Exemplo n.º 1
 public function testGetSimpleTestRequestTree()
     // $this->call($method, $uri, $parameters=[], $cookies=[], $files=[], $server=[], $content=null));
     $this->call('POST', 'api/receiver', [], [], [], [], $this->labRequestJsonSimpleTest);
     $externalDump = new ExternalDump();
     $labR = json_decode($this->labRequestJsonSimpleTest);
     $externalDumpTree = $externalDump->getLabRequestAndMeasures($labR->labNo);
     $this->assertEquals(count($externalDumpTree), 0);
     //1 request
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function rethinktestInterfacerSend()
     //Curent method of testing not working
     $dump1 = ExternalDump::find(1);
     $this->assertEquals($dump1->result_returned, 1);
     $extD = new ExternalDump();
     $externalLabRequestTree = $extD->getLabRequestAndMeasures($dump1->lab_no);
     foreach ($externalLabRequestTree as $key => $externalLabRequest) {
         $this->assertEquals(1, $externalLabRequest->result_returned);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Retrieves the results and creates a JSON string
  * @param testId the id of the test to send
  * @param 
 public function createJsonString($testId)
     //if($comments==null or $comments==''){$comments = 'No Comments';
     //We use curl to send the requests
     $httpCurl = curl_init(config('blis.sanitas-url'));
     curl_setopt($httpCurl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($httpCurl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     //If testID is null we cannot handle this test as we cannot know the results
     if ($testId == null) {
         return null;
     //Get the test and results
     $test = Test::find($testId);
     $testResults = $test->testResults;
     $testTypeId = $test->testType()->get()->lists('id')[0];
     $testType = TestType::find($testTypeId);
     $testMeasures = $testType->measures;
     //Get external requests and all its children
     $externalDump = new ExternalDump();
     $externRequest = ExternalDump::where('test_id', '=', $testId)->get();
     if (!$externRequest->first()) {
         //Not a request we can send back
         return null;
     $labNo = $externRequest->lists('lab_no')[0];
     $externlabRequestTree = $externalDump->getLabRequestAndMeasures($labNo);
     $interpretation = "";
     //IF the test has no children prepend the status to the result
     if ($externlabRequestTree->isEmpty()) {
         if ($test->test_status_id == Test::COMPLETED) {
             $interpretation = "Done: " . $test->interpretation;
         } elseif ($test->test_status_id == Test::VERIFIED) {
             $interpretation = "Tested and verified: " . $test->interpretation;
     } else {
         if ($test->test_status_id == Test::COMPLETED) {
             $interpretation = "Done " . $test->interpretation;
         } elseif ($test->test_status_id == Test::VERIFIED) {
             $interpretation = "Tested and verified " . $test->interpretation;
     $tested_by = ExternalUser::where('internal_user_id', '=', $test->tested_by)->get()->first();
     if ($tested_by == null) {
         $tested_by = "59";
     } else {
         if ($tested_by->external_user_id == null) {
             $tested_by = "59";
         } else {
             $tested_by = $tested_by->external_user_id;
     if ($test->verified_by == 0 || $test->verified_by == null) {
         $verified_by = "59";
     } else {
         $verified_by = ExternalUser::where('internal_user_id', '=', $test->verified_by)->get()->first();
         if ($verified_by == null) {
             $verified_by = "59";
         } else {
             if ($verified_by->external_user_id == null) {
                 $verified_by = "59";
             } else {
                 $verified_by = $verified_by->external_user_id;
     //TODO - relate measure to test-result
     $range = Measure::getRange($test->visit->patient, $testResults->first()->measure_id);
     $unit = Measure::find($testResults->first()->measure_id)->unit;
     $result = $testResults->first()->result . " " . $range . " " . $unit;
     $jsonResponseString = sprintf('{"labNo": "%s","requestingClinician": "%s", "result": "%s", "verifiedby": "%s", "techniciancomment": "%s"}', $labNo, $tested_by, $result, $verified_by, trim($interpretation));
     $this->sendRequest($httpCurl, urlencode($jsonResponseString), $labNo);
     //loop through labRequests and foreach of them get the result and put in an array
     foreach ($externlabRequestTree as $key => $externlabRequest) {
         $mKey = array_search($externlabRequest->investigation, $testMeasures->lists('name'));
         if ($mKey === false) {
             Log::error("MEASURE NOT FOUND: Measure {$externlabRequest->investigation} not found in our system");
         } else {
             $measureId = $testMeasures->get($mKey)->id;
             $rKey = array_search($measureId, $testResults->lists('measure_id'));
             $matchingResult = $testResults->get($rKey);
             $range = Measure::getRange($test->visit->patient, $measureId);
             $unit = Measure::find($measureId)->unit;
             $result = $matchingResult->result . " " . $range . " " . $unit;
             $jsonResponseString = sprintf('{"labNo": "%s","requestingClinician": "%s", "result": "%s", "verifiedby": "%s", "techniciancomment": "%s"}', $externlabRequest->lab_no, $tested_by, $result, $verified_by, "");
             $this->sendRequest($httpCurl, urlencode($jsonResponseString), $externlabRequest->lab_no);