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Run: "bower install" to get dependencies Run: "gulp watch" while working to continue compiling assets

If you wish to add new dependencies, add them to both bower.json and gulpfile.js

Remember to run "bower install" fairly regularly, especially if things are rendering strangely. Many of these libraries are being updated all the time and we're adding in new things.

New files inside resources/css and public/app are automatically compiled

##Error Handling

Laravel can return error codes with specific error messages when a request to the API is deemed unsuccessful. We will generally want either 401 (not authenticated), 403 (access denied), or 500 (something went wrong).

In the Laravel controllers, if an error should be thrown, use Laravel's abort method. Example:

if(Auth::check()) {
	return $data;
else {
	abort(401, 'You are not logged in!');

More here and here

##Beginner's Guide to Installing/Setting up IserveU

Install Laravel Homestead or if you have a linux machine go through the install requirements for laravel.

Follow doc instructions and once you have your VM setup ssh into your machine (vagrant ssh), get into your root directory and run:

$ composer install
$ npm install --global gulp
$ npm install
$ bower install

###Problems With Node? Due to Node sucking you're probably finding that something went awry after "composer install". Let's just strip everything back to the basics on your server:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/include/node/ /usr/local/share/man/man1/node.1 ~/.npm
sudo unlink /usr/local/bin/npm
sudo apt-get remove nodejs
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get purge
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm
npm install -g npm gulp lodash

This pretty much straightens it out, if not checkout:

Now run

$ gulp
to make sure you've install everything correctly. It should run pretty well. If you get an error that asks you to "Try reinstalling node-sass" go into your command line and enter in:

rm -r node_modules/laravel-elixir/node_modules/gulp-sass

Now make sure you've added the IserveU database into your homestead.yaml, you can make sure that it's there by typing this into your command line (while ssh'd onto vagrant):

	$ mysql -uhomestead -p
	$ secret		// homestead's db password

You'll be entered in the mysql command line you can enter in "show databases;" to see that you're there.

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| homestead          |
| iserveu            |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

You can connect to the db through any interface, I've used MySQLWorkbench and the config for that is as follows:

SSH Hostname:
SSH Username: vagrant
SSH Password: vagrant
SSH Key File: /Users/yourname/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
MySQL Hostname:
MySQL Server Port: 3306
Username: homestead
Password: secret

After you've connected, go into Users and Privileges (under Server drop-down menu) and create a user that you've declared in your Homestead.yaml. In my case I used iserveu_user, and also used a select password for that (these are the same as in your .env of the project folder). Give this user all privileges. Then just seed the database.

$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan db:seed

You should be able to connect to your localhost and access IserveU.

##The API

/api/resource/ INDEX (get) Will return an index of the resource, if you are logged in it will return an indext that applies to you (your comments, your votes, motions with your votes)

/api/resource/create CREATE (get) Will check you can create a resource and returns the fields that you can submit in a store method, pointing out the value types expected and if they are required

/api/resource/store STORE (post) Does the initial store of a resource, returns the resource on success or will have an error if validation or permission failed

/api/resource/X SHOW (get) Will fetch this resource, if you are logged in it will get all the data you have permission for on this resouce (to populate the edit form/review)

/api/resource/X/edit EDIT (get) Will check you can edit this particular resource and returns the fields that you can submit in the update method, pointing out the value types expected, if they are required and if they are locked (locked fields can't be changed once being set)

/api/resource/X/ UPDATE (update) Does the store of the resource, takes updates with even just one field each time.

/api/resource/X DESTROY (delete) Deletes the record, sometimes soft deletes but if you run it twice it will delete it as far as it is able to


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eDemocracy Tool







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