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DPS Documentation MVC Website

The DPS Documentation MVC sample website is a C# MVC 4 solution including route definition, controllers and views configured to render DPS converted HTML content from an Azure Storage account. These content is converted from Markdown documents stored within a GIT repository which was migrated using ReverseMarkdown from the website.


Content repository

  • The content repository contains all Markdown documentation files migrated from the website.
  • A custom folder structure is allowed for organization purposes; this do not impact the publishing process. However, structure is flatten by DPS so filenames should be unique.
  • Article images are also uploaded to the repository and each article includes its accompanying media file within its own subfolder.
  • Additional metadata is included as part of the documents, this is used and validated by DPS and stored as Blob properties.
  • A special document was created to render the left nav TOC on each article. It currently contains some placeholder metadata that will be removed in the future.
  • Changing or adding article content is made by editing or adding new Markdown files to the repository.
Articles Table of Contents
repository articles repository TOC

VSCOM-Pilot Website (source code)

  • Heavy design pages, layout and style assets (CSS + images) are part of the C# MVC solution. This solution can be simply published to any Azure Website using the Visual Studio tooling or Azure Websites Source Control Integration feature.
  • The Documentation controller and its views contains logic to render DPS converted articles.
  • The web.config contains the Azure Storage account connection string and the container where the converted articles are stored. A DPS specific versioning schema is used to maintain a publishing history.
  • Changing or adding design pages to the website is made by editing or adding new cshtml Razor views to the MVC solution.
Design Views Documentation
design views documentation

Website Article

website article

DPS Configuration

  • DPS Configurations consist of settings used to retrieve content from a GIT repository, convert and process Markdown documents into HTML content and upload the result to Azure Blob Storage.
  • Some additional features are available: Validations, Repository tagging, Notifications, Continuous Publishing, CDN media.

DPS Configuration

Azure Storage Account

  • Markdown articles are processed by DPS and uploaded to Azure Blob Storage. This is configured in DPS Job Configuration tab.
  • The MVC Website and the Azure Storage account are connected together using the Articles' connection string and container settings in the web.config file.


Azure Storage


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