Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function getDestinationPath(Uri $baseUri, HttpRequest $request)
     if (!$request->hasHeader('Destination')) {
         throw new BadRequestException();
     $dest = $request->getHeader('Destination');
     if (preg_match("'^(?:https?:)?//'i", $dest)) {
         try {
             $uri = new Uri($dest);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new BadRequestException($e);
         if (0 !== strpos((string) $uri, rtrim($baseUri, '/') . '/')) {
             throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_BAD_GATEWAY);
         return Uri::decode(substr($uri->getPath(), strlen(rtrim($baseUri->getPath(), '/') . '/')));
     if (preg_match("'^/.*'", $dest)) {
         $path = '/' . trim($dest, '/');
         $base = rtrim('/' . $baseUri->getPath(), '/') . '/';
         if (0 !== strpos($path, $base)) {
             throw new WebDavException(WebDav::CODE_BAD_GATEWAY);
         return Uri::decode(substr($path, strlen($base)));
     throw new BadRequestException();
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function sendRequest(StreamInterface $stream, HttpRequest $request)
     $chunked = 'chunked' == strtolower(trim($request->getHeader('Transfer-Encoding', '')));
     $chunked = $chunked && $request->hasEntity();
     $compress = 'gzip' == strtolower(trim($request->getHeader('Content-Encoding', '')));
     $this->sendRequestLine($stream, $request);
     foreach ($request->getHeaders() as $n => $headers) {
         if ($n == 'content-length') {
         if (!$chunked && $n == 'transfer-encoding') {
         foreach ($headers as $header) {
             $stream->write(sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", $header[0], $header[1]));
     $encoded = [];
     foreach ($request->getCookies() as $k => $v) {
         $encoded[] = Uri::encode($k) . '=' . Uri::encode($v);
     if (!empty($encoded)) {
         $stream->write(sprintf("Cookie: %s\r\n", implode('; ', $encoded)));
     if (!$chunked) {
         $this->sendEntity($stream, $request, $compress);
     } else {
         $this->sendChunkedEntity($stream, $request, $compress);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getResourcePath(Uri $baseUri, Uri $requestUri)
     if ($this->path === '') {
         return ltrim(substr($requestUri->getPath(false), strlen($baseUri->getPath(false))), '/');
     if (preg_match("'^/+'", $this->path)) {
         return ltrim($this->path, '/');
     if (preg_match("'^https?://'", $this->path)) {
         if (0 !== strpos($this->path, $baseUri)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('URI does not refer to this WebDAV share: "%s"', $this->path));
         return Uri::decode(trim(substr($this->path, strlen($baseUri)), '/'));
     throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unprocessable tag in list: "%s"', $this->path));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function startAuthentication(TokenInterface $token, HttpRequest $request, HttpResponse $response)
     if (!$token instanceof FormAuthToken) {
         throw new SecurityException(sprintf('Invalid token %s passed to %s', get_class($token), get_class($this)));
     $loginUri = new Uri($this->auth->getLoginUri());
     $path = trim($request->getUri()->getPath(false), '/');
     $loginPath = trim($loginUri->getPath(false), '/');
     $session = $this->securityContext->getSession();
     $data = (array) $session->get($this->auth->getKey(), NULL);
     // Save the current URI when it is not the login URI.
     if ($path !== $loginPath && !array_key_exists(FormAuthenticationProvider::SESSION_URI, $data)) {
         $data[FormAuthenticationProvider::SESSION_URI] = (string) $request->getUri();
     $session->set($this->auth->getKey(), $data);
     $response->setHeader('Location', $loginUri);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Get the path info of this request (that is the path starting at the base bath of the front
  * controller).
  * @return string
 public function getPathInfo()
     $path = trim($this->uri->getPath(false), '/');
     if ($this->pathBase == '') {
         return $path;
     if ($path == $this->pathBase) {
         return '';
     return preg_replace("'^" . preg_quote($this->pathBase, "'") . "/'i", '', $path);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function buildHttpRequest()
     try {
         $method = $this->getRequestMethod();
         $request = new HttpRequest($this->getRequestUri(), $method, $this->getProtocol());
         $request->setPathBase(trim($this->getBaseUri()->getPath(false), '/'));
         foreach ($this->getHeaders() as $name => $value) {
             $request->setHeader($name, $value);
             if ($name == 'content-type') {
                 $mediaType = $request->getMediaType();
                 if ($mediaType->is(Http::FORM_ENCODED)) {
                     if ($method != Http::METHOD_POST) {
                         $fields = Uri::parseQuery(file_get_contents($this->getInputUrl()));
                         $request->setEntity(new FormEntity($fields));
                     } else {
                         $request->setEntity(new FormEntity($this->getPostParams()));
                 } elseif ($mediaType->is(Http::FORM_MULTIPART_ENCODED)) {
                     if ($method != Http::METHOD_POST) {
                         throw new \RuntimeException('Multipart requests must be POST');
                     $request->setEntity(new MultipartFormEntity($this->getPostParams(), $this->getFiles()));
         if (!$request->hasEntity()) {
             $request->setEntity(new StreamEntity(ResourceInputStream::fromUrl($this->getInputUrl())));
     } catch (BadRequestException $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new BadRequestException($e);
     return $request;
 public function streamResourcePropertyNames(ResourceInterface $resource, XmlStreamWriterInterface $xml, $baseUri)
     $xml->startElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'response');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'href', $baseUri . Uri::encode($resource->getPath()));
     $xml->startElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'propstat');
     $xml->startElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'prop');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'displayname');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'getcontenttype');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'creationdate');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'getlastmodified');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'resourcetype');
     if (!$resource->isCollection()) {
         $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'getcontentlength');
         $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'getetag');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'supported-method-set');
     $this->dispatcher->notify(new SerializePropertyNamesEvent($resource, $this->baseUri, $xml));
     // D:prop
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'status', 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
     // D:propstat
     // D:response
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Resolve and replace parameter values in the assembled URI.
  * @param UriInfo $info
  * @param array<string, mixed> $params
  * @return UriInfo
 protected function resolveParams(UriInfo $info, array $params)
     $uri = $info->getUri();
     if (false === strpos($uri, '{')) {
         return $info;
     $ctx = NULL;
     $result = '';
     foreach (preg_split("'(\\{[^\\}]+\\})'", $uri, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $part) {
         if ('{' != substr($part, 0, 1)) {
             $result .= $part;
         $placeholder = substr($part, 1, -1);
         if ('*' == substr($placeholder, -1)) {
             $placeholder = substr($placeholder, 0, -1);
             $multi = true;
         } else {
             $multi = false;
         switch (substr($placeholder, 0, 1)) {
             case '.':
                 $placeholder = substr($placeholder, 1);
                 $prefix = '.';
                 $join = $multi ? '.' : ',';
             case '/':
                 $placeholder = substr($placeholder, 1);
                 $prefix = '/';
                 $join = $multi ? '/' : ',';
                 $prefix = '';
                 $join = ',';
         if (false === strpos($placeholder, '.')) {
             $value = array_key_exists($placeholder, $params) ? $params[$placeholder] : $this;
         } else {
             if ($ctx === NULL) {
                 $ctx = $this->factory->createContext($params);
             $value = $ctx->resolveValue(explode('.', $placeholder), $this);
         if ($value === $this) {
             $result .= $part;
         } elseif (is_array($value) || $value instanceof \Traversable) {
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($value as $val) {
                 $result .= ($i++ == 0 ? $prefix : $join) . Uri::encode($val, true);
         } else {
             $result .= $prefix . Uri::encode($value, true);
     return new UriInfo($result, $info->getRouteName(), $info->getMethods(), $info->getHandler());
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function toXml(XmlStreamWriterInterface $xml, Uri $baseUri)
     $xml->startElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'activelock');
     $xml->startElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'lockscope');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, $this->isExclusive() ? 'exclusive' : 'shared');
     // lockscope
     $xml->startElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'locktype');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'write');
     // locktype
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'depth', $this->depth);
     if ($this->owner != '') {
         $xml->startElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'owner');
         if (preg_match("'^[^:]+://'i", $this->owner)) {
             $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'href', $this->owner);
         } else {
         // owner
     $seconds = $this->expires->getTimestamp() - time();
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'timeout', 'Second-' . ($seconds < 0 ? 0 : $seconds));
     $xml->startElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'locktoken');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'href', 'urn:webdav:lock:' . $this->token);
     // locktoken
     $xml->startElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'lockroot');
     $xml->writeElement(WebDav::NS_DAV, 'href', rtrim($baseUri, '/') . Uri::encode($this->rootPath));
     // lockroot
     // activelock
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function send(StreamInterface $stream)
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function getFieldValue()
     $buffer = sprintf('%s=%s', Uri::encode($this->name), Uri::encode($this->value));
     $dirs = [];
     // Do not send expires=0 because it is not handled correctly by IE!
     // Leaving out an expires directive will cause the cookie to be a session cookie.
     if ($this->expires !== NULL) {
         $dirs['expires'] = $this->expires->format(Http::DATE_COOKIE);
     $dirs['path'] = $this->path;
     $dirs['domain'] = $this->domain;
     $dirs['httpOnly'] = $this->httpOnly;
     $dirs['secure'] = $this->secure;
     $dirs['discard'] = $this->discard;
     $dirs['version'] = 1;
     $str = Directives::getDirectiveString($dirs, ';', ['domain', 'path']);
     return $str == '' ? $buffer : $buffer . '; ' . $str;
Exemplo n.º 12
 protected function replaceParams($pattern, array $params)
     $result = '';
     foreach (preg_split("'(\\{(?:(?>[^\\{\\}]+)|(?R))+\\})'S", $pattern, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE) as $part) {
         if (substr($part, 0, 1) == '{') {
             $key = substr($part, 1, -1);
             if (!array_key_exists($key, $params)) {
                 throw new \OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('Placeholder value not found: "%s"', $key));
             $result .= Uri::encode($params[$key]);
         } else {
             $result .= $part;
     return $result;