Exemplo n.º 1
  * Init PDF class
  * @param array $options The pdf options.
  * @return void
 protected function initPdf($options)
     $_defaults = array('orientation' => 'P', 'unit' => 'mm', 'format' => 'A4', 'unicode' => true, 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'diskcache' => false, 'creator' => 'LilIntranet', 'author' => 'ARHIM d.o.o.', 'title' => 'PDF document', 'subject' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'font' => 'dejavusans', 'font_size' => 10, 'language' => array('a_meta_charset' => 'UTF-8', 'a_meta_dir' => 'ltr', 'a_meta_language' => 'sl'), 'margin' => array('left' => 15, 'top' => 27, 'right' => 15), 'header' => array('margin' => 5, 'font_size' => 8, 'lines' => array()), 'footer' => array('margin' => 10, 'font_size' => 8, 'lines' => array()), 'file_name' => 'untitled.pdf', 'dest' => 'I');
     if (isset($options['download']) && $options['download'] == true) {
         $options['dest'] = 'D';
     $this->options = array_replace_recursive($_defaults, (array) $options);
     $this->pdf = new LilPdf($this->options);
     // set document information
     // lang
     //set auto page breaks
     $this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, $this->options['footer']['margin']);
     // set font
     $this->pdf->SetFont($this->options['font'], '', $this->options['font_size']);
     // margins
     $this->pdf->SetMargins($this->options['margin']['left'], $this->options['margin']['top'], $this->options['margin']['right'], true);
     //if (empty($this->options['header'])) {
     //} else {
     //if (empty($this->options['footer'])) {
     //	$this->pdf->SetPrintFooter(false);
     //} else {
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Create ATOM struct
  * @access  public
  * @param   string  $feed_type  OPTIONAL feed type
  * @return  mixed  Can return the Atom Object or Jaws_Error on error
 function GetAtomStruct($feed_type = 'atom')
     if (isset($this->_Atom) && is_array($this->_Atom->Entries) && count($this->_Atom->Entries) > 0) {
         return $this->_Atom;
     $this->_Atom = new Jaws_AtomFeed();
     $now = Jaws_DB::getInstance()->date();
     $limit = $this->gadget->registry->fetch('xml_limit');
     $blogTable = Jaws_ORM::getInstance()->table('blog');
     $blogTable->select('blog.id:integer', 'user_id:integer', 'username', 'email', 'nickname', 'title', 'summary', 'text', 'fast_url', 'blog.publishtime', 'blog.updatetime', 'clicks:integer', 'comments:integer', 'allow_comments:boolean', 'published:boolean', 'categories')->join('users', 'blog.user_id', 'users.id');
     $blogTable->where('blog.published', true)->and()->where('blog.publishtime', $now, '<=');
     $result = $blogTable->orderBy('blog.publishtime desc')->limit($limit)->fetchAll();
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
         return new Jaws_Error(_t('BLOG_ERROR_GETTING_ATOMSTRUCT'));
     // Check dynamic ACL
     foreach ($result as $key => $entry) {
         foreach (explode(",", $entry['categories']) as $cat) {
             if (!$this->gadget->GetPermission('CategoryAccess', $cat)) {
     $siteURL = $GLOBALS['app']->GetSiteURL('/');
     $url = $this->gadget->urlMap($feed_type == 'atom' ? 'Atom' : 'RSS', array(), true);
     $this->_Atom->SetTitle($this->gadget->registry->fetch('site_name', 'Settings'));
     $this->_Atom->SetTagLine($this->gadget->registry->fetch('site_slogan', 'Settings'));
     $this->_Atom->SetAuthor($this->gadget->registry->fetch('site_author', 'Settings'), $GLOBALS['app']->GetSiteURL(), $this->gadget->registry->fetch('gate_email', 'Settings'));
     $this->_Atom->SetGenerator('JAWS ' . $GLOBALS['app']->Registry->fetch('version'));
     $this->_Atom->SetCopyright($this->gadget->registry->fetch('site_copyright', 'Settings'));
     $objDate = Jaws_Date::getInstance();
     foreach ($result as $r) {
         $entry = new AtomEntry();
         $post_id = empty($r['fast_url']) ? $r['id'] : $r['fast_url'];
         $url = $this->gadget->urlMap('SingleView', array('id' => $post_id), true);
         $summary = $r['summary'];
         $text = $r['text'];
         // for compatibility with old versions
         $more_pos = Jaws_UTF8::strpos($text, '[more]');
         if ($more_pos !== false) {
             $summary = Jaws_UTF8::substr($text, 0, $more_pos);
             $text = Jaws_UTF8::str_replace('[more]', '', $text);
             // Update this entry to split summary and body of post
             $model = $this->gadget->model->load('Posts');
             $model->SplitEntry($r['id'], $summary, $text);
         $summary = empty($summary) ? $text : $summary;
         $summary = $this->gadget->ParseText($summary);
         $text = $this->gadget->ParseText($text);
         $entry->SetSummary($summary, 'html');
         //$entry->SetContent($text, 'html');
         $email = $r['email'];
         $entry->SetAuthor($r['nickname'], $this->_Atom->Link->HRef, $email);
         $model = $this->gadget->model->load('Categories');
         $cats = $model->GetCategoriesInEntry($r['id']);
         foreach ($cats as $c) {
             $schema = $this->gadget->urlMap('ShowCategory', array('id' => $c['id']), true);
             $entry->AddCategory($c['id'], $c['name'], $schema);
         if (!isset($last_modified) || $last_modified < $r['updatetime']) {
             $last_modified = $r['updatetime'];
     if (isset($last_modified)) {
     } else {
         $this->_Atom->SetUpdated($objDate->ToISO(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
     return $this->_Atom;