Exemplo n.º 1
  * Initializer.
  * @return void
 public function __construct()
     $this->messageBag = new MessageBag();
     //$countries can be accessed by any controller now
     $countries = DB::table('countries')->orderBy('popular')->orderBy('name')->lists('name', 'id');
     view::share('countries', $countries);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function loadEvent($id)
     $squeeb = Lecture::where('id', '=', $id)->first();
     View::share('squeeb', $squeeb);
     view::share('model', 'Event');
     return View::make('guest.squeeb');
 public function __construct(Service $service)
     $this->service = $service;
     $servicesNotContainedByAdvisor = $this->service->servicesNotContainedByAdvisor(Auth::user()->id);
     $servicesContainedByAdvisor = $this->service->servicesContainedByAdvisor(Auth::user()->id);
     $locationFormPopulator = Location::lists('name', 'id');
     View::share('servicesNotContainedByAdvisor', $servicesNotContainedByAdvisor);
     View::share('servicesContainedByAdvisor', $servicesContainedByAdvisor);
     view::share('locationFormPopulator', $locationFormPopulator);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function loadSqueeb($type, $id)
     $squeeb = Squeeb::where('id', '=', $id)->first();
     View::share('squeeb', $squeeb);
     view::share('model', $type);
     //detect device
     $detect = new Mobile_Detect();
     $deviceType = $detect->isMobile() ? $detect->isTablet() ? 'tablet' : 'phone' : 'computer';
     View::share('deviceType', $deviceType);
     $views = $squeeb->views;
     $squeeb->views = $views + 1;
     $saved = $squeeb->save();
     if (Auth::user()) {
         return View::make('member.home_squeeb');
     return View::make('guest.home_squeeb');
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Initializer.
  * @return void
 public function __construct()
     $this->messageBag = new MessageBag();
     //$countries can be accessed by any controller now
     view::share('countries', $this->countries);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function postMemberPosts()
     //verify the user input and create account
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array('Typem' => 'required|in:Notice,Eventsq,Job,Offer', 'Title' => 'required|max:200', 'Description' => 'required', 'Pic' => 'image|max:3000'));
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::route('member-post-get')->withErrors($validator)->withInput()->with('global', 'Sorry!! Your Squeeb was not posted, please retry.');
     } else {
         $type = Input::get('Typem');
         $title = Input::get('Title');
         $description = Input::get('Description');
         $description = $this->MakeUrls($description);
         $squeeb = substr(strip_tags($description), 0, 300);
         $campusid = $this->getDevice();
         $file = Input::file('Pic');
         //get the current user id
         $user_id = Auth::user()->id;
         //get the model name
         $model = $type;
         $the_squeeb = Squeeb::create(array('model' => $model, 'views' => 0, 'branch_id' => $campusid, 'create_day' => date("Y-m-d")));
         if ($the_squeeb) {
             //create the post details
             $squeeb_id = 0;
             $squeeb_id = $this->createSqueeb($model, $the_squeeb->id, $user_id, $title, $description, $squeeb);
             //finally post the squeebe photo
             if ($squeeb_id) {
                 $this->postUploadPhoto($type, $squeeb_id, $file);
             if ($squeeb_id) {
                 $squeeb = Squeeb::where('id', '=', $the_squeeb->id)->first();
                 View::share('squeeb', $squeeb);
                 view::share('model', $type);
                 return View::make('member.squeeb_preview');
     return Redirect::route('member-post-get')->with('global', 'Some Error Occured, Please try again');
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function getCreateuser($id = 0)
     $this->layout = View::make('layouts.admin');
     $pageTitle = 'Manage User';
     $frmBtn = 'Save';
     $modelid = (int) $id;
     $viewDataObj = '';
     if (isset($modelid) && $modelid != 0) {
         $viewDataObj = DB::table('users')->where('users.id', '=', $modelid)->first();
         // Changing dob to d-m-y format before sending to view
         if (isset($viewDataObj->expired_date)) {
             if ($viewDataObj->expired_date == '0000-00-00') {
                 $viewDataObj->expired_date = '';
             } else {
                 $viewDataObj->expired_date = $this->DB2Date($viewDataObj->expired_date);
     $currentDat = date('Y-m-d');
     $after15Days = date('m/d/Y', strtotime("+15 day {$currentDat}"));
     $designationArr = $this->getDesignatonList();
     $layoutArr = array('pageTitle' => $pageTitle, 'frmBtn' => $frmBtn, 'modelid' => $modelid, 'designationArr' => $designationArr, 'viewDataObj' => $viewDataObj, 'after15Days' => $after15Days);
     $this->layout->content = View::make('users.createuser', array('layoutArr' => $layoutArr));
      * Setting student object in edit case to view so that
      * we can itterate it in layout page in order to prefill
      * the form element value
     view::share(array('viewDataObj' => $viewDataObj));