Exemplo n.º 1
  * Returns the data for a bar chart showing the amount of commits per author per hour of the day.
  * @param sfWebRequest $request
  * @return void
 public function executeChartAuthorActivityHours(sfWebRequest $request)
     $scm_id = $this->getUser()->getSelectedScmId();
     $username = $request->getParameter('param');
     $query = Doctrine::getTable('Commit')->createQuery()->addWhere('scm_id = ?', $scm_id)->addWhere('author = ?', $username);
     $result = $query->fetchArray();
     $hours = range(0, 23);
     $values = array_fill(0, 24, 0);
     foreach ($result as $item) {
         $hour = (int) date('H', strtotime($item['timestamp']));
     //To create a bar chart we need to create a stBarOutline Object
     $bar = new stBarOutline(80, '#78B9EC', '#3495FE');
     $bar->key('Commits per hour', 10);
     //Passing the random data to bar chart
     $bar->data = $values;
     //Creating a stGraph object
     $g = new stGraph();
     $g->set_inner_background('#E3F0FD', '#CBD7E6', 90);
     $g->x_axis_colour('#8499A4', '#E4F5FC');
     $g->y_axis_colour('#8499A4', '#E4F5FC');
     //set background color
     $g->bg_colour = '#eeeeee';
     //Set the transparency, line colour to separate each slice etc.
     $g->bar_filled(80, '#78B9EC', '#78B9EC', '{font-size: 12px; color: #78B9EC;');
     //Pass stBarOutline object i.e. $bar to graph
     $g->data_sets[] = $bar;
     //Setting labels for X-Axis
     // To tick the values on x-axis
     // 2 means tick every 2nd value
     //set maximum value for y-axis
     //we can fix the value as 20, 10 etc.
     //but its better to use max of data
     $g->set_y_legend('# commits', 12, '#18A6FF');
     //To display value as tool tip
     $g->set_tool_tip('#x_label#: #val# commits');
     $g->title('Total commits per hour for ' . $username, '{font-size:18px; color: #18A6FF}');
     return $this->renderText($g->render());