Exemplo n.º 1
  * Returns database dump data
  * @return array
 public function getDumpChecksum()
     if (is_null($this->_aDBDump)) {
         modConfig::$unitMOD = null;
         $aDBDump = file_get_contents($this->getDumpFolderPath() . 'dbdata');
         $this->_aDBDump = unserialize($aDBDump);
     return $this->_aDBDump;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Returns array of available currencies
  * @param integer $iCurrency Active currency number (default null)
  * @return array
 public function getCurrencyArray($iCurrency = null)
     $aConfCurrencies = $this->getConfigParam('aCurrencies');
     if (!is_array($aConfCurrencies)) {
         return array();
     if (defined('OXID_PHP_UNIT')) {
         if (isset(modConfig::$unitMOD) && is_object(modConfig::$unitMOD)) {
             try {
                 $aAltCurrencies = modConfig::getInstance()->getConfigParam('modaCurrencies');
                 if (isset($aAltCurrencies)) {
                     $aConfCurrencies = $aAltCurrencies;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // if exception is thrown, use default
     // processing currency configuration data
     $aCurrencies = array();
     while (list($key, $val) = each($aConfCurrencies)) {
         if ($val) {
             $oCur = new oxStdClass();
             $oCur->id = $key;
             $sCur = explode('@', $val);
             $oCur->name = trim($sCur[0]);
             $oCur->rate = trim($sCur[1]);
             $oCur->dec = trim($sCur[2]);
             $oCur->thousand = trim($sCur[3]);
             $oCur->sign = trim($sCur[4]);
             $oCur->decimal = trim($sCur[5]);
             // change for US version
             if (isset($sCur[6])) {
                 $oCur->side = trim($sCur[6]);
             if (isset($iCurrency) && $key == $iCurrency) {
                 $oCur->selected = 1;
             } else {
                 $oCur->selected = 0;
             $aCurrencies[$key] = $oCur;
         // #861C -  performance, do not load other currencies
         if (!$this->getConfigParam('bl_perfLoadCurrency')) {
     return $aCurrencies;
 public static function getConfig()
     return modConfig::getInstance();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static function _appendToChain($aExtend)
     // if the chain is still empty and "original" chain is needed
     if (self::$_blOriginal && !count(self::$_aChain)) {
         self::$_aChain = (array) modConfig::getInstance()->getConfigParam("aModules");
     // addping the "extend" chain to the main chain
     foreach ($aExtend as $sParent => $sExtends) {
         if (isset(self::$_aChain[$sParent])) {
             $sExtends = trim(self::$_aChain[$sParent], "& ") . "&" . trim($sExtends, "& ");
         self::$_aChain[$sParent] = $sExtends;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Converts a string to UTF format.
  * @todo move to separate class instead of static
  * @return array
 protected static function getDbChecksum()
     $myDB = oxDb::getDB();
     $myConfig = modConfig::getInstance();
     $sSelect = 'select GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT t.TABLE_NAME) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables as t where t.TABLE_SCHEMA = "' . $myConfig->getConfigParam('dbName') . '" and t.TABLE_NAME not like "oxv_%"';
     $rs = $myDB->execute($sSelect);
     $sSelect = 'CHECKSUM TABLE ' . $rs->fields[0];
     $rs = $myDB->execute($sSelect);
     if ($rs != false && $rs->RecordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             if (stripos($rs->fields[0], "oxv_") !== 0) {
                 $aChecksum[$rs->fields[0]] = $rs->fields[1];
     return $aChecksum;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function cleanup()
     self::$unitMOD = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Checks which tables of the db changed and then restores these tables.
  * Uses dump file '/tmp/tmp_db_dump' for comparison and restoring.
  * @param integer $iMode   Maintenance mode
  * @param integer $iOutput Outout type
  * @return integer changet
 public function restoreDB($iMode = MAINTENANCE_SINGLEROWS, $iOutput = MAINTENANCE_MODE_ONLYRESET)
     // php 523 error
     modConfig::$unitMOD = null;
     $time = microtime(true);
     $myConfig = oxConfig::getInstance();
     $sDbName = oxConfig::getInstance()->getConfigParam('dbName');
     $this->_oDBDump = file_get_contents('/tmp/tmp_db_dump_' . $sDbName);
     $this->_oDBDump = unserialize($this->_oDBDump);
     $myDB = oxDb::getDb();
     $rs = $myDB->Query("SHOW TABLES");
     $sChanges = "";
     //current table
     $sTable = "";
     //list of sql commands to execute;
     $aSQL = array();
     $aInsert = array();
     $aTableInsert = array();
     while (!$rs->EOF) {
         $sTable = $rs->fields[0];
         if (strpos($sTable, "oxv_") === false) {
             $aChangesCounter[$sTable] = 0;
             if (!isset($this->_oDBDump[$sTable])) {
                 $sChanges .= "Table " . $sTable . " was added\n";
                 //delete this table
                 $aSQL[] = "DROP TABLE " . $sTable . "";
             $rs2 = $myDB->Query("Select * from " . $sTable);
             if ($rs2 && $rs2->RecordCount() > 0) {
                 $rowCount = 1;
                 while ($aRow = $rs2->fetchRow()) {
                     $oxid = $aRow['OXID'];
                     $blNoOXID = false;
                     if ($oxid == "") {
                         // the tables without oxid,
                         $oxid = $rowCount++;
                         $blNoOXID = true;
                     if (!isset($this->_oDBDump[$sTable][$oxid])) {
                         if ($iMode == MAINTENANCE_SINGLEROWS && !$blNoOXID) {
                             $sChanges .= "In table " . $sTable . " a record was added\n";
                             $aSQL[] = "DELETE FROM " . $sTable . " WHERE OXID = '" . $oxid . "'";
                             $aInsert[$sTable][] = $oxid;
                             //mark this row as existing
                             $this->_oDBDump[$sTable][$oxid]['_EXISTS_'] = true;
                             //with next row
                         } else {
                             if ($iMode == MAINTENANCE_WHOLETABLES || $blNoOXID) {
                                 //in single table mode tables without oxid are handeld like in whole table mode
                                 $sChanges .= "In table " . $sTable . " record(s)was(were) added\n";
                                 $aSQL[] = "DELETE FROM " . $sTable;
                                 $aTableInsert[] = $sTable;
                                 //mark this table as existing
                                 $this->_oDBDump[$sTable]['_EXISTS_'] = true;
                                 //skip rest of table
                                 continue 2;
                     } else {
                         //check only if the record already existed
                         foreach ($aRow as $sColumn => $sEntry) {
                             if ($sColumn == "OXVARVALUE") {
                                 //special handeling of blob values of oxconfig
                                 $sEntry = oxUtils::getInstance()->strMan($sEntry, $myConfig->getConfigParam('sConfigKey'));
                             if (!isset($this->_oDBDump[$sTable][$oxid][$sColumn])) {
                                 //a new colum
                                 if ($iMode == MAINTENANCE_SINGLEROWS && !$blNoOXID) {
                                     $sChanges .= "In table " . $sTable . " and record oxid: " . $oxid . " column " . $sColumn . " was added\n";
                                     $aSQL[] = "DELETE FROM " . $sTable . " WHERE OXID = '" . $oxid . "'";
                                     $aInsert[$sTable][] = $oxid;
                                     //mark this row as existing
                                     $this->_oDBDump[$sTable][$oxid]['_EXISTS_'] = true;
                                     //skip rest of row
                                     continue 2;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($iMode == MAINTENANCE_WHOLETABLES || $blNoOXID) {
                                         $sChanges .= "In table " . $sTable . " column(s) {$sColumn} was(were) added\n";
                                         $aSQL[] = "DELETE FROM " . $sTable;
                                         $aTableInsert[] = $sTable;
                                         //mark this table as existing
                                         $this->_oDBDump[$sTable]['_EXISTS_'] = true;
                                         //skip rest of table
                                         continue 3;
                             } elseif (strcmp($this->_oDBDump[$sTable][$oxid][$sColumn], $sEntry) != 0) {
                                 //changed value
                                 if ($iMode == MAINTENANCE_SINGLEROWS && !$blNoOXID) {
                                     $sChanges .= "In table " . $sTable . ", record oxid: " . $oxid . " and column " . $sColumn . " the value changed from: " . $this->_oDBDump[$sTable][$oxid][$sColumn] . " to: " . $sEntry . "\n";
                                     $aSQL[] = "DELETE FROM " . $sTable . " WHERE OXID = '" . $oxid . "'";
                                     $aInsert[$sTable][] = $oxid;
                                     //mark this row as existing
                                     $this->_oDBDump[$sTable][$oxid]['_EXISTS_'] = true;
                                     //skip rest of row
                                     continue 2;
                                 } elseif ($iMode == MAINTENANCE_WHOLETABLES || $blNoOXID) {
                                     $sChanges .= "In table " . $sTable . ", record values changed\n";
                                     $aSQL[] = "DELETE FROM " . $sTable;
                                     $aTableInsert[] = $sTable;
                                     //mark this table as existing
                                     $this->_oDBDump[$sTable]['_EXISTS_'] = true;
                                     //skip rest of table
                                     continue 3;
                     $this->_oDBDump[$sTable][$oxid]['_EXISTS_'] = true;
             //checking for removed rows
             foreach ($this->_oDBDump[$sTable] as $oxid => $aEntry) {
                 if ($oxid == '_EXISTS_') {
                     if ($iMode == MAINTENANCE_WHOLETABLES) {
                         //everything is fine, whole table will be inserted
                 } else {
                     if (!isset($aEntry['_EXISTS_'])) {
                         $sChanges .= "In table " . $sTable . ", record oxid " . $oxid . " was removed (" . $aEntry . ")\n";
                         //add the record again, same for both modes
                         $aInsert[$sTable][] = $oxid;
     //add the restore sql scripts
     foreach ($aInsert as $sTable => $aOxid) {
         foreach ($aOxid as $k => $oxid) {
             $aSQL[] = $this->_oDBDump[$sTable][$oxid]["_sql_"];
     //add the whole tables (for MAINTENANCE_WHOLETABLES mode)
     foreach ($aTableInsert as $k => $sTable) {
         foreach ($this->_oDBDump[$sTable] as $oxid => $aVals) {
             if ($oxid == '_EXISTS_') {
             $aSQL[] = $aVals["_sql_"];
         $sChanges .= "\n\n";
         $sChanges .= "DB RESET EXECUTION. start time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $sChanges .= "\n";
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($aChangesCounter as $sTable => $iChanges) {
             if ($iChanges > 0) {
                 $sChanges .= "In table " . $sTable . " are " . $iChanges . " changes!\n";
                 $i += $iChanges;
         $sChanges .= "\nIn total there are " . $i . " changes!!!\n\n\n\n";
         if ($i > 0) {
             file_put_contents('dbchanges_log.txt', $sChanges . var_export($aSQL, 1) . var_export($this->_oDBDump, 1), FILE_APPEND);
         //now execute delete and drop statements and the insert statements (at the end)
         foreach ($aSQL as $k => $v) {
     //echo(" T:".(microtime(true)-$time));
     return $aChangesCounter;
 public function testBackupToFile()
     // Config mock
     $oConfig = $this->getMock('oxConfig', array('getVersion', 'getEdition', 'getShopId'));
     modConfig::getInstance()->setConfigParam('sShopDir', '/var/www/my_shop/');
     // Configuration storage mock
     $oConfigStorage = $this->getMock('oxpsModulesConfigStorage', array('__call', 'load'));
     $oConfigStorage->expects($this->at(0))->method('load')->with('mymodule', 'version')->will($this->returnValue('1.1.0'));
     $oConfigStorage->expects($this->at(1))->method('load')->with('mymodule', 'extend')->will($this->returnValue(array()));
     $oConfigStorage->expects($this->at(2))->method('load')->with('mymodule', 'files')->will($this->returnValue(array('mymoduleitem' => 'my/module/models/mymoduleitem.php')));
     $oConfigStorage->expects($this->at(3))->method('load')->with('othermodule', 'version')->will($this->returnValue('0.1.0'));
     $oConfigStorage->expects($this->at(4))->method('load')->with('othermodule', 'extend')->will($this->returnValue(array('basket' => 'other/module/controllers/othermodulebasket', 'oxarticle' => 'other/module/models/othermoduleoxarticle')));
     $oConfigStorage->expects($this->at(5))->method('load')->with('othermodule', 'files')->will($this->returnValue(array()));
     oxRegistry::set('oxpsModulesConfigStorage', $oConfigStorage);
     $this->SUT->expects($this->once())->method('_jsonBackup')->with($this->stringEndsWith('.my_backup.json'), $this->equalTo(array('_OXID_ESHOP_MODULES_CONFIGURATION_' => array('sShopVersion' => '5.1.0', 'sShopEdition' => 'EE', 'sShopId' => 1, 'aModules' => array('mymodule' => array('version' => '1.1.0', 'extend' => array(), 'files' => array('mymoduleitem' => 'my/module/models/mymoduleitem.php')), 'othermodule' => array('version' => '0.1.0', 'extend' => array('basket' => 'other/module/controllers/othermodulebasket', 'oxarticle' => 'other/module/models/othermoduleoxarticle'), 'files' => array()))))))->will($this->returnValue(888));
     $this->assertSame(888, $this->SUT->backupToFile(array('modules' => array('mymodule', 'othermodule'), 'settings' => array('version', 'extend', 'files')), 'my_backup'));