Exemplo n.º 1
  * Execute the console command.
 public function fire(AddonCollection $addons)
     $slug = $this->argument('slug');
     $addon = $this->argument('addon');
     /* @var Addon $addon */
     if (!($addon = $addons->get($addon))) {
         throw new \Exception("The addon [{$this->argument('addon')}] could not be found.");
     if (!($namespace = $this->option('namespace'))) {
         $namespace = $addon->getSlug();
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityModel($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityRoutes($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityRouter($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityObserver($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityCriteria($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityPresenter($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityController($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityCollection($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityRepository($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityFormBuilder($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityTableBuilder($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityModelInterface($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->dispatch(new WriteEntityRepositoryInterface($addon, $slug, $namespace));
     $this->call('make:migration', ['name' => 'create_' . $slug . '_stream', '--addon' => $addon->getNamespace(), '--stream' => $slug]);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Handle the command.
  * @param Seed $command
 public function handle(Seed $command)
     $class = $command->getClass();
     $addon = $this->addons->get($command->getAddon());
      * Depending on when this is called, and
      * how seeding uses the view layer the addon's
      * could be decorated, so un-decorate them real
      * quick before proceeding.
     if ($addon && $addon instanceof Presenter) {
         $addon = $addon->getObject();
      * If the addon was passed then
      * get it and seed it.
     if ($addon) {
      * If a seeder class was passed then
      * call it from the seeder utility.
     if (!$addon && $class) {
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Return the located addon instance.
  * @param $object
  * @return \Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Addon\Addon|mixed|null
 public function resolve($object)
     if (!($namespace = $this->locate($object))) {
         return null;
     return $this->addons->get($namespace);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Handle the fields.
  * @param PermissionFormBuilder $builder
  * @param AddonCollection       $addons
  * @param Translator            $translator
  * @param Repository            $config
 public function handle(PermissionFormBuilder $builder, AddonCollection $addons, Translator $translator, Repository $config)
     /* @var UserInterface $user */
     $user = $builder->getEntry();
     $fields = [];
     $namespaces = ['streams'];
     /* @var Addon $addon */
     foreach ($addons->withConfig('permissions') as $addon) {
         $namespaces[] = $addon->getNamespace();
     foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) {
         foreach ($config->get($namespace . '::permissions', []) as $group => $permissions) {
             $label = $namespace . '::permission.' . $group . '.name';
             if (!$translator->has($warning = $namespace . '::permission.' . $group . '.warning')) {
                 $warning = null;
             if (!$translator->has($instructions = $namespace . '::permission.' . $group . '.instructions')) {
                 $instructions = null;
             $fields[$namespace . '::' . $group] = ['label' => $label, 'warning' => $warning, 'instructions' => $instructions, 'type' => 'anomaly.field_type.checkboxes', 'value' => function () use($user, $namespace, $group) {
                 return array_map(function ($permission) use($user, $namespace, $group) {
                     return str_replace($namespace . '::' . $group . '.', '', $permission);
                 }, $user->getPermissions());
             }, 'config' => ['options' => function () use($group, $permissions, $namespace) {
                 return array_combine($permissions, array_map(function ($permission) use($namespace, $group) {
                     return $namespace . '::permission.' . $group . '.option.' . $permission;
                 }, $permissions));
  * Handle the command.
  * @param GetAddonFromMigration $command
  * @return Addon|null
 public function handle(GetAddonFromMigration $command)
     $matcher = "/(^[a-zA-Z0-9._]+?)(?=__)/";
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($command->getMigration());
     $fileName = implode('_', array_slice(explode('_', basename($reflection->getFileName())), 4));
     preg_match($matcher, $fileName, $matches);
     return $this->addons->get(isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : null);
  * Handle the command.
  * @param AddonCollection $addons
  * @param Repository      $repository
 public function handle(AddonCollection $addons, Repository $repository)
     $slug = $this->stream->getSlug();
     $namespace = $this->stream->getNamespace();
     foreach ($addons->withConfig("streams.{$namespace}.{$slug}") as $config) {
     $this->stream->mergeConfig($repository->get("streams::streams.{$namespace}.{$slug}", []));
  * Handle the command.
  * @param RelationshipFieldType $fieldType
  * @param AddonCollection       $addons
  * @param Repository            $config
  * @return array
 public function handle(RelationshipFieldType $fieldType, AddonCollection $addons, Repository $config)
     $definition = [];
     /* @var Addon $addon */
     foreach ($addons->withConfig('lookup.' . $this->table->config('related')) as $addon) {
         $definition = $config->get($addon->getNamespace('lookup.' . $this->table->config('related')));
     $definition = $config->get($fieldType->getNamespace('lookup.' . $this->table->config('related')), $definition);
     return $definition;
  * Restore the value.
  * @param  $value
  * @return null|Addon
 public function restore($value)
     if ($value instanceof Addon) {
         return $value;
     if ($value && ($addon = $this->addons->get($value))) {
         return $addon;
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Execute the console command.
 public function fire(AddonCollection $addons)
     $schema = $this->argument('schema');
     $slug = explode(':', trim($schema))[0];
     $addon = $addons->get($this->argument('addon'));
     $path = $addon->getPath();
     $this->call('make:migration', ['name' => 'create_' . $slug . '_stream', '--addon' => $addon->getNamespace(), '--stream' => $schema]);
     $this->call('make:migration', ['name' => 'create_' . $addon->getSlug() . '_fields', '--addon' => $addon->getNamespace(), '--stream' => $schema, '--fields' => true]);
     /* After a successful stream migration, create a seeder template file */
     $this->dispatch(new MakeStream($slug, $path));
  * Handle the command.
  * @param MultipleFieldType $fieldType
  * @param AddonCollection   $addons
  * @param Container         $container
  * @param Repository        $config
  * @return array
 public function handle(MultipleFieldType $fieldType, AddonCollection $addons, Container $container, Repository $config)
     $definition = [];
     $key = 'multiple.lookup.' . get_class($container->make($this->table->config('related')));
     /* @var Addon $addon */
     foreach ($addons->withConfig($key) as $addon) {
         $definition = $config->get($addon->getNamespace($key));
     $definition = $config->get($fieldType->getNamespace($key), $definition);
     return $definition;
  * Handle the command.
  * @param CreateAddonMigrationFolder $command
  * @return string|null
 public function handle(CreateAddonMigrationFolder $command)
     $path = null;
     if ($addon = $this->addons->get($command->getAddon())) {
         $path = $addon->getPath('migrations');
         if (!$this->files->isDirectory($path)) {
     return $path;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Uninstall an addon.
  * @param AddonCollection  $addons
  * @param ModuleManager    $modules
  * @param ExtensionManager $extensions
  * @param                  $addon
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function uninstall(AddonCollection $addons, ModuleManager $modules, ExtensionManager $extensions, $addon)
     /* @var Addon $addon */
     $addon = $addons->get($addon);
     if ($addon instanceof Module) {
     } elseif ($addon instanceof Extension) {
     return $this->redirect->back();
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Execute the console command.
 public function fire(AddonCollection $addons)
     if (!$this->argument('addon')) {
         foreach ($addons as $addon) {
             $this->call('addon:publish', ['addon' => $addon->getNamespace()]);
     $addon = $addons->get($this->argument('addon'));
     $this->dispatch(new PublishViews($addon, $this));
     $this->dispatch(new PublishConfig($addon, $this));
     $this->dispatch(new PublishTranslations($addon, $this));
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Execute the console command.
  * @param AddonCollection  $addons
  * @param ModuleManager    $modules
  * @param ExtensionManager $extensions
 public function fire(AddonCollection $addons, ModuleManager $modules, ExtensionManager $extensions)
     if (!($addon = $addons->get($this->argument('addon')))) {
         $this->error('The [' . $this->argument('addon') . '] could not be found.');
     if ($addon instanceof Module) {
         $modules->install($addon, $this->option('seed'));
         $this->info('The [' . $this->argument('addon') . '] module was installed.');
     if ($addon instanceof Extension) {
         $extensions->install($addon, $this->option('seed'));
         $this->info('The [' . $this->argument('addon') . '] extension was installed.');
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Execute the console command.
  * @param AddonCollection $addons
 public function fire(AddonCollection $addons)
     if (!($addon = $addons->get($this->argument('addon')))) {
         $this->error('The [' . $this->argument('addon') . '] could not be found.');
     if ($addon instanceof Module) {
         $this->call('addon:uninstall', ['addon' => $this->argument('addon')]);
         $this->call('addon:install', ['addon' => $this->argument('addon'), '--seed' => $this->option('seed')]);
     if ($addon instanceof Extension) {
         $this->call('addon:uninstall', ['addon' => $this->argument('addon')]);
         $this->call('addon:install', ['addon' => $this->argument('addon'), '--seed' => $this->option('seed')]);
  * Handle the command.
  * @param GetMigrationName $command
  * @return string
 public function handle(GetMigrationName $command)
     $namespace = $command->getNamespace();
     $name = $originalName = $command->getName();
     if ($addon = $this->addons->get($namespace)) {
         $name = "{$namespace}__{$originalName}";
         // Append the package version if there is one.
         if ($json = $addon->getComposerJson()) {
             if (property_exists($json, 'version')) {
                 $version = str_slug(str_replace(['.', '-'], '_', $json->version), '_');
                 $name = "{$namespace}__{$version}__{$originalName}";
     return $name;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Register all addons.
 public function register()
     $enabled = $this->getEnabledAddonNamespaces();
     $installed = $this->getInstalledAddonNamespaces();
     $paths = $this->paths->all();
      * First load all the addons
      * so they're available.
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
      * Then register all of the addons now
      * that they're all PSR autoloaded.
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $this->integrator->register($path, $enabled, $installed);
     // Sort all addons.
     $this->addons = $this->addons->sort();
      * Disperse addons to their
      * respective collections and
      * finish the integration service.
     $this->dispatcher->fire(new AddonsHaveRegistered($this->addons));
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Export all entries.
  * @param $addon
  * @param $namespace
  * @param $stream
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function export($addon, $namespace, $stream)
     $addon = $this->addons->get($addon);
     /* @var StreamInterface $stream */
     $stream = $this->streams->findBySlugAndNamespace($stream, $namespace);
      * Resolve the model and set
      * it on the repository.
     if (!$this->authorizer->authorize($addon->getNamespace($stream->getSlug() . '.export'))) {
     $headers = ['Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename=' . $stream->getSlug() . '.csv', 'Cache-Control' => 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0', 'Content-type' => 'text/csv', 'Pragma' => 'public', 'Expires' => '0'];
     $callback = function () {
         $output = fopen('php://output', 'w');
         foreach ($this->repository->all() as $k => $entry) {
             if ($k == 0) {
                 fputcsv($output, array_keys($entry->toArray()));
             fputcsv($output, $entry->toArray());
     return $this->response->stream($callback, 200, $headers);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Handle the fields.
  * @param PermissionFormBuilder $builder
  * @param AddonCollection       $addons
  * @param Translator            $translator
  * @param Repository            $config
 public function handle(PermissionFormBuilder $builder, AddonCollection $addons, Repository $config)
     $sections = [];
     $sections['streams']['title'] = 'streams::message.system';
     foreach ($config->get('streams::permissions', []) as $group => $permissions) {
         $sections['streams']['fields'][] = 'streams::' . $group;
     /* @var Addon $addon */
     foreach ($addons->withConfig('permissions') as $addon) {
         $sections[$addon->getNamespace()]['title'] = $addon->getName();
         $sections[$addon->getNamespace()]['description'] = $addon->getDescription();
         foreach ($config->get($addon->getNamespace('permissions'), []) as $group => $permissions) {
             $sections[$addon->getNamespace()]['fields'][] = $addon->getNamespace($group);
  * Get a field type from the
  * collection by namespace key.
  * @param  mixed          $key
  * @param  mixed          $default
  * @return null|FieldType
 public function get($key, $default = null)
     $type = parent::get($key, $default);
     if (!$type) {
         return null;
     return clone $type;
  * Handle the fields.
  * @param PermissionFormBuilder $builder
  * @param AddonCollection       $addons
  * @param Translator            $translator
  * @param Repository            $config
 public function handle(PermissionFormBuilder $builder, AddonCollection $addons, Translator $translator, Repository $config)
     /* @var UserInterface $user */
     $user = $builder->getEntry();
     $roles = $user->getRoles();
     $inherited = $roles->permissions();
     $fields = [];
     $namespaces = array_merge(['streams'], $addons->withConfig('permissions')->namespaces());
      * gather all the addons with a
      * permissions configuration file.
      * @var Addon $addon
     foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) {
         foreach ($config->get($namespace . '::permissions', []) as $group => $permissions) {
              * Determine the general
              * form UI components.
             $label = $namespace . '::permission.' . $group . '.name';
             if (!$translator->has($warning = $namespace . '::permission.' . $group . '.warning')) {
                 $warning = null;
             if (!$translator->has($instructions = $namespace . '::permission.' . $group . '.instructions')) {
                 $instructions = null;
              * Gather the available
              * permissions for the group.
             $available = array_combine(array_map(function ($permission) use($namespace, $group) {
                 return $namespace . '::' . $group . '.' . $permission;
             }, $permissions), array_map(function ($permission) use($namespace, $group) {
                 return $namespace . '::permission.' . $group . '.option.' . $permission;
             }, $permissions));
              * Build the checkboxes field
              * type to handle the UI.
             $fields[$namespace . '::' . $group] = ['label' => $label, 'warning' => $warning, 'instructions' => $instructions, 'type' => 'anomaly.field_type.checkboxes', 'value' => array_merge($user->getPermissions(), $inherited), 'config' => ['disabled' => $inherited, 'options' => $available]];
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Handle the command.
  * @param SettingRepositoryInterface $settings
  * @param AddonCollection            $addons
  * @param Repository                 $config
 public function handle(SettingRepositoryInterface $settings, AddonCollection $addons, Repository $config)
     /* @var Addon $addon */
     foreach ($addons->withConfig('settings') as $addon) {
         foreach ($config->get($addon->getNamespace('settings')) as $key => $setting) {
             if (isset($setting['env']) && env($setting['env']) !== null) {
             if (!isset($setting['bind'])) {
             if (!$settings->has($key = $addon->getNamespace($key))) {
             $config->set($setting['bind'], $settings->value($key));
     foreach ($addons->withConfig('settings/settings') as $addon) {
         foreach ($config->get($addon->getNamespace('settings/settings')) as $key => $setting) {
             if (isset($setting['env']) && env($setting['env']) !== null) {
             if (!isset($setting['bind'])) {
             if (!$settings->has($key = $addon->getNamespace($key))) {
             $config->set($setting['bind'], $settings->value($key));
     foreach ($config->get('streams::settings/settings', []) as $key => $setting) {
         if (isset($setting['env']) && env($setting['env']) !== null) {
         if (!isset($setting['bind'])) {
         if (!$settings->has($key = 'streams::' . $key)) {
         $config->set($setting['bind'], $settings->value($key));
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Handle the command.
  * @param AddonCollection $addons
 public function handle(AddonCollection $addons)
     foreach ($addons->enabled() as $addon) {
         $options = ['--addon' => $addon->getNamespace()];
         if ($this->command->option('force')) {
             $options['--force'] = true;
         if ($this->command->option('pretend')) {
             $options['--pretend'] = true;
         if ($this->command->option('seed')) {
             $options['--seed'] = true;
         if ($database = $this->command->option('database')) {
             $options['--database'] = $database;
         $this->command->call('migrate', $options);
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Register an addon.
  * @param $path
  * @param $enabled
  * @param $installed
 public function register($path, array $enabled, array $installed)
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
     $vendor = strtolower(basename(dirname($path)));
     $slug = strtolower(substr(basename($path), 0, strpos(basename($path), '-')));
     $type = strtolower(substr(basename($path), strpos(basename($path), '-') + 1));
     $class = studly_case($vendor) . '\\' . studly_case($slug) . studly_case($type) . '\\' . studly_case($slug) . studly_case($type);
     /* @var Addon|Module|Extension|Twig_ExtensionInterface $addon */
     $addon = app($class)->setPath($path)->setType($type)->setSlug($slug)->setVendor($vendor);
     // If the addon supports states - set the state now.
     if ($addon->getType() === 'module' || $addon->getType() === 'extension') {
         $addon->setInstalled(in_array($addon->getNamespace(), $installed));
         $addon->setEnabled(in_array($addon->getNamespace(), $enabled));
     // Bind to the service container.
     $this->container->alias($addon->getNamespace(), $alias = get_class($addon));
     $this->container->instance($alias, $addon);
     // Load package configuration.
     $this->configurator->addNamespace($addon->getNamespace(), $addon->getPath('resources/config'));
     // Load system overrides.
     $this->configurator->addNamespaceOverrides($addon->getNamespace(), base_path('resources/addons/' . $addon->getVendor() . '/' . $addon->getSlug() . '-' . $addon->getType()));
     // Load application overrides.
     $this->configurator->addNamespaceOverrides($addon->getNamespace(), $this->application->getResourcesPath('addons/' . $addon->getVendor() . '/' . $addon->getSlug() . '-' . $addon->getType() . '/config'));
     // Continue loading things.
     // Add the view / translation namespaces.
     $this->views->addNamespace($addon->getNamespace(), $addon->getPath('resources/views'));
     $this->translator->addNamespace($addon->getNamespace(), $addon->getPath('resources/lang'));
      * If the addon is a plugin then
      * load it into Twig when appropriate.
     if ($addon->getType() === 'plugin') {
         $this->events->listen('Anomaly\\Streams\\Platform\\View\\Event\\RegisteringTwigPlugins', function (RegisteringTwigPlugins $event) use($addon) {
             $twig = $event->getTwig();
     $this->collection->put($addon->getNamespace(), $addon);
     $this->events->fire(new AddonWasRegistered($addon));
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Handle the command.
  * @param AddonCollection $addons
  * @return Addon
 public function handle(AddonCollection $addons)
     return $addons->get($this->identifier);
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Get the override view path.
  * @param  $view
  * @return null|string
 public function getOverloadPath(View $view)
      * We can only overload namespaced
      * views right now.
     if (!str_contains($view->getName(), '::')) {
         return null;
      * Split the view into it's
      * namespace and path.
     list($namespace, $path) = explode('::', $view->getName());
     $path = str_replace('.', '/', $path);
      * If the module is shorthand
      * then check to see if we have
      * an active module to use for it.
     if ($namespace === 'module' && $this->module) {
         $namespace = $this->module->getNamespace();
      * If the view is already in
      * the theme then skip it.
     if ($namespace == 'theme' || str_is('*.theme.*', $namespace)) {
         return null;
      * If the view is a streams view then
      * it's real easy to guess what the
      * override path should be.
     if ($namespace == 'streams') {
         $path = $this->theme->getNamespace('streams/' . $path);
      * If the view uses a dot syntax namespace then
      * transform it all into the override view path.
     if ($addon = $this->addons->get($namespace)) {
         $path = $this->theme->getNamespace("addons/{$addon->getVendor()}/{$addon->getSlug()}-{$addon->getType()}/" . $path);
     if ($this->view->exists($path)) {
         return $path;
      * If the view uses a dot syntax namespace then
      * transform it all into the override view path.
      * @deprecated since v3.0.0
     if ($addon) {
         $path = $this->theme->getNamespace("addon/{$addon->getVendor()}/{$addon->getSlug()}-{$addon->getType()}/" . $path);
     if ($this->view->exists($path)) {
         return $path;
     return null;