setDefaultValue() public method

Certain variables are difficult to express
public setDefaultValue ( null | boolean | string | integer | float | array | ValueGenerator $defaultValue ) : ParameterGenerator
$defaultValue null | boolean | string | integer | float | array | ValueGenerator
return ParameterGenerator
Exemplo n.º 1
 public function testGenerateIsCorrect()
     $parameterGenerator = new ParameterGenerator();
     $this->assertEquals('Foo $bar = 15', $parameterGenerator->generate());
     $this->assertEquals('Foo $bar = \'foo\'', $parameterGenerator->generate());
  * @param  ParameterReflection $reflectionParameter
  * @return ParameterGenerator
 public static function fromReflection(ParameterReflection $reflectionParameter)
     $param = new ParameterGenerator();
     if ($reflectionParameter->isArray()) {
     } elseif (method_exists($reflectionParameter, 'isCallable') && $reflectionParameter->isCallable()) {
     } else {
         $typeClass = $reflectionParameter->getClass();
         if ($typeClass) {
             $parameterType = $typeClass->getName();
             $currentNamespace = $reflectionParameter->getDeclaringClass()->getNamespaceName();
             if (!empty($currentNamespace) && substr($parameterType, 0, strlen($currentNamespace)) == $currentNamespace) {
                 $parameterType = substr($parameterType, strlen($currentNamespace) + 1);
             } else {
                 $parameterType = '\\' . trim($parameterType, '\\');
     if ($reflectionParameter->isOptional()) {
     return $param;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Creates a new {@link \bitExpert\Disco\Proxy\Configuration\MethodGenerator\GetParameter}.
  * @param ReflectionClass $originalClass
  * @param ParameterValuesProperty $parameterValueProperty
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct(ReflectionClass $originalClass, ParameterValuesProperty $parameterValueProperty)
     $propertyNameParameter = new ParameterGenerator('propertyName');
     $requiredParameter = new ParameterGenerator('required');
     $defaultValueParameter = new ParameterGenerator('defaultValue');
     $body = '$steps = explode(\'.\', $' . $propertyNameParameter->getName() . ');' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '$value = $this->' . $parameterValueProperty->getName() . ';' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '$currentPath = [];' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= 'foreach ($steps as $step) {' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '    $currentPath[] = $step;' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '    if (isset($value[$step])) {' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '        $value = $value[$step];' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '    } else {' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '        $value = $' . $defaultValueParameter->getName() . ';' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '        break;' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '    }' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= 'if ($' . $requiredParameter->getName() . ' && (null === $value)) {' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '    if (null === $' . $defaultValueParameter->getName() . ') {' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '        throw new \\RuntimeException(\'Parameter "\' .$' . $propertyNameParameter->getName() . '. \'" is required but not defined and no default value provided!\');' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '    }' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '    throw new \\RuntimeException(\'Parameter "\' .$' . $propertyNameParameter->getName() . '. \'" not defined!\');' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= 'return $value;' . PHP_EOL;
     * @param  ParameterReflection $reflectionParameter
     * @return ParameterGenerator
    public static function fromReflection(ParameterReflection $reflectionParameter)
        $param = new ParameterGenerator();

        if ($reflectionParameter->isArray()) {
        } elseif (method_exists($reflectionParameter, 'isCallable') && $reflectionParameter->isCallable()) {
        } else {
            $typeClass = $reflectionParameter->getClass();
            if ($typeClass) {


        if ($reflectionParameter->isOptional()) {

        return $param;
  * Constructor
  * @param PropertyGenerator $initializerProperty
 public function __construct(PropertyGenerator $initializerProperty)
     $initializerParameter = new ParameterGenerator('initializer');
     $this->setBody('$this->' . $initializerProperty->getName() . ' = $initializer;');
  * @param  ParameterReflection $reflectionParameter
  * @return ParameterGenerator
 public static function fromReflection(ParameterReflection $reflectionParameter)
     $param = new ParameterGenerator();
     if ($type = self::extractFQCNTypeFromReflectionType($reflectionParameter)) {
     $variadic = method_exists($reflectionParameter, 'isVariadic') && $reflectionParameter->isVariadic();
     if (!$variadic && $reflectionParameter->isOptional()) {
         try {
         } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
     return $param;
  * Constructor
  * @param PropertyGenerator $suffixInterceptor
 public function __construct(PropertyGenerator $suffixInterceptor)
     $interceptor = new ParameterGenerator('suffixInterceptor');
     $this->setParameter(new ParameterGenerator('methodName', 'string'));
     $this->setBody('$this->' . $suffixInterceptor->getName() . '[$methodName] = $suffixInterceptor;');
Exemplo n.º 8
 private function handleValueMethod(Generator\ClassGenerator $generator, PHPProperty $prop, PHPClass $class, $all = true)
     $type = $prop->getType();
     $docblock = new DocBlockGenerator('Construct');
     $paramTag = new ParamTag("value", "mixed");
     $paramTag->setTypes($type ? $this->getPhpType($type) : "mixed");
     $param = new ParameterGenerator("value");
     if ($type && !$this->isNativeType($type)) {
     $method = new MethodGenerator("__construct", [$param]);
     $docblock = new DocBlockGenerator('Gets or sets the inner value');
     $paramTag = new ParamTag("value", "mixed");
     if ($type && $type instanceof PHPClassOf) {
         $paramTag->setTypes($this->getPhpType($type->getArg()->getType()) . "[]");
     } elseif ($type) {
     $returnTag = new ReturnTag("mixed");
     if ($type && $type instanceof PHPClassOf) {
         $returnTag->setTypes($this->getPhpType($type->getArg()->getType()) . "[]");
     } elseif ($type) {
     $param = new ParameterGenerator("value");
     if ($type && !$this->isNativeType($type)) {
     $method = new MethodGenerator("value", []);
     $methodBody = "if (\$args = func_get_args()) {" . PHP_EOL;
     $methodBody .= "    \$this->" . $prop->getName() . " = \$args[0];" . PHP_EOL;
     $methodBody .= "}" . PHP_EOL;
     $methodBody .= "return \$this->" . $prop->getName() . ";" . PHP_EOL;
     $docblock = new DocBlockGenerator('Gets a string value');
     $docblock->setTag(new ReturnTag("string"));
     $method = new MethodGenerator("__toString");
     $method->setBody("return strval(\$this->" . $prop->getName() . ");");
  * Constructor
  * @param ReflectionClass   $originalClass
  * @param PropertyGenerator $valueHolder
  * @param PropertyGenerator $prefixInterceptors
  * @param PropertyGenerator $suffixInterceptors
 public function __construct(ReflectionClass $originalClass, PropertyGenerator $valueHolder, PropertyGenerator $prefixInterceptors, PropertyGenerator $suffixInterceptors)
     parent::__construct('staticProxyConstructor', [], static::FLAG_PUBLIC | static::FLAG_STATIC);
     $prefix = new ParameterGenerator('prefixInterceptors');
     $suffix = new ParameterGenerator('suffixInterceptors');
     $this->setParameter(new ParameterGenerator('wrappedObject'));
     $this->setDocblock("Constructor to setup interceptors\n\n" . "@param \\" . $originalClass->getName() . " \$wrappedObject\n" . "@param \\Closure[] \$prefixInterceptors method interceptors to be used before method logic\n" . "@param \\Closure[] \$suffixInterceptors method interceptors to be used before method logic\n\n" . "@return self");
     $this->setBody('static $reflection;' . "\n\n" . '$reflection = $reflection ?: $reflection = new \\ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);' . "\n" . '$instance = (new \\ReflectionClass(get_class()))->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();' . "\n\n" . UnsetPropertiesGenerator::generateSnippet(Properties::fromReflectionClass($originalClass), 'instance') . '$instance->' . $valueHolder->getName() . " = \$wrappedObject;\n" . '$instance->' . $prefixInterceptors->getName() . " = \$prefixInterceptors;\n" . '$instance->' . $suffixInterceptors->getName() . " = \$suffixInterceptors;\n\n" . 'return $instance;');
  * Constructor
  * @param ReflectionClass $originalClass
 public function __construct(ReflectionClass $originalClass)
     parent::__construct('staticProxyConstructor', [], static::FLAG_PUBLIC | static::FLAG_STATIC);
     $localizedObject = new ParameterGenerator('localizedObject');
     $prefix = new ParameterGenerator('prefixInterceptors');
     $suffix = new ParameterGenerator('suffixInterceptors');
     $this->setDocblock("Constructor to setup interceptors\n\n" . "@param \\" . $originalClass->getName() . " \$localizedObject\n" . "@param \\Closure[] \$prefixInterceptors method interceptors to be used before method logic\n" . "@param \\Closure[] \$suffixInterceptors method interceptors to be used before method logic\n\n" . "@return self");
     $this->setBody('static $reflection;' . "\n\n" . '$reflection = $reflection ?: $reflection = new \\ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);' . "\n" . '$instance   = $reflection->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();' . "\n\n" . '$instance->bindProxyProperties($localizedObject, $prefixInterceptors, $suffixInterceptors);' . "\n\n" . 'return $instance;');
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Process and create code/files
 public function create()
     $class = ClassGen::classGen($this->name, $this->namespace, ['Phrest\\SDK\\Request\\AbstractRequest', 'Phrest\\SDK\\Request\\RequestOptions', 'Phrest\\SDK\\PhrestSDK'], 'AbstractRequest');
     // Path
     $path = '/' . $this->version . '/' . strtolower($this->entityName) . $this->getPlaceholderUriFromUrl($this->action->url);
     $property = ClassGen::property('path', 'private', $path, 'string');
     // Properties and constructor parameters
     /** @var ParameterGenerator[] $parameters */
     $parameters = [];
     // Get properties
     $getParams = $this->generateGetParamsFromUrl($this->action->url);
     if (!empty($getParams)) {
         foreach ($getParams as $getParam) {
             $class->addPropertyFromGenerator(ClassGen::property($getParam, 'public', null));
             $parameter = new ParameterGenerator($getParam);
             $parameters[$getParam] = $parameter;
     // Post properties
     if (!empty($this->action->postParams)) {
         foreach ($this->action->postParams as $name => $type) {
             if ($class->hasProperty($name)) {
             $class->addPropertyFromGenerator(ClassGen::property($name, 'public', null, $type));
             $parameter = new ParameterGenerator($name, $type);
             $parameters[$name] = $parameter;
     // Constructor
     if (!empty($parameters)) {
         $constructor = ClassGen::constructor($parameters);
     // Create method
     $create = ClassGen::method('create', [], 'public', $this->getCreateBody());
     // Setters
     foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
         $class->addMethodFromGenerator(ClassGen::setter($parameter->getName(), $parameter->getType()));
     return $class;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Creates a new {@link \bitExpert\Disco\Proxy\Configuration\MethodGenerator\Constructor}.
  * @param ReflectionClass $originalClass
  * @param ParameterValuesProperty $parameterValuesProperty
  * @param SessionBeansProperty $sessionBeansProperty
  * @param BeanFactoryConfigurationProperty $beanFactoryConfigurationProperty
  * @param BeanPostProcessorsProperty $beanPostProcessorsProperty
  * @param string[] $beanPostProcessorMethodNames
 public function __construct(ReflectionClass $originalClass, ParameterValuesProperty $parameterValuesProperty, SessionBeansProperty $sessionBeansProperty, BeanFactoryConfigurationProperty $beanFactoryConfigurationProperty, BeanPostProcessorsProperty $beanPostProcessorsProperty, array $beanPostProcessorMethodNames)
     $beanFactoryConfigurationParameter = new ParameterGenerator('config');
     $parametersParameter = new ParameterGenerator('params');
     $body = '$this->' . $parameterValuesProperty->getName() . ' = $' . $parametersParameter->getName() . ';' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '$this->' . $beanFactoryConfigurationProperty->getName() . ' = $' . $beanFactoryConfigurationParameter->getName() . ';' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '$this->' . $sessionBeansProperty->getName() . ' = $' . $beanFactoryConfigurationParameter->getName() . '->getSessionBeanStore();' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '// register {@link \\bitExpert\\Disco\\BeanPostProcessor} instances' . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= '$this->' . $beanPostProcessorsProperty->getName() . '[] = new \\bitExpert\\Disco\\BeanFactoryPostProcessor();' . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($beanPostProcessorMethodNames as $methodName) {
         $body .= '$this->' . $beanPostProcessorsProperty->getName() . '[] = $this->' . $methodName . '(); ';
         $body .= PHP_EOL;
     $this->setDocBlock("@override constructor");
Exemplo n.º 13
    protected function viewStub($part)
         * @var $part \Model\Generator\Part\Model
         * @var $file \Model\Code\Generator\FileGenerator
        $file = $part->getFile();
        $table = $part->getTable();
        $tableNameAsCamelCase = $table->getNameAsCamelCase();
        $entity = $tableNameAsCamelCase . 'Entity';
        $collection = $tableNameAsCamelCase . 'Collection';
        $p = new \Zend\Code\Generator\ParameterGenerator('cond');
        $params[] = $p;
        $docblock = new DocBlockGenerator('Получить объект условий в виде представления \'Extended\'

$param Cond $cond
$return Cond
        $method = new MethodGenerator();
\$cond = \$this->prepareCond(\$cond);
\$cond->where(array('status' => 'active'));
return \$cond;
        $p = new \Zend\Code\Generator\ParameterGenerator('cond');
        $params[] = $p;
        $docblock = new DocBlockGenerator('Получить элемент в виде представления \'Extended\'

@param Cond $cond
@return ' . $entity);
        $method = new MethodGenerator();
\$cond = \$this->getCondAsExtendedView(\$cond);
return \$this->get(\$cond);
        $p = new \Zend\Code\Generator\ParameterGenerator('cond');
        $params[] = $p;
        $docblock = new DocBlockGenerator('Получить коллекцию в виде представления \'Extended\'

@param Cond $cond
@return ' . $collection);
        $method = new MethodGenerator();
\$cond = \$this->getCondAsExtendedView(\$cond);
return \$this->getCollection(\$cond);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function createDTO(Type $type)
     $class = $this->createClassFromType($type);
     $parentType = $type->getParent();
     // set the parent class
     if ($parentType) {
         $parentType = $parentType->getBase();
         if ($parentType->getSchema()->getTargetNamespace() !== SchemaReader::XSD_NS) {
     // check if the type is abstract
     // create the constructor
     $constructor = new MethodGenerator('__construct');
     $constructorDoc = new DocBlockGenerator();
     $constructorBody = '';
     /* @var \Goetas\XML\XSDReader\Schema\Type\ComplexType $type */
     foreach ($type->getElements() as $element) {
         /* @var \Goetas\XML\XSDReader\Schema\Element\Element $element */
         $docElementType = $this->namespaceInflector->inflectDocBlockQualifiedName($element->getType());
         $elementName = $element->getName();
         // create a param and a param tag used in constructor and setter docs
         $param = new ParameterGenerator($elementName, $this->namespaceInflector->inflectName($element->getType()));
         $paramTag = new ParamTag($elementName, $docElementType);
         // if the param type is not a PHP primitive type and its namespace is different that the class namespace
         if ($type->getSchema()->getTargetNamespace() === SchemaReader::XSD_NS and $class->getNamespaceName() !== $this->namespaceInflector->inflectNamespace($element->getType())) {
         // set the parameter nullability
         if ($element->isNil() or $this->config->isNullConstructorArguments()) {
             $param->setDefaultValue(new ValueGenerator(null, ValueGenerator::TYPE_NULL));
         $docDescription = new Html2Text($type->getDoc());
         $doc = new DocBlockGenerator();
         $doc->setTag(new GenericTag('var', $docElementType));
         $property = new PropertyGenerator();
         $property->setName(filter_var($elementName, FILTER_CALLBACK, array('options' => array($this, 'sanitizeVariableName'))));
         $property->setVisibility($this->config->isAccessors() ? AbstractMemberGenerator::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED : AbstractMemberGenerator::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC);
          * IMPORTS
         if ($element->getType()->getSchema()->getTargetNamespace() !== SchemaReader::XSD_NS and $this->namespaceInflector->inflectNamespace($element->getType()) !== $class->getNamespaceName()) {
         $constructorBody .= "\$this->{$elementName} = \${$elementName};" . AbstractGenerator::LINE_FEED;
         if ($this->config->isAccessors()) {
             // create the setter
             $setterDoc = new DocBlockGenerator();
             $setter = new MethodGenerator('set' . ucfirst($elementName));
             $setter->setBody("\$this->{$elementName} = \${$elementName};");
             // create the getter
             $getterDoc = new DocBlockGenerator();
             $getterDoc->setTag(new ReturnTag($docElementType));
             $getter = new MethodGenerator('get' . ucfirst($elementName));
             $getter->setBody("return \$this->{$elementName};");
     // finalize the constructor body
     // register the class in the classmap
     $this->classmap[$class->getName()] = $class->getNamespaceName() . '\\' . $class->getName();
     return $class->getName();
        $requiredParameters[] = new ParameterGenerator($fieldName, Collection::class);
    foreach ($metadataClass->getFieldNames() as $fieldName) {
        if (in_array($fieldName, $metadataClass->getIdentifierFieldNames(), true) && $metadataClass->isIdGeneratorIdentity()) {
            // auto-incremental identifier, skip it.
        $fieldMapping = $metadataClass->getFieldMapping($fieldName);
        $type = null;
        if ('datetime' === $fieldMapping['type']) {
            $type = 'DateTime';
        $parameter = new ParameterGenerator($fieldName, $type);
        if (isset($fieldMapping['nullable']) && $fieldMapping['nullable']) {
            $optionalParameters[] = $parameter;
        } else {
            $requiredParameters[] = $parameter;
    $classGenerator = ClassGenerator::fromReflection(new ClassReflection($metadataClass->getName()));
    $classGenerator->addMethodFromGenerator(new MethodGenerator('__construct', array_merge($requiredParameters, $optionalParameters), MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, implode("\n", array_map(function (ParameterGenerator $parameterGenerator) {
        $name = $parameterGenerator->getName();
        return '$this->' . $name . ' = $' . $name . ';';
    }, array_merge($requiredParameters, $optionalParameters)))));
    file_put_contents($metadataClass->getReflectionClass()->getFileName(), preg_replace('/private \\$([A-Za-z0-9]+) = null;/i', 'private \\$${1};', "<?php\n\n\n" . $classGenerator->generate()));
Exemplo n.º 16
  * @param \ReflectionMethod $method
  * @return MethodGenerator
 private function generateMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method)
     $gen = new MethodGenerator($method->getName());
     foreach ($method->getParameters() as $param) {
         $paramgen = new ParameterGenerator($param->getName(), $param->getClass() ? '\\' . $param->getClass()->name : null, null, $param->isPassedByReference());
         // setting default value here because the construtor ignores "null" as default
         if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
     $gen->setBody('return $this->__proxy_run(C::CALL, __FUNCTION__, func_get_args());');
     return $gen;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Set the default value for a parameter (if it is optional)
  * @param ZendParameterGenerator $parameterGenerator
  * @param ParameterReflection    $reflectionParameter
 private static function setOptionalParameter(ZendParameterGenerator $parameterGenerator, ParameterReflection $reflectionParameter)
     if ($reflectionParameter->isOptional()) {
         try {
         } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Generate method
  * @param string $methodName
  * @return void
 protected function generateMethod($methodName)
     $methodReflection = $this->_method[$methodName];
     $docBlock = new DocBlockGenerator();
     $docBlock->setShortDescription("Delicate {$methodName}() to __call() method ");
     if ($methodReflection->getDocComment()) {
         $docBlockReflection = new DocBlockReflection($methodReflection);
     $method = new MethodGenerator();
     $method->setBody(sprintf(self::METHOD_TEMPLATE, $methodName));
     if ($methodReflection->isPublic()) {
     } else {
         if ($methodReflection->isProtected()) {
         } else {
             if ($methodReflection->isPrivate()) {
     foreach ($methodReflection->getParameters() as $parameter) {
         $parameterGenerator = new ParameterGenerator();
         if ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
         if ($parameter->isArray()) {
         if ($typeClass = $parameter->getClass()) {
Exemplo n.º 19
  * @group 6023
  * @coversNothing
 public function testGeneratedParametersHaveEscapedDefaultValues()
     $parameter = new ParameterGenerator();
     $this->assertSame("stdClass \$foo = '\\\\\\''", $parameter->generate());
Exemplo n.º 20
    public function generateMethodsByIndex($part)
        /** @var $part \Model\Generator\Part\Model */
        /** @var $file \Model\Code\Generator\FileGenerator */
        $file = $part->getFile();
        $table = $part->getTable();
        $tableName = $table->getName();
        $indexList = $table->getIndex();
        foreach ($indexList as $index) {
            $params = $getBy = array();
            $prepare = '';
            $paramNames = array();
            $checkForEmpty = '';
            $indexColumn = 'id';
            $where = '';
            foreach ($index as $column) {
                if ($index->getName() == 'PRIMARY') {
                    $indexColumn = $column->getName();
                //echo $index->getName() . "\n";
                if ($index->getName() == 'PRIMARY' || $index->count() == 1 && ($link = $table->getLinkByColumn($column, $table->getName()))) {
                    continue 2;
                $link = $table->getLinkByColumn($column, $table->getName());
                if ($link) {
                    $indexColumnName = $link->getForeignEntity();
                    $indexColumnNameAsVar = $link->getForeignEntityAsVar();
                    $indexColumnNameAsCamelCase = $link->getForeignEntityAsCamelCase();
                } else {
                    $indexColumnName = $column->getName();
                    $indexColumnNameAsVar = $column->getNameAsVar();
                    $indexColumnNameAsCamelCase = $column->getNameAsCamelCase();
                $indexColumnField = $column->getName();
                $params[] = new \Zend\Code\Generator\ParameterGenerator($indexColumnNameAsVar);
                $getBy[] = $indexColumnNameAsCamelCase;
                $paramNames[] = '$' . $indexColumnNameAsVar;
                if ($link) {
                    $foreignTableNameAsCamelCase = $link->getForeignTable()->getNameAsCamelCase();
                    $prepare .= <<<EOS
\${$indexColumnNameAsVar}Ids = {$foreignTableNameAsCamelCase}Model::getInstance()->getIdsFromMixed(\${$indexColumnNameAsVar});

                } else {
                    $prepare .= <<<EOS
\${$indexColumnNameAsVar}Ids = \$this->filterValue(\${$indexColumnNameAsVar}, '{$indexColumnName}');

                $checkForEmpty .= "empty(\${$indexColumnNameAsVar}Ids) || ";
                $where .= "'`{$tableName}`.`{$indexColumnField}`' => \${$indexColumnNameAsVar}Ids,\n";
            //@method int borp() borp(int $int1, int $int2) multiply two integers
            $p = new \Zend\Code\Generator\ParameterGenerator('cond');
            $params[] = $p;
            $where = 'array(' . rtrim($where, " \n,") . ")";
            $checkForEmpty = rtrim($checkForEmpty, "\r\n |");
            $method = new \Zend\Code\Generator\MethodGenerator();
            $method->setName('getBy' . implode('And', $getBy));
\$cond = \$this->prepareCond(\$cond);

if ({$checkForEmpty}) {
    return \$cond->getEmptySelectResult();


return \$this->get(\$cond);
            try {
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
Exemplo n.º 21
     * @group ZF-7268
    public function testDefaultValueGenerationDoesNotIncludeTrailingSemicolon()
        $method = new MethodGenerator('setOptions');
        $default = new ValueGenerator();

        $param   = new ParameterGenerator('options', 'array');

        $generated = $method->generate();
        $this->assertRegexp('/array \$options = array\(\)\)/', $generated, $generated);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function getConstructorGenerator()
     if (!$this->constructorGenerator && ($extendedClass = $this->getClassGenerator()->getExtendedClass())) {
         $constructorGenerator = new CodeGenerator\MethodGenerator();
         $wsdlParameter = new CodeGenerator\ParameterGenerator();
         $optionsParameter = new CodeGenerator\ParameterGenerator();
         $constructorGenerator->setBody("parent::__construct(\$wsdl, \$options);");
         $this->constructorGenerator = $constructorGenerator;
     return $this->constructorGenerator;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Append Properties, Getter and Setter to Model class
  * @param Generator\ClassGenerator $class
  * @param array                    $properties
  * @param array                    $hydratorStrategy
 protected function addProperties(Generator\ClassGenerator &$class, array $properties)
     foreach ($properties as $metadata) {
         $propertyInfos = $this->getNormalizedFilterOrProperty($metadata);
         $name = $propertyInfos['name'];
         $required = $propertyInfos['required'];
         $lazyLoading = $propertyInfos['lazyLoading'];
         $dataType = $propertyInfos['dataType'];
         $defaultValue = $propertyInfos['defaultValue'];
         $description = $propertyInfos['description'];
         $flags = Generator\PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED;
         foreach ($propertyInfos['uses'] as $use) {
         $property = new Generator\PropertyGenerator($name);
         if (!empty($defaultValue) or 'bool' === $dataType) {
             $property->setDefaultValue($defaultValue, $dataType);
         $property->setDocBlock(new Generator\DocBlockGenerator($description));
         // Add Setter method
         $setterParam = new Generator\ParameterGenerator($name, true === $lazyLoading ? null : $dataType);
         if (!$required) {
         $setterBody = '';
         if (true === $lazyLoading) {
             if ($dataType == "ResultSet") {
                 $setterBody .= sprintf('if (! ($%s instanceof \\Closure || $%s instanceof %s)) {' . PHP_EOL . '   throw new Exception\\InvalidArgumentException("%s must be an instance of \'%s\' or \\Closure");' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $name, $name, $dataType, $name, $dataType);
             } else {
                 $setterBody .= sprintf('if (! ($%s instanceof \\Closure || $%s instanceof %s)) {' . PHP_EOL . '   throw new Exception\\InvalidArgumentException("$%s must be an instance of \'%s\' or \\Closure");' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $name, $name, $dataType, $name, $dataType);
         $setterBody .= sprintf('$this->%s = $%s;' . PHP_EOL . 'return $this;' . PHP_EOL, $name, $name);
         $class->addMethod('set' . ucfirst($name), array($setterParam), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, $setterBody, new Generator\DocBlockGenerator("Sets the " . $property->getDocBlock()->getShortDescription(), '', array(new ParamTag(array('name' => $name, 'datatype' => $dataType)), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => $class->getName())))));
         // Add Getter method
         $getterBody = '';
         if (true === $lazyLoading) {
             $getterBody .= sprintf('if ($this->%s instanceof \\Closure) {' . PHP_EOL . '   $this->%s = call_user_func($this->%s);' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . 'if (! $this->%s instanceof %s) {' . PHP_EOL . '    $this->%s = new %s();' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $name, $name, $name, $name, $dataType, $name, $dataType);
         $getterBody .= sprintf('return $this->%s;', $name);
         $class->addMethod('get' . ucfirst($name), array(), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, $getterBody, new Generator\DocBlockGenerator('Gets the ' . $property->getDocBlock()->getShortDescription(), '', array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => $dataType)))));
         // If DataType Resulset => add/remove methods
         if ('ResultSet' === $dataType) {
             $class->addMethod('add' . ucfirst($name) . 'Item', array(new Generator\ParameterGenerator('item', $propertyInfos['model'])), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, sprintf('return $this->get%s()->add($item);' . PHP_EOL, ucfirst($name)), new Generator\DocBlockGenerator('Add new item to ' . ucfirst($name), '', array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'bool')))));
             $class->addMethod('remove' . ucfirst($name) . 'Item', array(new Generator\ParameterGenerator('item', $propertyInfos['model'])), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, sprintf('return $this->get%s()->remove($item);' . PHP_EOL, ucfirst($name)), new Generator\DocBlockGenerator('Remove $item from ' . ucfirst($name), '', array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'bool')))));