<?php defined('DT_ADMIN') or exit('Access Denied'); $pid = isset($pid) ? intval($pid) : 0; $menus = array(array('添加报价', '?file=' . $file . '&moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&pid=' . $pid . '&action=add'), array('报价管理', '?file=' . $file . '&moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&pid=' . $pid), array('报价审核', '?file=' . $file . '&moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&pid=' . $pid . '&action=check')); $P = $pid ? $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$table_product} WHERE itemid={$pid}") : array(); $M = $P && $P['market'] ? explode('|', '所属市场|' . $P['market']) : array(); require MD_ROOT . '/price.class.php'; $do = new price(); if (in_array($action, array('', 'check'))) { $sfields = array('公司', '会员', 'IP', '电话', 'QQ', '编辑', '备注'); $dfields = array('company', 'username', 'ip', 'telephone', 'qq', 'editor', 'note'); $sorder = array('结果排序方式', '添加时间降序', '添加时间升序', '更新时间降序', '更新时间升序', '报价降序', '报价升序'); $dorder = array('addtime DESC', 'addtime DESC', 'addtime ASC', 'edittime DESC', 'edittime ASC', 'price DESC', 'price ASC'); isset($fields) && isset($dfields[$fields]) or $fields = 0; isset($order) && isset($dorder[$order]) or $order = 0; $itemid or $itemid = ''; $market = isset($market) ? intval($market) : 0; $minprice = isset($minprice) ? dround($minprice) : ''; $minprice or $minprice = ''; $maxprice = isset($maxprice) ? dround($maxprice) : ''; $maxprice or $maxprice = ''; $fields_select = dselect($sfields, 'fields', '', $fields); $order_select = dselect($sorder, 'order', '', $order); $condition = ''; if ($keyword) { $condition .= " AND {$dfields[$fields]} LIKE '%{$keyword}%'"; } if ($areaid) { $condition .= $ARE['child'] ? " AND areaid IN (" . $ARE['arrchildid'] . ")" : " AND areaid={$areaid}"; }
dalert($L['msg_added']); } $msg = captcha($captcha, $need_captcha, true); if ($msg) { dalert($msg); } $need_check = $MOD['check_add'] == 2 ? $MG['check'] : $MOD['check_add']; $post['addtime'] = 0; $post['status'] = get_status(3, $need_check); $post['pid'] = $itemid; $post['username'] = $_username; if ($_userid) { $post['company'] = $_company; } require DT_ROOT . '/module/' . $module . '/price.class.php'; $do = new price(); if ($do->pass($post)) { $do->add($post); $msg = $post['status'] == 2 ? $L['msg_check'] : $L['msg_ok']; dalert($msg, '', 'parent.window.location=parent.window.location;'); } else { dalert($do->errmsg, '', ($need_captcha ? reload_captcha() : '') . ($need_question ? reload_question() : '')); } } } isset($ms) or $ms = array(); $market = isset($market) ? intval($market) : 0; $areaid = isset($areaid) ? intval($areaid) : 0; $fromdate = isset($fromdate) && is_date($fromdate) ? $fromdate : ''; $fromtime = $fromdate ? strtotime($fromdate . ' 0:0:0') : 0; $todate = isset($todate) && is_date($todate) ? $todate : '';