Exemplo n.º 1
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @param Isolator $isolator Custom PHP isolator instance.
 public function process($source, Isolator $isolator = null)
     $isolator = !empty($isolator) ? $isolator : new Isolator();
     //Real php source code isolation
     $source = $isolator->isolatePHP($source);
     //Restoring only evaluator blocks
     $phpBlocks = $evaluateBlocks = [];
     foreach ($isolator->getBlocks() as $id => $phpBlock) {
         foreach ($this->options['flags'] as $flag) {
             if (strpos($phpBlock, $flag) !== false) {
                 $evaluateBlocks[$id] = $phpBlock;
                 continue 2;
         $phpBlocks[$id] = $phpBlock;
     $source = $isolator->setBlocks($evaluateBlocks)->repairPHP($source);
     //Required to prevent collisions
     $filename = $this->views->config()['cache']['directory'] . "/{$this->uniqueID()}.php";
     try {
         $this->files->write($filename, $source, FilesInterface::RUNTIME, true);
         include_once $filename;
         $source = ob_get_clean();
     } catch (\ErrorException $exception) {
         throw $exception;
     return $isolator->repairPHP($source);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getTimestamp($key)
     if ($this->files->exists($key)) {
         return $this->files->time($key);
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function open($filename)
     if (!$this->files->exists($filename)) {
         throw new ImporterException("Unable import translator bundles from '{$filename}', file does not exists.");
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fileReflection($filename)
     $fileMD5 = $this->files->md5($filename = $this->files->normalizePath($filename));
     $reflection = new ReflectionFile($this->fetchTokens($filename), (array) $this->memory->loadData($fileMD5, self::MEMORY_LOCATION));
     //Let's save to cache
     $this->memory->saveData($fileMD5, $reflection->exportSchema(), static::MEMORY_LOCATION);
     return $reflection;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Handle log message.
  * @param int    $level   Log message level.
  * @param string $message Message.
  * @param array  $context Context data.
 public function __invoke($level, $message, array $context = [])
     $message = \Spiral\interpolate($this->options['format'], ['date' => date($this->options['dateFormat'], time()), 'level' => $level, 'message' => $message]);
     if ($this->files->append($this->options['filename'], "{$message}\n", $this->options['mode'], true)) {
         if ($this->files->size($this->options['filename']) > $this->options['filesize']) {
             $this->files->move($this->options['filename'], $this->options['filename'] . $this->options['rotatePostfix']);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Export UML classes diagram to specified file, all found Documents with their fields, methods
  * and compositions will be used to generate such UML.
  * @param string $filename
  * @return bool
 public function export($filename)
     foreach ($this->builder->getDocuments() as $document) {
     return $this->files->write($filename, join("\n", $this->lines));
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @param DirectoriesInterface $directories
  * @param FilesInterface       $files
  * @param EncrypterConfig      $config
 public function perform(DirectoriesInterface $directories, FilesInterface $files, EncrypterConfig $config)
     $envFilename = $directories->directory('root') . '.env';
     if (!$files->exists($envFilename)) {
         $this->writeln("<fg=red>'env.' file does not exists, unable to sek encryption key.</fg=red>");
     $files->write($envFilename, str_replace($config->getKey(), Strings::random(32), $files->read($envFilename)));
     $this->writeln("<info>Encryption key has been successfully updated.</info>");
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Last update time.
  * @param string $key
  * @return int
 public function getTimestamp($key)
     if (!$this->environment->cachable()) {
         //Always expired
         return 0;
     if ($this->files->exists($key)) {
         return $this->files->time($key);
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Index directory files to locate function calls related to Translator or TranslatorTrait
  * methods.
  * @param string $directory
  * @param array  $excludes Filename words to be excluded from analysis.
  * @return self
  * @throws TokenizerException
  * @throws ReflectionException
  * @throws TranslatorException
 public function indexDirectory($directory = null, array $excludes = [])
     foreach ($this->files->getFiles($directory, 'php') as $filename) {
         foreach ($excludes as $exclude) {
             if (strpos($filename, $exclude) !== false) {
                 continue 2;
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * List of core directories with normalized paths, longest directories first.
  * @return array
 private function getDirectories()
     $directories = $this->core->getDirectories();
     foreach ($directories as &$directory) {
         $directory = $this->files->normalizePath($directory);
     //Sorting to get longest first
     uasort($directories, function ($valueA, $valueB) {
         return strlen($valueA) < strlen($valueB);
     return $directories;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Check if given locale exists.
  * @param string $locale
  * @return bool
 private function hasLocale($locale)
     if (array_key_exists($locale, $this->loadedLocales)) {
         return true;
     return $this->source->hasLocale($locale);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @param FilesInterface       $files
  * @param DirectoriesInterface $directories
 public function perform(FilesInterface $files, DirectoriesInterface $directories)
     $cacheDirectory = $directories->directory('cache');
     if (!$files->exists($cacheDirectory)) {
         $this->writeln("Cache directory is missing, no cache to be cleaned.");
     $this->isVerbosity() && $this->writeln("<info>Cleaning application runtime cache:</info>");
     foreach ($files->getFiles($cacheDirectory) as $filename) {
         if ($this->isVerbosity()) {
             $this->writeln($files->relativePath($filename, $cacheDirectory));
     $this->writeln("<info>Runtime cache has been cleared.</info>");
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Detect compiler by view path (automatically resolved based on extension).
  * @todo cache needed?
  * @param string $path
  * @return string
 protected function detectEngine($path)
     if (isset($this->associationCache[$path])) {
         return $this->associationCache[$path];
     //File extension can help us to detect engine faster (attention, does not work with complex
     //extensions at this moment).
     $extension = $this->files->extension($path);
     $detected = null;
     foreach ($this->config->getEngines() as $engine) {
         if (!empty($extension) && $extension == $this->config->engineExtension($engine)) {
             //Found by extension
             $detected = $engine;
         //Trying automatic (no extension) detection
         $loader = $this->loader($engine);
         try {
             if (!empty($loader->viewName($path))) {
                 $detected = $engine;
         } catch (LoaderException $exception) {
             //Does not related to such engine
     if (empty($detected)) {
         throw new ViewsException("Unable to detect view engine for '{$path}'.");
     return $this->associationCache[$path] = $detected;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function report()
     if (!$this->config['reporting']['enabled']) {
         //No need to record anything
     //Snapshot filename
     $filename = \Spiral\interpolate($this->config['reporting']['filename'], ['date' => date($this->config['reporting']['dateFormat'], time()), 'exception' => $this->getName()]);
     //Writing to hard drive
     $this->files->write($this->config['reporting']['directory'] . '/' . $filename, $this->render(), FilesInterface::RUNTIME, true);
     $snapshots = $this->files->getFiles($this->config['reporting']['directory']);
     if (count($snapshots) > $this->config['reporting']['maxSnapshots']) {
         $oldestSnapshot = '';
         $oldestTimestamp = PHP_INT_MAX;
         foreach ($snapshots as $snapshot) {
             $snapshotTimestamp = $this->files->time($snapshot);
             if ($snapshotTimestamp < $oldestTimestamp) {
                 $oldestTimestamp = $snapshotTimestamp;
                 $oldestSnapshot = $snapshot;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @param Isolator|null $isolator
 public function process($source, $namespace, $view, $cachedFilename = null, Isolator $isolator = null)
     $isolator = !empty($isolator) ? $isolator : new Isolator();
     //Let's hide original php blocks
     $source = $isolator->isolatePHP($source);
     //Now we have to detect blocks which has to be compiled
     //Restoring only evaluator blocks
     $phpBlocks = $evaluateBlocks = [];
     foreach ($isolator->getBlocks() as $id => $phpBlock) {
         if ($this->evaluatable($phpBlock)) {
             $evaluateBlocks[$id] = $phpBlock;
         $phpBlocks[$id] = $phpBlock;
     //Let's only mount blocks to be evaluated
     $source = $isolator->setBlocks($evaluateBlocks)->repairPHP($source);
     //Let's create temporary filename
     $filename = $this->evalFilename($cachedFilename);
     //I must validate file syntax in a future
     try {
         $this->files->write($filename, $source, FilesInterface::RUNTIME, true);
         $__outputLevel__ = ob_get_level();
         //Can be accessed in evaluated php
         $this->namespace = $namespace;
         $this->view = $view;
         try {
             include_once $this->files->localUri($filename);
         } finally {
             while (ob_get_level() > $__outputLevel__) {
         $this->namespace = '';
         $this->view = '';
         $source = ob_get_clean();
         //Dropping temporary filename
     } catch (\ErrorException $exception) {
         throw $exception;
     //Restoring original php blocks
     return $isolator->repairPHP($source);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function flush()
     $files = $this->files->getFiles($this->options['directory'], $this->options['extension']);
     foreach ($files as $filename) {
     return count($files);
Exemplo n.º 17
  * @param string $config
  * @return string
  * @throws RegistratorException
 protected function configFilename($config)
     $filename = $this->directories->directory('config') . $config . Configurator::EXTENSION;
     if (!$this->files->exists($filename)) {
         throw new RegistratorException("Unable to find filename for config '{$config}'.");
     return $filename;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getSize()
     $totalSize = 0;
     foreach ($this->files->getFiles($this->getLocation()) as $filename) {
         $totalSize += filesize($filename);
     return $totalSize;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Load environment data.
  * @return $this
 public function load()
     if (!$this->files->exists($this->filename)) {
         throw new EnvironmentException("Unable to load environment, file is missing");
     //Unique env file hash
     $this->id = $this->files->md5($this->filename);
     if (!empty($values = $this->memory->loadData($this->id, static::MEMORY_SECTION))) {
         //Restore from cache
         return $this;
     //Load env values using DotEnv extension
     $values = $this->initEnvironment($this->parseValues($this->filename));
     $this->memory->saveData($this->id, $values, static::MEMORY_SECTION);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Cast local filename to be used in file based methods and etc.
  * @param string|StreamInterface $source
  * @return string
 protected function castFilename($source)
     if (empty($source) || is_string($source)) {
         if (!$this->files->exists($source)) {
             //This code is going to use additional abstraction layer to connect storage and guzzle
             return StreamWrapper::getUri(\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for(''));
         return $source;
     if ($source instanceof UploadedFileInterface || $source instanceof StreamableInterface) {
         $source = $source->getStream();
     if ($source instanceof StreamInterface) {
         return StreamWrapper::getUri($source);
     throw new ServerException("Unable to get filename for non Stream instance.");
Exemplo n.º 21
  * @param ViewsConfig    $config
  * @param FilesInterface $files
 public function perform(ViewsConfig $config, FilesInterface $files)
     if (!$files->exists($config->cacheDirectory())) {
         $this->writeln("Cache directory is missing, no cache to be cleaned.");
     $this->isVerbosity() && $this->writeln("<info>Clearing view cache:</info>");
     $cachedViews = $files->getFiles($config->cacheDirectory());
     foreach ($cachedViews as $filename) {
         if ($this->isVerbosity()) {
             $this->writeln($files->relativePath($filename, $config->cacheDirectory()));
     if (empty($filename) && $this->isVerbosity()) {
         $this->writeln("No cached views were found.");
     $this->writeln("<info>View cache has been cleared.</info>");
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Clean old snapshots.
  * @todo Possibly need better implementation.
  * @param array $snapshots
 protected function performRotation(array $snapshots)
     $oldest = '';
     $oldestTimestamp = PHP_INT_MAX;
     foreach ($snapshots as $snapshot) {
         $snapshotTimestamp = $this->files->time($snapshot);
         if ($snapshotTimestamp < $oldestTimestamp) {
             $oldestTimestamp = $snapshotTimestamp;
             $oldest = $snapshot;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Internal method to fetch filename using multiple input formats.
  * @param mixed|UploadedFileInterface $filename
  * @param bool                        $onlyUploaded Check if file uploaded.
  * @return string|bool
 protected function filename($filename, $onlyUploaded = true)
     if (empty($filename) || $onlyUploaded && !$this->isUploaded($filename)) {
         return false;
     if ($filename instanceof UploadedFileInterface || $filename instanceof StreamableInterface) {
         return StreamWrapper::getUri($filename->getStream());
     if (is_array($filename)) {
         $filename = $filename['tmp_name'];
     return $this->files->exists($filename) ? $filename : false;
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Create stream for given filename.
  * @param string|StreamInterface|StreamableInterface $filename
  * @return StreamInterface
 private function getStream($filename)
     if ($filename instanceof StreamableInterface) {
         return $filename->getStream();
     if ($filename instanceof StreamInterface) {
         return $filename;
     if (is_resource($filename)) {
         return new Stream($filename, 'r');
     if (!$this->files->isFile($filename)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unable to allocate response body stream, file does not exist.");
     return new Stream(fopen($this->files->localUri($filename), 'r'));
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Load all bundle strings from specified language.
  * @param string $language
  * @param string $prefix Only bundle names started with this prefix will be exported.
  * @return array
 private function loadBundles($language, $prefix = '')
     $bundles = $this->files->getFiles($this->translator->config()['languages'][$language]['directory']);
     $result = [];
     foreach ($bundles as $filename) {
         $bundle = substr(basename($filename), 0, -1 * strlen($this->files->extension($filename)));
         if (!empty($prefix) && stripos($bundle, $prefix) !== 0) {
         try {
             $result[$bundle] = (include $filename);
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Cast stream associated with origin data.
  * @param string|StreamInterface $source
  * @return StreamInterface
 protected function castStream($source)
     if ($source instanceof UploadedFileInterface || $source instanceof StreamableInterface) {
         $source = $source->getStream();
     if ($source instanceof StreamInterface) {
         return $source;
     if (empty($source)) {
         //This code is going to use additional abstraction layer to connect storage and guzzle
         return \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for('');
     if (is_string($source) && $this->files->exists($source)) {
         $source = fopen($source, 'rb');
     return \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for($source);
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Find view file specified by namespace and view name and associated engine id.
  * @param string $namespace
  * @param string $view
  * @param string $engine Found engine id, reference.
  * @return string
  * @throws ViewException
 public function getFilename($namespace, $view, &$engine = null)
     if (!isset($this->namespaces[$namespace])) {
         throw new ViewException("Undefined view namespace '{$namespace}'.");
     //This part better be cached one dat
     foreach ($this->namespaces[$namespace] as $directory) {
         foreach ($this->config['engines'] as $engine => $options) {
             foreach ($options['extensions'] as $extension) {
                 $candidate = $directory . FilesInterface::SEPARATOR . $view . '.' . $extension;
                 if ($this->files->exists($candidate)) {
                     return $this->files->normalizePath($candidate);
     throw new ViewException("Unable to find view '{$view}' in namespace '{$namespace}'.");
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Locate view filename based on current loader settings.
  * @param string $path
  * @return string
  * @throws LoaderException
 protected function findView($path)
     if (isset($this->cache[$path])) {
         return $this->cache[$path][0];
     list($namespace, $filename) = $this->parsePath($path);
     if (!isset($this->namespaces[$namespace])) {
         throw new LoaderException("Undefined view namespace '{$namespace}'.");
     foreach ($this->namespaces[$namespace] as $directory) {
         if ($this->files->exists($directory . $filename)) {
             $this->cache[$path] = [$directory . $filename, $namespace, $this->resolveName($filename)];
             return $this->cache[$path][0];
     throw new LoaderException("Unable to locate view '{$filename}' in namespace '{$namespace}'.");
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Get all memory sections belongs to given memory location (default location to be used if
  * none specified).
  * @param string $location
  * @return array
 public function getSections($location = null)
     if (!empty($location)) {
         $location = $this->directory . $location . '/';
     } else {
         $location = $this->directory;
     if (!$this->files->exists($location)) {
         return [];
     $finder = new Finder();
      * @var SplFileInfo $file
     $sections = [];
     foreach ($finder->name("*" . static::EXTENSION) as $file) {
         $sections[] = substr($file->getRelativePathname(), 0, -1 * strlen(static::EXTENSION));
     return $sections;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * @param DirectoriesInterface $directories
  * @param FilesInterface       $files
 protected function ensurePermissions(DirectoriesInterface $directories, FilesInterface $files)
     $this->writeln("<info>Verifying runtime directory existence and file permissions...</info>");
     $runtime = $directories->directory('runtime');
     if (!$files->exists(directory('runtime'))) {
         $this->writeln("Runtime data directory was created.");
     foreach ($files->getFiles(directory('runtime')) as $filename) {
         //Both file and it's directory must be writable
         $files->setPermissions($filename, FilesInterface::RUNTIME);
         $files->setPermissions(dirname($filename), FilesInterface::RUNTIME);
     $this->writeln("Runtime directory permissions were updated.");