Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function _saveNotifications($userID, $settings)
     // Check if demo mode is enabled
     if (input::demo()) {
         return false;
     // Validate form fields
     foreach ($settings as $keyword => $setting) {
         if (isset($setting['rules'])) {
             validate::setRule($keyword, $setting['name'], $setting['rules']);
     // Validate fields
     if (!validate::run()) {
         return false;
     // Set notifications settings
     $insert = $delete = array();
     foreach ($settings as $keyword => $setting) {
         $data = input::post($keyword);
         if (isset($data['insert']) && isset($data['delete'])) {
             $insert = array_merge($insert, $data['insert']);
             $delete = array_merge($delete, $data['delete']);
     // Save notifications
     if ($insert && !$this->users_model->saveConfig($userID, $insert) || $delete && !$this->users_model->deleteConfig($userID, $delete)) {
         view::setError(__('save_error', 'system'));
         return false;
     // Success
     view::setInfo(__('notifications_saved', 'users_notifications'));
     router::redirect('cp/users/notifications/' . $userID);
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function _saveField($plugin, $table, $categoryID, $fieldID, $fieldOld, $configs, $hidden)
     // Check if demo mode is enabled
     if (input::demo()) {
         return false;
     // Rules array
     $rules = array();
     // Data array
     $inputData = array('keyword', 'type', 'style', 'class', 'required', 'system', 'multilang');
     // Name
     foreach (config::item('languages', 'core', 'keywords') as $languageID => $lang) {
         $rules['name_' . $lang] = array('label' => __('name', 'system_fields') . (count(config::item('languages', 'core', 'keywords')) > 1 ? ' [' . config::item('languages', 'core', 'names', $languageID) . ']' : ''), 'rules' => array('trim', 'required', 'max_length' => 255));
         $rules['vname_' . $lang] = array('label' => __('name_view', 'system_fields') . (count(config::item('languages', 'core', 'keywords')) > 1 ? ' [' . config::item('languages', 'core', 'names', $languageID) . ']' : ''), 'rules' => array('trim', 'max_length' => 255));
         $rules['sname_' . $lang] = array('label' => __('name_search', 'system_fields') . (count(config::item('languages', 'core', 'keywords')) > 1 ? ' [' . config::item('languages', 'core', 'names', $languageID) . ']' : ''), 'rules' => array('trim', 'max_length' => 255));
         $rules['validate_error_' . $lang] = array('label' => __('validate_error', 'system_fields') . (count(config::item('languages', 'core', 'keywords')) > 1 ? ' [' . config::item('languages', 'core', 'names', $languageID) . ']' : ''), 'rules' => array('trim', 'max_length' => 255));
         $inputData[] = 'name_' . $lang;
         $inputData[] = 'vname_' . $lang;
         $inputData[] = 'sname_' . $lang;
         $inputData[] = 'validate_error_' . $lang;
     // Keyword
     $rules['keyword'] = array('label' => __('keyword', 'system'), 'rules' => array('trim', 'required', 'alpha_dash', 'max_length' => 128, 'callback__is_unique_keyword' => array($plugin, $categoryID, $fieldID), 'callback__is_system_field' => array($fieldID ? $fieldOld['keyword'] : '', $fieldID ? $fieldOld['system'] : '')));
     // Type
     $rules['type'] = array('label' => __('field_type', 'system_fields'), 'rules' => array('required', 'callback__is_system_field' => array($fieldID ? $fieldOld['type'] : '', $fieldID ? $fieldOld['system'] : '')));
     // Style value
     $rules['style'] = array('label' => __('style', 'system_fields'), 'rules' => array('trim'));
     // Class value
     $rules['class'] = array('label' => __('class', 'system_fields'), 'rules' => array('trim'));
     // Required
     $rules['required'] = array('label' => __('required', 'system_fields'), 'rules' => array('intval'));
     // Regular expression
     $rules['validate'] = array('label' => __('validate', 'system_fields'), 'rules' => array('trim'));
     $inputData[] = 'validate';
     // Configuration array
     $inputConfig = array();
     foreach (array('custom', input::post('type')) as $conf) {
         if (isset($configs[$conf])) {
             foreach ($configs[$conf] as $option) {
                 $rules['config_' . $conf . '_' . $option['keyword']] = array('label' => utf8::strtolower($option['label']), 'rules' => isset($option['rules']) ? $option['rules'] : array());
                 $inputConfig[$option['keyword']] = 'config_' . $conf . '_' . $option['keyword'];
     // Add items rules
     $items = array();
     $oldItems = $fieldID ? $fieldOld['items'] : array();
     if ($this->fields_model->isMultiValue(input::post('type'))) {
         $itemsPost = input::post('items');
         $sitemsPost = input::post('sitems');
         foreach (config::item('languages', 'core', 'keywords') as $languageID => $lang) {
             $orderID = 1;
             if (isset($itemsPost[$lang]) && is_array($itemsPost[$lang])) {
                 foreach ($itemsPost[$lang] as $itemID => $itemName) {
                     // Trim name
                     $itemName = utf8::trim($itemName);
                     // Assign item data
                     $items[$itemID]['order_id'] = $orderID;
                     $items[$itemID]['name_' . $lang] = $itemName;
                     $items[$itemID]['sname_' . $lang] = $sitemsPost[$lang][$itemID];
                     // Add rule
                     $rules['items[' . $lang . '][' . $itemID . ']'] = array();
                     if ($itemName == '') {
                         validate::setRule('items', '', '');
                         validate::setFieldError('items', __('empty_item', 'system_fields') . (count(config::item('languages', 'core', 'keywords')) > 1 ? ' [' . config::item('languages', 'core', 'names', $languageID) . ']' : ''));
         if (!$items) {
             validate::setRule('items', '', '');
             validate::setFieldError('items', __('no_items', 'system_fields'));
         view::assign(array('field' => array('items' => $items)));
     // Assign rules
     // Validate fields
     if (!validate::run()) {
         return false;
     // Get post data
     $fieldData = input::post($inputData);
     // Default data
     $fieldData['system'] = isset($hidden['system']) ? $hidden['system'] : 0;
     $fieldData['multilang'] = isset($hidden['multilang']) ? $hidden['multilang'] : 0;
     // Get config data
     $fieldData['config'] = array();
     foreach ($inputConfig as $key => $val) {
         $fieldData['config'][$key] = input::post($val);
     // Set additional config data
     $fieldData['config']['html'] = input::post('html') ? 1 : 0;
     $fieldData['config']['in_search'] = input::post('in_search') ? 1 : 0;
     $fieldData['config']['in_search_advanced'] = input::post('in_search_advanced') ? 1 : 0;
     if ($fieldData['config']['in_search'] || $fieldData['config']['in_search_advanced']) {
         $fieldData['config']['search_options'] = input::post('search_options') ? input::post('search_options') : '';
     if (input::post('type') == 'checkbox' || input::post('search_options') == 'multiple') {
         $fieldData['config']['columns_number'] = input::post('columns_number') && input::post('columns_number') >= 1 && input::post('columns_number') <= 4 ? input::post('columns_number') : 1;
     // Save field
     if (!($newFieldID = $this->fieldsdb_model->saveField($plugin, $table, $categoryID, $fieldID, $fieldData, $items))) {
         view::setError(__('db_no_alter', 'system_fields'));
         return false;
     // Check if order of items have changed
     if ($fieldID && $this->fields_model->isMultiValue(input::post('type')) && $this->fields_model->isValueColumn(input::post('type'))) {
         // Get old and new item IDs
         $itemsOldIDs = $itemsNewIDs = array();
         foreach ($oldItems as $itemID => $item) {
             $itemsOldIDs[$itemID] = $item['order_id'];
         foreach ($items as $itemID => $item) {
             $itemsNewIDs[$itemID] = $item['order_id'];
         // Do we have any differences?
         if (array_diff_assoc($itemsOldIDs, $itemsNewIDs)) {
             // Update items IDs
             $this->fieldsdb_model->updateItemsIDs($table, $fieldData['keyword'], $itemsOldIDs, $itemsNewIDs);
     // Adjust table column
     $this->fieldsdb_model->adjustColumn($table, $fieldData['keyword'], $newFieldID, $fieldData);
     // Success
     view::setInfo(__('field_saved', 'system_fields'));
     router::redirect('cp/system/fields/' . $plugin . '/edit/' . $categoryID . '/' . $newFieldID);