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What is this?

Catalogue is a film and television show catalogue listing website based upon the Silverstripe 3.x CMS framework.


I found my friends and I were purchasing the same movies and so to stop from over purchasing tv and movies, I built a catalogue to house all of our library and thus everyone could look at a media title first to find out a) if someone owns it and b) whom owns it.


Once signed into the Silverstripe framework, a user is given a simple form to fill out. This then saves the title to the database, of which then can be looked at further by connecting to the IMDB api. This pulls back a metadata about the title.


  1. Composer
  2. SilverStripe 3.x
  3. MySQL


  1. Create a new GitHub repository for your project
  2. Create your project in the appropriate directory composer create-project jareddreyer/catalogue mywebsitenamehere
  3. Update _ss_environment.php to reflect your environment details
  4. composer install to compile your PHP dependencies with Composer
  5. /dev/build?flush=all to build your SilverStripe environment

Example SQL

INSERT INTO Catalogue (`ID`, `ClassName`, `Created`, `LastEdited`, `Video_title`, `Video_type`, `imdbID`, `Genre`, `Keywords`, `Seasons`, `Status`, `Source`, `Quality`, `Owner`, `Comments`, `Poster`)
VALUES (1, 'Catalogue', '2014-03-18 22:03:08', '2014-03-18 22:03:08', 'Breaking Bad', 'TV',  'tt0903747', 'Drama | Crime', 'Drugs , Bryan Cranston', 'Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5', 'Downloaded', 'HDTV', '720p', '1', 'later seasons HDTV 720p', 'breakingBad.jpg');


2 configurations constants need to be set in /mysite/_config.php
Location to save Poster images:

define('POSTERSDIR', ASSETS_PATH.'/Posters/');

Location to save JSON metadata:

define('JSONDIR', ASSETS_PATH.'/Metadata/');


  • General
    • build listing script for people to create .csv listing of movies to add (working on it).
    • build mobile app with barcode scanner (for physical movie/tv copies) - Leon to build
    • check for duplicate movies added
    • Recently added section
    • Recently updated section
    • minify JPList CSS
    • minify JPList javascript
    • refactor CSS overrides
  • Search
    • Add tagging field to group titles if related e.g. for movie trilogies like "batman", "james bond", "xmen"
    • build search functionality
      • pagination
      • filtering
    • Added field to link to other user profile catalogues
    • fix genre not filtering results
  • IMDB metadata specific
    • check if IMDB metadata is old
      • save JSON result to local server
    • fix season links to IMDB
    • add IMDB ID field to insert/update form
    • and build cross reference checks to IMDB for metadata on movies that aren't labelled correctly
    • build ajax response to populate values from IMDB to database
  • Visual bugs
    • even out table column widths (OBSOLETE)
    • hide field text that is no necessary on movies e.g. "season(s):"
    • tidy up comments from database on the profile page
  • Insert Form
    • add trilogy field so titles can be related as a trilogy
    • allow editing of Source fields in edit mode of a title already in catalogue
    • get tagit "tags" for Seasons and Genre from DB so list doesn't become obsolete

Issues log

  • layout of login form is disrupted by recently added section [RESOLVED]
  • if user is not logged in they can still use routing to browse to catalogue-maintenance/$id and edit a title which then breaks the owner field in the catalogue table
  • code base would not work with 3.4 Silverstripe framework (issue with routing) [RESOLVED]
  • Member name on catalogue not changing to owner of catalogue
  • Count of catalogue is not done by video type, so reports incorrect if they have no films and 1 series on the film catalogue section and vice versa.
  • comments on the video profile page aren't being exploded properly, so delimiters are showing [RESOLVED]

Change log

all changes listed under