Exemplo n.º 1
 public function execute()
     $txtText = \SpoonFile::getContent(BACKEND_MODULE_PATH . "/fabrikanten.txt");
     $arrText = explode("\n", $txtText);
     $arrShop = array();
     $arrShops = array();
     $arrCompanyNames = array();
     foreach ($arrText as $intKey => $strValue) {
         //--Check for phone
         $strPosTelephone = strpos($strValue, "Tel.:");
         if ($strPosTelephone !== false) {
             $arrShop["phone"] = trim(str_replace("Tel.:", "", substr($strValue, $strPosTelephone)));
         //--Check for fax
         $strPosFax = strpos($strValue, "Fax:");
         if ($strPosFax !== false) {
             $arrShop["fax"] = trim(str_replace("Fax:", "", substr($strValue, $strPosFax)));
         //--Find the e-mailaddress in the string
         if (!isset($arrShopFinal["email"])) {
             preg_match("/[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})/i", $strValue, $matchesEmail);
             if (!empty($matchesEmail)) {
                 $arrShop["email"] = $matchesEmail[0];
         //--Find the website address
         if (!isset($arrShopFinal["website"])) {
             preg_match("/www\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-z]{2,7}/i", $strValue, $matchesWebsite);
             if (!empty($matchesWebsite)) {
                 $arrShop["website"] = $matchesWebsite[0];
         //--Check the value
         if ($strValue != "" && !in_array($strValue, $arrCompanyNames) && $arrText[$intKey + 1] == "" && $arrText[$intKey + 2] == "" && empty($matchesWebsite)) {
             //--Check if shop is empty
             if (!empty($arrShop)) {
                 //--Add shop to shops-array
                 $arrShops[] = $arrShop;
             $arrCity = explode(" ", $arrText[$intKey + 4], 2);
             //--New shop
             $arrShop = array();
             $arrShop['company'] = $strValue;
             $arrShop['address'] = ucwords(strtolower($arrText[$intKey + 3]));
             $arrShop['zipcode'] = ucwords(strtolower($arrCity[0]));
             $arrShop['city'] = ucwords(strtolower($arrCity[1]));
             $arrShop['country'] = "BE";
             //--Split zipcode
             $arrCountry = explode("-", $arrShop['zipcode']);
             if (count($arrCountry) > 1) {
                 $arrShop['country'] = strtoupper($arrCountry[0]);
             //--Add companyname to the values
             $arrCompanyNames[] = $strValue;
     //--Loop all the shops
     foreach ($arrShops as $row) {
         $meta = array();
         $meta["keywords"] = $row["company"];
         $meta["description"] = "import-address";
         $meta["title"] = $row["company"];
         $meta["url"] = $row["company"];
         //--Replace the values with utf8
         foreach ($row as &$value) {
             $value = utf8_encode($value);
         //--Insert meta
         $row["meta_id"] = BackendAddressesModel::insertMeta($meta);
         //--Add address to the database
         $address_id = BackendAddressesModel::insert($row);
         //--Add address to group
         $address = array("address_id" => $address_id, "group_id" => 2);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function execute()
     $txtText = \SpoonFile::getContent(BACKEND_MODULE_PATH . "/meubelwinkels.txt");
     $arrText = explode("\n", $txtText);
     $strShop = "";
     $arrShops = array();
     $arrShopsFinal = array();
     $arrElements = array("company", "phone", "zipcode", "city", "address", "contact", "email", "website", "fax", "vat", "assort", "m�", "open", "gesloten", "visit");
     $arrElementsDash = array("assort", "m�", "open", "gesloten", "visit");
     foreach ($arrText as $line) {
         //--Check if the line is only a zipcode or pagenumbers (1000 or 52 53)
         if (preg_match("/^\\d+\$/", $line) || preg_match("/^[0-9 ]+\$/", $line)) {
         //--Search for T : in the line (this is the first line of the address)
         if (strpos($line, "T :") !== false) {
             //--If line is not empty, add it to the array
             if (!empty($strShop)) {
                 $arrShops[] = $strShop;
             $strShop = "";
         //--Add the line + add a marker [LINE]
         $strShop .= $line . "[LINE]";
     //--Loop all the shops
     foreach ($arrShops as $shop) {
         //--Explode the shop with [LINE]
         $arrShop = explode("[LINE]", $shop);
         $arrShopFinal = array();
         //--Get the phone number and name of the shop
         $strPosTelephone = strpos($arrShop[0], "T :");
         //--Create array
         $arrShopFinal["company"] = ucwords(mb_strtolower(substr($arrShop[0], 0, $strPosTelephone)));
         $arrShopFinal["phone"] = trim(str_replace("T :", "", substr($arrShop[0], $strPosTelephone)));
         //--Get the address
         $strAddress = ucwords(mb_strtolower($arrShop[1]));
         //--Get position of the space
         $strPosSpaceZipcode = strpos($strAddress, " ");
         //--Add the zipcode
         $arrShopFinal["zipcode"] = substr($strAddress, 0, $strPosSpaceZipcode);
         //--Alter the address-string
         $strAddress = substr($strAddress, $strPosSpaceZipcode);
         //--Search comma
         $strPosCommaCity = strpos($strAddress, ",");
         //--Add the city
         $arrShopFinal["city"] = substr($strAddress, 0, $strPosCommaCity);
         //--Add the address
         $arrShopFinal["address"] = trim(substr($strAddress, $strPosCommaCity + 1));
         //--Unset first and second item
         //--Loop the shop
         foreach ($arrShop as $key => $row) {
             //--Get the contact
             if (!isset($arrShopFinal["contact"]) && strpos($row, "contact:") !== false) {
                 $arrShopFinal["contact"] = ucwords(mb_strtolower(trim(substr($row, 8))));
             //--Find the e-mailaddress in the string
             if (!isset($arrShopFinal["email"])) {
                 preg_match("/[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})/i", $row, $matches);
                 if (!empty($matches)) {
                     $arrShopFinal["email"] = $matches[0];
             //--Find the website address
             if (!isset($arrShopFinal["website"])) {
                 preg_match("/www\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-z]{2,7}/i", $row, $matches);
                 if (!empty($matches)) {
                     $arrShopFinal["website"] = $matches[0];
             //--Find the fax
             if (!isset($arrShopFinal["fax"])) {
                 preg_match("/F: ([\\s0-9]+)/i", $row, $matches);
                 if (!empty($matches)) {
                     $arrShopFinal["fax"] = $matches[1];
             //--Find the VAT
             if (!isset($arrShopFinal["btw"])) {
                 preg_match("/BTW : ([A-Z]{2}[\\s]*[0-9-\\.\\s]+)/i", $row, $matches);
                 if (!empty($matches)) {
                     $arrShopFinal["vat"] = $matches[1];
             //--Check if the dash is for a numeric value (not  - assort:)
             preg_match("/([0-9]{1}[\\s]-[\\s][0-9]{1})/i", $row, $matches);
             if (!empty($matches)) {
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     $strMatchReplace = str_replace(" - ", "-", $match);
                     $row = str_replace($match, $strMatchReplace, $row);
             //--Split the text with " - ";
             $arrDashes = explode(" - ", $row);
             //--Check if there are elements
             if (!empty($arrDashes)) {
                 //--Loop the different pieces
                 foreach ($arrDashes as $dash) {
                     //--Loop the elements that are possible for the dash-element
                     foreach ($arrElementsDash as $element) {
                         //--Check if the element is found, if true, add the element to the array
                         if (strpos($dash, $element . ":") !== false) {
                             $arrShopFinal[$element] = str_replace($element . ":", "", $dash);
         //--Check if all elements are filled in
         foreach ($arrElements as $element) {
             //--If key not exists, add an empty value to it
             if (!isset($arrShopFinal[$element])) {
                 //--Fill in empty value
                 $arrShopFinal[$element] = "";
             } else {
                 //--Replace to utf8
                 $arrShopFinal[$element] = trim($arrShopFinal[$element]);
                 //--Replace ? to '
                 $arrShopFinal[$element] = str_replace("?", "'", $arrShopFinal[$element]);
         //--Replace m� by size (for the database)
         $arrShopFinal["size"] = $arrShopFinal["m�"];
         //--Replace gesloten by closed (for the database)
         $arrShopFinal["closed"] = $arrShopFinal["gesloten"];
         $arrShopFinal["country"] = substr($arrShopFinal["vat"], 0, 2);
         $arrShopFinal["country"] = $arrShopFinal["country"] == "" ? "BE" : $arrShopFinal["country"];
         //--Add final shop to all shops
         $arrShopsFinal[] = $arrShopFinal;
     //--Loop all the shops
     foreach ($arrShopsFinal as $row) {
         $meta = array();
         $meta["keywords"] = $row["company"];
         $meta["description"] = "import-address";
         $meta["title"] = $row["company"];
         $meta["url"] = $row["company"];
         //--Replace the values with utf8
         foreach ($row as &$value) {
             $value = utf8_encode($value);
         //--Insert meta
         $row["meta_id"] = BackendAddressesModel::insertMeta($meta);
         //--Add address to the database
         $address_id = BackendAddressesModel::insert($row);
         //--Add address to group
         $address = array("address_id" => $address_id, "group_id" => 1);