Exemplo n.º 1
function listtreemodules($mysqli, $moduleid, $block_id, $plk, $flat = false, $explode = false)
    $icons = array('formative', 'progress', 'summative', 'survey', 'osce', 'offline', 'peer_review');
    $configObject = Config::get_instance();
    $moduleidorig = $moduleid;
    $moduleid = module_utils::get_idMod($moduleid, $mysqli);
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT crypt_name, paper_type, paper_title, retired, idMod FROM properties, properties_modules WHERE idMod = ? and properties.property_id = properties_modules.property_id AND deleted IS NULL AND paper_type IN ('0','1','3','4') ORDER BY paper_type, paper_title";
    $results2 = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
    $results2->bind_param('i', $moduleid);
    $results2->bind_result($crypt_name, $paper_type, $paper_title, $retired, $moduleID);
    if ($results2->num_rows() > 0) {
        $rt = $results2->num_rows();
        echo '<div>';
        while ($results2->fetch()) {
            if (strtolower($_SESSION['_lti_context']['resource_link_title']) == strtolower($paper_title)) {
                $checked = ' checked';
            } else {
                $checked = '';
            $extra = "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"paperlinkID\" id=\"paperlinkID-{$plk}\" value=\"{$plk}\"{$checked}><label for=\"paperlinkID-{$plk}\">";
            $extra1 = "</label>";
            echo "<div style=\"padding-left:20px\">{$extra}<img src=\"../artwork/" . $icons[$paper_type] . "_16.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"" . $paper_type . "\" />&nbsp;" . $paper_title . "{$extra1}</div>\n";
            $_SESSION['postlookup'][$plk] = array($crypt_name, $moduleid);
        echo '</div>';
    } else {
        // no papers
    return array($block_id, $plk);
Exemplo n.º 2
function getModules($userID, $mysqlidb)
    $modules = array();
    $session = date_utils::get_current_academic_year();
    $result = $mysqlidb->prepare("SELECT idmod FROM modules_student WHERE calendar_year = ? AND userID = ?");
    $result->bind_param('si', $session, $userID);
    while ($result->fetch()) {
        $modules[] = module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($moduleid, $mysqlidb);
    return $modules;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function createaccount($preauthobj)
     //only run if
     if (!(isset($this->form['std']->username) or isset($this->form['std']->username)) and isset($this->request['createnewdemoaccount'])) {
         $this->savetodebug('Create Account button pressed');
     $unique_username = true;
     $unique_module = true;
     $new_moduleid = '';
     for ($a = 0; $a < strlen($this->request['new_grade2']); $a++) {
         print "RT";
         $b = substr($this->request['new_grade2'], $a, 1);
         print $b;
         if (ctype_upper($b) or ctype_digit($b)) {
             print "i";
             $new_moduleid = $new_moduleid . $b;
     if ($new_moduleid == '') {
         $new_moduleid = $this->request['new_grade2'];
     module_utils::add_modules($new_moduleid, $_POST['new_grade2'], 1, $this->settings['school']);
     return $preauthobj;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Test to see if a student is on a module by name.
  * @param int $tmp_userID ID of the student.
  * @param int $idMod Module ID for the enrolement.
  * @param string $session The academic year.
  * @param object $db $mysqli database connection.
  * @return bool return true if successful.
 static function is_user_on_module_by_name($tmp_userID, $idMod, $session, $db)
     if (is_array($idMod)) {
         foreach ($idMod as $idmods) {
             $modid[] = module_utils::get_idMod($idmods, $db);
     } else {
         $modid = module_utils::get_idMod($idMod, $db);
     if ($modid === false) {
         return false;
     return self::is_user_on_module($tmp_userID, $modid, $session, $db);
Exemplo n.º 5
     if (ctype_upper($b) or ctype_digit($b)) {
         $new_moduleid = $new_moduleid . $b;
 $new_moduleid = $new_moduleid . $maxmodid;
 // Check for unique username
 if (UserUtils::username_exists($_POST['new_username'], $mysqli) or UserUtils::username_exists($_POST['new_username'] . '-stu', $mysqli)) {
     $unique_username = false;
 } else {
     $unique_username = true;
 $schoolID = SchoolUtils::add_school(1, 'School of Practice', $mysqli);
 // Make sure the 'School of Practice' school exists.
 CourseUtils::add_course($schoolID, 'A10DEMO', 'Demonstration BSc', $mysqli);
 // Make sure demo course exists.
 $new_modid = module_utils::add_modules($new_moduleid, $_POST['new_grade2'], 1, $schoolID, NULL, NULL, true, true, true, false, false, true, false, $mysqli, 0, 0, 1, 1, '07/01');
 if ($unique_username == true) {
     $_POST['new_grade'] = $new_moduleid;
     $session = date_utils::get_current_academic_year();
     // Add staff account
     $new_username = trim($_POST['new_username']);
     $useridstf = adduser('Staff', 'Staff', $new_username, $mysqli);
     UserUtils::add_staff_to_module_by_modulecode($useridstf, $new_moduleid, $mysqli);
     // Add staff to the new module
     UserUtils::add_staff_to_module_by_modulecode($useridstf, 'DEMO', $mysqli);
     // Add staff to the general DEMO module
     // Add student account
     $max_sid = 0;
     $new_username = $new_username . '-stu';
     $userid = adduser('A10DEMO', 'Student', $new_username, $mysqli);
     $result = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT MAX(id) as a FROM users");
Exemplo n.º 6
if (isset($_GET['userid'])) {
    $userid = $_GET['userid'];
} else {
    $userid = '';
if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) {
    $keyword = $_GET['keyword'];
} else {
    $keyword = '';
if (isset($_GET['module'])) {
    $module = $_GET['module'];
    if ($module != '0') {
        if (!isset($module_details)) {
            $module_details = module_utils::get_full_details_by_ID($module, $mysqli);
        $module_code = $module_details['moduleid'];
        if (!$module_code) {
            $msg = sprintf($string['furtherassistance'], $configObject->get('support_email'), $configObject->get('support_email'));
            $notice->display_notice_and_exit($mysqli, $string['pagenotfound'], $msg, $string['pagenotfound'], '../artwork/page_not_found.png', '#C00000', true, true);
    } else {
        $module_code = 'Unassigned';
} else {
    $module = '';
$qbank = new QuestionBank($module, $module_code, $string, $notice, $mysqli);
<!DOCTYPE html>
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function getAvailableFeedback($username, $moduleID)
     $allowaccess = false;
     $tmp_userID = $this->getUserID($username, false);
     $userObject = UserObject::get_instance();
     if ($userObject->has_role('SysAdmin')) {
         $allowaccess = true;
     } else {
         if ($userObject->has_role('Staff')) {
             $allowaccess = true;
         } else {
             if ($userObject->has_role('Student') and $tmp_userID == $userObject->get_user_ID()) {
                 // Students can only list their own feedabck
                 $allowaccess = true;
     if ($allowaccess == false) {
         return '';
     if ($moduleID != '') {
         $idMod = module_utils::get_idMod($moduleID, $this->db);
         if ($idMod == false) {
             return "Unknown Module";
     $paper_no = 0;
     $old_yearID = -1;
     $papers = array();
     if ($moduleID == '') {
         $sql = "SELECT \n                      paper_id, \n                      date, \n                      UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS is_live, \n                      paper_type, \n                      paper_title, \n                      start_date, \n                      end_date, \n                      properties.calendar_year, \n                      crypt_name, \n                      moduleId \n               FROM feedback_release \n               LEFT JOIN properties ON feedback_release.paper_id = properties.property_id \n               LEFT JOIN properties_modules ON properties.property_id =  properties_modules.property_id \n               LEFT JOIN modules_student ON modules_student.idMod = properties_modules.idMod\n               LEFT JOIN modules ON modules.id = properties_modules.idMod \n               WHERE \n                      modules_student.userID=?";
         $res = $this->db->prepare($sql);
         $res->bind_param('i', $tmp_userID);
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT \n                      paper_id, \n                      date, \n                      UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS is_live, \n                      paper_type, \n                      paper_title, \n                      start_date, \n                      end_date, \n                      properties.calendar_year, \n                      crypt_name,\n                      moduleId  \n               FROM feedback_release \n               LEFT JOIN properties ON feedback_release.paper_id = properties.property_id \n               LEFT JOIN properties_modules ON properties.property_id = properties_modules.property_id \n               LEFT JOIN modules_student ON modules_student.idMod = properties_modules.idMod \n               LEFT JOIN modules ON modules.id = properties_modules.idMod \n               WHERE \n                      modules_student.userID=? AND \n                      modules_student.idMod=?";
         $res = $this->db->prepare($sql);
         $res->bind_param('ii', $tmp_userID, $idMod);
     $res->bind_result($paperID, $date, $is_live, $paper_type, $paper_title, $start_date, $end_date, $calendar_year, $crypt_name, $moduleID);
     while ($res->fetch()) {
         if ($is_live < time()) {
             // Have they sat the paper?
             $log = $this->db->prepare("SELECT userID FROM log_metadata WHERE userID=? AND paperID=? LIMIT 1");
             $log->bind_param('ii', $tmp_userID, $paperID);
             if ($log->num_rows != 1) {
             } else {
                 if ($userObject->has_role('Student')) {
                     $papers[$paper_no]['feedback_url'] = 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/mapping/user_feedback.php?id=' . $crypt_name;
                 } else {
                     $papers[$paper_no]['feedback_url'] = 'https://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/mapping/user_feedback.php?id=' . $crypt_name . '&userID=' . $tmp_userID;
         } else {
             $papers[$paper_no]['feedback_url'] = '';
         $papers[$paper_no]['title'] = $paper_title;
         $papers[$paper_no]['type'] = $this->qtypes[$paper_type];
         $papers[$paper_no]['start_date'] = $start_date;
         $papers[$paper_no]['release_date'] = $date;
         $papers[$paper_no]['calendar_year'] = $calendar_year;
         $papers[$paper_no]['moduleID'] = $moduleID;
     return $papers;
Exemplo n.º 8
// paper_options.inc modifies result!  Store it temporarily
$import_result = $result;
require '../include/paper_options.inc';
require '../include/toprightmenu.inc';
echo draw_toprightmenu();
$result = $import_result;
<div id="content">

<div class="head_title">
<div><img src="../artwork/toprightmenu.gif" id="toprightmenu_icon" /></div>
echo "<div class=\"breadcrumb\">";
echo '<a href="../index.php">' . $string['home'] . '</a>';
if ($module != '') {
    echo '<img src="../artwork/breadcrumb_arrow.png" class="breadcrumb_arrow" alt="-" /><a href="../module/index.php?module=' . $module . '">' . module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($_GET['module'], $mysqli) . '</a>';
} elseif ($folder != '') {
    echo '<img src="../artwork/breadcrumb_arrow.png" class="breadcrumb_arrow" alt="-" /><a href="../folder/index.php?folder=' . $folder . '">' . $folder_name . '</a>';
echo "</div><div class=\"page_title\">{$paper_title}</div>";
echo "</div>";

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="dialog_border" style="width:500px; text-align:left"> 
		<td class="dialog_header" style="width:55px"><img src="../artwork/ims_logo.png" width="47" height="44" alt="IMS Logo" /></td><td class="dialog_header" style="width:445px; font-size:160%; font-weight:bold; color:#5582D2"><?php 
echo $string['qtiimport'];
Exemplo n.º 9
foreach ($bank_types as $type_name => $url) {
    echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"{$url}\"><img src=\"../artwork/yellow_folder.png\" alt=\"Folder\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"{$url}\">" . $type_name . "</a></div></div>\n";
echo "<br clear=\"left\">\n";
echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"../question/search.php?module={$module}\"><img src=\"../artwork/search_48.png\" alt=\"Folder\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"../question/search.php?module={$module}\">" . $string['search'] . "</a><br /><span class=\"grey\">" . $string['forquestions'] . "</span></div></div>\n";
if ($module != 0) {
    // Don't want new questions created from the Unassigned folder.
    echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"newQuestion({$module}); return false;\"><img src=\"../artwork/new_question.png\" alt=\"" . $string['newquestion'] . "\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"\" onclick=\"newQuestion({$module}); return false;\">" . $string['newquestion'] . "</a></div></div>\n";
// User section
echo "<br clear=\"left\">\n";
echo "<div class=\"subsect_table\" style=\"clear:both\"><div class=\"subsect_title\">" . $string['users'] . "</div><div class=\"subsect_hr\"><hr noshade=\"noshade\" /></div></div>\n";
echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"../users/search.php?module={$module}\"><img src=\"../artwork/search_48.png\" alt=\"Folder\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"../users/search.php?module={$module}\">" . $string['search'] . "</a><br /><span class=\"grey\">" . $string['forusers'] . "</span></div></div>\n";
if ($_GET['module'] != '0') {
    $current_year = date_utils::get_current_academic_year($module_details['academic_year_start']);
    $student_cohort = module_utils::get_student_members($current_year, $module, $mysqli);
    $url = '../users/search.php?submit=Search&module=' . $module . '&calendar_year=' . $current_year . '&students=on&search_username=&student_id=';
    $student_no = count($student_cohort);
    if ($student_no == 0) {
        $student_class = 'red';
    } else {
        $student_class = 'grey';
    echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"{$url}\"><img src=\"../artwork/user_accounts_icon.png\" alt=\"Folder\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"{$url}\">" . sprintf($string['studentlist'], $current_year) . "</a><br /><span class=\"{$student_class}\">" . number_format($student_no) . " " . $string['students'] . "</span></div></div>\n";
    $url = '../users/import_users_metadata.php?module=' . $module;
    echo "<div class=\"f2\"><div class=\"f_icon\"><a href=\"{$url}\"><img src=\"../artwork/user_metadata_48.png\" alt=\"Folder\" /></a></div><div class=\"f_details\"><a href=\"{$url}\">" . $string['addmetadata'] . "</a><br /><span class=\"grey\">" . sprintf($string['extradataaboutstudents'], $module_details['moduleid']) . "</span></div></div>\n";
Exemplo n.º 10

require '../include/module_options.inc';
require '../include/toprightmenu.inc';
echo draw_toprightmenu();
if (isset($state['showretired']) and $state['showretired'] == 'true') {
    $types_used = module_utils::paper_types($module, true, $mysqli);
} else {
    $types_used = module_utils::paper_types($module, false, $mysqli);
<div id="content">
<div class="head_title">
  <div><img src="../artwork/toprightmenu.gif" id="toprightmenu_icon" /></div>
echo "<div style=\"position:absolute; right: 6px; top: 24px\"><label><input class=\"chk\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"showretired\" id=\"showretired\" value=\"on\"\"";
if (isset($state['showretired']) and $state['showretired'] == 'true') {
    echo ' checked="checked"';
echo " />" . $string['showretired'] . "</label></div>\n";
  <div class="breadcrumb"><a href="../index.php"><?php 
echo $string['home'];
Exemplo n.º 11
$cols = count($table_order);
echo "<div style=\"font-size:80%\">\n";
echo "<div class=\"head_title\">\n";
echo "<div><img src=\"../artwork/toprightmenu.gif\" id=\"toprightmenu_icon\" /></div>\n";
echo '<div class="breadcrumb"><a href="../index.php">' . $string['home'] . '</a>';
if (isset($_GET['folder']) and $_GET['folder'] != '') {
    echo '<img src="../artwork/breadcrumb_arrow.png" class="breadcrumb_arrow" alt="-" /><a href="../folder/index.php?folder=' . $_GET['folder'] . '">' . folder_utils::get_folder_name($_GET['folder'], $mysqli) . '</a>';
} elseif (isset($_GET['module']) and $_GET['module'] != '') {
    echo '<img src="../artwork/breadcrumb_arrow.png" class="breadcrumb_arrow" alt="-" /><a href="../module/index.php?module=' . $_GET['module'] . '">' . module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($_GET['module'], $mysqli) . '</a>';
echo '<img src="../artwork/breadcrumb_arrow.png" class="breadcrumb_arrow" alt="-" /><a href="../paper/details.php?paperID=' . $paperID . '">' . $paper . '</a></div>';
$report_title = $string['classtotals'];
if (isset($_GET['repmodule']) and $_GET['repmodule'] != '') {
    $report_title .= ' <span style="font-weight: normal">(' . module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($_GET['repmodule'], $mysqli) . ' ' . $string['studentsonly'] . ')</span>';
} elseif (isset($_GET['percent']) and $_GET['percent'] < 100) {
    if ($ordering == 'desc') {
        $report_title .= ' <span style="font-weight: normal">(' . $string['top'] . ' ' . $_GET['percent'] . '%)</span>';
    } else {
        $report_title .= ' <span style="font-weight: normal">(' . $string['bottom'] . ' ' . $_GET['percent'] . '%)</span>';
echo "<div class=\"page_title\">{$report_title}</div>";
echo "</div>\n";
// Warning display banners
// Output table header
Exemplo n.º 12

          <div class="form">
            <h2 class="midblue_header"><?php 
    echo $string['metadata'];

    $q_teams = array();
    if (count($question->get_teams()) > 0) {
        $q_teams = $question->get_teams();
    } elseif (isset($module)) {
        $q_teams[$module] = module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($module, $mysqli);
    echo render_metadata($mysqli, $question, $question->use_bloom(), $q_teams, $q_disabled, $string, $userObject);

      <div id="changes" class="tab-area">
    $changes = $question->get_changes();
    echo render_changes($changes, $string);

      <div id="comments" class="tab-area">
Exemplo n.º 13
* @version 1.0
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Nottingham
* @package
require_once '../include/staff_auth.inc';
require_once '../include/errors.inc';
require_once '../include/mapping.inc';
require_once '../classes/moduleutils.class.php';
$errors = array();
if (empty($_POST['source_y']) or empty($_POST['dest_y']) or empty($_POST['moduleID'])) {
    $errors[] = "Undefined source or destination year";
} elseif ($_POST['source_y'] == $_POST['dest_y']) {
    $errors[] = "Source and destination years cannot be the same";
} else {
    // Get the sessions for the source year
    $module_code = module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($_POST['moduleID'], $mysqli);
    $modules_array = array($_POST['moduleID'] => $module_code);
    $objectives = getObjectives($modules_array, $_POST['source_y'], '', '', $mysqli);
    try {
        copyObjectives($objectives, $_POST['moduleID'], $module_code, $_POST['dest_y'], $mysqli);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        $errors[] = "An error occured when copying the objectives. Please try again.";
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=<?php 
echo $configObject->get('cfg_page_charset');
Exemplo n.º 14
                         $updateData['checklist'] = substr($checklist, 1);
                         $updateData['fullname'] = $fullname;
                         $updateData['vle_api'] = $vle_api;
                         $updateData['sms'] = $sms_api;
                         $updateData['schoolid'] = $schoolID;
                         $updateData['active'] = $active;
                         $updateData['selfenroll'] = $selfEnrol;
                         $updateData['neg_marking'] = $neg_marking;
                         $updateData['timed_exams'] = $timed_exams;
                         $updateData['exam_q_feedback'] = $exam_q_feedback;
                         $updateData['add_team_members'] = $add_team_members;
                         $updateData['academic_year_start'] = $academic_year_start;
                         module_utils::update_module_by_code($moduleid, $updateData, $mysqli);
                         echo "<li class=\"existing\">{$moduleid} - " . $string['alreadyexists'] . "</li>\n";
                     } else {
                         $success = module_utils::add_modules($moduleid, $fullname, $active, $schoolID, $vle_api, $sms_api, $selfEnrol, $peer, $external, $stdset, $mapping, $neg_marking, $ebel_grid_template, $mysqli, 0, $timed_exams, $exam_q_feedback, 1, $academic_year_start);
                         if ($success) {
                             echo "<li class=\"added\">{$moduleid} - " . $string['added'] . "</li>\n";
                         } else {
                             echo "<li class=\"fail\">{$moduleid} - " . $string['failed'] . "</li>\n";
 unlink($configObject->get('cfg_tmpdir') . $userObject->get_user_ID() . "_module_create.csv");
 echo "</ul>";
 echo "<div style=\"text-align:center\"><input type=\"button\" name=\"ok\" value=\"" . $string['ok'] . "\" onclick=\"window.location='list_modules.php'\" class=\"ok\" /></div>\n";
Exemplo n.º 15
 if ($line_no == 0) {
     // Read the header row
     $heading = $cols;
     $col_no = count($cols);
     echo "<tr><th></th><th>Username</th><th colspan=\"3\">Student Name</th>";
     for ($i = 1; $i < $col_no; $i++) {
         echo "<th>" . trim($heading[$i]) . "</th>";
     echo "</tr>\n";
 } else {
     // 'username' can be either the real username or sid
     $username = trim($cols[0]);
     // Check see if user was found
     if (!isset($student_id_array[$username])) {
         if (UserUtils::userid_exists($username, $mysqli) or UserUtils::username_exists($username, $mysqli)) {
             echo "<tr><td><img src=\"../artwork/red_cross_16.png\" wodth=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"Failed\" /></td><td class=\"failed\">{$username}</td><td colspan=\"" . (3 + $col_no) . "\" class=\"failed\" style=\"text-align:center\">&lt;user not registered on " . module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($_GET['module'], $mysqli) . "&gt;</td>";
         } else {
             echo "<tr><td><img src=\"../artwork/red_cross_16.png\" wodth=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"Failed\" /></td><td class=\"failed\">{$username}</td><td colspan=\"" . (3 + $col_no) . "\" class=\"failed\" style=\"text-align:center\">&lt;unknown user&gt;</td>";
     } else {
         $student_id = $student_id_array[$username];
         echo "<tr><td><img src=\"../artwork/green_plus_16.png\" wodth=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"Add\" /></td><td>{$username}</td><td>" . $student_data[$student_id]['title'] . "</td><td>" . $student_data[$student_id]['surname'] . "</td><td>" . $student_data[$student_id]['first_names'] . "</td>";
         for ($i = 1; $i < $col_no; $i++) {
             $type = trim($heading[$i]);
             $value = trim($cols[$i]);
             echo "<td>{$value}</td>";
             if ($type != '') {
         echo "</tr>\n";
Exemplo n.º 16
* Delete a module - SysAdmin only.
* @author Simon Wilkinson
* @version 1.0
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Nottingham
* @package
require '../include/sysadmin_auth.inc';
require_once '../include/errors.inc';
require_once '../classes/moduleutils.class.php';
$idMod = check_var('idMod', 'POST', true, false, true);
if (!module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($idMod, $mysqli)) {
    $msg = sprintf($string['furtherassistance'], $configObject->get('support_email'), $configObject->get('support_email'));
    $notice->display_notice_and_exit($mysqli, $string['pagenotfound'], $msg, $string['pagenotfound'], '../artwork/page_not_found.png', '#C00000', true, true);
module_utils::delete_module($idMod, $mysqli);
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=<?php 
echo $configObject->get('cfg_page_charset');
" />
  <title>Module Deleted</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/body.css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/check_delete.css" />
Exemplo n.º 17
$lab_details = array($string['default'] => array('-1' => $string['alllabs']));
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, building, room_no, campus FROM labs ORDER BY campus, building, room_no");
$stmt->bind_result($id, $building, $room_no, $campus);
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
    $lab_details[$campus][$id] = $building . ' - ' . $room_no;

<form action="" method="get" id="theform">
<table class="header">
if (isset($_GET['module'])) {
    echo '<div class="breadcrumb"><a href="../index.php">' . $string['home'] . '</a><img src="../artwork/breadcrumb_arrow.png" class="breadcrumb_arrow" alt="-" /><a href="../module/index.php?module=' . $_GET['module'] . '">' . module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($_GET['module'], $mysqli) . '</a></div>';
} else {
    if ($userObject->has_role('SysAdmin')) {
        echo '<div class="breadcrumb"><a href="../index.php">' . $string['home'] . '</a><img src="../artwork/breadcrumb_arrow.png" class="breadcrumb_arrow" alt="-" /><a href="./index.php">' . $string['administrativetools'] . '</a></div>';
    } else {
        echo '<div class="breadcrumb"><a href="../index.php">' . $string['home'] . '</a></div>';
<div class="page_title"><?php 
echo $string['calendar'];
: <span style="font-weight:normal"><?php 
echo $current_year;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Update any part of a modules DB record.
  * @param integer $orig_moduleid  - the code of the module to update
  * @param type $updateData        - an array of key value pairs to update e.g 'fullname'=>'New full Name'
  * @param object $db              - MySQLi database connection.
  * @return boolean
 public function update_module_by_code($orig_moduleid, $updateData, $db)
     global $string;
     if ($orig_moduleid == '') {
         return false;
     $orig_modinfo = $modinfo = module_utils::get_full_details_by_name($orig_moduleid, $db);
     if ($modinfo === false) {
         // The module must exist to update it!
         return false;
     $orig_school_name = $modinfo['school'];
     $orig_school_id = $modinfo['schoolid'];
     $changed = false;
     foreach ($updateData as $key => $val) {
         $key = strtolower($key);
         if ($key == 'idmod') {
             //never change the id :-)
         if ($modinfo[$key] != $val) {
             $modinfo[$key] = $val;
             $changed = true;
     if (!$changed) {
         // Nothing has changed return
         return true;
     // Check mandatory fields
     if ($modinfo['moduleid'] == '' and $modinfo['fullname'] == '') {
         return false;
     if ($orig_school_name != $modinfo['school']) {
         // We have updated the school so we need to get the new id from the schools table
         if ($orig_school_id != $modinfo['schoolid']) {
             // Do nothing as the id has already been updated
         } else {
             // Lookup the schoolID
             $modinfo['schoolid'] = SchoolUtils::get_school_id_by_name($modinfo['school'], $db);
             if ($modinfo['schoolid'] === false) {
                 // School not found ERROR
                 return false;
     $sql = "UPDATE modules SET \n               moduleid = ?,\n               fullname = ?,\n               active = ?, \n               vle_api = ?, \n               checklist = ?, \n               sms = ?, \n               selfenroll = ?, \n               schoolid = ?, \n               neg_marking = ?, \n               ebel_grid_template = ?, \n               timed_exams = ?, \n               exam_q_feedback = ?, \n               add_team_members = ?,\n               map_level = ?,\n               academic_year_start = ?\n            WHERE \n              id = ?\n            LIMIT 1\n            ";
     $result = $db->prepare($sql);
     $result->bind_param('ssisssiiiiiiiisi', $modinfo['moduleid'], $modinfo['fullname'], $modinfo['active'], $modinfo['vle_api'], $modinfo['checklist'], $modinfo['sms'], $modinfo['selfenroll'], $modinfo['schoolid'], $modinfo['neg_marking'], $modinfo['ebel_grid_template'], $modinfo['timed_exams'], $modinfo['exam_q_feedback'], $modinfo['add_team_members'], $modinfo['map_level'], $modinfo['academic_year_start'], $modinfo['idMod']);
     $res = $result->execute();
     // An array to convert DB fields to lang strings argghhh!!!!
     $lang_mappings = array('moduleid' => 'moduleid', 'fullname' => 'name', 'schoolid' => 'school', 'active' => 'active', 'vle_api' => 'objapi', 'checklist' => 'summativechecklist', 'sms' => 'smsapi', 'selfenroll' => 'allowselfenrol', 'neg_marking' => 'negativemarking', 'ebel_grid_template' => 'ebelgrid', 'timed_exams' => 'timedexams', 'exam_q_feedback' => 'questionbasedfeedback', 'add_team_members' => 'addteammembers', 'map_level' => 'map_level', 'academic_year_start' => 'academicyearstart');
     if ($res === true) {
         // Log any changes
         $logger = new Logger($db);
         $userObject = UserObject::get_instance();
         foreach ($modinfo as $key => $val) {
             $key = strtolower($key);
             if ($key == 'idmod') {
             if ($orig_modinfo[$key] != $val) {
                 $logger->track_change('Module', $modinfo['idMod'], $userObject->get_user_ID(), $orig_modinfo[$key], $modinfo[$key], $string[$lang_mappings[$key]]);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Rogō.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @author Simon Wilkinson
* @version 1.0
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Nottingham
* @package
require '../../include/staff_auth.inc';
require_once '../../classes/moduleutils.class.php';
if (isset($_GET['teamID'])) {
    if (!module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($_GET['teamID'], $mysqli)) {
        $msg = sprintf($string['furtherassistance'], $configObject->get('support_email'), $configObject->get('support_email'));
        $notice->display_notice_and_exit($mysqli, $string['pagenotfound'], $msg, $string['pagenotfound'], '../../artwork/page_not_found.png', '#C00000', true, true);
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=<?php 
echo $configObject->get('cfg_page_charset');
" />
  <title>by Paper</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/body.css" />
Exemplo n.º 20
 function Save($params, &$data)
     global $mysqli, $string;
     echo "<h4>{$string['params']}</h4>";
     echo "<h4>{$string['othherdebug']}</h4>";
     $this->db = new Database();
     if (count($data->questions) == 0) {
     $paperid = $params->paper;
     $userObj = UserObject::get_instance();
     $userID = $userObj->get_user_ID();
     $db = new Database();
     $db->AddWhere('property_id', $paperid, 'i');
     $paper_row = $db->GetSingleRow();
     $ownerid = $userID;
     $data->ownerID = $userID;
     $nextscreen = 1;
     $nextid = 1;
     if ($paperid) {
         echo "{$string['addingtopaper']} {$paperid}<br>";
         $this->db->AddField("max(screen) as screen");
         $this->db->AddField("max(display_pos) as display_pos");
         $this->db->AddWhere('paper', $paperid, 'i');
         $curpos = $this->db->GetSingleRow();
         $nextscreen = $curpos['screen'] + 1;
         $nextid = $curpos['display_pos'] + 1;
     /*    // Get the actual ID of the module
             // Temp fix - if more than one team just get the first. Avoids error but doesn't fix the problem completely
             if (strpos($q_group, ',') !== false) {
               $q_group = strstr($q_group, ',', true);
             $this->db->AddWhere('moduleid', $q_group, 's');
             $module_row = $this->db->GetSingleRow();
     $module_id = -1;
     $paperutils = Paper_utils::get_instance();
     $module_id1 = $paperutils->get_modules($paper_row['property_id'], $mysqli);
     if ($module_id1 !== false) {
         $module_id = $module_id1;
     $modutils = module_utils::get_instance();
     $q_group = $modutils->get_moduleid_from_id($module_id, $mysqli);
     if ($module_id !== false) {
         // Get a list of the team and user's keywords
         $user_keywords = array();
         if (is_array($module_id)) {
             foreach (array_keys($module_id) as $mod_id) {
                 $user_keywordsl = $this->GetExistingKeywords($mod_id);
                 $user_keywords = array_merge($user_keywords, $user_keywordsl);
         } else {
             $user_keywords = $this->GetExistingKeywords($module_id);
     foreach ($data->questions as &$question) {
         $this->q_row = $this->db->GetBlankTableRow("questions");
         $this->o_row = $this->db->GetBlankTableRow("options");
         $this->o_rows = array();
         // stuff from parameters
         $this->q_row['ownerID'] = $ownerid;
         // general stuff that needs to be done for every qtype
         $this->q_row['creation_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $this->q_row['last_edited'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $this->q_row['q_type'] = $question->type;
         $this->q_row['status'] = isset($this->statuses[$question->status]) ? $this->statuses[$question->status] : $this->default_status;
         $this->q_row['theme'] = $question->theme;
         $this->q_row['notes'] = $question->notes;
         $this->q_row['leadin'] = $question->leadin;
         $this->q_row['bloom'] = $question->bloom;
         $this->q_row['q_media'] = $question->media;
         $this->q_row['q_media_width'] = $question->media_width;
         $this->q_row['q_media_height'] = $question->media_height;
         $this->q_row['deleted'] = null;
         $this->q_row['locked'] = null;
         $this->q_row['std'] = null;
         $this->q_row['q_option_order'] = $question->q_option_order;
         if (isset($question->settings)) {
             $this->q_row['settings'] = $question->settings;
         $oiii = print_r($question, true);
         $t = 8;
         if ($question->type == "blank") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "calculation") {
             $this->q_row['q_type'] = 'enhancedcalc';
         } elseif ($question->type == "dichotomous") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "extmatch") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "flash") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "hotspot") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "info") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "labelling") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "likert") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "matrix") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "mcq") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "true_false") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "mrq") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "rank") {
         } elseif ($question->type == "textbox") {
         } else {
             $this->AddError("Question type " . $question->type . " not yet supported", $question->load_id);
         if (!in_array($this->q_row['q_option_order'], array('display order', 'alphabetic', 'random'))) {
             $this->q_row['q_option_order'] = 'display order';
             print "correcting q_option_order";
         if (!empty($this->q_row['scenario']) && strcasecmp("<p>&nbsp;</p>", $this->q_row['scenario']) == 0) {
             $this->q_row['scenario'] = '';
         // create plain version of scenario and leadin
         $this->q_row['scenario_plain'] = empty($this->q_row['scenario']) ? '' : trim(strip_tags($this->q_row['scenario']));
         $this->q_row['leadin_plain'] = empty($this->q_row['leadin']) ? '' : trim(strip_tags($this->q_row['leadin']));
         if (!empty($this->q_row['correct_fback']) && !empty($this->q_row['incorrect_fback']) && $this->q_row['correct_fback'] == $this->q_row['incorrect_fback']) {
             $this->q_row['incorrect_fback'] = '';
         // if no o_row, create a blank one
         if (count($this->o_rows) == 0 and $question->type != "calculation") {
             $this->o_row['marks_correct'] = 1;
             $this->o_row['marks_incorrect'] = 0;
             $this->o_row['marks_partial'] = 0;
             $this->o_rows[] = $this->o_row;
         // store question row
         $this->db->InsertRow("questions", "q_id", $this->q_row);
         $question->save_id = $this->q_row['q_id'];
         $this->qm_row = $this->db->GetBlankTableRow("questions_modules");
         $this->qm_row['q_id'] = $this->q_row['q_id'];
         if (is_array($module_id)) {
             foreach (array_keys($module_id) as $mod_id) {
                 $this->qm_row['idMod'] = $mod_id;
                 $this->db->InsertRow("questions_modules", "temp", $this->qm_row);
         } else {
             $this->qm_row['idMod'] = $module_id;
             $this->db->InsertRow("questions_modules", "temp", $this->qm_row);
         $new_keywords = array();
         if ($module_id != -1) {
             if (is_array($module_id)) {
                 $user_keywords2 = array();
                 foreach (array_keys($module_id) as $mod_id) {
                     $new_keywords1 = $this->SaveKeywords($this->q_row['q_id'], $question->keywords, $mod_id, $user_keywords, $user_keywords2);
                     $new_keywords = array_merge($new_keywords, $new_keywords1);
                 $user_keywords = array_merge($user_keywords, $user_keywords2);
             } else {
                 $new_keywords = $this->SaveKeywords($this->q_row['q_id'], $question->keywords, $module_id, $user_keywords);
         // store option rows
         foreach ($this->o_rows as &$o_row) {
             $o_row['o_id'] = $this->q_row['q_id'];
             if (!empty($o_row['feedback_right']) && $o_row['feedback_right'] == $o_row['feedback_wrong']) {
                 $o_row['feedback_wrong'] = "";
             $this->db->InsertRow("options", "id_num", $o_row);
         // store additional metadata
         if ($question->load_id != '') {
             $meta_row = array('id' => null, 'questionID' => $question->save_id, 'type' => 'QTI Ident', 'value' => $question->load_id);
         $this->db->InsertRow("questions_metadata", "id", $meta_row);
         echo "<h4>{$string['questiontables']}</h4>";
         echo "<div>{$string['questionsrow']}</div>";
         print_p($this->q_row, false);
         echo "<div>{$string['optionsrows']}</div>";
         print_p($this->o_rows, false, 100);
         echo "<div>{$string['newkeywords']}</div>";
         print_p($new_keywords, false);
         $track = array();
         $track['type'] = $string['qtiimport'];
         $track['typeID'] = $this->q_row['q_id'];
         $track['editor'] = $userID;
         $track['new'] = "{$string['imported1_2']} " . $params->original_filename;
         $track['part'] = "all";
         $track['changed'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $db->InsertRow("track_changes", "id", $track);
         // we have a paper, add this question onto the list of questions for the paper
         if ($paperid && empty($data->papers)) {
             $p_row = $this->db->GetBlankTableRow('papers');
             $p_row['paper'] = $paperid;
             $p_row['question'] = $question->save_id;
             $p_row['screen'] = $nextscreen;
             $p_row['display_pos'] = $nextid++;
             $this->db->InsertRow('papers', 'p_id', $p_row);
     $logger = new Logger($mysqli);
     if (!empty($data->papers)) {
         foreach ($data->papers as &$paper) {
             foreach ($paper->screens as &$screen) {
                 foreach ($screen->question_ids as $q_id) {
                     $p_row = $this->db->GetBlankTableRow('papers');
                     echo sprintf($string['addingquestiondetails'], $q_id, $nextid, $nextscreen) . '<br>';
                     $p_row['paper'] = $paperid;
                     $q = FindQuestion($data->questions, $q_id);
                     $p_row['question'] = $q->save_id;
                     $p_row['screen'] = $nextscreen;
                     $p_row['display_pos'] = $nextid++;
                     $this->db->InsertRow('papers', 'p_id', $p_row);
                     $logger->track_change('Paper', $paperid, $userID, '', $q_id, 'Add Question (from QTI)');
Exemplo n.º 21
<br />
echo $string['name'];
 <input type="text" id="paper_name" name="paper_name" value="" maxlength="255" style="width:650px" required />
<input type="hidden" name="module" value="<?php 
if (isset($_GET['module'])) {
    echo $_GET['module'];
" />
if (isset($_GET['module'])) {
    $module_details = module_utils::get_full_details_by_ID($_GET['module'], $mysqli);
    $default_academic_year = date_utils::get_current_academic_year($module_details['academic_year_start']);
} else {
    $default_academic_year = $configObject->get('cfg_academic_year_start');
<input type="hidden" name="default_academic_year" value="<?php 
echo $default_academic_year;
" />
<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="<?php 
if (isset($_GET['folder'])) {
    echo $_GET['folder'];
" />
Exemplo n.º 22
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Rogō.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Confirm that it is OK to proceed deleting a module.
* @author Simon Wilkinson
* @version 1.0
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Nottingham
* @package
require '../include/sysadmin_auth.inc';
require_once '../include/errors.inc';
require_once '../classes/moduleutils.class.php';
$idMod = check_var('idMod', 'GET', true, false, true);
$moduleid = module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($idMod, $mysqli);
if (!$moduleid) {
    $msg = sprintf($string['furtherassistance'], $configObject->get('support_email'), $configObject->get('support_email'));
    $notice->display_notice_and_exit($mysqli, $string['pagenotfound'], $msg, $string['pagenotfound'], '../artwork/page_not_found.png', '#C00000', true, true);
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=<?php 
echo $configObject->get('cfg_page_charset');
" />
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Enrole the student on a module.
  * @param $idMod moduleID of module
  * @param $attempt
  * @param $session session of module
  * @param int $auto_update if system add
  * @return bool return true if successful.
 public function add_student_to_module($idMod, $attempt, $session, $auto_update = 0)
     // need to check its a self reg module
     if (module_utils::get_full_details_by_ID($idMod, $this->db) === false) {
         return false;
     if (UserUtils::is_user_on_module($this, $idMod, $session, $this->db)) {
         //don't add a user to a module multiple times
         return true;
     $return = UserUtils::add_student_to_module($this->get_user_ID(), $idMod, $attempt, $session, $auto_update);
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 24
require '../classes/moduleutils.class.php';
require '../classes/paperutils.class.php';
require_once '../classes/questionutils.class.php';
function stripTrainModule($module_string)
    $new_modules = array();
    $old_modules = explode(',', $module_string);
    foreach ($old_modules as $old_module) {
        if ($old_module != 'TRAIN') {
            $new_modules[] = $old_module;
    return implode(',', $new_modules);
// get the id of the TRAIN module
$trainIdMod = module_utils::get_idMod('TRAIN', $mysqli);
// Clear the TRAIN team
$update = $mysqli->prepare("DELETE FROM modules_staff WHERE idMod = ?");
$update->bind_param('i', $trainIdMod);
// Get all the papers on the TRAIN team
$result = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT properties.property_id FROM properties, properties_modules WHERE properties.property_id = properties_modules.property_id AND idMod = ?");
$result->bind_param('i', $trainIdMod);
while ($result->fetch()) {
    Paper_utils::remove_modules(array($trainIdMod => 'TRAIN'), $paperID, $mysqli);
    $q_result = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT question FROM papers WHERE paper=?");
    $q_result->bind_param('i', $paperID);
Exemplo n.º 25
  * create the database and users if they do not exist
 static function createDatabase($dbname, $dbcharset)
     global $string;
     $res = self::$db->prepare("SHOW DATABASES LIKE '{$dbname}'");
     if ($res->num_rows > 0) {
         self::displayError(array('010' => sprintf($string['displayerror1'], $dbname)));
     switch ($dbcharset) {
         case 'utf8':
             $collation = 'utf8_general_ci';
             $collation = 'latin1_swedish_ci';
     self::$db->query("CREATE DATABASE {$dbname} CHARACTER SET = {$dbcharset} COLLATE = {$collation}");
     //have to use query here oldvers of php throw an error
     if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
         self::displayError(array('011' => $string['displayerror2']));
     //select the newly created database
     self::$db->change_user(self::$db_admin_username, self::$db_admin_passwd, self::$cfg_db_name);
     //create tables
     $tables = new databaseTables($dbcharset);
     while ($sql = $tables->next()) {
         $res = self::$db->query($sql);
         if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
             self::displayError(array('012' => $string['displayerror3'] . self::$db->error . "<br /> {$sql}"));
             try {
                 $err = self::$db->error;
                 $mess = self::$db->errno;
                 throw new Exception("MySQL error {$err}", $mess);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 echo "Error No: " . $e->getCode() . " - " . $e->getMessage() . "<br />";
     self::$cfg_db_username = self::$cfg_db_basename . '_auth';
     self::$cfg_db_password = gen_password() . gen_password();
     self::$cfg_db_student_user = self::$cfg_db_basename . '_stu';
     self::$cfg_db_student_passwd = gen_password() . gen_password();
     self::$cfg_db_staff_user = self::$cfg_db_basename . '_staff';
     self::$cfg_db_staff_passwd = gen_password() . gen_password();
     self::$cfg_db_external_user = self::$cfg_db_basename . '_ext';
     self::$cfg_db_external_passwd = gen_password() . gen_password();
     self::$cfg_db_sysadmin_user = self::$cfg_db_basename . '_sys';
     self::$cfg_db_sysadmin_passwd = gen_password() . gen_password();
     self::$cfg_db_sct_user = self::$cfg_db_basename . '_sct';
     self::$cfg_db_sct_passwd = gen_password() . gen_password();
     self::$cfg_db_inv_user = self::$cfg_db_basename . '_inv';
     self::$cfg_db_inv_passwd = gen_password() . gen_password();
     self::$cfg_cron_user = '******';
     self::$cfg_cron_passwd = gen_password() . gen_password();
     $priv_SQL = array();
     //create 'database user authentication user' and grant permissions
     self::$db->query("CREATE USER '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "' IDENTIFIED BY '" . self::$cfg_db_password . "'");
     if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
         self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_username . $string['wnotcreated'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     //$priv_SQL[] = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* FROM '". self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".admin_access TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".courses TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".client_identifiers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".labs TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".lti_keys TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".lti_user TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".modules_student TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".paper_metadata_security TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".password_tokens TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".properties TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".schools TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".sid TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".special_needs TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".sys_errors TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT,INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".temp_users TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".users TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".users_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".denied_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_username . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES";
     foreach ($priv_SQL as $sql) {
         if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
             self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_username . $string['wnotpermission'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     $priv_SQL = array();
     //create 'database user student user' and grant permissions
     self::$db->query("CREATE USER  '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "' IDENTIFIED BY '" . self::$cfg_db_student_passwd . "'");
     if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
         self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_student_user . $string['wnotcreated'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     //$priv_SQL[] = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* FROM '". self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'". self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".announcements TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".cache_median_question_marks TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".cache_paper_stats TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".cache_student_paper_marks TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".exam_announcements TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".feedback_release TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".help_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".help_searches TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".help_tutorial_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".client_identifiers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".keywords_question TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".labs TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log0 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log1 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log2 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log3 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log4 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log4_overall TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log5 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log6 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".log_extra_time TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".log_lab_end_time TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log_late TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".lti_resource TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".lti_context TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".marking_override TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".modules_student TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".objectives TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".options TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".paper_feedback TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".paper_metadata_security TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".papers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".properties TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".properties_modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".questions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".question_exclude TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".question_statuses TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".reference_material TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".reference_modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".reference_papers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".relationships TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".schools TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".sid TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".sessions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".std_set TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".std_set_questions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".state TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".student_help TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".special_needs TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".sys_errors TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".temp_users TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".users TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".users_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".access_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".denied_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".killer_questions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".save_fail_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_student_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES";
     foreach ($priv_SQL as $sql) {
         if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
             self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_student_user . $string['wnotpermission'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     $priv_SQL = array();
     //create 'database user external user' and grant permissions
     self::$db->query("CREATE USER  '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "' IDENTIFIED BY '" . self::$cfg_db_external_passwd . "'");
     if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
         self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_external_user . $string['wnotcreated'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     //$priv_SQL[] = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* FROM '". self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'". self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".help_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".help_searches TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".keywords_question TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log0 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log1 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log2 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log3 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log4 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log4_overall TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log5 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log_late TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".modules_staff TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".options TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".papers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".properties TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".questions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".question_statuses TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".reference_material TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".reference_modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".reference_papers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".review_comments TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".review_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".special_needs TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".std_set TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".std_set_questions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".staff_help TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".student_help TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".sys_errors TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".users TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".access_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".denied_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".properties_reviewers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".client_identifiers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".labs TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".properties_modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".log_extra_time TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".log_lab_end_time TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".schools TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".paper_metadata_security TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".modules_student TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".question_exclude TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".users_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".marking_override TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".sid TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".student_notes TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".paper_notes TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".exam_announcements TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".relationships TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".feedback_release TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".cache_paper_stats TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".paper_feedback TO '" . self::$cfg_db_external_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES";
     foreach ($priv_SQL as $sql) {
         if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
             self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_external_user . $string['wnotpermission'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     $priv_SQL = array();
     //create 'database user staff user' and grant permissions
     self::$db->query("CREATE USER  '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "' IDENTIFIED BY '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_passwd . "'");
     if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
         self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . $string['wnotcreated'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     //$priv_SQL[] = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* FROM '". self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'". self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".* TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".cache_median_question_marks TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".cache_paper_stats TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".cache_student_paper_marks TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".ebel TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".exam_announcements TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".feedback_release TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".folders TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".folders_modules_staff TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".help_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".help_searches TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".help_tutorial_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".hofstee TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".keywords_question TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".keywords_user TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log0 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log1 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log2 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log3 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".log4 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".log4_overall TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".log5 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".log6 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".log_late TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".log_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".lti_resource TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".lti_context TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".marking_override TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".modules_staff TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".modules_student TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".objectives TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".options TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".paper_metadata_security TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".paper_notes TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".paper_feedback TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".papers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".password_tokens TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".performance_main TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".performance_details TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".properties TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".properties_modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".question_exclude TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".questions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".question_statuses TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".questions_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".questions_modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".recent_papers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".reference_material TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".reference_modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".reference_papers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".relationships TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".review_comments TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".review_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".scheduling TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".sessions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".sid TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".sms_imports TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".special_needs TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".std_set TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".std_set_questions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".state TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".student_notes TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".temp_users TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".textbox_marking TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".textbox_remark TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".track_changes TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".users TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".users_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".access_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".denied_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".properties_reviewers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".sys_errors TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".killer_questions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".save_fail_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".toilet_breaks TO '" . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES";
     foreach ($priv_SQL as $sql) {
         if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
             self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_staff_user . $string['wnotpermission'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     $priv_SQL = array();
     //create 'database user SCT user' and grant permissions
     self::$db->query("CREATE USER  '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "' IDENTIFIED BY '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_passwd . "'");
     if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
         self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . $string['wnotcreated'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     //$priv_SQL[] = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* FROM '". self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'". self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".options TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".paper_metadata_security TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".paper_notes TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".papers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".properties TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".questions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".question_statuses TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".questions_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".sct_reviews TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".denied_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES";
     foreach ($priv_SQL as $sql) {
         if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
             self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_sct_user . $string['wnotpermission'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     $priv_SQL = array();
     //create 'database user Invigilator user' and grant permissions
     self::$db->query("CREATE USER  '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "' IDENTIFIED BY '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_passwd . "'");
     if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
         self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . $string['wnotcreated'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     //$priv_SQL[] = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* FROM '". self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'". self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".exam_announcements TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".client_identifiers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".labs TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".log2 TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".log_metadata TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".log_extra_time TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".log_lab_end_time TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".modules_student TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".paper_notes TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".properties TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".properties_modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".modules TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".papers TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".questions TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".question_statuses TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON " . $dbname . ".student_notes TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".sid TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".special_needs TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT ON " . $dbname . ".users TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".access_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT INSERT ON " . $dbname . ".denied_log TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE ON " . $dbname . ".toilet_breaks TO '" . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES";
     foreach ($priv_SQL as $sql) {
         if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
             self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_inv_user . $string['wnotpermission'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     $priv_SQL = array();
     //create 'database user sysadmin user' and grant permissions
     self::$db->query("CREATE USER  '" . self::$cfg_db_sysadmin_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "' IDENTIFIED BY '" . self::$cfg_db_sysadmin_passwd . "'");
     if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
         self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_sysadmin_user . $string['wnotcreated'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     //$priv_SQL[] = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* FROM '". self::$cfg_db_sysadmin_user . "'@'". self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ALTER, DROP  ON " . $dbname . ".* TO '" . self::$cfg_db_sysadmin_user . "'@'" . self::$cfg_web_host . "'";
     $priv_SQL[] = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES";
     foreach ($priv_SQL as $sql) {
         if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
             echo self::$db->error . "<br />";
             self::displayError(array('013' => $string['wdatabaseuser'] . self::$cfg_db_sysadmin_user . $string['wnotpermission'] . ' ' . self::$db->error));
     //create sysadmin user
     UserUtils::create_user($_POST['SysAdmin_username'], $_POST['SysAdmin_password'], $_POST['SysAdmin_title'], $_POST['SysAdmin_first'], $_POST['SysAdmin_last'], $_POST['SysAdmin_email'], 'University Lecturer', '', '1', 'Staff,SysAdmin', '', self::$db);
     //create cron user
     UserUtils::create_user(self::$cfg_cron_user, self::$cfg_cron_passwd, '', '', 'cron', '', '', '', '', 'Staff,SysCron', '', self::$db);
     //create 100 guest accounts
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
         UserUtils::create_user('user' . $i, '', 'Dr', 'A', 'User' . $i, '', 'none', '', '1', 'Student', '', self::$db);
     //add unknown school & faculty
     $facultyID = FacultyUtils::add_faculty('UNKNOWN Faculty', self::$db);
     $scoolID = SchoolUtils::add_school($facultyID, 'UNKNOWN School', self::$db);
     //add traing school
     $facultyID = FacultyUtils::add_faculty('Administrative and Support Units', self::$db);
     $scoolID = SchoolUtils::add_school($facultyID, 'Training', self::$db);
     //create special modules
     module_utils::add_modules('TRAIN', 'Training Module', 1, $scoolID, '', '', 0, false, false, false, true, null, null, self::$db, 0, 0, 1, 1, '07/01');
     module_utils::add_modules('SYSTEM', 'Online Help', 1, $scoolID, '', '', 0, true, true, true, true, null, null, self::$db, 0, 0, 1, 1, '07/01');
     // Create default question statuses
     $statuses = array(array('name' => 'Normal', 'exclude_marking' => false, 'retired' => false, 'is_default' => true, 'change_locked' => true, 'validate' => true, 'display_warning' => 0, 'colour' => '#000000', 'display_order' => 0), array('name' => 'Retired', 'exclude_marking' => false, 'retired' => true, 'is_default' => false, 'change_locked' => true, 'validate' => false, 'display_warning' => 1, 'colour' => '#808080', 'display_order' => 1), array('name' => 'Incomplete', 'exclude_marking' => false, 'retired' => false, 'is_default' => false, 'change_locked' => false, 'validate' => false, 'display_warning' => 1, 'colour' => '#000000', 'display_order' => 2), array('name' => 'Experimental', 'exclude_marking' => true, 'retired' => false, 'is_default' => false, 'change_locked' => false, 'validate' => true, 'display_warning' => 0, 'colour' => '#808080', 'display_order' => 3), array('name' => 'Beta', 'exclude_marking' => false, 'retired' => false, 'is_default' => false, 'change_locked' => false, 'validate' => true, 'display_warning' => 1, 'colour' => '#000000', 'display_order' => 4));
     foreach ($statuses as $data) {
         $qs = new QuestionStatus(self::$db, $string, $data);
     self::$db->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES");
     if (self::$db->errno != 0) {
         self::logWarning(array('014' => $string['logwarning20']));
Exemplo n.º 26

<div class="head_title">
<div style="float:right; vertical-align:top"><img src="../artwork/toprightmenu.gif" id="toprightmenu_icon" /></div>
echo "<div class=\"breadcrumb\"><a href=\"../index.php\">" . $string['home'] . "</a>";
if (isset($_GET['module']) and $_GET['module'] != '') {
    echo '<img src="../artwork/breadcrumb_arrow.png" class="breadcrumb_arrow" alt="-" /><a href="../module/index.php?module=' . $_GET['module'] . '">' . module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($_GET['module'], $mysqli) . '</a>';
echo "</div><div class=\"page_title\">" . $string['usersearch'] . " ({$user_no}): <span style=\"font-weight: normal\">";
if (isset($_GET['paperID'])) {
    echo implode(', ', array_values($paper_modules)) . ' (' . $paper_calendar_year . ')';
} elseif (isset($_GET['search_surname']) and $_GET['search_surname'] != '') {
    echo "'" . $_GET['search_surname'] . "'";
} elseif (isset($_GET['module']) and $_GET['module'] != '%') {
    echo module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($_GET['module'], $mysqli);
    if (isset($_GET['calendar_year']) and $_GET['calendar_year'] != '' and isset($_GET['students']) and $_GET['students'] != '') {
        echo ' (' . $_GET['calendar_year'] . ')';
} elseif (isset($_GET['search_username']) and $_GET['search_username'] != '') {
    echo $_GET['search_username'];
} elseif (isset($_GET['student_id']) and $_GET['student_id'] != '') {
    echo $_GET['student_id'];
} elseif (isset($_GET['calendar_year']) and $_GET['calendar_year'] != '%') {
    echo $_GET['calendar_year'];
echo "</span></div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
if (isset($_GET['search_surname'])) {
    $tmp_surname = $_GET['search_surname'];
} else {
Exemplo n.º 27
            $folder = $_GET['folder'];
        } else {
            $folder = '';
<div id="content">
<div class="head_title">
  <div><img src="../artwork/toprightmenu.gif" id="toprightmenu_icon" /></div>
  <div class="breadcrumb"><a href="../index.php"><?php 
        echo $string['home'];
</a><img src="../artwork/breadcrumb_arrow.png" class="breadcrumb_arrow" alt="-" /><a href="../module/index.php?module=<?php 
        echo $modID;
        echo module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($modID, $mysqli);
</a><img src="../artwork/breadcrumb_arrow.png" class="breadcrumb_arrow" alt="-" /><a href="sessions_list.php?module=<?php 
        echo $modID . '&folder=' . $folder;
        echo $string['manageobjectives'];
  <div class="page_title"><?php 
        echo $string['newsession'];
<br />
Exemplo n.º 28
    $log_metadata->create_new_record($current_address, $userObject->get_grade(), $userObject->get_year(), $attempt, $lab_name);
} elseif ($log_metadata->get_record() == false) {
    //load the data and check for no records
    //we have no log_metadata record so make one
    $log_metadata->create_new_record($current_address, $userObject->get_grade(), $userObject->get_year(), $attempt, $lab_name);
$metadataID = $log_metadata->get_metadata_id();
// Foramtive or Progressive papers that have a duration set should use the timer.
if ($propertyObj->get_paper_type() == '0' || $propertyObj->get_paper_type() == '1') {
    if ($propertyObj->get_exam_duration() != null) {
        $allow_timing = true;
    // Summative exams only allow timing if ALL the modules of the paper allow it.
} else {
    if ($propertyObj->get_paper_type() == '2') {
        $allow_timing = module_utils::modules_allow_timing($modIDs, $mysqli);
* BP Determine the student's end_date timestamp for a summative exam that has been 'Started'.
* This is also used further down to make sure that the timer does not close the window if the exam session hasn't been 'started' by an invigilator
* If a summative exam session has been started  then record late answers in log_late
$paper_scheduled = $propertyObj->get_start_date() !== null;
if ($propertyObj->get_exam_duration() != null and $propertyObj->get_paper_type() == '2' and !$is_question_preview_mode) {
    // Has this lab had an end time set?
    $log_lab_end_time = new LogLabEndTime($lab_id, $propertyObj, $mysqli);
    $summative_exam_session_started = $log_lab_end_time->get_session_end_date_datetime();
// Check for submissions after the end date and set them to save in log_late if we are not in preview_mode or a summative exam session as not been started
if ($is_preview_mode === false and time() > $propertyObj->get_end_date() and ($propertyObj->get_paper_type() == '1' or $propertyObj->get_paper_type() == '2' and $paper_scheduled and $summative_exam_session_started === false)) {
Exemplo n.º 29
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/header.css" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/submenu.css" />
  <style type="text/css">
    .field {text-align:right; padding-right:10px}

  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/staff_help.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.validate.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/system_tooltips.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/toprightmenu.js"></script>
    $vle_apis = $configObject->get('vle_apis');
    $mu = module_utils::get_instance();
    $vle_apis = $mu->get_vle_api_data($vle_apis);
    if (count($vle_apis) > 0) {
        $map_levels = array(iCMAPI::LEVEL_SESSION => $string['session'], iCMAPI::LEVEL_MODULE => $string['module']);
    } else {
        $map_levels = array();
    $(function () {
        errorClass: 'errfield',
        errorPlacement: function(error,element) {
          return true;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Translates from internal numerical module IDs to institution module codes for display.
 private function convert_moduleIDs()
     $result_no = count($this->user_results);
     $moduleIDs = array();
     // Build up an array of IDs to module codes.
     for ($i = 0; $i < $result_no; $i++) {
         $id = $this->user_results[$i]['module'];
         if ($id != '') {
             if (!isset($moduleIDs[$id])) {
                 $moduleIDs[$id] = module_utils::get_moduleid_from_id($id, $this->db);
     // Loop around the results array and convert to codes.
     for ($i = 0; $i < $result_no; $i++) {
         if (isset($moduleIDs[$this->user_results[$i]['module']])) {
             $this->user_results[$i]['module'] = $moduleIDs[$this->user_results[$i]['module']];