Exemplo n.º 1
  * @return array Asynchronous result array
 public function __async_form($structureId = 0)
     /** @var array $table Result of asynchronous controller
      * Represented as array of rendered table and pager objects */
     $table = $this->__async_table($structureId);
     if ($structureId == 0) {
         // If parent structure is not set, store structure by itself instead
         $parent = isset($parent) ? $parent : CMSNav::fullTree();
         /** @var SamsonTree $tree Tree structure object */
         $tree = new SamsonTree('tree/template', 0, $this->id . '/getchild');
         /** @var string $treeHTML Rendered tree */
         $treeHTML = $tree->htmlTree($parent);
         $treeHide = false;
     } else {
         $treeHTML = '';
         $treeHide = true;
     // Return asynchronous result
     return array('status' => 1, 'html' => $this->view('form')->set($table)->set($treeHTML, 'tree')->set($treeHide, 'treeHide')->set($structureId, 'structureID')->output());
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param CMSNav $parent
  * @param string $html
  * @param null $view
  * @param int $level
  * @param int $currentNavID
  * @return string
 public function htmlTree(CMSNav &$parent = null, &$html = '', $view = null, $level = 0, $currentNavID = 0, $recursion = 1)
     /** Collection of visited structures to avoid recursion */
     static $visited = array();
     // If no parent structure is passed
     if (!isset($parent)) {
         // Use current object
         $parent =& $this;
     // If we have not visited this structure yet
     if (!isset($visited[$parent->id])) {
         // Store it as visited
         $visited[$parent->id] = $parent->Name;
         // Get structure children
         // TODO: What is the difference?
         if ($parent->base) {
             $children = $parent->children();
         } else {
             $children = $parent->baseChildren();
         // If we have children collection for this node
         if (sizeof($children)) {
             // Sort children
             usort($children, array(__CLASS__, 'strSorting'));
             // Start html list
             $html .= '<ul>';
             // Iterate all children
             foreach ($children as $child) {
                 // If external view is set
                 if (isset($view)) {
                     if (!$recursion && sizeof($child->children())) {
                         // Start HTML list item and render this view
                         $html .= '<li class="hasChildren">';
                     } else {
                         $html .= '<li>';
                     // Start HTML list item and render this view
                     $html .= m()->view($view)->parentid($parent->id)->nav_id($currentNavID)->db_structure($child)->output();
                 } else {
                     // Render just structure name
                     $html .= '<li>' . $child->Name;
                 if ($recursion) {
                     // Go deeper in recursion
                     $parent->htmlTree($child, $html, $view, $level++, $currentNavID, $recursion);
                 // Close HTML list item
                 $html .= '</li>';
             // Close HTML list
             $html .= '</ul>';
     return $html;
  * Построение нового дерева. (Вызывается в цепи контроллеров)
  * @param null $currentMainNavID - указатель на родителя
  * @return array
 public function __async_tree($currentMainNavID = null)
     /** @var CMSNav $currentMainNav */
     $currentMainNav = null;
     if (dbQuery('\\samson\\cms\\web\\navigation\\CMSNav')->StructureID($currentMainNavID)->first($currentMainNav)) {
         $currentMainNav->currentNavID = $currentMainNavID;
     } else {
         $currentMainNav = CMSNav::fullTree();
     $tree = new \samson\treeview\SamsonTree('tree/tree-template', 0, 'structure/addchildren');
     $sub_menu = $this->view('sub_menu')->parentnav_id($currentMainNavID)->nav_id($currentMainNavID)->output();
     // return Ajax response
     return array('status' => 1, 'tree' => $tree->htmlTree($currentMainNav), 'sub_menu' => $sub_menu);