public function onUpload(Form $form)
     /** @var UploadControl[] $form */
     /** @var FileUpload $json */
     /** @var FileUpload $audio */
     $json = $form['json']->getValue();
     $audio = $form['audio']->getValue();
     $data = Json::decode($json->getContents(), Json::FORCE_ARRAY);
     $blackboard = new Rme\Blackboard();
     $blackboard->title = 'Nová nahrávka';
     $blackboard->description = ' ';
     $blackboard->hidden = TRUE;
     $blackboard->duration = $data['duration'];
     $blackboard->preview = '';
     $blackboard->author = $this->userEntity;
     $base = $this->paths->getBlackboards() . "/{$blackboard->id}";
     $producer = $this->queue->getProducer('blackboardPreview');
     $producer->publish(serialize(['blackboard' => new EntityPointer($blackboard)]));
     $link = $this->link('BlackboardEditor:default', ['blackboardId' => $blackboard->id]);
     $this->sendJson(['redirect' => $link]);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function invoke(Paths $paths)
     $tmp = $paths->getTemp();
     exec('sudo rm -rf ' . escapeshellarg("{$tmp}/cache/_*"));
     $this->out->writeln('<info>Cache cleared</info>');
     // TODO clear opcache
 public function invoke(ElasticSearch $elastic, Paths $paths)
     $raw = file_get_contents($paths->getApp() . '/config/synonyms.esn');
     $output = [];
     foreach (explode("\n", $raw) as $line) {
         $line = preg_replace('~\\s*#.*$~m', '', $line);
         // remove comments
         if (!$line) {
         $parts = preg_split('~\\s*(=>|,)\\s*~', $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
         foreach ($parts as &$part) {
             if ($part === '=>' || $part === ',') {
             $words = [];
             foreach ($elastic->analyze('synonyms_compiler', $part)['tokens'] as $token) {
                 $words[] = $token['token'];
             $part = implode(' ', $words);
         $output[] = '- "' . implode(' ', $parts) . '"';
     $content = "# Do not edit this file directly! Instead,\n";
     $content .= "# edit synonyms.esn and run elasticsearch:build-synonyms command.\n\n";
     $content .= str_replace(' ,', ',', implode("\n", $output)) . "\n";
     file_put_contents($paths->getApp() . '/config/synonyms.compiled.neon', $content);
     $this->out->writeln('<info>Synonyms compiled</info>');
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @return string dir path
 protected function getTempDir()
     $dir = $this->paths->getBackup() . '/.temp';
     if (!file_exists($dir)) {
     return $dir;
 public function invoke(array $args)
     /** @var Blackboard $bb */
     $bb = $args['blackboard'];
     $file = $this->paths->getPreviews() . "/{$bb->id}.png";
     $this->generator->generate($bb, $file);
     $bb->preview = "/data/preview/{$bb->id}.png";
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function renderBlueprints($page = NULL)
     $this->template->setFile($this->paths->getTemplate('Search', 'results'));
     $this->template->query = $query = 'Všechna cvičení';
     $this->template->filter = NULL;
     list($limit, $offset) = $this->getLinearLimitOffset($page ?: 1);
     $results = $this->orm->contents->findAllBlueprints()->applyLimit($limit, $offset);
     $this->template->search = (object) ['results' => $results, 'aggregations' => [['key' => 'blueprint', 'doc_count' => $results->count()]], 'total' => $results->count()];
     $this->payload->results = $results->count();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function invoke(RepositoryContainer $orm, Paths $paths, BlackboardPreview $generator)
     $blackboards = $orm->contents->findAllBlackboards();
     foreach ($blackboards as $bb) {
         $file = $paths->getPreviews() . "/{$bb->id}.png";
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
             $generator->generate($bb, $file);
             $bb->preview = "/data/preview/{$bb->id}.png";
             $this->out->writeln("<info>Preview saved to {$file}</info>");
 public function invoke(array $args)
     /** @var Video $video */
     $video = $args['video'];
     $seconds = [];
     $norm = $video->views->count();
     foreach ($video->views as $view) {
         $time = 0;
         foreach ($view->events as $event) {
             for (; $time < $event->timeAt; ++$time) {
                 // zero if unset
             if ($event instanceof VideoEvents\Seek) {
                 if ($event->timeTo > $time) {
                     // skip forward
                     for (; $time < $event->timeTo; ++$time) {
                         @($seconds['watched'][$time] -= $norm / 100);
                         // penalize these seconds
                 } else {
                     // jump back, will iterate over same time again on next event
                     $time = (int) $event->timeTo;
             } else {
                 if ($event instanceof VideoEvents\Pause) {
                     @($seconds['pause'][$time] += max(2, $event->duration));
                     // zero if unset
         for (; $time < $view->furthest; ++$time) {
             // zero if unset
     $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($video->duration, 2);
     $maxWatch = max($seconds['watched']);
     $maxPause = max($seconds['pause']);
     for ($s = 0; $s < $video->duration; ++$s) {
         $watched = isset($seconds['watched'][$s]) ? max($seconds['watched'][$s], 0) / $maxWatch : 0;
         $color = imagecolorallocate($canvas, (1 - $watched) * 255, (1 - $watched) * 255, 255);
         imagesetpixel($canvas, $s, 0, $color);
         $pause = isset($seconds['pause'][$s]) ? max($seconds['pause'][$s], 0) / $maxPause : 0;
         $color = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, (1 - $pause) * 255, (1 - $pause) * 255);
         imagesetpixel($canvas, $s, 1, $color);
     $dir = $this->paths->getVideoCharts();
     imagepng($canvas, "{$dir}/{$video->id}.png", 9);
 public function generate(Blackboard $bb, $outfile)
     $raw = file_get_contents($this->paths->getBlackboards() . "/{$bb->id}.json");
     $data = Json::decode($raw, Json::FORCE_ARRAY);
     $min = ['width' => PHP_INT_MAX, 'height' => PHP_INT_MAX];
     $max = ['width' => 0, 'height' => 0];
     foreach ($data['data'] as $row) {
         if ($row['type'] !== 'beginStroke' && $row['type'] !== 'strokeTo') {
         $min['width'] = min($min['width'], $row['loc']['x']);
         $min['height'] = min($min['height'], $row['loc']['y']);
         $max['width'] = max($max['width'], $row['loc']['x']);
         $max['height'] = max($max['height'], $row['loc']['y']);
     $margin = 20;
     $min['width'] -= $margin;
     $min['height'] -= $margin;
     $max['width'] += $margin;
     $max['height'] += $margin;
     $ratio = 2;
     $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor(($max['width'] - $min['width']) * $ratio, ($max['height'] - $min['height']) * $ratio);
     if (function_exists('imageantialias')) {
         // this function is not in php5-gd and requires recompiling php
         imageantialias($canvas, TRUE);
     $last = NULL;
     foreach ($data['data'] as $row) {
         if ($row['type'] === 'beginStroke') {
             $last = $row['loc'];
         } else {
             if ($row['type'] === 'strokeTo') {
                 $c = $row['color'];
                 $color = imagecolorallocate($canvas, $c['r'], $c['g'], $c['b']);
                 $this->imagelinethick($canvas, ($last['x'] - $min['width']) * $ratio, ($last['y'] - $min['height']) * $ratio, ($row['loc']['x'] - $min['width']) * $ratio, ($row['loc']['y'] - $min['height']) * $ratio, $color, 3);
                 $last = $row['loc'];
             } else {
                 if ($row['type'] === 'erase') {
                     $color = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 0, 0, 0);
                     $radius = 11 * $ratio;
                     $x = ($row['loc']['x'] - $min['width']) * $ratio;
                     $y = ($row['loc']['y'] - $min['height']) * $ratio;
                     imagefilledarc($canvas, $x, $y, $radius, $radius, 0, 360, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
     imagepng($canvas, $outfile, 9);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private function setScripts()
     $current = preg_replace_callback('~\\B[A-Z]~', function ($m) {
         return '-' . strToLower($m[0]);
     }, $this->getAction(TRUE));
     $partials = explode(':', 'app' . strToLower($current));
     $scripts = [];
     $last = TRUE;
     for ($i = count($partials); $i > 0; $i--) {
         $script = [];
         for ($p = 0; $p < $i; $p++) {
             $script[] = $partials[$p];
         if (!$last) {
             $script[] = '_all';
         $scripts[] = implode('/', $script);
         $last = FALSE;
     $jsDir = $this->paths->getJs();
     $existingScripts = [];
     foreach (array_reverse($scripts) as $script) {
         if (file_exists("{$jsDir}/{$script}.js")) {
             $existingScripts[] = $script;
     $this->template->scripts = Nette\Utils\Json::encode($existingScripts);