Exemplo n.º 1
  * This table shows target-vs-actual allocations and info to help with rebalancing.
  * @param int $year  the year for which to report investment allocations.
  *                  Reports data from the latest month in [$year - 1, $year] that has data.
 private function rebalancetable($mysqli, $year)
     $allocations = Db\TargetApi::getTargets($mysqli);
     $data = Db\InvestmentsApi::getInvestments($mysqli, $year - 1, $year);
     if (!$allocations || !$data) {
     $year_index = isset($data[$year]) ? $year : $year - 1;
     $month_index = max(array_keys($data[$year_index]));
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($allocations as $i) {
         if (isset($data[$year_index][$month_index][$i->key])) {
             $total += $data[$year_index][$month_index][$i->key];
     $total = (int) $total;
     if (!$total) {
     $rows = array();
     $rowSortData = array();
     foreach ($allocations as $i) {
         $current = (int) @$data[$year_index][$month_index][$i->key];
         $currentPercent = 100 * $current / $total;
         $target = $i->percent * $total / 100;
         $rows[] = array($i->name, $i->percent, round(100 * $current / $total, 2), '$ ' . round($current / 10) * 10, '$ ' . ($current < $target ? '(' : '') . abs(round(($current - $target) / 10) * 10) . ($current < $target ? ')' : ''), $current < $target ? 'Add funds' : 'Remove funds');
         $rowSortData[] = array($i->name, $i->percent, round($current / $total, 5), $current, round($current - $target, 5), round($current - $target, 5));
     $tdata = array('headers' => array('Category', 'Target %', 'Actual %', '$ Actual', '$ Over (Under)', 'Action'), 'headerSortType' => array('', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'number', ''), 'rows' => $rows, 'rowSortData' => $rowSortData);
     echo json_encode(array("Table", $tdata, array('sortable' => true)));
Exemplo n.º 2
 private function year($mysqli, $year)
     $data = Db\InvestmentsApi::getInvestments($mysqli, $year, $year);
     $categories = Db\InvestmentsApi::getCategories($mysqli);
     $cdata = $this->getBaseData($categories);
     $max_value = 0;
     for ($i = count($categories) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $category = $categories[$i];
         for ($j = 0; $j < 12; $j++) {
             if (isset($data[$year][$j + 1][$category->key])) {
                 $value = $data[$year][$j + 1][$category->key];
             } else {
                 $value = null;
             if ($value !== null && isset($cdata['datasets'][$i + 1]['data'][$j])) {
                 $value += $cdata['datasets'][$i + 1]['data'][$j];
             $cdata['datasets'][$i]['data'][$j] = $value;
             $max_value = max($max_value, $value);
     echo json_encode(array("Line", $cdata, $this->getOptions($max_value, true), $this->getExtra($categories)));
Exemplo n.º 3
 private function threecell($mysqli)
     $data = Db\InvestmentsApi::getInvestments($mysqli, 0, 3000);
     if (!$data) {
         echo json_encode("Table", null);
     $tmp = array_keys($data);
     $newest_year = $tmp[count($tmp) - 1];
     $tmp = array_keys($data[$newest_year]);
     $newest_month = $tmp[count($tmp) - 1];
     $newest = $newest_year * 12 + $newest_month - 1;
     $back_three = $newest - 3;
     $newest_net = array_sum($data[$newest_year][$newest_month]);
     if ($newest_month > 3) {
         $back_three = @array_sum($data[$newest_year][$newest_month - 3]);
     } else {
         $back_three = @array_sum($data[$newest_year - 1][$newest_month + 9]);
     $last_year = @array_sum($data[$newest_year - 1][$newest_month]);
     $tdata = array('headers' => array('3-month Growth', '1-year growth', 'Total savings & investments'), 'rows' => array(array($back_three ? '$' . number_format($newest_net - $back_three, 2) : '--', $last_year ? '$' . number_format($newest_net - $last_year, 2) : '--', '$' . number_format($newest_net, 2))));
     echo json_encode(array("Table", $tdata));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function yearReport($mysqli, $year)
     echo '<h1>' . $year . ' Annual Report</h1>';
     $data = Db\AnnualApi::getYear($mysqli, $year);
     echo '<h2>Income</h2>';
     echo '<table border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"><tr><th>Key</th><th>Value</th></tr>';
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         printf('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>', $key, $value);
     echo '</table>';
     $categories = Db\InvestmentsApi::getCategories($mysqli);
     $data = Db\InvestmentsApi::getInvestments($mysqli, $year, $year);
     echo '<h2>Investments</h2>';
     echo '<table border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"><tr><th>Month</th>';
     foreach ($categories as $i) {
         printf('<th>%s</th>', $i->name);
     echo '<th>Total</th></tr>';
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
         if (empty($data[$year][$i])) {
         echo '<tr><td>' . date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, $year)) . '</td>';
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             if (isset($data[$year][$i][$category->key])) {
                 $value = $data[$year][$i][$category->key];
             } else {
                 $value = '';
             printf('<td>%s</td>', $value);
         printf('<td>%s</td>', array_sum($data[$year][$i]));
         echo '</tr>';
     echo '</table>';
     $id = 'canvaschart' . uniqid();
     echo '<div class="canvascontainer line"><canvas data-src="/data/investments/year/' . $year . '" id="' . $id . '"></div>';