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A web-based app to ingest, queue, and deliver incoming http requests to a specified endpoint.

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Postback Delivery

Postback Delivery is a web-based app that ingests, queues, and delivers incoming http requests. All of the code has been developed and maintained by Mark Wunsch.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation/Configuration
  2. Usage
  3. Components
  4. Future Work


Everything you should need to get this web app installed and functional on a new system.

Technology Stack

  1. Ubuntu
  2. Apache2
  3. PHP
  4. phpredis
  5. Redis
  6. Redigo
  7. GO


The following commands were used to install the necessary software on an already existing instance of Ubuntu:


apt-get install gcc


apt-get install apache2


apt-get install php5 php5-dev libapache2-mod-php5


tar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gz
cd redis-stable
cd deps
make hiredis jemalloc linenoise lua
cd ..
make && make install
cd utils
./ (this will cause redis-server to start on boot)

phpredis (after downloading source from github)

make && make install

GO (might only work on newer versions of Ubuntu)

apt-get install golang


go get



Add 'ingest.php' to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf

Run "a2enmod rewrite" command to enable mod_rewrite

Add the following to .htaccess file in site's directory root:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond ${REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond ${REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /ingest.php [L]

In /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, set "AllowOverride" to "all"

Update-rc.d apache2 defaults (this will make apache2 start on boot)


Add "" to php.ini file


Run the following commands:

export GOPATH=/root/go
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin

These variables can/should be added to ~/.bashrc

Add "/go/root/bin/DeliveryAgent &" to /etc/rc.local (Note: there is almost certainly a better way to run DeliveryAgent as a daemon, but this will for now)


Data Flow

  1. Web request to or >
  2. Ingestion Agent (php) >
  3. Delivery Queue (redis) >
  4. Delivery Agent (GO) >
  5. Web response >
  6. Response logged in /var/log/DeliveryAgent/postback_log.txt and/or /var/log/DeliveryAgent/error.txt (Note: log names are congfigurable in DeliveryAgent.go)

Sample Request

(POST) http://{server_ip}/ingest.php

Sample Response

Test Case

  • can be used to execute a very simple test of the Postback Delivery.


Ingestion Agent

The Ingestion Agent consists of the following components:

  • ingest.php
    • This file accepts the incoming web request and intializes a new endpointRequest with the contents of the request.
  • endpointRequest.php
    • This class is the main worker for the ingestion agent. It creates a new dataRequest for each individual data item and handles the interaction with Redis.
  • dataRequest.php
    • This helper class keeps track of each individual data point from the original web request. One postback will be created for each dataRequest.

Delivery Queue

The delivery queue is created and maintained in an instance of Redis. It contains the following data structures:

  • Pending (List of UUIDs)
    • Maintains a list of all UUIDs, each of which corresponds with a unique postback request.
    • Utilized as a First-In, First-Out (FIFO) list though the use of "LPUSH" for adding and "RPOP" for retrieving.
  • Values (Hash)
    • UUID from Pending list can be hashed to retrieve that URL of the postback request.
    • "UUID:method" can be hashed to retrieve the method of the postback request.
  • Stats (Hash)
    • All time values stored in Stats are in milliseconds in Unix time.
    • "UUID:start" can be hashed to retrieve the time the postback request was received.
  • Working (Sorted Set)
    • When the delivery agent begins processing a postback request, that UUID is added to this set with the time it began processing.
    • If a postback request is succesfully handled by the delivery agent, its UUID will be removed from Working
    • If the delivery agent fails during the processing of a request, its UUID will remain on this list to be retrieved and reprocessed.
  • Delayed (Sorted Set) NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
    • This sorted set can be used to handle postback requests that are to be delivered after some configurable delay.
    • Moving a UUID from this set to Pending would begin the processing of that request.

Delivery Agent

The Delivery Agent is handled by DeliveryAgent.go (found at /root/go/src/DeliveryAgent/DeliveryAgent.go)

  • Infinite loop that constantly attempts to RPOP from a Redis list called Pending.
  • When a new postback request is found in the Redis data sets, DeliveryAgent.go executes an HTTP "GET" and logs the results.
  • Constants at the top of the file can be used to define the Redis connection, Redis data sets, and log file locations.
  • Request Time, Delivery Time, and Response Time are all logged in UTC Unix time (milliseconds)
    • Request Time comes from the Ingestion Agent and represents the time the response was received by ingest.php
    • Delivery Time comes from the Delivery Agent and represents the time that DeliveryAgent.go begins handling a postback request.
    • Response Time comes from the Delivery Agent and represents the time that the HTTP "GET" response was received.

Future Work

Planned Features

  • More comprehensive testing suite (currently just using hard-coded values in ingest_test.js)
  • Accept JSON encoded web requests (application/x-www-form-urlencoded currently used for simplicity and speed)
  • GO application to handle orphaned requests in Working Redis data structure.
  • Updating Delivery Agent and Ingestion Agent to handle "POST" requests as well
  • Add configurable delay to postback requests
  • Add configurable number of retry attempts on failed requests
  • Run DeliveryAgent as a daemon

Wish List

  • Visualization of postbacks in real-time
  • Application monitoring/profiling


A web-based app to ingest, queue, and deliver incoming http requests to a specified endpoint.






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