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              CONTROLLER   <---  User
             /          \     
           MODEL        VIEW              
  • Quick summary: This project is a PHP MVC framework that has twitter bootstrap integrated into the views. The design includes hashing and encryption algorithms for security, as well as URL rewriting to hide the directory structure. For the Models, I am using PDO database drivers and prepared statements to guard against SQL injection attacks. I also am integrating JSON, Ajax, CSV, and PDF creation utilities.

  • Version # 1

How do I get set up?

1. Setup
    * Copy the folders, index.php, .htaccess, and web.config
    files to your server's root directory.
    * Rename .htaccess.txt to .htaccess
2. Configuration
    * enable url rewriting for your server software. For Apache,
3. Database configuration
   * you need to have the pdo driver that corresponds to your chosen 
   database. MySql is selected by default
4. System configuration
   * setup your passwords, your default settings in the /Config/config.php file.
   * For the email validation, password change, and user activation
   functionality, you need to sign up for Azure, and install the sendgrid
   service. This is a free service, and Azure membership is free
5. Route configuration
   * setup your default webpage in the index.php file in the route. this determines 
   what page is the default page to launch when the http address is entered in the 
   address bar

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests
  • Code review
  • Other guidelines

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin
  • Other community or team contact


This is my PHP MVC. I have created it as a means of fully understanding the MVC architecture and pattern






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