Exemplo n.º 1
  * When the bot does a tick (every second), this is started
 public function onTick()
     // If there are no corp api keys, don't run..
     if ($this->run == false) {
     $check = true;
     foreach ($this->keys as $keyOwner => $api) {
         try {
             if ($check == false) {
             $keyID = $api["keyID"];
             $vCode = $api["vCode"];
             if ($api["corpKey"] == false) {
             $lastChecked = $this->storage->get("siphonCheck{$keyID}{$keyOwner}");
             if ($lastChecked <= time()) {
                 $this->log->info("Checking API Key {$keyID} belonging to {$keyOwner} for Siphons");
                 $this->checkForSiphons($keyID, $vCode);
                 $this->storage->set("siphonCheck{$keyID}{$keyOwner}", time() + 21602);
                 // Reschedule it's check for new data in 6 hours (plus 2 seconds)
                 $check = false;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->log->err("Error with eve siphon checker: " . $e->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 2
 private function checkMails($keyID, $vCode, $characterID)
     $updateMaxID = false;
     $url = "https://api.eveonline.com/char/MailMessages.xml.aspx?keyID={$keyID}&vCode={$vCode}&characterID={$characterID}";
     $data = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($this->curl->getData($url), "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA)), true);
     $data = $data["result"]["rowset"]["row"];
     $mails = array();
     // Sometimes there is only ONE notification, so.. yeah..
     if (count($data) > 1) {
         foreach ($data as $getFuckedCCP) {
             $mails[] = $getFuckedCCP["@attributes"];
     } else {
         $mails[] = $data["@attributes"];
     usort($mails, array($this, "sortByDate"));
     foreach ($mails as $mail) {
         if (in_array($mail["toCorpOrAllianceID"], $this->toIDs) && $mail["messageID"] > $this->newestMailID) {
             $sentBy = $mail["senderName"];
             $title = $mail["title"];
             $sentDate = $mail["sentDate"];
             $url = "https://api.eveonline.com/char/MailBodies.xml.aspx?keyID={$keyID}&vCode={$vCode}&characterID={$characterID}&ids=" . $mail["messageID"];
             $content = strip_tags(str_replace("<br>", "\n", json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($this->curl->getData($url), "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA)))->result->rowset->row));
             $messageSplit = null;
             if (strlen($content) > 1850) {
                 $messageSplit = str_split($content, 1850);
             // Stitch the mail together
             $msg = "**Mail By: **{$sentBy}\n";
             $msg .= "**Sent Date: **{$sentDate}\n";
             $msg .= "**Title: ** {$title}\n";
             $msg .= "**Content: **\n";
             if (!$messageSplit) {
                 $msg .= htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($content));
             // Send the mails to the channel
             $channel = \Discord\Parts\Channel\Channel::find($this->toDiscordChannel);
             if (strlen($content) > 1850 && !empty($longMessage)) {
                 foreach ($longMessage as $msg) {
             } else {
             // Lets sleep for a second, so we don't rage spam
             // Find the maxID so we don't spit this message out ever again
             $this->maxID = max($mail["messageID"], $this->maxID);
             $this->newestMailID = $this->maxID;
             $updateMaxID = true;
             // set the maxID
             if ($updateMaxID) {
                 $this->storage->set("newestCorpMailID", $this->maxID);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function createCCPDB()
     $ccpDataURL = "https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/dump/sqlite-latest.sqlite.bz2";
     $ccpDataMD5URL = "https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/dump/sqlite-latest.sqlite.bz2.md5";
     $dbLocation = BASEDIR . "/config/database/";
     $md5 = explode(" ", $this->curl->getData($ccpDataMD5URL))[0];
     $lastSeenMd5 = $this->storage->get("ccpDataMd5");
     // If the last seen md5, isn't equal the current seen md5, we'll update!
     if ($lastSeenMd5 !== $md5) {
         try {
             $this->log->notice("Updating CCP SQLite Database");
             $this->log->notice("Downloading bz2 file, and writing it to {$dbLocation}ccpData.sqlite.bz2");
             $downloadedData = $this->curl->getLargeData($ccpDataURL, "{$dbLocation}ccpData.sqlite.bz2");
             if ($downloadedData == false) {
                 $this->log->warn("Error: File not downloaded successfully!");
             $this->log->notice("Opening bz2 file");
             $sqliteData = bzopen("{$dbLocation}ccpData.sqlite.bz2", "r");
             $this->log->notice("Reading from bz2 file");
             $data = "";
             while (!feof($sqliteData)) {
                 $data .= bzread($sqliteData, 4096);
             $this->log->notice("Writing bz2 file contents into .sqlite file");
             file_put_contents("{$dbLocation}ccpData.sqlite", $data);
             $this->log->notice("Deleting bz2 file");
             $this->log->notice("Creating mapCelestials view");
             $this->ccpDB->execute("CREATE VIEW mapAllCelestials AS SELECT itemID, itemName, typeName, mapDenormalize.typeID, solarSystemName, mapDenormalize.solarSystemID, mapDenormalize.constellationID, mapDenormalize.regionID, mapRegions.regionName, orbitID, mapDenormalize.x, mapDenormalize.y, mapDenormalize.z FROM mapDenormalize JOIN invTypes ON (mapDenormalize.typeID = invTypes.typeID) JOIN mapSolarSystems ON (mapSolarSystems.solarSystemID = mapDenormalize.solarSystemID) JOIN mapRegions ON (mapDenormalize.regionID = mapRegions.regionID) JOIN mapConstellations ON (mapDenormalize.constellationID = mapConstellations.constellationID)");
             $this->log->notice("CCP Database updated!");
             $this->storage->set("ccpDataMd5", $md5);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->log->warn("Error updating the CCPDatabase. Bot can't run");
Exemplo n.º 4
  * When the bot's tick hits a specified time, this is started
  * Runtime is defined in $this->information(), timerFrequency
 public function onTimer()
     $continue = false;
     $data = array();
     // Fetch the last 5 twitter replies and/or searches
     try {
         $data = $this->twitter->load(Twitter::ME_AND_FRIENDS, 5);
         foreach ($data as $message) {
             $text = (array) $message->text;
             $createdAt = (array) $message->created_at;
             $postedBy = (array) $message->user->name;
             $screenName = (array) $message->user->screen_name;
             $id = (int) $message->id;
             $this->lastID = $this->storage->get("twitterLatestID");
             // get the last posted ID
             if ($id <= $this->lastID) {
             $this->maxID = max($id, $this->maxID);
             $url = "https://twitter.com/" . $screenName[0] . "/status/" . $id;
             $message = array("message" => $text[0], "postedAt" => $createdAt[0], "postedBy" => $postedBy[0], "screenName" => $screenName[0], "url" => $url . $id[0]);
             $msg = "**@" . $screenName[0] . "** (" . $message["postedBy"] . ") / " . htmlspecialchars_decode($message["message"]);
             $messages[$id] = $msg;
             $continue = true;
             if (sizeof($data)) {
                 $this->storage->set("twitterLatestID", $this->maxID);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->log->err("Twitter Error: " . $e->getMessage());
         // Don't show there was an error, it's most likely just a rate limit
     if ($continue == true) {
         $channel = \Discord\Parts\Channel\Channel::find($this->channelID);
         foreach ($messages as $id => $msg) {
             // Lets sleep for a second, so we don't rage spam
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @param $keyID
  * @param $vCode
  * @param $characterID
 private function getNotifications($keyID, $vCode, $characterID)
     try {
         // Seriously CCP.. *sigh*
         // Ignore notifications from these douchebags..
         $ignoreNames = array("CCP");
         $url = "https://api.eveonline.com/char/Notifications.xml.aspx?keyID={$keyID}&vCode={$vCode}&characterID={$characterID}";
         $data = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($this->curl->getData($url), "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA)), true);
         $data = $data["result"]["rowset"]["row"];
         // If there is no data, just quit..
         if (empty($data)) {
         $fixedData = array();
         // Sometimes there is only ONE notification, so.. yeah..
         if (count($data) > 1) {
             foreach ($data as $getFuckedCCP) {
                 $fixedData[] = $getFuckedCCP["@attributes"];
         } else {
             $fixedData[] = $data["@attributes"];
         foreach ($fixedData as $notification) {
             $notificationID = $notification["notificationID"];
             $typeID = $notification["typeID"];
             //$senderID = $notification["senderID"];
             $senderName = $notification["senderName"];
             $sentDate = $notification["sentDate"];
             //$read = $notification["read"];
             // If the senderName is in the list of ignores names, then continue and ignore it..
             if (in_array($senderName, $ignoreNames)) {
             if ($notificationID > $this->newestNotificationID) {
                 $notificationString = explode("\n", $this->getNotificationText($keyID, $vCode, $characterID, $notificationID));
                 $msg = null;
                 // Seriously, get f****d CCP
                 switch ($typeID) {
                     case 5:
                         // War Declared
                         $aggressorAllianceID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[2])[1]);
                         $aggressorAllianceName = $this->apiData("alli", $aggressorAllianceID)["allianceName"];
                         $delayHours = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[3])[1]);
                         $msg = "War declared by {$aggressorAllianceName}. Fighting begins in roughly {$delayHours} hours.";
                     case 8:
                         // Alliance war invalidated by CONCORD
                         $aggressorAllianceID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[2])[1]);
                         $aggressorAllianceName = $this->apiData("alli", $aggressorAllianceID)["allianceName"];
                         $msg = "War declared by {$aggressorAllianceName} has been invalidated. Fighting ends in roughly 24 hours.";
                     case 75:
                         // POS / POS Module under attack
                         $aggressorAllianceID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[0])[1]);
                         $aggressorAllianceName = $this->apiData("alli", $aggressorAllianceID)["allianceName"];
                         $aggressorCorpID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[1])[1]);
                         $aggressorCorpName = $this->apiData("corp", $aggressorCorpID)["corporationName"];
                         $aggressorID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[2])[1]);
                         $aggressorCharacterName = $this->apiData("char", $aggressorID)["characterName"];
                         $armorValue = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[3])[1]);
                         $hullValue = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[4])[1]);
                         $moonID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[5])[1]);
                         $moonName = $this - $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT itemName FROM mapAllCelestials WHERE itemID = :id", "itemName", array(":id" => $moonID));
                         $shieldValue = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[6])[1]);
                         $solarSystemID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[7])[1]);
                         $systemName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $solarSystemID));
                         $msg = "POS under attack in **{$systemName} - {$moonName}** by {$aggressorCharacterName} ({$aggressorCorpName} / {$aggressorAllianceName}). Status: Hull: {$hullValue}, Armor: {$armorValue}, Shield: {$shieldValue}";
                     case 76:
                         // Tower resource alert
                         $moonID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[2])[1]);
                         $moonName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT itemName FROM mapAllCelestials WHERE itemID = :id", "itemName", array(":id" => $moonID));
                         $solarSystemID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[3])[1]);
                         $systemName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $solarSystemID));
                         $blocksRemaining = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[6])[1]);
                         $typeID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[7])[1]);
                         $typeName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeID = :id", "typeName", array(":id" => $typeID));
                         $msg = "POS in {$systemName} - {$moonName} needs fuel. Only {$blocksRemaining} {$typeName}'s remaining.";
                     case 88:
                         // IHUB is being attacked
                         $aggressorAllianceID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[0])[1]);
                         $aggressorAllianceName = $this->apiData("alli", $aggressorAllianceID)["allianceName"];
                         $aggressorCorpID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[0])[1]);
                         $aggressorCorpName = $this->apiData("corp", $aggressorCorpID)["corporationName"];
                         $aggressorID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[1])[1]);
                         $aggressorCharacterName = $this->apiData("char", $aggressorID)["characterName"];
                         $armorValue = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[3])[1]);
                         $hullValue = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[4])[1]);
                         $shieldValue = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[5])[1]);
                         $solarSystemID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[6])[1]);
                         $systemName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $solarSystemID));
                         $msg = "IHUB under attack in **{$systemName}** by {$aggressorCharacterName} ({$aggressorCorpName} / {$aggressorAllianceName}). Status: Hull: {$hullValue}, Armor: {$armorValue}, Shield: {$shieldValue}";
                     case 93:
                         // Customs office is being attacked
                         $aggressorAllianceID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[0])[1]);
                         $aggressorAllianceName = $this->apiData("alli", $aggressorAllianceID)["allianceName"];
                         $aggressorCorpID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[0])[1]);
                         $aggressorCorpName = $this->apiData("corp", $aggressorCorpID)["corporationName"];
                         $aggressorID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[2])[1]);
                         $aggressorCharacterName = $this->apiData("char", $aggressorID)["characterName"];
                         $planetID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[3])[1]);
                         $planetName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT itemName FROM mapAllCelestials WHERE itemID = :id", "itemName", array(":id" => $planetID));
                         $shieldValue = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[5])[1]);
                         $solarSystemID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[6])[1]);
                         $systemName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $solarSystemID));
                         $typeID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[7])[1]);
                         $typeName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeID = :id", "typeName", array(":id" => $typeID));
                         $msg = "Customs Office under attack in **{$systemName}** ({$planetName}) by {$aggressorCharacterName} ({$aggressorCorpName} / {$aggressorAllianceName}). Shield Status: {$shieldValue}";
                     case 147:
                         // Entosis has stated
                         $systemID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[0])[1]);
                         $systemName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $systemID));
                         $typeID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[1])[1]);
                         $typeName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeID = :id", "typeName", array(":id" => $typeID));
                         $msg = "Entosis has started in **{$systemName}** on **{$typeName}** (Date: **{$sentDate}**)";
                     case 148:
                         // Entosis enabled a module ??????
                         $systemID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[0])[1]);
                         $systemName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $systemID));
                         $typeID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[1])[1]);
                         $typeName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeID = :id", "typeName", array(":id" => $typeID));
                         $msg = "Entosis has enabled a module in **{$systemName}** on **{$typeName}** (Date: **{$sentDate}**)";
                     case 149:
                         // Entosis disabled a module
                         $systemID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[0])[1]);
                         $systemName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $systemID));
                         $typeID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[1])[1]);
                         $typeName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeID = :id", "typeName", array(":id" => $typeID));
                         $msg = "Entosis has disabled a module in **{$systemName}** on **{$typeName}** (Date: **{$sentDate}**)";
                     case 160:
                         // Entosis successful
                         $systemID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[2])[1]);
                         $systemName = dbQueryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $systemID), "ccp");
                         $msg = "Hostile entosis successful. A structure in **{$systemName}** has entered reinforced mode.";
                     case 161:
                         // Command Nodes Decloaking
                         $systemID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[2])[1]);
                         $systemName = $this->ccpDB->queryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $systemID));
                         $msg = "Command nodes decloaking for **{$systemName}**";
                     case 163:
                         //  Freeport
                         $systemID = trim(explode(": ", $notificationString[1])[1]);
                         $systemName = dbQueryField("SELECT solarSystemName FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemID = :id", "solarSystemName", array(":id" => $systemID), "ccp");
                         $msg = "Station in **{$systemName}** has entered freeport mode.";
                 if ($msg) {
                     $channel = \Discord\Parts\Channel\Channel::find($this->toDiscordChannel);
                 // Find the maxID so we don't output this message again in the future
                 $this->maxID = max($notificationID, $this->maxID);
                 $this->newestNotificationID = $this->maxID;
                 $this->storage->set("newestNotificationID", $this->maxID);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->log->debug("Error: " . $e->getMessage());