><label for="select2"></label> <label for="textfield2"></label> <input name="sequence" type="text" id="textfield2" size="4" maxlength="3" value="<?php echo (int) $parameters->sequence; ?> " /> <label for="radio3"> Days </label> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { //jQuery("#date").datepicker({ minDate: 0}); }); function changeHTMLBodyFieldsAvailability(field,nameOfTheDivToHide) { if (!field) { document.getElementById(nameOfTheDivToHide).style.display = "none"; } else { document.getElementById(nameOfTheDivToHide).style.display="inline"; } } var editorExists=false; var editor; function toggleHTML() { if (editorExists) { var html = editor.getData(); editor.destroy(); editorExists=false; var textElement = document.createElement("textarea"); } else { var element = document.getElementById("htmlbody"); editor = CKEDITOR.replace("htmlbody",{ toolbar : [ ['Source','-','Undo','Redo','-','Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','RemoveFormat','-','NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','Blockquote'],['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock'],['Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Link','Image'], '/', ['Styles', 'Format','Font','FontSize','-','Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Table'], ] }); editorExists=true; } } function setVisibilityOfHTMLFields() { changeHTMLBodyFieldsAvailability(document.getElementById('htmlenabled').checked,'htmlbodyfields'); } setVisibilityOfHTMLFields(); toggleHTML(); </script></td> </tr> <?php printTheJavascript(); } ?> <?php if ($mode == "new") { ?> <tr> <td colspan="3"><br /> <input type="hidden" name="mid" value="<?php echo $parameters->id; ?> " /> <br /></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"><label for="button"></label> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" onclick="return validateTheForm();" name="button" id="button" value="<?php echo $parameters->buttontext ? $parameters->buttontext : "Send Message"; ?> "/> <input type="button" name="PreviewEmailButton" onclick="wpr_GetHtmlBody();previewEmail()" value="Preview This Email" class="button-primary"></td> </tr> <script> function validateFieldValues() { var errors = new Array(); //the subject must be mentioned subject = trim(document.getElementById('subject').value); count=0; if (subject.length== 0) { errors[count++] = "- Subject is empty. A Subject is mandatory for a broadcast"; } //the text body must be mentioned textbody = trim(document.getElementById('textbody').value); if (textbody.length==0) { errors[count++] = "- Text body field is empty. A text body is mandatory for a broadcast."; } htmlbody = trim(editor.getData()); if (document.getElementById('htmlenabled').checked==true && htmlbody.length==0) { errors[count++] = "- HTML body is enabled but the HTML Body has not filled out."; } if (errors.length > 0) { var message = "Some errors were found in the form: \n\n"+ errors.join("\n"); alert(message); return false; } //if the html body is emabled, the html bdoy should have some text. return true; } function trim(stringToTrim) { stringToTrim = stringToTrim.toString(); return stringToTrim.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); } function ltrim(stringToTrim) { return stringToTrim.replace(/^\s+/,""); } function rtrim(stringToTrim) { return stringToTrim.replace(/\s+$/,""); } function getCurrentNewsletter() { newsletter = document.getElementById('thenewsletter'); var nid = newsletter.options[newsletter.selectedIndex].value; return nid; } jQuery(document).ready( function () { var ele = document.getElementById('thenewsletter') if (ele.tagName == "SELECT") { var id = ele.options[document.getElementById('thenewsletter').selectedIndex].value } else { var id = ele.value; } loadCustomFields(id) } ); </script> </table> </form> </blockquote> <?php }
function _wpr_manage_responder_list() { global $wpdb; $id = $_GET['aid']; $responder = _wpr_autoresponder_get($id); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "wpr_autoresponder_messages where aid=" . $id . " order by sequence"; $messages = $wpdb->get_results($query); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>'<?php echo $responder->name; ?> ' Follow Up Messages</h2></div> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th>Subject</th> <th>Sequence</th> <th>Action</th> </tr> </thead> <?php foreach ($messages as $message) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($message->subject); ?> </td> <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($message->sequence); ?> </td> <td><a href="admin.php?page=wpresponder/autoresponder.php&action=manage&mact=edit&aid=<?php echo $_GET['aid']; ?> &id=<?php echo $message->id; ?> " class="button">Edit</a> <a href="admin.php?page=wpresponder/autoresponder.php&action=manage&mact=delete&aid=<?php echo $_GET['aid']; ?> &id=<?php echo $message->id; ?> " class="button">Delete</a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <a href="admin.php?page=wpresponder/autoresponder.php" class="button">« Back To Autoresponders</a> <input type="button" value="Add Message" onclick="window.location='admin.php?page=wpresponder/autoresponder.php&action=manage&mact=create&aid=<?php echo $_GET['aid']; ?> '" class="button" /> <?php }