  * This is a simple system to generate unique keys. It will need to be improved in the future for better performance.
  * @param Object $object - must have a getPeer method.
 private static function getUniqueKey($object, $ppk_field = self::KEY_FIELD_NAME, $key_length = self::KEY_LENGTH, $key_char_pool = self::KEY_CHARACTER_POOL)
     $object_peer = self::getObjectPeer($object);
     if (is_null($object_peer)) {
         throw new \Exception("Object must have a Peer class.");
     $tries = 0;
     while (self::primaryKeyValueExists($new_id = \Altumo\String\String::generateRandomString($key_length, $key_char_pool), $object_peer, $ppk_field)) {
         if ($tries++ > 30) {
             throw new \Exception("Tried to generate a unique value for {$ppk_field} {$tries} times and failed.");
     return $new_id;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Constructor for this ApiFieldMap.
  * @param string $request_field
  * @param integer $flags                  //a combination of flags of this field
  * @param string $description
  * @param string $model_accessor          
  *   //eg. provide: "CountryByCountryCode" and it will become 
  *     "getCountryByCountryCode" and "setCountryByCountryCode"
  * @return \sfAltumoPlugin\Api\ApiFieldMap
 public function __construct($request_field, $flags = null, $description = null, $model_accessor = null)
     if (!is_string($request_field)) {
         throw new \Exception('Request field must be a string.');
     if (!is_null($flags)) {
     if (!is_null($description)) {
     } else {
         $description = \Altumo\String\String::formatTitleCase(str_replace('_', ' ', $request_field));
     if (!is_null($model_accessor)) {
     } else {
         $accessor_suffix = \Altumo\String\String::formatCamelCase($request_field);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Formats a JSON string into a pretty JSON string.
  * @todo Fix so text-qualified characters eg. ",{[" don't break formatting.
  * @param string $json
  * @return string
 public static function format($json)
     $indent_character = '    ';
     $indent_count = 0;
     $json_length = strlen($json);
     $position = 0;
     $insert_newline_after = function ($offset) use(&$json, &$indent_character, &$indent_count, &$position) {
         $indent = str_repeat($indent_character, $indent_count);
         $json = \Altumo\String\String::insert("\n" . $indent, $json, $offset + 1);
         $position += strlen($indent) + 1;
     for (; $position < $json_length; $position++) {
         $character = $json[$position];
         switch ($character) {
             case ':':
                 //insert a space after colons
                 $json = \Altumo\String\String::insert(" ", $json, $position + 1);
             case ',':
             case '[':
             case '{':
             case ']':
             case '}':
                 $insert_newline_after($position - 1);
         $json_length = strlen($json);
     return $json;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Returns this full URL as a string.
  * @throws \Exception                    //if this URL is not valid
  * @return string
 public function getUrl()
     $url_string = $this->getScheme();
     $url_string .= '://';
     if ($this->hasLogin()) {
         $url_string .= $this->getLogin() . '@';
     $url_string .= $this->getHostPort();
     $url_string .= $this->getPath();
     if ($this->hasParameters()) {
         $url_string .= \Altumo\String\String::generateUrlParameterString($this->getParameters());
     if ($this->hasAnchor()) {
         $url_string .= '#' . urlencode($this->getAnchor());
     if (!$this->isValid()) {
         throw new \Exception('This URL is invalid.');
     return $url_string;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Stores the SSL certificate in a temporary file and returns its path.
  * When making a request with an SSL certificate, curl requires that
  * certificate to be in a file. This function stores the certificate in a 
  * temporary file and returns its path.
  * @see deleteSslCertificateTempFile
  *   // This method will be called after the certificate has been used in order
  *   // to clean up the file that was created.
  * @throws \Exception
  *   // If the temp certificate file cannot be created or written
  * @param string $temp_path
 protected function createSslCertificateTempFile()
     // If a certificate temp file has already been created, delete it
     // Gets certificate data
     $ssl_cert_data = $this->getSslCertificateData();
     // Use system temp directory path
     $temp_path = sys_get_temp_dir();
     // Make a new filename for the certificate using its own hash and a random string
     $temp_filename = $temp_path . '/altumo_pem_' . sha1($ssl_cert_data) . '_' . \Altumo\String\String::generateRandomString(4);
     // Write the contents of the certificate to the temporary file
     if (file_put_contents($temp_filename, $this->getSslCertificateData()) === false) {
         throw new \Exception('Unable to write to temporary certificate file.');
     return $temp_filename;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Constructor for this ApiWriteOperation.
  * @param \sfAltumoPlugin\Api\ApiRequest $request
  * @param \sfAltumoPlugin\Api\ApiResponse $response
  * @param string $body_name
  *   //the plural name of the container of the results. 
  *     eg. system_events
  * @param function $modify_result( &$model, &$result )
  *   //Used in both Automatic and Manual Modes. The function that turns the 
  *     array of model objects into an array of \stdClass objects (the final 
  *     result). Must return an array of \stdClass objects.
  *       In Manual mode, $result is an empty \stdClass that you modify.
  *     Because $result is required to be passed by reference, any 
  *     modifications to $result will be the result that is returned from the 
  *     API. Also, the $model is a \stdClass (or can be).
  *       In Automatic mode, $result will have to be constructed with
  *     the modify_result callback. You should be able to share the 
  *     modify_result callback with GET, POST and PUT. Also, in auto, the 
  *     $model object is guaranteed to be a model object.
  * @param function $before_save( &$model, &$request_object, &$response, 
  *     $remote_id ) 
  *   //Used in Automatic Mode. The function to call that is invoked just
  *     just before the model is saved (after all of the accessor have been
  *     called). You can attached an Error to the response with this remote_id
  *     to prevent this model from being saved and output an appropriate error
  *     message.
  * @param \ModelCriteria $query
  *   //The model Query that is used to look up an existing record for
  *     PUT operations. If null, it will just use the default one from the
  *     model.
  * @param string $model_name
  *   //Used in Automatic Mode. The model's class name. If null, it tries to
  *     guess based off of the $body_name.  
  *      eg. 
  *           system_events
  *      becomes 
  *           SystemEvent
  * @param array $field_maps
  *   //Used in Automatic Mode. An array of ApiFieldMap objects that describes 
  *     each of the fields' relationship with a the $model_name model. 
  *     Defaults to a required field. If null, description and setter_method 
  *     are generated according to the naming convention, unless overridden.
  *      eg.
  *      //legend:  [ field_key, required, description, setter_method ]
  *      $field_maps = array(
  *          new \sfAltumoPlugin\Api\ApiFieldMap( 'system_event' ),
  *          new \sfAltumoPlugin\Api\ApiFieldMap( 'remote_url', true, 
  *               'Remote URL' ),
  *          new \sfAltumoPlugin\Api\ApiFieldMap( 'enabled', false, null, 
  *               'Enabled' )  //will become setEnabled and getEnabled
  *      );
  * @param boolean 
  *   //Determines if this ApiWriteOperation is a POST (create) or a PUT 
  *     (update). If true, this is a PUT. Default false (POST).
  * @param integer $mode
  *   //Whether this is \sfAltumoPlugin\Api\ApiWriteOperation::MODE_AUTOMATIC
  *     or \sfAltumoPlugin\Api\ApiWriteOperation::MODE_AUTOMATIC. Defaults to 
  *     automatic.
  * @param function $process_objects_manually( &$response, &$objects ){ 
  *   //Used in Manual Mode. The function to call in order to perform a manual
  *     write operation. Must return an array of saved Models or stdObjects.
  *     $objects is an array of stdObjects that is the request body.
  * @param function $before_setters( &$model, &$request_object, &$response )
  *   //Used in Automatic Mode. The function to call that is invoked just
  *     after the model is created (before all of the accessor have been
  *     called). This will only be invoked if this is a create (POST).    
  * @param function $after_save( $new_model, $request_object, $response, $remote_id, $update )
  *   //Used in Automatic Mode. The function to call that is invoked just after the model is saved.
  *     Any exception thrown will cause the entire operation to be rolled-back.
  * @throws \Exception
  *   //if $field_maps is not an array
  * @return \sfAltumoPlugin\Api\ApiWriteOperation
 public function __construct($request, $response, $body_name, $field_maps = array(), $update = false, $modify_result = null, $before_save = null, $query = null, $model_name = null, $mode = self::MODE_AUTOMATIC, $process_objects_manually = null, $before_setters = null, $after_save = null)
     //response and body name
     $response_body = new \sfAltumoPlugin\Api\ApiResponseBody(array(), $body_name);
     //field maps
     if (!is_array($field_maps)) {
         throw new \Exception('Field maps must be an array of ApiFieldMap objects.');
     //modify result callback
     if (is_callable($modify_result)) {
     //before save
     if (is_callable($before_save)) {
     // after save
     if (is_callable($after_save)) {
     //model name
     if (is_null($model_name)) {
         $plural_model = \Altumo\String\String::formatCamelCase($body_name);
         $this->setModelName(substr($plural_model, 0, strlen($plural_model) - 1));
     } else {
     //manually process objects
     if (is_callable($process_objects_manually)) {
     //before save
     if (is_callable($before_setters)) {
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Tests String::getTruncatedText()
 public function testGetTruncatedText()
     $input = 'know thyself';
     $output = \Altumo\String\String::getTruncatedText($input, 10);
     $this->assertTrue($output === 'know...');