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Buuum\App - Skeleton App


System Requirements

You need PHP >= 7.0 to use Buuum\App but the latest stable version of PHP is recommended.

Step 1 - Composer

Buuum is available on Packagist and can be installed using Composer:

composer create-project --prefer-dist buuum/app myapp

 Step 2

Initialize dependencies

npm install --save-dev
bower install -D

One time on computer

gem install compass
gem install haml
chmod -R a+rw temp log

 Grunt functions

Install bower plugins

grunt installplugins

Compile sass

grunt buildsass:[scope]

grunt buildsass:Web

Compile coffee

grunt buildcoffee:[scope]

grunt buildcoffee:Web

Compile haml

grunt buildhaml:[scope]

grunt buildhaml:Web

Compile all scope

grunt build:[scope]

grunt build:Web

Activate watcher

compile every change file on any scope automatic

grunt watch