This is the collection of the AbstractEntity objects
Since: 4.5.2 (13.03.2014)
Author: Vitaliy Demidov (
Inheritance: extends ArrayIterato\ArrayIterator
Exemplo n.º 1
  * Constructor
  * @param    ArrayCollection     $collection  Collection of the projects
  * @param    string              $ccId        Identifier of the cost centre to check
  * @param    Scalr_Account_User  $user        optional The user
  * @param    Scalr_Environment   $environment optional An envrironment
  * @throws   InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct(ArrayCollection $collection, $ccId, Scalr_Account_User $user = null, Scalr_Environment $environment = null)
     if ($user !== null && !$user instanceof Scalr_Account_User) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("User argument must be instance of the Scalr_Account_User class.");
     $this->user = $user;
     if ($environment !== null && !$environment instanceof Scalr_Environment) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Environment argument must be instance of the Scalr_Environment class.");
     $this->environment = $environment;
     $this->ccId = $ccId;
     $this->default = $this->user === null && $this->environment === null;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Finds cost centres by key
  * It searches by name or billing number
  * @param   string    $key  optional Search key
  * @return  ArrayCollection Returns collection of the CostCentreEntity objects
 public function findByKey($key = null)
     if (is_null($key) || $key === '') {
         return $this->all();
     $collection = new ArrayCollection();
     $ccEntity = new CostCentreEntity();
     $rs = $this->db->Execute("\n            SELECT " . $ccEntity->fields('c') . "\n            FROM " . $ccEntity->table('c') . "\n            WHERE c.`name` LIKE ?\n            OR EXISTS (\n                SELECT 1 FROM cc_properties cp\n                WHERE `cp`.cc_id = `c`.`cc_id`\n                AND `cp`.`name` = ? AND `cp`.`value` LIKE ?\n            )\n        ", ['%' . $key . '%', CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_BILLING_CODE, '%' . $key . '%']);
     while ($rec = $rs->FetchRow()) {
         $item = new CostCentreEntity();
     return $collection;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * xSavePriceAction
  * @param  string   $platform              The cloud platform
  * @param  string   $cloudLocation         The cloud location
  * @param  JsonData $prices                Price list
  * @param  string   $url                   optional The url of the cloud
  * @param  string   $effectiveDate         optional The date when the prices will be applied
  * @param  boolean  $forbidAutomaticUpdate optional
 public function xSavePriceAction($platform, $cloudLocation, JsonData $prices, $url = '', $effectiveDate = null, $forbidAutomaticUpdate = false)
     list($curdate, $effectiveDate) = $this->handleEffectiveDate($effectiveDate);
     $service = $this->getContainer()->analytics->prices;
     $priceHistory = new PriceHistoryEntity();
     $priceHistory->platform = $platform;
     $priceHistory->cloudLocation = $cloudLocation;
     $priceHistory->url = $service->normalizeUrl($url);
     $priceHistory->accountId = $this->user->getAccountId();
     $priceHistory->applied = $effectiveDate;
     if ($priceHistory->priceId !== null) {
         //We have found recent prices
         if ($effectiveDate->format('Y-m-d') != $priceHistory->applied->format('Y-m-d')) {
             //We should generate a new version of the price
             $priceHistory->priceId = null;
             $priceHistory->applied = $effectiveDate;
     $details = new ArrayCollection();
     $found = [];
     foreach ($prices as $price) {
         if ($price['type'] && $price['priceLinux']) {
             $item = new PriceEntity();
             $item->instanceType = $price['type'];
             $item->os = PriceEntity::OS_LINUX;
             $item->name = $price['name'];
             $item->cost = floatval($price['priceLinux']);
             $found[$item->instanceType . '-' . $item->os] = $item;
         if ($price['type'] && $price['priceWindows']) {
             $item = new PriceEntity();
             $item->instanceType = $price['type'];
             $item->os = PriceEntity::OS_WINDOWS;
             $item->name = $price['name'];
             $item->cost = floatval($price['priceWindows']);
             $found[$item->instanceType . '-' . $item->os] = $item;
     //Gets actual pricing on date from databse
     $collection = $this->getContainer()->analytics->prices->getActualPrices($platform, $cloudLocation, $priceHistory->url, $priceHistory->applied);
     //Compares if some price has been changed.
     if (!$collection->count()) {
         //There aren't any prices yet. We need to save them.
         $bChanged = true;
     } else {
         $bChanged = false;
         //For each previous price compare difference with new one
         foreach ($collection as $priceEntity) {
             $key = $priceEntity->instanceType . '-' . $priceEntity->os;
             if (isset($found[$key])) {
                 if (abs($found[$key]->cost - $priceEntity->cost) > 9.0E-7) {
                     $bChanged = true;
             } else {
                 $bChanged = true;
         //Some new price for new instance type is added while other prices reman untouched
         if (!$bChanged && count($found)) {
             foreach ($found as $priceEntity) {
                 //Zerro prices should not be taken into account if they don't exist before
                 if ($priceEntity->cost >= 1.0E-6) {
                     $bChanged = true;
     if ($bChanged) {
         //Saving actually only when there is some change
         $this->getContainer()->analytics->events->fireChangeCloudPricingEvent($platform, $url);
     if ($priceHistory->platform == SERVER_PLATFORMS::EC2) {
         SettingEntity::setValue(SettingEntity::ID_FORBID_AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_AWS_PRICES, $forbidAutomaticUpdate ? '1' : '0');
     $this->response->success('Prices have been updated');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Finds collection of the values by any key
  * @param    array        $criteria     optional The search criteria.
  * @param    array        $group        optional The group by looks like [property1, ...]
  * @param    array        $order        optional The results order looks like [[property1 => true|false], ...]
  * @param    int          $limit        optional The records limit
  * @param    int          $offset       optional The offset
  * @param    bool         $countRecords optional True to calculate total number of the records without limit
  * @return   ArrayCollection|EntityIterator|ADORecordSet_mysqli Returns collection of the entities. The type
  *           of the result depends on resultType property of the class which can be set as
  *           FooEntity::result(FooEntity::RESULT_ARRAY_COLLECTION)->find()
 private function _find(array $criteria = null, array $group = null, array $order = null, $limit = null, $offset = null, $countRecords = null)
     $class = get_class($this);
     $iterator = $this->getIterator();
     if (is_array($criteria) && array_key_exists(static::STMT_FROM, $criteria)) {
         $stmtFrom = "FROM " . $criteria[static::STMT_FROM];
     } else {
         $stmtFrom = "FROM {$this->table()}";
     if (is_array($criteria) && array_key_exists(static::STMT_WHERE, $criteria)) {
         $stmtWhere = "WHERE " . $criteria[static::STMT_WHERE];
         $rawWhere = !empty($criteria[static::STMT_WHERE]);
     } else {
         $stmtWhere = "WHERE";
     if (!empty($criteria)) {
         $built = $this->_buildQuery($criteria);
     if (!empty($group)) {
         $sGroup = '';
         foreach ($group as $col) {
             $field = $iterator->getField($col);
             if (!$field) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Property %s does not exist in %s", $col, $class));
             $sGroup .= ', ' . $field->getColumnName();
         $sGroup = $sGroup != '' ? 'GROUP BY ' . substr($sGroup, 2) : '';
     if (!empty($order)) {
         $sOrder = '';
         foreach ($order as $k => $v) {
             $field = $iterator->getField($k);
             if (!$field) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Property %s does not exist in %s", $k, $class));
             $sOrder .= ', ' . $field->getColumnName() . ($v ? '' : ' DESC');
         $sOrder = $sOrder != '' ? 'ORDER BY ' . substr($sOrder, 2) : '';
     $bcnt = $countRecords && isset($limit);
     $builtWhere = !empty($built['where']) ? $built['where'] : '1=1';
     $stmt = "\n            SELECT " . ($bcnt ? 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' : '') . (!empty($criteria[static::STMT_DISTINCT]) ? 'DISTINCT ' : '') . $this->fields() . " {$stmtFrom}\n            {$stmtWhere} " . (!empty($rawWhere) ? "AND (" . $builtWhere . ")" : $builtWhere) . "\n            " . (!empty($sOrder) ? $sOrder : "") . "\n            " . (isset($limit) ? "LIMIT " . ($offset ? intval($offset) . ',' : '') . intval($limit) : "") . "\n        ";
     $res = $this->db()->Execute($stmt);
     if ($this->resultType === self::RESULT_ENTITY_COLLECTION) {
         $ret = new ArrayCollection();
         while ($item = $res->FetchRow()) {
             $obj = new $class();
     } else {
         if ($this->resultType === self::RESULT_ENTITY_ITERATOR) {
             $ret = new EntityIterator($class, $res);
         } else {
             if ($this->resultType === self::RESULT_RAW) {
                 $this->resultType = self::DEFAULT_RESULT_TYPE;
                 return $res;
     if ($bcnt) {
         $ret->totalNumber = $this->db()->getOne('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
     } else {
         if ($countRecords) {
             $ret->totalNumber = $res->RowCount();
     //Restores default result type
     $this->resultType = self::DEFAULT_RESULT_TYPE;
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Gets the list of the Cost Centers which correspond to Account
  * @return  \Scalr\Model\Collections\ArrayCollection  Returns collection of the entities
 public function getCostCenters()
     $ccs = new ArrayCollection();
     foreach (AccountCostCenterEntity::findByAccountId($this->id) as $accountCc) {
         $cc = CostCentreEntity::findPk($accountCc->ccId);
         if (!$cc instanceof CostCentreEntity) {
     return $ccs;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Gets actual prices on specified date
  * @param   string    $platform      The name of the cloud platform
  * @param   string    $cloudLocation The location of the cloud
  * @param   string    $url           optional The keystone url for the private clouds
  * @param   \DateTime $applied       optional The date in UTC
  * @param   int       $accountId     optional ID of the account (global level by default)
  * @param   string    $instanceType  optional Type of the instance
  * @param   int       $os            optional Os type [Linux - 0, Windows - 1]
  * @return  ArrayCollection Returns a collection of price entities
 public function getActualPrices($platform, $cloudLocation, $url = null, \DateTime $applied = null, $accountId = null, $instanceType = null, $os = null)
     $ret = new ArrayCollection();
     if (!$applied instanceof \DateTime) {
         $applied = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
     $accountId = $accountId ?: 0;
     $url = $url ?: '';
     $sql = "\n            SELECT ph.cloud_location, ph.applied, ph.deny_override,\n                   p.instance_type, p.os, p.price_id, p.cost\n            FROM price_history ph\n            JOIN prices p ON p.price_id = ph.price_id\n            LEFT JOIN price_history ph2 ON ph2.platform = ph.platform\n                AND ph2.cloud_location = ph.cloud_location\n                AND ph2.account_id = ph.account_id\n                AND ph2.url = ph.url\n                AND ph2.applied > ph.applied AND ph2.applied <= ?\n            LEFT JOIN prices p2 ON p2.price_id = ph2.price_id\n                AND p2.instance_type = p.instance_type\n                AND p2.os = p.os\n            WHERE ph.account_id = ? AND p2.price_id IS NULL\n            AND ph.platform = ?\n            AND ph.cloud_location = ?\n            AND ph.url = ?\n            AND ph.applied <= ?\n        ";
     if ($instanceType !== null) {
         $sql .= " AND p.instance_type = '{$instanceType}'";
     if ($os !== null) {
         $sql .= " AND p.os =" . $os;
     $res = $this->cadb->Execute($sql, [$applied->format('Y-m-d'), $accountId, $platform, $cloudLocation, $this->normalizeUrl($url), $applied->format('Y-m-d')]);
     $ph = [];
     while ($rec = $res->FetchRow()) {
         $item = new PriceEntity();
         if (!isset($ph[$item->priceId])) {
             $rec['platform'] = $platform;
             $rec['url'] = $url;
             $ph[$item->priceId] = new PriceHistoryEntity();
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Finds webhook configs by even
  * @param   string   $eventName     Event type
  * @param   int      $farmId    The identifier of the farm
  * @param   int      $accountId The identifier of the client's account
  * @param   int      $envId     The identifier of the environment
  * @return  ArrayCollection Gets collection of the WebhookConfig objects
 public static function findByEvent($eventName, $farmId, $accountId, $envId)
     $ret = new ArrayCollection();
     $cfg = new self();
     $res = $cfg->db()->Execute("\n            SELECT " . $cfg->fields('c') . "\n            FROM " . $cfg->table() . " c\n            JOIN `webhook_config_events` ce ON ce.webhook_id = c.webhook_id\n            WHERE ce.event_type = ?\n            AND (\n                (c.account_id = ? AND c.env_id = ? AND `level` = 4) OR\n                (c.account_id = ? AND c.env_id IS NULL AND `level` = 2) OR\n                (c.account_id IS NULL AND c.env_id IS NULL AND `level` = 1)\n            )\n            AND EXISTS (\n                SELECT 1 FROM `webhook_config_farms` cf\n                WHERE cf.webhook_id = c.webhook_id\n                AND (cf.farm_id = 0 OR cf.farm_id = ?)\n            )\n        ", array($eventName, $accountId, $envId, $accountId, $farmId));
     while ($item = $res->FetchRow()) {
         $cfg = new self();
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Gets event list
  * @param  \DateTime              $start      Start date of the period
  * @param  \DateTime              $end        End date of the period
  * @param  string                 $ccId       optional Cost center id
  * @param  string                 $projectId  optional Project id
  * @return ArrayCollection        Returns collection of the TimelineEventEntity objects
 public function get($start, $end, $ccId = null, $projectId = null)
     $eventEntity = new TimelineEventEntity();
     $joinData = $this->buildJoin($ccId, $projectId);
     $fields = '';
     foreach ($eventEntity->getIterator()->fields() as $field) {
         $fields .= ',`' . $field->column->name . '`';
     $result = $this->db->Execute("\n            SELECT " . ltrim($fields, ',') . "\n            FROM (\n                SELECT " . $eventEntity->fields('e') . "\n                FROM " . $eventEntity->table('e') . (isset($joinData['join']) ? $joinData['join'] : '') . "\n                WHERE e.dtime BETWEEN " . $eventEntity->qstr('dtime', $start) . " AND " . $eventEntity->qstr('dtime', $end) . "\n                " . (isset($joinData['join']) ? "\n                UNION\n                SELECT " . $eventEntity->fields('e2') . "\n                FROM " . $eventEntity->table('e2') . "\n                WHERE e2.event_type = " . $eventEntity::EVENT_TYPE_CHANGE_CLOUD_PRICING . "\n                AND e2.dtime BETWEEN " . $eventEntity->qstr('dtime', $start) . " AND " . $eventEntity->qstr('dtime', $end) : "") . "\n            ) p\n            ORDER BY p.dtime DESC\n        ");
     $events = new ArrayCollection();
     while ($record = $result->FetchRow()) {
         $item = new TimelineEventEntity();
     return $events;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Finds projects by key
  * It searches by name or billing number
  * @param   string    $key  optional Search key
  * @return  ArrayCollection Returns collection of the ProjectEntity objects
 public function findByKey($key = null)
     if (is_null($key) || $key === '') {
         return $this->all();
     $collection = new ArrayCollection();
     $projectEntity = new ProjectEntity();
     //Includes archived projects
     $projectPropertyEntity = new ProjectPropertyEntity();
     //Cost center entity
     $ccEntity = new CostCentreEntity();
     $rs = $this->db->Execute("\n            SELECT " . $projectEntity->fields('p') . ", " . $ccEntity->fields('c', true) . "\n            FROM " . $projectEntity->table('p') . "\n            LEFT JOIN " . $ccEntity->table('c') . " ON c.`cc_id` = p.`cc_id`\n            WHERE p.`name` LIKE ?\n            OR EXISTS (\n                SELECT 1 FROM " . $projectPropertyEntity->table('pp') . "\n                WHERE `pp`.project_id = `p`.`project_id`\n                AND `pp`.`name` = ? AND `pp`.`value` LIKE ?\n            )\n        ", ['%' . $key . '%', ProjectPropertyEntity::NAME_BILLING_CODE, '%' . $key . '%']);
     while ($rec = $rs->FetchRow()) {
         $item = new ProjectEntity();
         if ($rec['c_cc_id']) {
             $cc = new CostCentreEntity();
             $cc->load($rec, 'c');
     return $collection;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Finds collection of the values by any key
  * @param    array        $criteria     optional The search criteria.
  * @param    array        $order        optional The results order
  * @param    int          $limit        optional The records limit
  * @param    int          $offset       optional The offset
  * @param    bool         $countRecords optional True to calculate totat number of the records without limit
  * @return   ArrayCollection Returns collection of the entities
 private function _find(array $criteria = null, array $order = null, $limit = null, $offset = null, $countRecords = null)
     $class = get_class($this);
     $iterator = $this->getIterator();
     $stmtFields = '';
     $arguments = array();
     if (!empty($criteria)) {
         $built = $this->_buildQuery($criteria);
     if (!empty($order)) {
         $sOrder = '';
         foreach ($order as $k => $v) {
             $field = $iterator->getField($k);
             if (!$field) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Property %s does not exist in %s", $k, $class));
             $sOrder .= ', ' . $field->getColumnName() . ($v ? '' : ' DESC');
         $sOrder = $sOrder != '' ? 'ORDER BY ' . substr($sOrder, 2) : '';
     $bcnt = $countRecords && isset($limit);
     $stmt = "\n            SELECT " . ($bcnt ? 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' : '') . $this->fields() . " FROM {$this->table()}\n            WHERE " . (!empty($built['where']) ? $built['where'] : '1=1') . "\n            " . (!empty($sOrder) ? $sOrder : "") . "\n            " . (isset($limit) ? "LIMIT " . ($offset ? intval($offset) . ',' : '') . intval($limit) : "") . "\n        ";
     $res = $this->db()->Execute($stmt);
     $ret = new ArrayCollection();
     if ($bcnt) {
         $ret->totalNumber = $this->db()->getOne('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
     } else {
         if ($countRecords) {
             $ret->totalNumber = $res->RowCount();
     while ($item = $res->FetchRow()) {
         $obj = new $class();
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Finds cost centres by key
  * It searches by name or billing number
  * @param   string    $key          optional Search key
  * @param   array     $criteria     optional Search criteria
  * @param   bool      $ignoreCache  optional Should it ignore cache or not
  * @return  ArrayCollection Returns collection of the CostCentreEntity objects
 public function findByKey($key = null, $criteria = null, $ignoreCache = false)
     if (is_null($key) || $key === '') {
         return $this->all(false, $criteria, $ignoreCache);
     $collection = new ArrayCollection();
     $ccEntity = new CostCentreEntity();
     $ccPropertyEntity = new CostCentrePropertyEntity();
     $projectEntity = new ProjectEntity();
     $where = '';
     $join = '';
     $this->parseFindCriteria($criteria, $join, $where);
     $rs = $this->db->Execute("\n            SELECT " . $ccEntity->fields('c') . "\n            FROM " . $ccEntity->table('c') . " " . $join . "\n            WHERE (c.`name` LIKE ?\n            OR EXISTS (\n                SELECT 1 FROM " . $ccPropertyEntity->table('cp') . "\n                WHERE `cp`.cc_id = `c`.`cc_id`\n                AND `cp`.`name` = ? AND `cp`.`value` LIKE ?\n            ))\n            " . $where . "\n        ", ['%' . $key . '%', CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_BILLING_CODE, '%' . $key . '%']);
     while ($rec = $rs->FetchRow()) {
         $item = new CostCentreEntity();
     return $collection;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Finds farms by key
  * It searches by name
  * @param   int       $envId     Current enviroment id
  * @param   string    $key       optional Search key
  * @return  ArrayCollection Returns collection of the farm objects
 public function findFarmsByKey($envId, $key = null)
     $statement = "\n            SELECT *\n            FROM farms f\n            WHERE f.env_id = " . intval($envId) . "\n        ";
     if (!is_null($key) && $key !== '') {
         $statement .= "\n                AND LIKE '%" . $this->db->escape($key) . "%'\n            ";
     $collection = new ArrayCollection();
     $rs = $this->db->Execute($statement);
     while ($rec = $rs->FetchRow()) {
         $item = DBFarm::loadFields($rec);
     return $collection;