Exemplo n.º 1
  * Fill the object's arrProducts array
  * @param   array|null
  * @return  array
 protected function findProducts($arrCacheIds = null)
     $t = Product::getTable();
     $arrColumns = array();
     $arrCategories = $this->findCategories();
     $arrProductIds = \Database::getInstance()->query("SELECT pid FROM " . ProductCategory::getTable() . " WHERE page_id IN (" . implode(',', $arrCategories) . ")")->fetchEach('pid');
     $arrTypes = \Database::getInstance()->query("SELECT id FROM " . ProductType::getTable() . " WHERE variants='1'")->fetchEach('id');
     if (empty($arrProductIds)) {
         return array();
     list($arrFilters, $arrSorting, $strWhere, $arrValues) = $this->getFiltersAndSorting();
     if (!is_array($arrValues)) {
         $arrValues = array();
     $arrColumns[] = "(\n            ({$t}.id IN (" . implode(',', $arrProductIds) . ") AND {$t}.type NOT IN (" . implode(',', $arrTypes) . "))\n            OR {$t}.pid IN (" . implode(',', $arrProductIds) . ")\n        )";
     if (!empty($arrCacheIds) && is_array($arrCacheIds)) {
         $arrColumns[] = Product::getTable() . ".id IN (" . implode(',', $arrCacheIds) . ")";
     // Apply new/old product filter
     if ($this->iso_newFilter == 'show_new') {
         $arrColumns[] = Product::getTable() . ".dateAdded>=" . Isotope::getConfig()->getNewProductLimit();
     } elseif ($this->iso_newFilter == 'show_old') {
         $arrColumns[] = Product::getTable() . ".dateAdded<" . Isotope::getConfig()->getNewProductLimit();
     if ($this->iso_list_where != '') {
         $arrColumns[] = Haste::getInstance()->call('replaceInsertTags', $this->iso_list_where);
     if ($strWhere != '') {
         $arrColumns[] = $strWhere;
     $objProducts = Product::findAvailableBy($arrColumns, $arrValues, array('order' => 'c.sorting', 'filters' => $arrFilters, 'sorting' => $arrSorting));
     return null === $objProducts ? array() : $objProducts->getModels();
  * Fill the object's arrProducts array
  * @param array|null $arrCacheIds
  * @return array
 protected function findProducts($arrCacheIds = null)
     $t = Product::getTable();
     $arrColumns = array();
     $arrCategories = $this->findCategories();
     $arrProductIds = \Database::getInstance()->query("\n                SELECT pid\n                FROM tl_iso_product_category\n                WHERE page_id IN (" . implode(',', $arrCategories) . ")\n            ")->fetchEach('pid');
     $arrTypes = \Database::getInstance()->query("SELECT id FROM tl_iso_producttype WHERE variants='1'")->fetchEach('id');
     if (empty($arrProductIds)) {
         return array();
     $queryBuilder = new FilterQueryBuilder(Isotope::getRequestCache()->getFiltersForModules($this->iso_filterModules));
     $arrColumns[] = "(\n            ({$t}.id IN (" . implode(',', $arrProductIds) . ") AND {$t}.type NOT IN (" . implode(',', $arrTypes) . "))\n            OR {$t}.pid IN (" . implode(',', $arrProductIds) . ")\n        )";
     if (!empty($arrCacheIds) && is_array($arrCacheIds)) {
         $arrColumns[] = Product::getTable() . ".id IN (" . implode(',', $arrCacheIds) . ")";
     // Apply new/old product filter
     if ($this->iso_newFilter == 'show_new') {
         $arrColumns[] = Product::getTable() . ".dateAdded>=" . Isotope::getConfig()->getNewProductLimit();
     } elseif ($this->iso_newFilter == 'show_old') {
         $arrColumns[] = Product::getTable() . ".dateAdded<" . Isotope::getConfig()->getNewProductLimit();
     if ($this->iso_list_where != '') {
         $arrColumns[] = $this->iso_list_where;
     if ($queryBuilder->hasSqlCondition()) {
         $arrColumns[] = $queryBuilder->getSqlWhere();
     $arrSorting = Isotope::getRequestCache()->getSortingsForModules($this->iso_filterModules);
     if (empty($arrSorting) && $this->iso_listingSortField != '') {
         $direction = $this->iso_listingSortDirection == 'DESC' ? Sort::descending() : Sort::ascending();
         $arrSorting[$this->iso_listingSortField] = $direction;
     $objProducts = Product::findAvailableBy($arrColumns, $queryBuilder->getSqlValues(), array('order' => 'c.sorting', 'filters' => $queryBuilder->getFilters(), 'sorting' => $arrSorting));
     return null === $objProducts ? array() : $objProducts->getModels();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Find all available property types and return as array
  * @param   array
  * @return  array
 public static function findAllAvailable(&$arrCategories)
     $strHash = md5(implode(',', $arrCategories));
     if (!\Cache::has(static::$strKey . '-' . $strHash)) {
         $t = Product::getTable();
         $arrAvailable = array();
         if (!is_array($arrCategories) || empty($arrCategories)) {
             $arrCategories = array(0);
         //This query is by far the fastest way to get the available attributes
         $strQuery = "SELECT {$t}." . static::$strKey . " FROM {$t} WHERE " . static::$strKey . " != '' AND {$t}.id IN (" . implode(',', static::getProductsForCategories($arrCategories)) . ")";
         if (BE_USER_LOGGED_IN !== true) {
             $time = time();
             $strQuery .= " AND {$t}.published='1' AND ({$t}.start='' OR {$t}.start<{$time}) AND ({$t}.stop='' OR {$t}.stop>{$time})";
         $objResult = \Database::getInstance()->execute($strQuery);
         if ($objResult->numRows) {
             while ($objResult->next()) {
                 if (strlen($objResult->{static::$strKey}) && !in_array($objResult->{static::$strKey}, $arrAvailable)) {
                     $arrAvailable[specialchars($objResult->{static::$strKey})] = $objResult->{static::$strKey};
         \Cache::set(static::$strKey . '-' . $strHash, $arrAvailable);
     return \Cache::get(static::$strKey . '-' . $strHash);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Check if a product can be deleted by the current backend user
  * Deleting is prohibited if a product has been ordered
  * @return  bool
 public static function getUndeletableIds()
     static $arrProducts;
     if (null === $arrProducts) {
         $arrProducts = \Database::getInstance()->query("\n                    SELECT p.type AS type FROM " . Product::getTable() . " p\n                    INNER JOIN " . ProductCollectionItem::getTable() . " i ON i.product_id=p.id\n                    INNER JOIN " . ProductCollection::getTable() . " c ON i.pid=c.id\n                    WHERE p.type>0 AND c.type='order'\n                UNION\n                    SELECT p.type AS type FROM " . Product::getTable() . " p\n                    INNER JOIN " . Product::getTable() . " p2 ON p2.pid=p.pid\n                    INNER JOIN " . ProductCollectionItem::getTable() . " i ON i.product_id=p2.id\n                    INNER JOIN " . ProductCollection::getTable() . " c ON i.pid=c.id\n                    WHERE c.type='order'\n            ")->fetchEach('type');
     return $arrProducts;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * List the products
  * @param array
  * @return string
 public function listRows($row)
     $objProduct = Product::findByPk($row['pid']);
     $label = $objProduct->name;
     if ($objProduct->sku != '') {
         $label .= ' <span style="color:#b3b3b3; padding-left:3px;">[' . $objProduct->sku . ']</span>';
     return $label;
  * Generate query string for native filters
  * @param array $arrFilters
  * @return array
 public static function buildSqlFilters(array $arrFilters)
     $strWhere = '';
     $arrWhere = array();
     $arrValues = array();
     $arrGroups = array();
     // Initiate native SQL filtering
     /** @var \Isotope\RequestCache\Filter $objFilter  */
     foreach ($arrFilters as $k => $objFilter) {
         if ($objFilter->hasGroup() && $arrGroups[$objFilter->getGroup()] !== false) {
             if ($objFilter->isDynamicAttribute()) {
                 $arrGroups[$objFilter->getGroup()] = false;
             } else {
                 $arrGroups[$objFilter->getGroup()][] = $k;
         } elseif (!$objFilter->hasGroup() && !$objFilter->isDynamicAttribute()) {
             $arrWhere[] = $objFilter->sqlWhere();
             $arrValues[] = $objFilter->sqlValue();
     if (!empty($arrGroups)) {
         foreach ($arrGroups as $arrGroup) {
             $arrGroupWhere = array();
             // Skip dynamic attributes
             if (false === $arrGroup) {
             foreach ($arrGroup as $k) {
                 $objFilter = $arrFilters[$k];
                 $arrGroupWhere[] = $objFilter->sqlWhere();
                 $arrValues[] = $objFilter->sqlValue();
             $arrWhere[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $arrGroupWhere) . ')';
     if (!empty($arrWhere)) {
         $time = time();
         $t = Product::getTable();
         $strTemp = "";
         $arrTemp = $arrWhere;
         if (in_array("tl_iso_product.shipping_exempt = ?", $arrTemp)) {
             $strTemp = 'tl_iso_product.shipping_exempt = ? AND ';
             unset($arrTemp[array_search('tl_iso_product.shipping_exempt = ?', $arrTemp)]);
         $strTemp .= "(" . implode(' OR ', $arrTemp) . ")";
         $strWhere = "\n                (\n                (" . $strTemp . ")\n                    OR {$t}.id IN (SELECT {$t}.pid FROM tl_iso_product AS {$t} WHERE {$t}.language='' AND " . implode(' AND ', $arrWhere) . (BE_USER_LOGGED_IN === true ? '' : " AND {$t}.published='1' AND ({$t}.start='' OR {$t}.start<{$time}) AND ({$t}.stop='' OR {$t}.stop>{$time})") . ")\n                    OR {$t}.pid IN (SELECT {$t}.id FROM tl_iso_product AS {$t} WHERE {$t}.language='' AND " . implode(' AND ', $arrWhere) . (BE_USER_LOGGED_IN === true ? '' : " AND {$t}.published='1' AND ({$t}.start='' OR {$t}.start<{$time}) AND ({$t}.stop='' OR {$t}.stop>{$time})") . ")\n                )\n            ";
         $arrValues = array_merge($arrValues, $arrValues, $arrValues);
     return array($arrFilters, $strWhere, $arrValues);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Restore categories when restoring a product
  * @param int    $intId
  * @param string $strTable
  * @param array  $arrData
  * @param int    $intVersion
 public function restoreVersion($intId, $strTable, $arrData, $intVersion)
     if ($strTable != Product::getTable()) {
     $arrData = SubtableVersion::find(ProductCategory::getTable(), $intId, $intVersion);
     if (null !== $arrData) {
         \Database::getInstance()->query("DELETE FROM " . ProductCategory::getTable() . " WHERE pid={$intId}");
         foreach ($arrData as $arrRow) {
             \Database::getInstance()->prepare("INSERT INTO " . ProductCategory::getTable() . " %s")->set($arrRow)->execute();
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Generate a product label and return it as HTML string
  * @param array
  * @param string
  * @param object
  * @param array
  * @return string
 public function generate($row, $label, $dc, $args)
     $objProduct = Product::findByPk($row['id']);
     foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['list']['label']['fields'] as $i => $field) {
         switch ($field) {
             // Add an image
             case 'images':
                 $arrImages = deserialize($objProduct->images);
                 $args[$i] = '&nbsp;';
                 if (is_array($arrImages) && !empty($arrImages)) {
                     foreach ($arrImages as $image) {
                         $strImage = 'isotope/' . strtolower(substr($image['src'], 0, 1)) . '/' . $image['src'];
                         if (!is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strImage)) {
                         $size = @getimagesize(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strImage);
                         $args[$i] = sprintf('<a href="%s" onclick="Backend.openModalImage({\'width\':%s,\'title\':\'%s\',\'url\':\'%s\'});return false"><img src="%s" alt="%s" align="left"></a>', $strImage, $size[0], str_replace("'", "\\'", $objProduct->name), $strImage, \Image::get($strImage, 50, 50, 'proportional'), $image['alt']);
             case 'name':
                 $args[$i] = $objProduct->name;
                 /** @var \Isotope\Model\ProductType $objProductType */
                 if ($row['pid'] == 0 && ($objProductType = ProductType::findByPk($row['type'])) !== null && $objProductType->hasVariants()) {
                     // Add a variants link
                     $args[$i] = sprintf('<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>', ampersand(\Environment::get('request')) . '&amp;id=' . $row['id'], specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG'][$dc->table]['showVariants']), $args[$i]);
             case 'price':
                 $objPrice = ProductPrice::findPrimaryByProductId($row['id']);
                 if (null !== $objPrice) {
                     /** @var \Isotope\Model\TaxClass $objTax */
                     $objTax = $objPrice->getRelated('tax_class');
                     $strTax = null === $objTax ? '' : ' (' . $objTax->getName() . ')';
                     $args[$i] = $objPrice->getValueForTier(1) . $strTax;
             case 'variantFields':
                 $attributes = array();
                 foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$dc->table]['list']['label']['variantFields'] as $variantField) {
                     $attributes[] = '<strong>' . Format::dcaLabel($dc->table, $variantField) . ':</strong>&nbsp;' . Format::dcaValue($dc->table, $variantField, $objProduct->{$variantField});
                 $args[$i] = ($args[$i] ? $args[$i] . '<br>' : '') . implode(', ', $attributes);
     return $args;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Generate ajax
 public function generateAjax()
     if (!\Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) {
     if ($this->iso_searchAutocomplete && \Input::get('iso_autocomplete') == $this->id) {
         $objProducts = Product::findPublishedByCategories($this->findCategories(), array('order' => 'c.sorting'));
         if (null === $objProducts) {
             $objResponse = new JsonResponse(array());
         $objResponse = new JsonResponse(array_values($objProducts->fetchEach($this->iso_searchAutocomplete)));
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Return list of default and widget legends
  * @param   Widget
  * @return  array
 public function getLegends($objWidget)
     $arrLegends = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][\Isotope\Model\Attribute::getTable()]['fields']['legend']['options'];
     $arrLegends = array_intersect_key($GLOBALS['TL_LANG'][\Isotope\Model\Product::getTable()], array_flip($arrLegends));
     $varValue = $objWidget->value;
     if (!empty($varValue) && is_array($varValue)) {
         foreach ($varValue as $arrField) {
             if ($arrField['legend'] != '' && !isset($arrLegends[$arrField['legend']])) {
                 $arrLegends[$arrField['legend']] = $arrField['legend'];
     return $arrLegends;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Handle the paste button callback for tl_iso_product
  * @param DataContainer
  * @param array
  * @param string
  * @param bool
  * @param array
  * @return string
  * @link http://www.contao.org/callbacks.html#paste_button_callback
 public function generate(\DataContainer $dc, $row, $table, $cr, $arrClipboard = false)
     // Disable all buttons if there is a circular reference
     if ($arrClipboard !== false && ($arrClipboard['mode'] == 'cut' && ($cr == 1 || $arrClipboard['id'] == $row['id']) || $arrClipboard['mode'] == 'cutAll' && ($cr == 1 || in_array($row['id'], $arrClipboard['id'])))) {
         return '';
     $objProduct = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT p.*, t.variants FROM " . \Isotope\Model\Product::getTable() . " p LEFT JOIN " . ProductType::getTable() . " t ON p.type=t.id WHERE p.id=?")->execute($arrClipboard['id']);
     // Copy or cut a single product or variant
     if ($arrClipboard['mode'] == 'cut' || $arrClipboard['mode'] == 'copy') {
         return $this->pasteVariant($objProduct, $table, $row, $arrClipboard);
     } elseif ($arrClipboard['mode'] == 'cutAll' || $arrClipboard['mode'] == 'copyAll') {
         return $this->pasteAll($objProduct, $table, $row, $arrClipboard);
     $this->Session->set('CLIPBOARD', null);
     throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unhandled paste_button_callback mode "' . $arrClipboard['mode'] . '"');
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Restore pricing information when restoring a product
  * @param   int
  * @param   string
  * @param   array
  * @param   int
 public function restoreVersion($intId, $strTable, $arrData, $intVersion)
     if ($strTable != Product::getTable()) {
     $arrData = SubtableVersion::find(ProductPrice::getTable(), $intId, $intVersion);
     if (null !== $arrData) {
         \Database::getInstance()->query("DELETE FROM tl_iso_product_pricetier WHERE pid IN (SELECT id FROM " . ProductPrice::getTable() . " WHERE pid={$intId})");
         \Database::getInstance()->query("DELETE FROM " . ProductPrice::getTable() . " WHERE pid={$intId}");
         foreach ($arrData['prices'] as $arrRow) {
             \Database::getInstance()->prepare("INSERT INTO " . ProductPrice::getTable() . " %s")->set($arrRow)->execute();
         foreach ($arrData['tiers'] as $arrRow) {
             \Database::getInstance()->prepare("INSERT INTO tl_iso_product_pricetier %s")->set($arrRow)->execute();
Exemplo n.º 13
  * HTML form for checkout
  * @param   IsotopeProductCollection    The order being places
  * @param   Module                      The checkout module instance
  * @return  mixed
 public function checkoutForm(IsotopeProductCollection $objOrder, \Module $objModule)
     $i = 0;
     $arrData = array('aid' => $this->payone_aid, 'portalid' => $this->payone_portalid, 'mode' => $this->debug ? 'test' : 'live', 'request' => $this->trans_type == 'auth' ? 'preauthorization' : 'authorization', 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'clearingtype' => $this->payone_clearingtype, 'reference' => $objOrder->id, 'display_name' => 'no', 'display_address' => 'no', 'successurl' => \Environment::get('base') . $objModule->generateUrlForStep('complete', $objOrder), 'backurl' => \Environment::get('base') . $objModule->generateUrlForStep('failed'), 'amount' => $objOrder->getTotal() * 100, 'currency' => $objOrder->currency, 'param' => 'paymentMethodPayone' . $this->id);
     foreach ($objOrder->getItems() as $objItem) {
         // Set the active product for insert tags replacement
         if ($objItem->hasProduct()) {
         $strOptions = '';
         $arrOptions = Isotope::formatOptions($objItem->getOptions());
         if (!empty($arrOptions)) {
             array_walk($arrOptions, function (&$option) {
                 $option = $option['label'] . ': ' . $option['value'];
             $strOptions = ' (' . implode(', ', $arrOptions) . ')';
         $arrData['id[' . ++$i . ']'] = $objItem->getSku();
         $arrData['pr[' . $i . ']'] = round($objItem->getPrice(), 2) * 100;
         $arrData['no[' . $i . ']'] = $objItem->quantity;
         $arrData['de[' . $i . ']'] = specialchars($objItem->getName() . $strOptions);
     foreach ($objOrder->getSurcharges() as $k => $objSurcharge) {
         if (!$objSurcharge->addToTotal) {
         $arrData['id[' . ++$i . ']'] = 'surcharge' . $k;
         $arrData['pr[' . $i . ']'] = $objSurcharge->total_price * 100;
         $arrData['no[' . $i . ']'] = '1';
         $arrData['de[' . $i . ']'] = $objSurcharge->label;
     // Do not urlencode values because Payone does not properly decode POST values (whatever...)
     $strHash = md5(implode('', $arrData) . $this->payone_key);
     $objTemplate = new \Isotope\Template('iso_payment_payone');
     $objTemplate->id = $this->id;
     $objTemplate->data = $arrData;
     $objTemplate->hash = $strHash;
     $objTemplate->billing_address = $objOrder->getBillingAddress()->row();
     $objTemplate->headline = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['pay_with_redirect'][0];
     $objTemplate->message = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['pay_with_redirect'][1];
     $objTemplate->slabel = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['pay_with_redirect'][2]);
     return $objTemplate->parse();
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Find all products we need to list.
  * @param   array|null
  * @return  array
 protected function findProducts($arrCacheIds = null)
     $arrIds = array(0);
     $objProduct = Product::findAvailableByIdOrAlias(Input::getAutoItem('product'));
     if (null === $objProduct) {
         return array();
     $objRelated = RelatedProduct::findByProductAndCategories($objProduct, $this->iso_related_categories);
     if (null !== $objRelated) {
         while ($objRelated->next()) {
             $ids = trimsplit(',', $objRelated->products);
             if (!empty($ids) && is_array($ids)) {
                 $arrIds = array_unique(array_merge($arrIds, $ids));
     $objProducts = Product::findAvailableByIds($arrIds, array('order' => \Database::getInstance()->findInSet(Product::getTable() . '.id', $arrIds)));
     return null === $objProducts ? array() : $objProducts->getModels();
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Generate header fields for product or variant
  * @param   array
  * @param   \Contao\DataContainer
 public function headerFields($arrFields, $dc)
     $t = Product::getTable();
     $arrNew = array();
     $objProduct = Product::findByPk($dc->id);
     if (null === $objProduct) {
         return $arrFields;
     $arrAttributes = array('name', 'alias', 'sku');
     if ($objProduct->isVariant()) {
         $arrAttributes = array_merge($arrAttributes, array_intersect(array_merge($objProduct->getAttributes(), $objProduct->getVariantAttributes()), Attribute::getVariantOptionFields()));
     foreach ($arrAttributes as $field) {
         $v = $objProduct->{$field};
         if ($v != '') {
             $arrNew[Format::dcaLabel($t, $field)] = Format::dcaValue($t, $field, $v);
     // Add fields that have potentially been added through the DCA, but do not allow to override the core fields
     return array_merge($arrNew, array_diff_key($arrFields, $arrNew));
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Generate module
  * @return void
 protected function compile()
     global $objPage;
     global $objIsotopeListPage;
     $objProduct = Product::findAvailableByIdOrAlias(\Haste\Input\Input::getAutoItem('product'));
     if (null === $objProduct) {
         $objHandler = new $GLOBALS['TL_PTY']['error_404']();
     $arrConfig = array('module' => $this, 'template' => $this->iso_reader_layout ?: $objProduct->getRelated('type')->reader_template, 'gallery' => $this->iso_gallery ?: $objProduct->getRelated('type')->reader_gallery, 'buttons' => deserialize($this->iso_buttons, true), 'useQuantity' => $this->iso_use_quantity, 'jumpTo' => $objIsotopeListPage ?: $objPage);
     if (\Environment::get('isAjaxRequest') && \Input::post('AJAX_MODULE') == $this->id && \Input::post('AJAX_PRODUCT') == $objProduct->getProductId()) {
         $objResponse = new HtmlResponse($objProduct->generate($arrConfig));
     $arrCSS = deserialize($objProduct->cssID, true);
     $this->Template->product = $objProduct->generate($arrConfig);
     $this->Template->product_id = $arrCSS[0] != '' ? ' id="' . $arrCSS[0] . '"' : '';
     $this->Template->product_class = trim('product ' . ($objProduct->isNew() ? 'new ' : '') . $arrCSS[1]);
     $this->Template->referer = 'javascript:history.go(-1)';
     $this->Template->back = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['goBack'];
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Get the sorting labels (asc/desc) for an attribute
  * @param string
  * @return array
 protected static function getSortingLabels($field)
     $arrData = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][Product::getTable()]['fields'][$field];
     switch ($arrData['eval']['rgxp']) {
         case 'price':
         case 'digit':
             return array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['low_to_high'], $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['high_to_low']);
         case 'date':
         case 'time':
         case 'datim':
             return array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['old_to_new'], $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['new_to_old']);
     // !HOOK: custom sorting labels
     if (isset($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['sortingLabels']) && is_array($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['sortingLabels'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['sortingLabels'] as $callback) {
             $objCallback = \System::importStatic($callback[0]);
             $varReturn = $objCallback->{$callback}[1]($field, $arrData, null);
             if ($varReturn !== false) {
                 return $varReturn;
     return array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['a_to_z'], $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['z_to_a']);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Get WHERE statement for SQL filter
  * @return  string
 public function sqlWhere()
     if ($this->isMultilingualAttribute()) {
         $strWhere = 'IFNULL(translation.' . $this->arrConfig['attribute'] . ', ' . Product::getTable() . '.' . $this->arrConfig['attribute'] . ')';
     } else {
         $strWhere = Product::getTable() . '.' . $this->arrConfig['attribute'];
     $strWhere .= ' ' . $this->getOperatorForSQL() . ' ?';
     return $strWhere;
Exemplo n.º 19
$GLOBALS['NOTIFICATION_CENTER']['NOTIFICATION_TYPE']['isotope']['iso_order_status_change']['email_recipient_bcc'] =& $GLOBALS['NOTIFICATION_CENTER']['NOTIFICATION_TYPE']['isotope']['iso_order_status_change']['recipients'];
 * Models
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Address::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Address';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Attribute::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Attribute';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\BasePrice::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\BasePrice';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Config::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Config';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Document::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Document';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Download::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Download';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Gallery::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Gallery';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Group::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Group';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Label::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Label';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\OrderStatus::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\OrderStatus';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Payment::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Payment';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Product::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Product';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\ProductCategory::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\ProductCategory';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\ProductCollection::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\ProductCollection';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\ProductCollectionDownload::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\ProductCollectionDownload';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\ProductCollectionItem::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\ProductCollectionItem';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\ProductCollectionSurcharge::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\ProductCollectionSurcharge';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\ProductPrice::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\ProductPrice';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\ProductCache::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\ProductCache';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\ProductType::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\ProductType';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\RelatedCategory::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\RelatedCategory';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\RelatedProduct::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\RelatedProduct';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\RequestCache::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\RequestCache';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\Shipping::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\Shipping';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\TaxClass::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\TaxClass';
$GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][\Isotope\Model\TaxRate::getTable()] = 'Isotope\\Model\\TaxRate';
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Returns an array of all allowed product IDs and variant IDs for the current backend user
  * @return array|bool
 public static function getAllowedIds()
     $objUser = \BackendUser::getInstance();
     if ($objUser->isAdmin) {
         $arrProducts = true;
     } else {
         $arrNewRecords = $_SESSION['BE_DATA']['new_records']['tl_iso_product'];
         $arrProductTypes = $objUser->iso_product_types;
         $arrGroups = array();
         // Return false if there are no product types
         if (!is_array($arrProductTypes) || empty($arrProductTypes)) {
             return false;
         // Find the user groups
         if (is_array($objUser->iso_groups) && count($objUser->iso_groups) > 0) {
             $arrGroups = array_merge($arrGroups, $objUser->iso_groups, \Database::getInstance()->getChildRecords($objUser->iso_groups, Group::getTable()));
             if (in_array('rootPaste', $objUser->iso_groupp)) {
                 $arrGroups[] = 0;
         $objProducts = \Database::getInstance()->execute("\n                SELECT id FROM tl_iso_product\n                WHERE pid=0\n                    AND language=''\n                    " . (empty($arrGroups) ? '' : "AND gid IN (" . implode(',', $arrGroups) . ")") . "\n                    AND (\n                        type IN (" . implode(',', $arrProductTypes) . ")" . (is_array($arrNewRecords) && !empty($arrNewRecords) ? " OR id IN (" . implode(',', $arrNewRecords) . ")" : '') . ")\n            ");
         if ($objProducts->numRows == 0) {
             return array();
         $arrProducts = $objProducts->fetchEach('id');
         $arrProducts = array_merge($arrProducts, \Database::getInstance()->getChildRecords($arrProducts, 'tl_iso_product'));
     // HOOK: allow extensions to define allowed products
     if (isset($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['getAllowedProductIds']) && is_array($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['getAllowedProductIds'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['getAllowedProductIds'] as $callback) {
             $objCallback = \System::importStatic($callback[0]);
             $arrAllowed = $objCallback->{$callback}[1]();
             if ($arrAllowed === false) {
                 return false;
             } elseif (is_array($arrAllowed)) {
                 if ($arrProducts === true) {
                     $arrProducts = $arrAllowed;
                 } else {
                     $arrProducts = array_intersect($arrProducts, $arrAllowed);
     // If all product are allowed, we don't need to filter
     if ($arrProducts === true || count($arrProducts) == Product::countAll()) {
         return true;
     return $arrProducts;
 public function modifyDC(&$arrDca = null)
     // get the product
     switch ($this->iso_direct_checkout_product_mode) {
         case 'product_type':
             if (($objTypes = FieldPaletteModel::findByPidAndTableAndField($this->objModule->id, 'tl_module', 'iso_direct_checkout_product_types')) !== null) {
                 while ($objTypes->next()) {
                     $arrColumns = array('type=?');
                     $arrValues = array($objTypes->iso_direct_checkout_product_type);
                     if ($this->iso_listingSortField) {
                         $arrSorting = array($this->iso_listingSortField => $this->iso_listingSortDirection == 'DESC' ? Sort::descending() : Sort::ascending());
                     } else {
                         $arrSorting = array();
                     $objProducts = Product::findPublishedBy($arrColumns, $arrValues, array('sorting' => $arrSorting));
                     if ($objProducts->count() > 0) {
                         $objProduct = $objProducts->current();
                         $this->arrProducts[] = array('product' => $objProduct, 'useQuantity' => $objTypes->iso_use_quantity);
                         $this->addProductFields($objProduct, $objTypes->iso_use_quantity, $objTypes->iso_addSubscriptionCheckbox, $arrDca);
             if (($objProducts = FieldPaletteModel::findByPidAndTableAndField($this->objModule->id, 'tl_module', 'iso_direct_checkout_products')) !== null) {
                 while ($objProducts->next()) {
                     $objProduct = Product::findByPk($objProducts->iso_direct_checkout_product);
                     $this->arrProducts[] = array('product' => $objProduct, 'useQuantity' => $objProducts->iso_use_quantity);
                     $this->addProductFields($objProduct, $objProducts->iso_use_quantity, $objProducts->iso_addSubscriptionCheckbox, $arrDca);
     // add address fields
     $arrAddressFields = deserialize(Config::findByPk($this->iso_config_id)->address_fields, true);
     // add billing address fields
     foreach ($arrAddressFields as $strName => $arrAddressField) {
         $arrData = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_iso_address']['fields'][$strName];
         if (!is_array($arrData) || $arrAddressField['billing'] == 'disabled') {
         $arrData['eval']['mandatory'] = $arrAddressField['billing'] == 'mandatory';
         $this->arrBillingAddressFields[] = $strName;
         $this->addEditableField($strName, $arrData);
     if ($this->iso_use_notes) {
         $this->addEditableField('notes', array('label' => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['iso_note'], 'exclude' => true, 'inputType' => 'textarea', 'eval' => array('tl_class' => 'clr w50'), 'sql' => "text NULL"));
     $this->addEditableField('shippingaddress', array('label' => array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['differentShippingAddress'], $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['differentShippingAddress']), 'inputType' => 'checkbox', 'eval' => array('submitOnChange' => true)));
     // add shipping address fields
     $arrShippingAddressFields = array();
     foreach ($arrAddressFields as $strName => $arrAddressField) {
         $arrData = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_iso_address']['fields'][$strName];
         if (!is_array($arrData) || $arrAddressField['shipping'] == 'disabled') {
         $arrData['eval']['mandatory'] = $arrAddressField['shipping'] == 'mandatory';
         $this->addEditableField('shippingaddress_' . $strName, $arrData);
         $arrShippingAddressFields[] = 'shippingaddress_' . $strName;
     $this->dca['palettes']['__selector__'][] = 'shippingaddress';
     $this->dca['subpalettes']['shippingaddress'] = implode(',', $arrShippingAddressFields);
     $this->arrShippingAddressFields = $arrShippingAddressFields;
Exemplo n.º 22
 protected function compile()
     $periodFactory = new PeriodFactory();
     $arrSession = \Session::getInstance()->get('iso_reports');
     $strPeriod = (string) $arrSession[$this->name]['period'];
     $intColumns = (int) $arrSession[$this->name]['columns'];
     $blnVariants = (bool) $arrSession[$this->name]['variants'];
     $intStatus = (int) $arrSession[$this->name]['iso_status'];
     if ($arrSession[$this->name]['from'] == '') {
         $intStart = strtotime('-' . ($intColumns - 1) . ' ' . $strPeriod);
     } else {
         $intStart = (int) $arrSession[$this->name]['from'];
     $period = $periodFactory->create($strPeriod);
     $intStart = $period->getPeriodStart($intStart);
     $dateFrom = $period->getKey($intStart);
     $dateTo = $period->getKey(strtotime('+ ' . ($intColumns - 1) . ' ' . $strPeriod, $intStart));
     $arrData = array('rows' => array());
     $arrData['header'] = $this->getHeader($period, $intStart, $intColumns);
     $groupVariants = $blnVariants ? 'p1.id' : 'IF(p1.pid=0, p1.id, p1.pid)';
     $objProducts = \Database::getInstance()->query("\n            SELECT\n                IFNULL({$groupVariants}, i.product_id) AS product_id,\n                IFNULL(p1.name, i.name) AS variant_name,\n                IFNULL(p2.name, i.name) AS product_name,\n                p1.sku AS product_sku,\n                p2.sku AS variant_sku,\n                IF(p1.pid=0, p1.type, p2.type) AS type,\n                i.configuration AS product_configuration,\n                SUM(i.quantity) AS quantity,\n                SUM(i.tax_free_price * i.quantity) AS total,\n                " . $period->getSqlField($this->strDateField) . " AS dateGroup\n            FROM " . ProductCollectionItem::getTable() . " i\n            LEFT JOIN " . ProductCollection::getTable() . " o ON i.pid=o.id\n            LEFT JOIN " . OrderStatus::getTable() . " os ON os.id=o.order_status\n            LEFT OUTER JOIN " . Product::getTable() . " p1 ON i.product_id=p1.id\n            LEFT OUTER JOIN " . Product::getTable() . " p2 ON p1.pid=p2.id\n            WHERE o.type='order' AND o.order_status>0 AND o.locked!=''\n                " . ($intStatus > 0 ? " AND o.order_status=" . $intStatus : '') . "\n                " . $this->getProductProcedure('p1') . "\n                " . $this->getConfigProcedure('o', 'config_id') . "\n            GROUP BY dateGroup, product_id\n            HAVING dateGroup>={$dateFrom} AND dateGroup<={$dateTo}\n        ");
     // Cache product types so call to findByPk() will trigger the registry
     $arrRaw = array();
     // Prepare product data
     while ($objProducts->next()) {
         $arrAttributes = array();
         $arrVariantAttributes = array();
         $blnHasVariants = false;
         // Can't use it without a type
         if ($objProducts->type > 0 && ($objType = ProductType::findByPk($objProducts->type)) !== null) {
             /** @type ProductType $objType */
             $arrAttributes = $objType->getAttributes();
             $arrVariantAttributes = $objType->getVariantAttributes();
             $blnHasVariants = $objType->hasVariants();
             $product_type_name = $objType->name;
         $arrOptions = array('name' => $objProducts->variant_name);
         // Use product title if name is not a variant attribute
         if ($blnHasVariants && !in_array('name', $arrVariantAttributes)) {
             $arrOptions['name'] = $objProducts->product_name;
         $strSku = $blnHasVariants ? $objProducts->variant_sku : $objProducts->product_sku;
         if (in_array('sku', $arrAttributes) && $strSku != '') {
             $arrOptions['name'] = sprintf('%s <span style="color:#b3b3b3; padding-left:3px;">[%s]</span>', $arrOptions['name'], $strSku);
         if ($blnVariants && $blnHasVariants) {
             if (in_array('sku', $arrVariantAttributes) && $objProducts->product_sku != '') {
                 $arrOptions['name'] = sprintf('%s <span style="color:#b3b3b3; padding-left:3px;">[%s]</span>', $arrOptions['name'], $objProducts->product_sku);
             foreach (deserialize($objProducts->product_configuration, true) as $strName => $strValue) {
                 if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_iso_product']['fields'][$strName])) {
                     $strValue = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_iso_product']['fields'][$strName]['options'][$strValue] ? $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_iso_product']['fields'][$strName]['options'][$strValue] : $strValue;
                     $strName = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_iso_product']['fields'][$strName]['label'][0] ? $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_iso_product']['fields'][$strName]['label'][0] : $strName;
                 $arrOptions[] = '<span class="variant">' . $strName . ': ' . $strValue . '</span>';
         $arrOptions['name'] = '<span class="product">' . $arrOptions['name'] . '</span>';
         $arrRaw[$objProducts->product_id]['name'] = implode('<br>', $arrOptions);
         $arrRaw[$objProducts->product_id]['product_type_name'] = $product_type_name;
         $arrRaw[$objProducts->product_id][$objProducts->dateGroup] = (double) $arrRaw[$objProducts->product_id][$objProducts->dateGroup] + (double) $objProducts->total;
         $arrRaw[$objProducts->product_id][$objProducts->dateGroup . '_quantity'] = (int) $arrRaw[$objProducts->product_id][$objProducts->dateGroup . '_quantity'] + (int) $objProducts->quantity;
         $arrRaw[$objProducts->product_id]['total'] = (double) $arrRaw[$objProducts->product_id]['total'] + (double) $objProducts->total;
         $arrRaw[$objProducts->product_id]['quantity'] = (int) $arrRaw[$objProducts->product_id]['quantity'] + (int) $objProducts->quantity;
     // Prepare columns
     $arrColumns = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $intColumns; $i++) {
         $arrColumns[] = $period->getKey($intStart);
         $intStart = $period->getNext($intStart);
     $arrFooter = array();
     // Sort the data
     if ($arrSession[$this->name]['tl_sort'] == 'product_name') {
         usort($arrRaw, function ($a, $b) {
             return strcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
     } else {
         usort($arrRaw, function ($a, $b) {
             return $a['total'] == $b['total'] ? 0 : ($a['total'] < $b['total'] ? 1 : -1);
     // Generate data
     foreach ($arrRaw as $arrProduct) {
         $arrRow = array(array('value' => array($arrProduct['name'], sprintf('<span style="color:#b3b3b3;">[%s]</span>', $arrProduct['product_type_name']))));
         $arrFooter[0] = array('value' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ISO_REPORT']['sums']);
         foreach ($arrColumns as $i => $column) {
             $arrRow[$i + 1] = array('value' => Isotope::formatPriceWithCurrency($arrProduct[$column]) . ($arrProduct[$column . '_quantity'] !== null ? '<br><span class="variant">' . Isotope::formatItemsString($arrProduct[$column . '_quantity']) . '</span>' : ''));
             $arrFooter[$i + 1] = array('total' => $arrFooter[$i + 1]['total'] + $arrProduct[$column], 'quantity' => $arrFooter[$i + 1]['quantity'] + $arrProduct[$column . '_quantity']);
         $arrRow[$i + 2] = array('value' => Isotope::formatPriceWithCurrency($arrProduct['total']) . ($arrProduct['quantity'] !== null ? '<br><span class="variant">' . Isotope::formatItemsString($arrProduct['quantity']) . '</span>' : ''));
         $arrFooter[$i + 2] = array('total' => $arrFooter[$i + 2]['total'] + $arrProduct['total'], 'quantity' => $arrFooter[$i + 2]['quantity'] + $arrProduct['quantity']);
         $arrData['rows'][] = array('columns' => $arrRow);
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($arrFooter); $i++) {
         $arrFooter[$i]['value'] = Isotope::formatPriceWithCurrency($arrFooter[$i]['total']) . '<br><span class="variant">' . Isotope::formatItemsString($arrFooter[$i]['quantity']) . '</span>';
     $arrData['footer'] = $arrFooter;
     $this->Template->data = $arrData;
Exemplo n.º 23
 private function countProductsForFilter(array $filters)
     $arrColumns = array();
     $arrCategories = $this->findCategories();
     $queryBuilder = new FilterQueryBuilder($filters);
     $arrColumns[] = "c.page_id IN (" . implode(',', $arrCategories) . ")";
     // Apply new/old product filter
     if ($this->iso_newFilter == self::FILTER_NEW) {
         $arrColumns[] = Product::getTable() . ".dateAdded>=" . Isotope::getConfig()->getNewProductLimit();
     } elseif ($this->iso_newFilter == self::FILTER_OLD) {
         $arrColumns[] = Product::getTable() . ".dateAdded<" . Isotope::getConfig()->getNewProductLimit();
     if ($this->iso_list_where != '') {
         $arrColumns[] = $this->iso_list_where;
     if ($queryBuilder->hasSqlCondition()) {
         $arrColumns[] = $queryBuilder->getSqlWhere();
     return Product::countPublishedBy($arrColumns, $queryBuilder->getSqlValues());
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Show product name in breadcrumb
  * @param array  $arrItems
  * @param object $objModule
  * @return array
 public function addProductToBreadcrumb($arrItems, $objModule)
     if (\Haste\Input\Input::getAutoItem('product', false, true) != '') {
         $objProduct = Product::findAvailableByIdOrAlias(\Haste\Input\Input::getAutoItem('product', false, true));
         if (null !== $objProduct) {
             global $objPage;
             global $objIsotopeListPage;
             $last = count($arrItems) - 1;
             // If we have a reader page, rename the last item (the reader) to the product title
             if (null !== $objIsotopeListPage) {
                 $arrItems[$last]['title'] = $this->prepareMetaDescription($objProduct->meta_title ?: $objProduct->name);
                 $arrItems[$last]['link'] = $objProduct->name;
             } else {
                 $arrItems[$last]['href'] = \Controller::generateFrontendUrl($arrItems[$last]['data']);
                 $arrItems[$last]['isActive'] = false;
                 $arrItems[] = array('isRoot' => false, 'isActive' => true, 'href' => $objProduct->generateUrl($objPage), 'title' => $this->prepareMetaDescription($objProduct->meta_title ?: $objProduct->name), 'link' => $objProduct->name, 'data' => $objPage->row());
     return $arrItems;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Return the PayPal form.
  * @param IsotopeProductCollection|Order $objOrder  The order being places
  * @param \Module|Checkout               $objModule The checkout module instance
  * @return  string
 public function checkoutForm(IsotopeProductCollection $objOrder, \Module $objModule)
     $arrData = array();
     $fltDiscount = 0;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($objOrder->getItems() as $objItem) {
         // Set the active product for insert tags replacement
         if ($objItem->hasProduct()) {
         $strConfig = '';
         $arrConfig = $objItem->getConfiguration();
         if (!empty($arrConfig)) {
             array_walk($arrConfig, function (&$option) {
                 $option = $option['label'] . ': ' . (string) $option;
             $strConfig = ' (' . implode(', ', $arrConfig) . ')';
         $arrData['item_number_' . ++$i] = $objItem->getSku();
         $arrData['item_name_' . $i] = \StringUtil::restoreBasicEntities($objItem->getName() . $strConfig);
         $arrData['amount_' . $i] = $objItem->getPrice();
         $arrData['quantity_' . $i] = $objItem->quantity;
     foreach ($objOrder->getSurcharges() as $objSurcharge) {
         if (!$objSurcharge->addToTotal) {
         // PayPal does only support one single discount item
         if ($objSurcharge->total_price < 0) {
             $fltDiscount -= $objSurcharge->total_price;
         $arrData['item_name_' . ++$i] = $objSurcharge->label;
         $arrData['amount_' . $i] = $objSurcharge->total_price;
     $objTemplate = new \Isotope\Template('iso_payment_paypal');
     $objTemplate->id = $this->id;
     $objTemplate->action = 'https://www.' . ($this->debug ? 'sandbox.' : '') . 'paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
     $objTemplate->invoice = $objOrder->id;
     $objTemplate->data = array_map('specialchars', $arrData);
     $objTemplate->discount = $fltDiscount;
     $objTemplate->address = $objOrder->getBillingAddress();
     $objTemplate->currency = $objOrder->currency;
     $objTemplate->return = \Environment::get('base') . $objModule->generateUrlForStep('complete', $objOrder);
     $objTemplate->cancel_return = \Environment::get('base') . $objModule->generateUrlForStep('failed');
     $objTemplate->notify_url = \Environment::get('base') . 'system/modules/isotope/postsale.php?mod=pay&id=' . $this->id;
     $objTemplate->headline = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['pay_with_redirect'][0]);
     $objTemplate->message = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['pay_with_redirect'][1]);
     $objTemplate->slabel = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['pay_with_redirect'][2]);
     $objTemplate->noscript = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['pay_with_redirect'][3]);
     return $objTemplate->parse();
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Generate item array for template
  * @param   ProductCollectionItem
  * @return  array
 protected function generateItem(ProductCollectionItem $objItem)
     $blnHasProduct = $objItem->hasProduct();
     $objProduct = $objItem->getProduct();
     // Set the active product for insert tags replacement
     if ($blnHasProduct) {
     $arrCSS = $blnHasProduct ? deserialize($objProduct->cssID, true) : array();
     $arrItem = array('id' => $objItem->id, 'sku' => $objItem->getSku(), 'name' => $objItem->getName(), 'options' => Isotope::formatOptions($objItem->getOptions()), 'quantity' => $objItem->quantity, 'price' => Isotope::formatPriceWithCurrency($objItem->getPrice()), 'tax_free_price' => Isotope::formatPriceWithCurrency($objItem->getTaxFreePrice()), 'total' => Isotope::formatPriceWithCurrency($objItem->getTotalPrice()), 'tax_free_total' => Isotope::formatPriceWithCurrency($objItem->getTaxFreeTotalPrice()), 'tax_id' => $objItem->tax_id, 'href' => false, 'hasProduct' => $blnHasProduct, 'product' => $objProduct, 'item' => $objItem, 'raw' => $objItem->row(), 'rowClass' => trim('product ' . ($blnHasProduct && $objProduct->isNew() ? 'new ' : '') . $arrCSS[1]));
     if (null !== $objItem->getRelated('jumpTo') && $blnHasProduct && $objProduct->isAvailableInFrontend()) {
         $arrItem['href'] = $objProduct->generateUrl($objItem->getRelated('jumpTo'));
     return $arrItem;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Return a widget object based on a product attribute's properties
  * @param   string
  * @param   boolean
  * @return  string
 protected function generateProductOptionWidget($strField, &$arrVariantOptions, &$arrAjaxOptions)
     $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][ProductModel::getTable()]['fields']['gift_amount']['default'] = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][ProductModel::getTable()]['fields']['gift_amount']['default'] ?: Isotope::formatPrice($this->getPrice()->getAmount());
     return parent::generateProductOptionWidget($strField, $arrVariantOptions, $arrAjaxOptions);
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Add options from attribute to DCA
  * @param array  $arrData
  * @param object $objDca
  * @return array
 public function addOptionsFromAttribute($arrData, $objDca)
     if ($arrData['strTable'] == Product::getTable() && $arrData['optionsSource'] != '' && $arrData['optionsSource'] != 'foreignKey') {
         /** @var IsotopeAttributeWithOptions|Attribute $objAttribute */
         $objAttribute = Attribute::findByFieldName($arrData['strField']);
         if (null !== $objAttribute && $objAttribute instanceof IsotopeAttributeWithOptions) {
             $arrOptions = $objDca instanceof IsotopeProduct ? $objAttribute->getOptionsForWidget($objDca) : $objAttribute->getOptionsForWidget();
             if (!empty($arrOptions)) {
                 if ($arrData['includeBlankOption']) {
                     array_unshift($arrOptions, array('value' => '', 'label' => $arrData['blankOptionLabel'] ?: '-'));
                 $arrData['options'] = $arrOptions;
                 if (null !== $arrData['default']) {
                     $arrDefault = array_filter($arrOptions, function (&$option) {
                         return (bool) $option['default'];
                     if (!empty($arrDefault)) {
                         array_walk($arrDefault, function (&$value) {
                             $value = $value['value'];
                         $arrData['value'] = $objAttribute->multiple ? $arrDefault : $arrDefault[0];
     return $arrData;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Get the product related to this item
  * @param bool $blnNoCache
  * @return \Isotope\Interfaces\IsotopeProduct|null
 public function getProduct($blnNoCache = false)
     if (false === $this->objProduct || true === $blnNoCache) {
         $this->objProduct = null;
         /** @var \Isotope\Model\Product $strClass */
         $strClass = Product::getClassForModelType($this->type);
         if ($strClass == '' || !class_exists($strClass)) {
             \System::log('Error creating product object of type "' . $this->type . '"', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
             return null;
         $this->objProduct = $strClass::findByPk($this->product_id);
     return $this->objProduct;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Format product configuration using \Haste\Data
  * @param array                  $arrConfig
  * @param IsotopeProduct|Product $objProduct
  * @return array
 public static function formatProductConfiguration(array $arrConfig, IsotopeProduct $objProduct)
     $strTable = $objProduct->getTable();
     foreach ($arrConfig as $k => $v) {
         /** @type \Isotope\Model\Attribute $objAttribute */
         if (($objAttribute = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['attributes'][$k]) !== null && $objAttribute instanceof IsotopeAttributeWithOptions) {
             /** @type \Widget $strClass */
             $strClass = $objAttribute->getFrontendWidget();
             $arrField = $strClass::getAttributesFromDca($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['fields'][$k], $k, $v, $k, $strTable, $objProduct);
             $arrOptions = array();
             $values = $v;
             if (!empty($arrField['options']) && is_array($arrField['options'])) {
                 if (!is_array($values)) {
                     $values = array($values);
                 $arrOptions = array_filter($arrField['options'], function (&$option) use(&$values) {
                     if (($pos = array_search($option['value'], $values)) !== false) {
                         $option = $option['label'];
                         return true;
                     return false;
                 if (!empty($values)) {
                     $arrOptions = array_merge($arrOptions, $values);
             $formatted = implode(', ', $arrOptions);
         } else {
             $formatted = Format::dcaValue($strTable, $k, $v);
         $arrConfig[$k] = new Plain($v, Format::dcaLabel($strTable, $k), array('formatted' => Haste::getInstance()->call('replaceInsertTags', array($formatted))));
     return $arrConfig;