Exemplo n.º 1
  * Get the name of the playlist.
  * @return string
 public function getName()
     if ($this->name === null) {
         $data = $this->browse("Metadata");
         $xml = new XmlParser($data["Result"]);
         $this->name = $xml->getTag("title")->nodeValue;
     return $this->name;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Get the favourite radio shows/stations.
  * @param int $type One of the class constants for either shows or stations
  * @return Stream[]
 protected function getFavourites($type)
     $items = [];
     $result = $this->controller->soap("ContentDirectory", "Browse", ["ObjectID" => "R:0/{$type}", "BrowseFlag" => "BrowseDirectChildren", "Filter" => "*", "StartingIndex" => 0, "RequestedCount" => 100, "SortCriteria" => ""]);
     $parser = new XmlParser($result["Result"]);
     $tagName = $type === self::STATIONS ? "item" : "container";
     foreach ($parser->getTags($tagName) as $tag) {
         $name = $tag->getTag("title")->nodeValue;
         $uri = $tag->getTag("res")->nodeValue;
         $items[] = new Stream($uri, $name);
     return $items;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Get attributes about the currently active track in the queue.
  * @return State Track data containing the following elements
 public function getStateDetails()
     $data = $this->soap("AVTransport", "GetPositionInfo");
     if (!$data["TrackMetaData"]) {
         return new State();
     $parser = new XmlParser($data["TrackMetaData"]);
     $state = State::createFromXml($parser->getTag("item"), $this);
     if ((string) $parser->getTag("streamContent")) {
         $info = $this->getMediaInfo();
         if (!($state->stream = (string) (new XmlParser($info["CurrentURIMetaData"]))->getTag("title"))) {
             $state->stream = (string) $parser->getTag("title");
     $state->queueNumber = (int) $data["Track"];
     $state->duration = $data["TrackDuration"];
     $state->position = $data["RelTime"];
     # If we have a queue number, it'll be one-based, rather than zero-based, so convert it
     if ($state->queueNumber > 0) {
     return $state;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Get tracks from the queue.
  * @param int $start The zero-based position in the queue to start from
  * @param int $total The maximum number of tracks to return
  * @return Track[]
 public function getTracks($start = 0, $total = 0)
     $tracks = [];
     if ($total > 0 && $total < 100) {
         $limit = $total;
     } else {
         $limit = 100;
     do {
         $data = $this->browse("DirectChildren", $start, $limit);
         $parser = new XmlParser($data["Result"]);
         foreach ($parser->getTags("item") as $item) {
             $tracks[] = $this->trackFactory->createFromXml($item);
             if ($total > 0 && count($tracks) >= $total) {
                 return $tracks;
         $start += $limit;
     } while ($data["NumberReturned"] && $data["TotalMatches"] && count($tracks) < $data["TotalMatches"]);
     return $tracks;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Get all the alarms available on the network.
  * @return Alarm[]
 public function getAlarms()
     if (is_array($this->alarms)) {
         return $this->alarms;
     $data = $this->getController()->soap("AlarmClock", "ListAlarms");
     $parser = new XmlParser($data["CurrentAlarmList"]);
     $alarms = [];
     foreach ($parser->getTags("Alarm") as $tag) {
         $alarms[] = new Alarm($tag, $this);
     return $this->alarms = $alarms;