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CodeIgniter Extended

I am a very big fan of CodeIgniter ! I love the way the framework handles everything. Except for languages :) It is nice to have all language lines inside an array but there is a much better way, the one I prefer, which is gettext.

This is why I added the PHP-GETTEXT Library replacing all core language lines with lines I added in a .po file that you can edit as you wish.

I also added Gas ORM 2 inside the system folder that you can call like so:

// Or simply autoload it instead of the database library

I also added the Uhoh MY_Exceptions.php file into "application/core/" folder.

I added MY_Config.php into application/core/ folder with a custom method get that you can call so : $this->config->get(...) ! This will use a DOT-NOTATION which allows you to have super multidimensional config file :) . i.e:

$config = array(
    'site' => array(
        'name' => 'Website',
        'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',

To echo the site name for instance, you just do:

// Make sure the config file is first loaded ;)
echo  $this->config->get('');  // Return: "Website"

You must have seen, as well, a MY_Lang.php file inside the application/core folder ! I simple edited the line() method so it can, AS WELL, use the dot-notation method. Example:

Let's suppose you have a language file 'main_lang.php' and that you loaded it.

$lang = array(
    'hello' => 'Hello, %s',
    'user_lives' => '%s lives in %s',   // We'll user it below
    'btn' => array(
        'home' => 'Home',
        'login' => 'Login',
        'Register' => 'Register',
    'form' => array(
        'label' => array(
            'username' => 'Username',
            'password' => 'Password',

// Do this :)
echo $this->lang->line('btn.home'); // Echos: "Home"

There is a cumstom MY_Language_helper.php inside application/helpers folder with custom functions: line() and _e()

line() Takes 3 arguments: line, args and default. If the line was not found, the "default" will be used, but to pass it, you need to set args to null

echo line('btn.home', null, 'Home'); // Echos: "Home"
_e('btn.home'); // Alias of the above function except that it echoes the line

// Using the line with args supplied
_e('hello', 'Kader', 'Hello, %s');
// Echoes "Hello, Kader"

_e('users_lives', array('Kader', 'Algeria'), '%s lives in %s');
// Echos "Kader lives in Algeria"

I also Included Bcrypt library and its helper (but you can use only the library)

echo $this->bcrypt->hash('PASSWORD'); // Salt can be passed as a second param
// To check the password
if ($this->bcrypt->check('PASSWORD', 'HASHED_PASSWORD')...

You can as well use the bcrypt helper I provided if you want:

echo hash_password('PASSWORD')
// ANd to check the password, always load the helper first, then:
if (check_password('PASSWORD', 'HASHED_PASSWORD')...

On this demo, the current language is automatically handled according to browser's supported language. It is stored in a session + cookie. You can change the language by clicking the links on the page.

Enjoy using it and I hope it may be at least useful :)


All licenses go to their respective owners (CodeIgniter, PHP-Gettext, Gas-ORM and Uhoh!)


CodeIgniter, php-gettext library, Twig, GasORM and more ...







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