Exemplo n.º 1
  * Test check shop environment after module deactivation in subshop.
  * @dataProvider providerModuleDeactivation
  * @param array $aInstallModules
  * @param array $aRemovedExtensions
  * @param array $aResultToAssert
 public function testModuleRemoveInSubShop($aInstallModules, $aRemovedExtensions, $aResultToAssert)
     if ($this->getTestConfig()->getShopEdition() != 'EE') {
         $this->markTestSkipped("This test case is only actual when SubShops are available.");
     $oEnvironment = new Environment();
     /** @var oxModuleList|MockObject $oModuleList */
     $oModuleList = $this->getMock('oxModuleList', array('getDeletedExtensions'));
     //Assert on subshop
     $this->markTestIncomplete('Skipped till cleanup for subshops will be fixed');
     //Assert on main shop
  * Tests check if changed extensions order stays the same after deactivation / activation
  * @dataProvider providerModuleReorderExtensions
  * @param array  $aInstallModules
  * @param string $sModule
  * @param array  $aReorderedExtensions
  * @param array  $aNotReorderedExtensions
 public function testIfNotReorderedOnSubShop($aInstallModules, $sModule, $aReorderedExtensions, $aNotReorderedExtensions)
     if ($this->getTestConfig()->getShopEdition() != 'EE') {
         $this->markTestSkipped("This test case is only actual when SubShops are available.");
     $oConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig();
     $oEnvironment = new Environment();
     $oValidator = new Validator($oConfig);
     $oModule = oxNew('oxModule');
     // load reordered extensions for shop
     $oConfig->setConfigParam('aModules', $aReorderedExtensions);
     $this->assertTrue($oValidator->checkExtensions($aNotReorderedExtensions), 'Extension order changed');