Exemplo n.º 1
  * Used to get default path related configuration
  * It returns configuration containing path information
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param array $configuration the default configuration
  * @param array $user_configuration the user configuration
  * @throws 
  * @return array $configuration the default configuration information
 private function GetPathConfig($configuration, $user_configuration)
     /** The document root of the application is set */
     $configuration['path']['document_root'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
     /** The base folder path is set. All the application files including the framework are in this folder */
     $configuration['path']['base_path'] = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "..");
     /** If the application template name is not set then the default template basicsite is used */
     if (!isset($user_configuration['general']['template'])) {
         $user_configuration['general']['template'] = "basicsite";
     /** The application folder name is derived from the application name */
     if (isset($user_configuration['general']['application_name']) && !isset($user_configuration['path']['application_folder'])) {
         $user_configuration['path']['application_folder'] = strtolower(\Framework\Utilities\UtilitiesFramework::Factory("string")->CamelCase($user_configuration['general']['application_name']));
     /** The application domain name is set */
     if (isset($parameters['web_domain'])) {
         $user_configuration['path']['web_domain'] = $parameters['web_domain'];
     } else {
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) || isset($_SERVER['HTTPS_HOST'])) {
             $user_configuration['path']['web_domain'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS_HOST']) ? "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTPS_HOST'] : "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
         } else {
             $user_configuration['path']['web_domain'] = "http://example.com";
     /** The web path to the framework */
     if (!isset($user_configuration['path']['relative_web_domain'])) {
         $user_configuration['path']['relative_web_domain'] = trim(str_replace($configuration['path']['document_root'], "", $configuration['path']['base_path']), "/");
     /** The framework url is set */
     $user_configuration['path']['framework_url'] = $user_configuration['path']['web_domain'] . "/" . $user_configuration['path']['relative_web_domain'] . "/index.php";
     /** The web path to the application */
     if (!isset($user_configuration['path']['application_folder_url'])) {
         /** The web path to the application */
         $user_configuration['path']['application_folder_url'] = $user_configuration['path']['web_domain'] . "/" . $user_configuration['path']['relative_web_domain'] . "/" . $user_configuration['path']['application_folder'];
     /** The url to the framework's template folder */
     if (!isset($user_configuration['path']['framework_template_url'])) {
         $user_configuration['path']['framework_template_url'] = $user_configuration['path']['web_domain'] . "/" . $user_configuration['path']['relative_web_domain'] . "/framework/templates/" . $user_configuration['general']['template'];
     /** The url to the application's template folder */
     if (!isset($user_configuration['path']['application_template_folder'])) {
         $user_configuration['path']['application_template_folder'] = "templates";
     $user_configuration['path']['application_template_url'] = $user_configuration['path']['web_domain'] . "/" . $user_configuration['path']['relative_web_domain'] . "/" . $user_configuration['path']['application_folder'] . "/" . $user_configuration['path']['application_template_folder'];
     /** The web path to the application's vendors folder */
     if (!isset($user_configuration['path']['web_vendor_path'])) {
         $user_configuration['path']['web_vendor_path'] = $user_configuration['path']['application_folder_url'] . "/vendors";
     } else {
         $user_configuration['path']['web_vendor_path'] = $user_configuration['path']['web_domain'] . "/" . $user_configuration['path']['relative_web_domain'] . "/" . $user_configuration['path']['web_vendor_path'];
     /** The path to the framework folder */
     $configuration['path']['framework_path'] = $configuration['path']['base_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "framework";
     /** The path to the application folder */
     $configuration['path']['application_path'] = $configuration['path']['base_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $user_configuration['path']['application_folder'];
     /** The path to the framework templates html folder */
     $configuration['path']['template_path'] = $configuration['path']['framework_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $user_configuration['general']['template'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "html";
     /** The path to the application templates folder */
     $configuration['path']['application_template_path'] = $configuration['path']['application_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $user_configuration['path']['application_template_folder'];
     /** The path to the application tmp folder */
     $configuration['path']['tmp_folder_path'] = $configuration['path']['application_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp';
     /** The path to the vendor folder */
     $configuration['path']['vendor_folder_path'] = $configuration['path']['application_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendors';
     /** The path to the pear folder */
     $configuration['path']['pear_folder_path'] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "usr" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "share" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "pear";
     /** Indicates the files that need to be included for all application requests */
     $configuration['path']['include_files'] = array();
     /** The path to the application data folder is set in user configuration */
     if (isset($user_configuration['path']['data_folder'])) {
         $user_configuration['path']['data_folder'] = $configuration['path']['application_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $user_configuration['path']['data_folder'];
     /** The folder path to the application's vendors folder */
     if (!isset($user_configuration['path']['vendor_folder_path'])) {
         $user_configuration['path']['vendor_folder_path'] = $configuration['path']['application_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendors';
     } else {
         $user_configuration['path']['vendor_folder_path'] = $configuration['path']['base_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $user_configuration['path']['vendor_folder_path'];
     /** User configuration is merged */
     if (isset($user_configuration['path'])) {
         $configuration['path'] = array_replace_recursive($configuration['path'], $user_configuration['path']);
     return $configuration;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Used to authenticate the user using http authentication
  * It displays an error to the user if http authentication fails		 
 public function HttpAuthentication()
     /** The http authentication parameters are fetched **/
     $http_authentication = $this->GetConfig('http_auth');
     /** The http authentication method is called **/
     $is_valid_user = \Framework\Utilities\UtilitiesFramework::Factory("authentication")->AuthenticateUser($http_authentication['credentials'], $http_authentication['realm']);
     /** If the authentication method returns an error then an error is shown to the user in browser and script execution ends **/
     if (!$is_valid_user) {
         die("Please enter a valid user name and password");
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Used to get css and javascript tag values
  * It returns css and javascript file tags for the given css and javascript files	 
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @param array $parameters the parameters used to render the css and javascript tags. It is an array with following keys:
  * file_type=> the type of file to render. i.e css or javascript
  * file_list=> an array where each element is an absolute path of a css file			
  * @return string $script_tags_html html string containing the css or javascript tags
 private function RenderCssJsFileTags($parameters)
     /** The path to the application template folder is fetched */
     $template_folder_path = $this->GetConfig("path", "template_path");
     $file_list = $parameters['file_list'];
     $tag_arr = array();
     for ($count = 0; $count < count($file_list); $count++) {
         $file_name = $file_list[$count];
         $tag_arr[$count]["url"] = $file_name;
     /** If the file type is css then the css template file is rendered */
     if ($parameters['file_type'] == 'css') {
         $script_tags_html = \Framework\Utilities\UtilitiesFramework::Factory("template")->RenderTemplateFile($template_folder_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "css_tags.html", $tag_arr);
     } else {
         if ($parameters['file_type'] == 'javascript') {
             $script_tags_html = \Framework\Utilities\UtilitiesFramework::Factory("template")->RenderTemplateFile($template_folder_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "javascript_tags.html", $tag_arr);
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("Invalid file type given to RenderCssJsFileTags");
     return $script_tags_html;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Used to download and parse the given file
  * It downloads the file from the given url
  * It then converts the file contents into an array	 
  * Each line is parsed and the field values are extracted
  * CSV and TXT files are supported
  * Field names in csv files must be enclosed with "" and separated with ,
  * Fi
  * @since 1.0.2
  * @param string $file_url the url of the file
  * @return array $data the contents of the file. each array element contains the data for a line
 public function DownloadAndParseFile($file_url, $local_file_path, $line_parsing_callback)
     /** The parsed contents of the file */
     $data = array();
     /** The file data containing file name and extension */
     $file_details = \Framework\Utilities\UtilitiesFramework::Factory("string")->GetFileNameAndExtension($file_url);
     /** The file name */
     $file_name = $file_details['file_name'];
     /** The file name is url decoded */
     $file_name = urldecode($file_name);
     /** The file extension */
     $file_extension = $file_details['file_extension'];
     /** The absolute path to the downloaded file */
     $file_path = $local_file_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name;
     /** If the file exists locally then it is read */
     if (is_file($file_path)) {
         $file_contents = $this->ReadLocalFile($file_path);
     } else {
         $file_contents = $this->GetFileContent($file_url);
         /** The file contents are saved locally */
         $this->WriteLocalFile($file_contents, $file_path);
     /** The file contents are converted to array */
     $file_contents = explode("\n", $file_contents);
     /** The components of each meta data item is extracted using regular expression */
     for ($count = 0; $count < count($file_contents); $count++) {
         /** The line string */
         $line = trim($file_contents[$count]);
         /** If the line is empty or it starts with a # then it is ignored */
         if ($line == '' || strpos($line, '#') !== false) {
         /** The parametes for the callback function */
         $parameters[0] = $file_extension;
         $parameters[1] = $line;
         /** The parsed lined. It is generated by the line parsing callback function */
         $parsed_line = call_user_func_array($line_parsing_callback, $parameters);
         /** The parsed line is appended to the data */
         $data[] = $parsed_line;
     return $data;