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Control system for home brewery

A complete system that monitors and manages the temperature of a home brewery.


###Raspbian First of all you need Raspbian installed on your Raspberry Pi which you can easily do with NOOBS (New Out Of the Box Software).

Default user for Raspbian

User: pi

Password: raspberry

Apache & PHP

To install Apache which we are going to use as our webserver we need to write some lines in the terminal:

Installing apache and php: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5

Restarting apache: sudo service apache2 restart

Enter the IP-address of your raspberry in your web browser. If it works you should see the text “It works!”.


Write the following in the terminal to install sqlite: sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

To be able to communicate with sqlite through php: sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite

If you write sqlite3 it should be starting the command-line utility and that should indicate that sqlite is installed successfully.

To quit sqlite press ctrl+d or write “.quit”.


No external user should normally be able to access the usb-ports but in our case we have to make an exception to be able to communicate with the arduino through php. The user which will be used when you browse a website on your server is named www-data. To be able to communicate with the usb we have to add that user to the dialout group. We can easily do that with the following line in the terminal:

usermod -a -G dialout www-data

To see if www-data is added successfully to dialout, type the following: groups www-data

After that add the user Pi as the owner of the folder www sudo chown -R pi /var/www

To see if Pi is now the owner: ls -l /var/www

We also have to edit a file that decides who has permission for sudo: sudo visudo

Add www-data to sudoer with the following line: www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown

The reason we have to do this is to be able to shutdown the system through the website.

Adding the website

Next step is to add the website which you can get from our Github under path /website/:

The website should be placed under /var/www/

Script at startup

Copy the python-script found on Github to /home/pi

Then edit the rc.local file using this command: sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Then copy this following line at the end of the file: python3 /home/pi/

Optional: Sync Time

If you have a problem getting the right time from the raspberry you could add this lines also in the file rc.local using the same command as above.

time=$(wget$ echo "Time set to:" sudo date -s "echo $time"


To upload the code to the Arduino you will first have to import several libraries in your C:/Users/”user”/Documents/Arduino/libraries folder.

The libraries you need is the following and can also be found on Github under the path /Arduino/libraries/:

LiquidCrystal_I2C2004V1 OneWire Time dallas-temperature-control

You will also need to replace a core file to arduino because we need to change a value to be able to receive our message which would be too large otherwise. The file you need to replace is called “HardwareSerial.h” and you can find it under /Arduino/Arduino Cores/ on Github. The file should be placed in /Arduino/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino/


Control system for home brewery






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  • JavaScript 79.9%
  • C++ 10.8%
  • Processing 4.1%
  • PHP 2.4%
  • Other 1.7%
  • HTML 0.7%
  • Other 0.4%