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wordpress on vagrant

Running Vagrant

  1. Start with any local operating system such as Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows.
  2. Install VirtualBox 4.3.x
  3. Install Vagrant 1.7.x
    • vagrant will now be available as a command in your terminal, try it out.
    • Note: If Vagrant is already installed, use vagrant -v to check the version. You may want to consider upgrading if a much older version is in use.
  4. Install the vagrant-hostsupdater plugin with vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
    • Note: This step is not a requirement, though it does make the process of starting up a virtual machine nicer by automating the entries needed in your local machine's hosts file to access the provisioned VVV domains in your browser.
    • If you choose not to install this plugin, a manual entry should be added to your local hosts file that looks like this:
  5. Install the vagrant-triggers plugin with vagrant plugin install vagrant-triggers
    • Note: This step is not a requirement. When installed, it allows for various scripts to fire when issuing commands such as vagrant halt and vagrant destroy.
    • By default, if vagrant-triggers is installed, a db_backup script will run on halt, suspend, and destroy that backs up each database to a dbname.sql file in the {vvv}/database/backups/ directory. These will then be imported automatically if starting from scratch. Custom scripts can be added to override this default behavior.
    • If vagrant-triggers is not installed, VVV will not provide automated database backups.
  6. Clone or extract the Varying Vagrant Vagrants project into a local directory
    • download and extract the repository Accion Clima to a local directory on your computer.
  7. In a command prompt, change into the project directory with cd project-directory
  8. Start the Vagrant environment with vagrant up
    • Be patient as the magic happens. This could take a while on the first run as your local machine downloads the required files.
    • Watch as the script ends, as an administrator or su password may be required to properly modify the hosts file on your local machine.
  9. Visit any of the following default sites in your browser:


  1. If you get any problems getting the server running, try vagrant provision and try again.