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ITC Bundle

CODE Reflection,UML Modelingm & Manipulations Library with generators.


Code reflections console tools. Console Tools for code.

Code Reflections commands:

reflection:bundles             ITCloud Reflection Bundles
reflection:classes             ITCloud Reflection Classes
reflection:classes:attr        ITCloud Reflection Classes Attributes
reflection:files               ITCloud Reflection Files
reflection:namespaces          ITCloud Reflection Namespaces
reflection:operations          ITCloud Reflection Classes Operations
reflection:operations:attr     ITCloud Reflection Classes Operations Attributes

<command> [options] [--] [<src>]...
          src                                                     PHP Source directory [default: ["src/","app/","tests/"]]
          -h, --help                                              Display this help message
          -q, --quiet                                             Do not output any message
          -V, --version                                           Display this application version
              --ansi                                              Force ANSI output
              --no-ansi                                           Disable ANSI output
          -n, --no-interaction                                    Do not ask any interactive question
          -e, --env=ENV                                           The Environment name. [default: "dev"]
              --no-debug                                          Switches off debug mode.
          -bs, --bootstrap[=BOOTSTRAP]                            PHP Boostrap File.
          -an, --attributeName[=ATTRIBUTENAME]                    Attributes name, e.g. '^myPrefix|mySuffix$', regular expression allowed.
          -df, --ignoreDotFiles[=IGNOREDOTFILES]                  Ignore DOT files. [default: true]
          -on, --operationName[=OPERATIONNAME]                    Operations name, e.g. '^myPrefix|mySuffix$', regular expression allowed.
          -oa, --operationAttributeName[=OPERATIONATTRIBUTENAME]  Operations Attributes name, e.g. '^myPrefix|mySuffix$', regular expression allowed.
          -ac, --accessibility[=ACCESSIBILITY]                    Operations and attributes accessibility: protected, public, private.
          -pc, --parentClass=PARENTCLASS                          Parent Class Name, e.g 'My\Class' (multiple values allowed)
          -fs, --fileSuffix[=FILESUFFIX]                          File suffixes for given src, default all and not dot files. [default: "*.php"]
          -fl, --followLinks[=FOLLOWLINKS]                        Follows links. [default: false]
          -ii, --is-interface=IS-INTERFACE                        Reflect Interfaces Objects Only, possible values are (true|false).
          -it, --is-trait=IS-TRAIT                                Reflect Traits Objects Only, possible values are (true|false).
          -ib, --is-abstract-class=IS-ABSTRACT-CLASS              Reflect Abstract Classes Only, possible values are (true|false).
          -if, --is-final=IS-FINAL                                Reflect Final Classes Only, possible values are (true|false).
          -ia, --is-abstract=IS-ABSTRACT                          Reflect Abstract Classes Only, possible values are (true|false).
          -ip, --is-private=IS-PRIVATE                            Reflect Private Operations or Attributes, possible values are (true|false).
          -id, --is-protected=IS-PROTECTED                        Reflect Protected Operations or Attributes, possible values are (true|false).
          -ic, --is-public=IS-PUBLIC                              Reflect Public Operations or Attributes, possible values are (true|false).
          -is, --is-static=IS-STATIC                              Reflect Static Operations or Attributes, possible values are (true|false).
          -imi, --implements-interface=IMPLEMENTS-INTERFACE       Reflect Abstract Classes Only. (multiple values allowed)
          -ed, --exclude=EXCLUDE                                  Exclude Directory from source (multiple values allowed)
          -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                                    Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

UML Code Modeling

Internal UML Models structure. Import, export to XMI from given reflection.

Code Manipulation

From Internal UML Models gives ability to manipulate with given code.



Fixes Annotations.
