Exemplo n.º 1
    protected function configure()
        $deployers = \GitDeployer\Deployers\BaseDeployer::getDeployersForHelp();
        $this->setName('init')->setDescription('Initializes a skeleton .deployerfile in your Git repository')->setHelp(<<<HELP
 The <info>%command.name%</info> command allows you to initialize a skeletion .deployefile in your repository.
 This file contains the information that Git-Deployer needs to deploy your project.
 A typical .deployerfile looks like this (remove comments, as they are not valid for JSON):

    # The deployers to use. This version of Git-Deployer supports the following deployers:
    # <comment>{$deployers}</comment>
    "type": "docker",

    # The configurations object is used to specify multiple configurations
    "configurations": {

        # You can add an arbitrary number of configurations, with any names in this section
        "production": {

            # Each deployer has it's own configuration options, specify them here. In our "docker"
            # example, we could specify the DOCKER_HOST variable, for example
            "host": "tcp://",

            # In order to not save any passwords or private data into the .deployerfile, you can use
            # parameter substitution. These parameters will be asked on deploy by Git-Deployer:
            "supersecret": "%subsituteme%"
        "staging": {

            # You can override properties from other configurations
            # example, we could specify the DOCKER_HOST variable, for example
            "host": "tcp://"

    # For overriding to be able to work, you need to specify an inheritance chain, like so:
    inheritance": ["staging", "production"],

    # If you have any parameter substitutions, add them here with a description, so that
    # the user deploying knows what to put in:
    "parameters": {
        "subsituteme": "Example param question description?"

 For a list of configuration options for each deployer, you can use the deploy command help,
 for example, for the Docker deployer you would type:
 <info>help deploy docker</info>
