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pie Library

A very light weight PHP library to handle routing, controller management, SQL + memcache, and logging.

How To Use

Require pie Library


Create Bootstrap

In your index.php file, you will require something similar to the following:


// set up loader

// set up configurations
Config::set('console.filePath', '/path/to/my/application/logs/server.' . date('Ymd') . '.log');
Config::set('console.noClient', false);
Config::set('console.verbose', false);
Config::set('controllerPath', '/path/to/my/application/controller/');

// set up logger
Console::setup(Config::get('console.filePath'), Config::get('console.noClient'), Config::get('console.verbose'));

// set up and run router
$router = new Router();

// set URI prefix: The URI parser will assume that every URI starts with the given prefix

// add reroute
$router->addReroute('/', '/test/index');

// error handling reroute
$router->addErrorReroute(404, '/error/notfound');

// start the app


These classes will be included when you you pie library.


A static class to handle include.

Static Methods

::setRootPath($path [string])

Set a root path for Loader to use as the root path.


Static method to load a PHP source code.



Static method to return the root path for Loader.


A static class to handle setting and getting configuration values across the application.

Static Methods

::set($name [string], $value [mixed])
::get($name [string])

Returns the value of configuration by its name set by .set().


A router class to handle routing.


::redirect($uri [string], $statusCode [*number])

A static method to redirect.


Router::redirect('/redirect/here/', 301);
->setTrailingSlash($enable [boolean])

Enable/Disable enforced trailing slash in URL.

->setControllerPath($path [string])

Set controller directory path where all controllers are.

->addReroute($from [string], $to [$to])

Adds a rerouting path.


$router->addReroute('/', '/reroute/here/');

The above example will reroute / to /reroute/here/.

->addErrorReroute($code [number], $controllerName)

Assign a URI to a specific error code such as 404.

$router->addErrorReroute(404, '/error/notfound/');

The above example will execute /error/notfound/ on every 404 error.

->addRequestHook($uri [string], $funcName [string], $class [*mixed])

Registers a callback function on specified URI given by $uri.

The registered callback will be called on every matching request.

NOTE 1: The callback MUST return HTTP status code for an error.

If there is no error in the hook, you may return 200 or execute some functions.


$router->addReuqestHook('/test/index/', 'myMethod', 'myRequestHookHandlerClass');

class myRequestHookHandlerClass {
	public static function myMethod($request, $response) {
		// check session
		if (/* no session */) {
			return 403;
		// there is a session


NOTE 2: The hooks that are added to controller ONLY will be executed for all requests with the same controller.


$router->addRequestHook('/example/', 'myHook');
// the above will be exected on:


A static class for logging both on server and client (browser).

Static Methods

::setup($filePath [*string], $noClient [*boolean], $verbose [*boolean])

Set up Console class.


If given, Console will be logging to the path given on the server.


If false, Console will not be logging in console of browser.

Default value is false.


If false Console will not output log, but warn and error only.

Default value is true.

::create($name [*string])

Returns an instance of ConsoleCore object for logging.


Console::init('/logging/path/', true);
$console = Console::create();


NOTE: Console will catch uncaught exceptions and log the error automatically


pie library handles each request by a cooresponding controller.

For example a URL /example/index will be executing a controller class in controller/example/index.class.php.

How To Create A Controller Class

First, you must set a controller path as shown below:

$router = new Router();

You will then define a URI by creating a controller directory and a method file in it:

# Define controller 'example'
mkdir path/to/my/controller/example
# A controller method called index

Controller Class

A controller must be a valid PHP class such as:


class Controller {

	public function __construct() {

	public function GET($request, $response, $params) {



The public method GET will handle GET /example/index.

The class name MUST be Controller.

Each controller method will have 3 arguments:


$request is an instance of a Request class.

->getData($dataName [string])

Returns a matching request data of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE


Returns a map of all request data of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE

->getHeader($name [string])

Returns a matching request header.


Returns all request headers.

->assign($name [string], $value [mixed])

Assigns variables to be used in response output.

->html($source [string], $statusCode [*number])

If $source is a path to a template file, it will load it and output its content.

If $source is a string value, it will output as it is.

->json($statusCode [*number])

Outputs assigned variables (by .assign()) as a JSON string.

->redirect($uri [string], $statusCode [*number])

Redirects to the given $uri with given status code.

If status code is not given, it will default to '301'.


An array of URL parameters.



$params = array(


A static class to output "assigned" values on controllers to templates.

Static Methods

::get($assignedName [string])

Returns a value assigned by $response->assign().


// in your controller
$response->assign('boo', 'Boo');
<!-- in your HTML template -->
<?= Data::get('boo') ?>


pie library comes with a very simple SQL + Memcache class.

How To Setup DataSource

We need to properly setup DataSource.

NOTE: DataSource supports both mysql and pgsql.

// this creates a data model
// this is how you access the created data model anywhere in your application
$model = DataSource::get('myModel');
// ttl of cache to be 60000ms
$model->setupCache('localhost', 11211, 60000);
$model->setupMaster('mysql', 'localhost', 'myDBName', 'myUser', 'myPassword');
// typically slave would have different configurations than master
$model->setupSlave('mysql', 'localhost', 'myDBName', 'myUser', 'myPassword');

Handling SQL

With DataSource, we have data model.

$myModel = DataSource::get('myModel');

DataSource Class

Static Methods

::create(dataModelName [string])

Create a new instance of a data model to access SQL.

::get(dataModelName [string])

Return an instance of a data model created by ::create().

$model = DataSource::get('myDataModel');

Model Class

This class is to handle SQL queries and memchache.


->setupCache($host [string], $port [number], $ttl [number])

Setup memcache connection and TTL (it is in seconds).


Disable memcache.

->setupMaster($type [string], $host [string], $dbName [string], $user [string], $password [string])

Setup SQL master connection.

$type = 'mysql' or 'pqsql'
->setupSlave($type [string], $host [string], $dbName [string], $user [string], $password [string])

Setup SQL slave connection.

$type = 'mysql' or 'pqsql'
->read($sql [string], $params [*array])

Returns the results of the query.

This method reads from slave.

Memcache is used.

->readForWrite($sql [string], $params [*array]);

Returns the results of the query.

This method reads from master.

Memcache is NOT used.

->write($sql [string], $params [*array])

Executes the query on master with auto-rollback on an exception error if in transaction.

Updates memcache time.


Starts a transaction.


Commits transactioned queries.


Rolls back transactioned queries.

Uid Class

A static class to create a unique ID.

The ID is a string.

$uid = Uid::create();

Static Methods


Returns a unique ID string.

Encrypt Class

A static class to create a hash and validates.

Useful for secure password validation.

$pass = 'secret';
$hash = Encrypt::createHash($pass);
$validated = Encrypt::validateHash($pass, $hash);

Static Methods

::createHash($password [string])

Returns a hash of a given argument $password.

::validateHash($password [string], $hash [string])

Validates hash and a given argument $password and returns a boolean.

Session Class

A static class to handle session

Static Methods

::setup($domain [string], $prefix [string], $host [string], $port [number], $ttl [number])

$ttl in seconds.

::set($value [mixed])

ExceptionHandler Class

A static class to resiter and handle uncaught exceptions.

Static Methods

::add($func [string], $class [*mixed])


A light weight router, memcache + SQL handling, and session management library.






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