Exemplo n.º 1
  * Determine whether there is enough memory to load a particular image.
  * @param string $serverFilename
  * @return bool
 public static function hasMemoryForImage($serverFilename)
     // find out how much total memory this script can access
     $memoryAvailable = self::sizeToBytes(ini_get('memory_limit'));
     // if memory is unlimited, it will return -1 and we don’t need to worry about it
     if ($memoryAvailable == -1) {
         return true;
     // find out how much memory we are already using
     $memoryUsed = memory_get_usage();
     try {
         $imgsize = getimagesize($serverFilename);
     } catch (\ErrorException $ex) {
         // Not an image, or not a valid image?
         $imgsize = false;
     // find out how much memory this image needs for processing, probably only works for jpegs
     // from comments on http://www.php.net/imagecreatefromjpeg
     if ($imgsize && isset($imgsize['bits']) && isset($imgsize['channels'])) {
         $memoryNeeded = round(($imgsize[0] * $imgsize[1] * $imgsize['bits'] * $imgsize['channels'] / 8 + Pow(2, 16)) * 1.65);
         $memorySpare = $memoryAvailable - $memoryUsed - $memoryNeeded;
         if ($memorySpare > 0) {
             // we have enough memory to load this file
             return true;
         } else {
             // not enough memory to load this file
             $image_info = sprintf('%.2fKB, %d × %d %d bits %d channels', filesize($serverFilename) / 1024, $imgsize[0], $imgsize[1], $imgsize['bits'], $imgsize['channels']);
             Log::addMediaLog('Cannot create thumbnail ' . $serverFilename . ' (' . $image_info . ') memory avail: ' . $memoryAvailable . ' used: ' . $memoryUsed . ' needed: ' . $memoryNeeded . ' spare: ' . $memorySpare);
             return false;
     } else {
         // assume there is enough memory
         // TODO find out how to check memory needs for gif and png
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * get image properties
  * @param string $which     specify either 'main' or 'thumb'
  * @param int    $addWidth  amount to add to width
  * @param int    $addHeight amount to add to height
  * @return array
 public function getImageAttributes($which = 'main', $addWidth = 0, $addHeight = 0)
     $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = $this->tree->getPreference('THUMBNAIL_WIDTH');
     $var = $which . 'imagesize';
     if (!empty($this->{$var})) {
         return $this->{$var};
     $imgsize = array();
     if ($this->fileExists($which)) {
         try {
             $imgsize = getimagesize($this->getServerFilename($which));
             if (is_array($imgsize) && !empty($imgsize['0'])) {
                 // this is an image
                 $imgsize[0] = $imgsize[0] + 0;
                 $imgsize[1] = $imgsize[1] + 0;
                 $imgsize['adjW'] = $imgsize[0] + $addWidth;
                 // adjusted width
                 $imgsize['adjH'] = $imgsize[1] + $addHeight;
                 // adjusted height
                 $imageTypes = array('', 'GIF', 'JPG', 'PNG', 'SWF', 'PSD', 'BMP', 'TIFF', 'TIFF', 'JPC', 'JP2', 'JPX', 'JB2', 'SWC', 'IFF', 'WBMP', 'XBM');
                 $imgsize['ext'] = $imageTypes[0 + $imgsize[2]];
                 // this is for display purposes, always show non-adjusted info
                 $imgsize['WxH'] = I18N::translate('%1$s × %2$s pixels', I18N::number($imgsize['0']), I18N::number($imgsize['1']));
                 $imgsize['imgWH'] = ' width="' . $imgsize['adjW'] . '" height="' . $imgsize['adjH'] . '" ';
                 if ($which == 'thumb' && $imgsize['0'] > $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH) {
                     // don’t let large images break the dislay
                     $imgsize['imgWH'] = ' width="' . $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH . '" ';
         } catch (\ErrorException $ex) {
             // Not an image, or not a valid image?
             $imgsize = false;
     if (!is_array($imgsize) || empty($imgsize['0'])) {
         // this is not an image, OR the file doesn’t exist OR it is a url
         $imgsize[0] = 0;
         $imgsize[1] = 0;
         $imgsize['adjW'] = 0;
         $imgsize['adjH'] = 0;
         $imgsize['ext'] = '';
         $imgsize['mime'] = '';
         $imgsize['WxH'] = '';
         $imgsize['imgWH'] = '';
         if ($this->isExternal()) {
             // don’t let large external images break the dislay
             $imgsize['imgWH'] = ' width="' . $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH . '" ';
     if (empty($imgsize['mime'])) {
         // this is not an image, OR the file doesn’t exist OR it is a url
         // set file type equal to the file extension - can’t use parse_url because this may not be a full url
         $exp = explode('?', $this->file);
         $imgsize['ext'] = strtoupper(pathinfo($exp[0], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
         // all mimetypes we wish to serve with the media firewall must be added to this array.
         $mime = array('DOC' => 'application/msword', 'MOV' => 'video/quicktime', 'MP3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'PDF' => 'application/pdf', 'PPT' => 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'RTF' => 'text/rtf', 'SID' => 'image/x-mrsid', 'TXT' => 'text/plain', 'XLS' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'WMV' => 'video/x-ms-wmv');
         if (empty($mime[$imgsize['ext']])) {
             // if we don’t know what the mimetype is, use something ambiguous
             $imgsize['mime'] = 'application/octet-stream';
             if ($this->fileExists($which)) {
                 // alert the admin if we cannot determine the mime type of an existing file
                 // as the media firewall will be unable to serve this file properly
                 Log::addMediaLog('Media Firewall error: >Unknown Mimetype< for file >' . $this->file . '<');
         } else {
             $imgsize['mime'] = $mime[$imgsize['ext']];
     $this->{$var} = $imgsize;
     return $this->{$var};
Exemplo n.º 3
         FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('There was an error uploading your file.') . '<br>' . Functions::fileUploadErrorText($_FILES['mediafile']['error']));
     // Now copy the (optional) thumbnail
     if (!empty($_FILES['thumbnail']['name']) && preg_match('/^image\\/(png|gif|jpeg)/', $_FILES['thumbnail']['type'], $match)) {
         // Thumbnails have either
         // (a) the same filename as the main image
         // (b) the same filename as the main image - but with a .png extension
         if ($match[1] == 'png' && !preg_match('/\\.(png)$/i', $fileName)) {
             $thumbFile = preg_replace('/\\.[a-z0-9]{3,5}$/', '.png', $fileName);
         } else {
             $thumbFile = $fileName;
         $serverFileName = WT_DATA_DIR . $MEDIA_DIRECTORY . 'thumbs/' . $folderName . $thumbFile;
         if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['thumbnail']['tmp_name'], $serverFileName)) {
             Log::addMediaLog('Thumbnail file ' . $serverFileName . ' uploaded');
 // Build the gedcom record
 $newged = "0 @new@ OBJE";
 if ($tag[0] == 'FILE') {
     // The admin has an edit field to change the filename
     $text[0] = $folderName . $fileName;
 } else {
     // Users keep the original filename
     $newged .= "\n1 FILE " . $folderName . $fileName;
 $newged = FunctionsEdit::handleUpdates($newged);
 $new_media = $WT_TREE->createRecord($newged);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Render the image to the output.
 public function render()
     if (!$this->media || !$this->media->canShow()) {
         Log::addMediaLog('Image Builder error: >' . I18N::translate('Missing or private media object.'));
     $serverFilename = $this->media->getServerFilename();
     if (!file_exists($serverFilename)) {
         Log::addMediaLog('Image Builder error: >' . I18N::translate('The media object does not exist.') . '< for path >' . $serverFilename . '<');
     $mimetype = $this->media->mimeType();
     $imgsize = $this->media->getImageAttributes();
     $filetime = $this->media->getFiletime();
     $filetimeHeader = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $filetime) . ' GMT';
     $expireHeader = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', WT_TIMESTAMP + $this->getExpireOffset()) . ' GMT';
     $type = Functions::isImageTypeSupported($imgsize['ext']);
     $usewatermark = false;
     // if this image supports watermarks and the watermark module is intalled...
     if ($type) {
         $usewatermark = $this->isShowWatermark();
     // determine whether we have enough memory to watermark this image
     if ($usewatermark) {
         if (!FunctionsMedia::hasMemoryForImage($serverFilename)) {
             // not enough memory to watermark this file
             $usewatermark = false;
     $etag = $this->media->getEtag();
     // parse IF_MODIFIED_SINCE header from client
     $if_modified_since = 'x';
     if (!empty(Filter::server('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'))) {
         $if_modified_since = preg_replace('/;.*$/', '', Filter::server('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'));
     // parse IF_NONE_MATCH header from client
     $if_none_match = 'x';
     if (!empty(Filter::server('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'))) {
         $if_none_match = str_replace('"', '', Filter::server('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'));
     // add caching headers.  allow browser to cache file, but not proxy
     header('Last-Modified: ' . $filetimeHeader);
     header('ETag: "' . $etag . '"');
     header('Expires: ' . $expireHeader);
     header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $this->getExpireOffset() . ', s-maxage=0, proxy-revalidate');
     // if this file is already in the user’s cache, don’t resend it
     // first check if the if_modified_since param matches
     if ($if_modified_since === $filetimeHeader) {
         // then check if the etag matches
         if ($if_none_match === $etag) {
     // send headers for the image
     header('Content-Type: ' . $mimetype);
     header('Content-Disposition: filename="' . addslashes(basename($this->media->getFilename())) . '"');
     if ($usewatermark) {
         // generate the watermarked image
         $imCreateFunc = 'imagecreatefrom' . $type;
         $imSendFunc = 'image' . $type;
         if (function_exists($imCreateFunc) && function_exists($imSendFunc)) {
             $im = $imCreateFunc($serverFilename);
             $im = $this->applyWatermark($im);
             // send the image
         } else {
             // this image is defective.  log it
             Log::addMediaLog('Image Builder error: >' . I18N::translate('This media file is broken and cannot be watermarked.') . '< in file >' . $serverFilename . '< memory used: ' . memory_get_usage());
     // determine filesize of image (could be original or watermarked version)
     $filesize = filesize($serverFilename);
     // set content-length header, send file
     header('Content-Length: ' . $filesize);
     // Some servers disable fpassthru() and readfile()
     if (function_exists('readfile')) {
     } else {
         $fp = fopen($serverFilename, 'rb');
         if (function_exists('fpassthru')) {
         } else {
             while (!feof($fp)) {
                 echo fread($fp, 65536);
Exemplo n.º 5
        $im = $imCreateFunc($serverFilename);
        $im = applyWatermark($im, $WT_TREE);
        // save the image, if preferences allow
        if ($which === 'thumb' && $WT_TREE->getPreference('SAVE_WATERMARK_THUMB') || $which === 'main' && $WT_TREE->getPreference('SAVE_WATERMARK_IMAGE')) {
            // make sure the folder exists
            // save the image
            $imSendFunc($im, $watermarkfile);
        // send the image
    } else {
        // this image is defective. log it
        Log::addMediaLog('Media Firewall error: >' . I18N::translate('This media file is broken and cannot be watermarked.') . '< in file >' . $serverFilename . '< memory used: ' . memory_get_usage());
        // set usewatermark to false so image will simply be passed through below
        $usewatermark = false;
// pass the image through without manipulating it
if ($usewatermark) {
    // the stored watermarked image is good, lets use it
    $serverFilename = $watermarkfile;
// determine filesize of image (could be original or watermarked version)
$filesize = filesize($serverFilename);
// set content-length header, send file
header('Content-Length: ' . $filesize);
// Some servers disable fpassthru() and readfile()
if (function_exists('readfile')) {