getDefaultImplementationClassNameForInterface() public method

Searches for and returns the class name of the default implementation of the given interface name. If no class implementing the interface was found or more than one implementation was found in the package defining the interface, FALSE is returned.
public getDefaultImplementationClassNameForInterface ( string $interfaceName ) : mixed
$interfaceName string Name of the interface
return mixed Either the class name of the default implementation for the object type or FALSE
Exemplo n.º 1
  * Traverses through the given class and interface names and builds a base object configuration
  * for all of them. Then parses the provided extra configuration and merges the result
  * into the overall configuration. Finally autowires dependencies of arguments and properties
  * which can be resolved automatically.
  * @param array $availableClassAndInterfaceNamesByPackage An array of available class names, grouped by package key
  * @param array $rawObjectConfigurationsByPackages An array of package keys and their raw (ie. unparsed) object configurations
  * @return array<Configuration> Object configurations
  * @throws InvalidObjectConfigurationException
 public function buildObjectConfigurations(array $availableClassAndInterfaceNamesByPackage, array $rawObjectConfigurationsByPackages)
     $objectConfigurations = [];
     $interfaceNames = [];
     foreach ($availableClassAndInterfaceNamesByPackage as $packageKey => $classAndInterfaceNames) {
         foreach ($classAndInterfaceNames as $classOrInterfaceName) {
             $objectName = $classOrInterfaceName;
             if ($this->reflectionService->isClassUnconfigurable($classOrInterfaceName)) {
             if (interface_exists($classOrInterfaceName)) {
                 $interfaceName = $classOrInterfaceName;
                 $implementationClassName = $this->reflectionService->getDefaultImplementationClassNameForInterface($interfaceName);
                 if (!isset($rawObjectConfigurationsByPackages[$packageKey][$interfaceName]) && $implementationClassName === false) {
                 if ($this->reflectionService->isClassAnnotatedWith($interfaceName, Flow\Scope::class)) {
                     throw new InvalidObjectConfigurationException(sprintf('Scope annotations in interfaces don\'t have any effect, therefore you better remove it from %s in order to avoid confusion.', $interfaceName), 1299095595);
                 $interfaceNames[$interfaceName] = true;
             } else {
                 $implementationClassName = $classOrInterfaceName;
             $rawObjectConfiguration = ['className' => $implementationClassName];
             $rawObjectConfiguration = $this->enhanceRawConfigurationWithAnnotationOptions($classOrInterfaceName, $rawObjectConfiguration);
             $objectConfigurations[$objectName] = $this->parseConfigurationArray($objectName, $rawObjectConfiguration, 'automatically registered class');
     foreach ($rawObjectConfigurationsByPackages as $packageKey => $rawObjectConfigurations) {
         foreach ($rawObjectConfigurations as $objectName => $rawObjectConfiguration) {
             $objectName = str_replace('_', '\\', $objectName);
             if (!is_array($rawObjectConfiguration)) {
                 throw new InvalidObjectConfigurationException('Configuration of object "' . $objectName . '" in package "' . $packageKey . '" is not an array, please check your Objects.yaml for syntax errors.', 1295954338);
             $existingObjectConfiguration = isset($objectConfigurations[$objectName]) ? $objectConfigurations[$objectName] : null;
             if (isset($rawObjectConfiguration['className'])) {
                 $rawObjectConfiguration = $this->enhanceRawConfigurationWithAnnotationOptions($rawObjectConfiguration['className'], $rawObjectConfiguration);
             $newObjectConfiguration = $this->parseConfigurationArray($objectName, $rawObjectConfiguration, 'configuration of package ' . $packageKey . ', definition for object "' . $objectName . '"', $existingObjectConfiguration);
             if (!isset($objectConfigurations[$objectName]) && !interface_exists($objectName, true) && !class_exists($objectName, false)) {
                 throw new InvalidObjectConfigurationException('Tried to configure unknown object "' . $objectName . '" in package "' . $packageKey . '". Please check your Objects.yaml.', 1184926175);
             if ($objectName !== $newObjectConfiguration->getClassName() && !interface_exists($objectName, true)) {
                 throw new InvalidObjectConfigurationException('Tried to set a differing class name for class "' . $objectName . '" in the object configuration of package "' . $packageKey . '". Setting "className" is only allowed for interfaces, please check your Objects.yaml."', 1295954589);
             if (empty($newObjectConfiguration->getClassName()) && empty($newObjectConfiguration->getFactoryObjectName())) {
                 $count = count($this->reflectionService->getAllImplementationClassNamesForInterface($objectName));
                 $hint = $count ? 'It seems like there is no class which implements that interface, maybe the object configuration is obsolete?' : sprintf('There are %s classes implementing that interface, therefore you must specify a specific class in your object configuration.', $count);
                 throw new InvalidObjectConfigurationException('The object configuration for "' . $objectName . '" in the object configuration of package "' . $packageKey . '" lacks a "className" entry. ' . $hint, 1422566751);
             $objectConfigurations[$objectName] = $newObjectConfiguration;
             if ($objectConfigurations[$objectName]->getPackageKey() === null) {
     // If an implementation class could be determined for an interface object configuration, set the scope for the
     // interface object configuration to the scope found in the implementation class configuration, but
     // only if the interface doesn't have a specifically configured scope (i.e. is prototype so far)
     foreach (array_keys($interfaceNames) as $interfaceName) {
         $implementationClassName = $objectConfigurations[$interfaceName]->getClassName();
         if ($implementationClassName !== '' && isset($objectConfigurations[$implementationClassName]) && $objectConfigurations[$interfaceName]->getScope() === Configuration::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE) {
     return $objectConfigurations;
  * Returns the workspace owner.
  * @return UserInterface
  * @api
 public function getOwner()
     if ($this->owner === null) {
         return null;
     return $this->persistenceManager->getObjectByIdentifier($this->owner, $this->reflectionService->getDefaultImplementationClassNameForInterface(UserInterface::class));