Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function handleException(Exception $exception)
     if (Core::$cli) {
         Core::cliMessage($exception->getMessage(), 'red');
         Core::cliMessage($exception->getLine() . ' in file ' . $exception->getFile(), 'red');
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function query($sql, $data = array())
     $statement = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
     if (!$statement->execute($data)) {
         Core::showMessage('SQL-Fehler: ' . $sql, 'red');
         Core::showMessage('SQL-String: ' . print_r($statement, 1));
         Core::showMessage(' >> ' . $statement->errorInfo()[2], 'red', 1);
         return false;
     return $statement;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @param Database $database
  * @return array
 private function getTableStructur($database)
     $tables = $database->query('SHOW TABLE STATUS')->fetchAll();
     $returnTables = array();
     foreach ($tables as &$table) {
         $newTable = array();
         $newTable['name'] = $table['Name'];
         $newTable['engine'] = $table['Engine'];
         $newTable['collation'] = $table['Collation'];
         Core::showMessage('  > Table "' . $newTable['name'] . '"', 'white', 1, false);
         $newTable['fields'] = $this->getColumnStructur($database, $newTable['name']);
         Core::showMessage(' done ', 'green', 1);
         array_push($returnTables, $newTable);
     return $returnTables;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private function connectDatabases($sourceName, $targetName)
     // Connection to the Source-Database
     $sourceDB = new Database();
     $sourceConfig = $this->storageDatabases[$sourceName];
     $sourceDB->connect($sourceConfig['engine'], $sourceConfig['host'], $sourceConfig['name'], $sourceConfig['user'], $sourceConfig['password']);
     $this->sourceDB = $sourceDB;
     Core::showMessage(" > SourceDB connected", 'green');
     // Connection to the Target-Database
     $targetDB = new Database();
     $targetConfig = $this->storageDatabases[$targetName];
     $targetDB->connect($targetConfig['engine'], $targetConfig['host'], $targetConfig['name'], $targetConfig['user'], $targetConfig['password']);
     $this->targetDB = $targetDB;
     Core::showMessage(" > TargetDB connected", 'green');
     if ($this->sourceDB->pdo !== false and $this->targetDB->pdo !== false) {
         return true;
     return false;