Exemplo n.º 1
  * @access private
  * Vérification de la session pour accèder à l'administration
  * @param bool $debug
 private function authSession($debug = false)
     //Language model init class
     $language = new backend_model_language();
     $token = isset($_SESSION['mc_auth_token']) ? $_SESSION['mc_auth_token'] : magixglobal_model_cryptrsa::tokenId();
     $tokentools = $this->hashPassCreate($token);
     backend_controller_template::assign('hashpass', $tokentools);
     if (isset($this->email_admin) and isset($this->passwd_admin) and isset($this->hashtoken)) {
         if (strcasecmp($this->hashtoken, $tokentools) == 0) {
             if ($debug == true) {
                 $firebug = new magixcjquery_debug_magixfire();
                 if ($this->hashtoken) {
                     if (strcasecmp($this->hashtoken, $tokentools) == 0) {
                         $firebug->magixFireLog('session compatible');
                     } else {
                         $firebug->magixFireError('session incompatible');
             $auth_exist = parent::s_auth_exist($this->email_admin, $this->passwd_admin);
             if (count($auth_exist['id_admin']) == true) {
                 $session = new backend_model_sessions();
                 $lang = new backend_model_language();
                 $string = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
                 $string .= 'SHIFLETT';
                 /* Add any other data that is consistent */
                 $fingerprint = md5($string);
                 //Fermeture de la première session, ses données sont sauvegardées.
                 $data = parent::s_data_session($auth_exist['keyuniqid_admin']);
                 if (!isset($_SESSION['email_admin']) and !isset($_SESSION['keyuniqid_admin'])) {
                     $lang = new backend_model_language();
                     $session->openSession($data['id_admin'], session_regenerate_id(true), $data['keyuniqid_admin']);
                     $_SESSION['id_admin'] = $data['id_admin'];
                     $_SESSION['email_admin'] = $data['email_admin'];
                     $_SESSION['keyuniqid_admin'] = $data['keyuniqid_admin'];
                     $_SESSION['adminLanguage'] = $lang->run();
                     if ($debug == true) {
                         $firebug = new magixcjquery_debug_magixfire();
                         $firebug->magixFireDump('User session', $_SESSION);
                 } else {
                     $session->openSession($data['id_admin'], null, $data['keyuniqid_admin']);
                     $_SESSION['id_admin'] = $data['id_admin'];
                     $_SESSION['email_admin'] = $data['email_admin'];
                     $_SESSION['keyuniqid_admin'] = $data['keyuniqid_admin'];
                     $_SESSION['adminLanguage'] = $lang->run();
                     if ($debug == true) {
                         $firebug = new magixcjquery_debug_magixfire();
                         $firebug->magixFireDump('User session', $_SESSION);
             } else {
                 $this->message->getNotify('error_login', array('method' => 'fetch', 'assignFetch' => 'login_message'));
         } else {
             $this->message->getNotify('error_hash', array('method' => 'fetch', 'assignFetch' => 'login_message'));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Chargement d'un plugin dans l'administration
  * @access private
 private function setplugin($debug = false)
     try {
         //Si le fichier admin.php existe dans le plugin
         if (file_exists($this->directory_plugins() . $this->nameplugin() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin.php')) {
             //Si la classe exist on recherche la fonction run()
             if (class_exists('plugins_' . $this->nameplugin() . '_admin')) {
                 $load = $this->execute_plugins('plugins_' . $this->nameplugin() . '_admin');
                 //Si la méthode existe on ajoute le plugin dans le register et execute la fonction run()
                 if (method_exists($load, 'run')) {
                     $role = new backend_model_role();
                     $role_data = explode(',', $role->sql_arg());
                     $access = (string) $this->allow_access_config($this->nameplugin());
                     if ($debug) {
                         $firebug = new magixcjquery_debug_magixfire();
                         $firebug->magixFireLog($this->nameplugin() . ': ' . $access);
                     if ($access != null or $access != '') {
                         if (array_key_exists($access, $role_data)) {
                         } elseif ($access == '*') {
                     } else {
             } else {
                 throw new Exception('Class ' . $this->nameplugin() . ' is not found');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         magixglobal_model_system::magixlog('An error has occured :', $e);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Retourne
  * @param unknown_type $debug
 public function insight_header($debug = false)
     header('x-insight: inspect');
     if ($debug == true) {
         magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog("Headers:", headers_list());
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Upload une image
  * @param files $img
  * @param dir $path
  * @param bool $debug
  * @return null|string
 public static function upload_img($img, $path, $debug = false)
     $error = null;
     $firebug = new magixcjquery_debug_magixfire();
     if (isset($_FILES[$img])) {
         if ($_FILES[$img]['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
             if (self::image_valid($_FILES[$img]['tmp_name']) === false) {
                 $error .= 'Mauvais format d\'image (gif,png,jpeg uniquement)';
             } else {
                 if (!is_readable($_FILES[$img]["tmp_name"])) {
                     $tmp_img = chmod($_FILES[$img]["tmp_name"], 0777);
                 } else {
                     $tmp_img = $_FILES[$img]["tmp_name"];
                 if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$img]["tmp_name"])) {
                     $source = $tmp_img;
                     $cible = magixglobal_model_system::base_path() . $path . magixcjquery_url_clean::rplMagixString($_FILES[$img]["name"]);
                     if (self::imgSizeMax($source, 2500, 2500) == false) {
                         $error .= 'La taille maximum excéde';
                     } elseif (self::imgSizeMin($source, 5, 5) == false) {
                         $error .= 'Le fichier est trop petit';
                     } else {
                         if (!move_uploaded_file($source, $cible)) {
                             $error .= 'Erreur de fichier temporaire';
                         } else {
                             if ($debug != false) {
                                 $firebug->magixFireGroup('Upload image infos');
                                 $firebug->magixFireLog('Success', 'Status');
                                 $firebug->magixFireLog($source, 'Source');
                                 $firebug->magixFireLog($cible, 'Cible');
                 } else {
                     $error .= 'Erreur d\'écriture du disque';
         } elseif (UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE == true) {
             $error .= 'Le fichier est trop grand';
         } elseif (UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE == true) {
             $error .= 'Erreur d\'écriture du disque';
         } elseif (UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE == true) {
             $error .= 'Le fichier est trop grand: Taille maximum 2000x2000';
     } elseif (UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE == true) {
         $error .= 'Aucun fichier';
     } else {
         $error .= 'Erreur d\'écriture du disque';
     if ($error != null) {
         $n = $firebug->magixFireGroup('Upload image analyse');
         $n .= $firebug->magixFireLog($error);
         $n .= $firebug->magixFireGroupEnd();
     } else {
         $n = NULL;
     return $n;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Insertion d'une image dans la galerie spécifique à un produit
  * @param $img
  * @param $imgcatalog
  * @param bool $debug
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 private function insert_image_galery($img, $imgcatalog, $debug = false)
     if (isset($this->{$img})) {
         try {
             //Supprime le fichier original pour gagner en espace
             $makeFiles = new magixcjquery_files_makefiles();
             // Charge la classe de traitement des images
             $initImg = new backend_model_image();
              * Envoi une image dans le dossier "racine" catalogimg
             $initImg->upload_img('imgcatalog', 'upload' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'catalogimg' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'galery' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $debug);
              * Analyze l'extension du fichier en traitement
              * @var $fileextends
             $fileextends = $initImg->image_analyze(self::dirImgProductGalery() . $this->{$img});
             if ($initImg->imgSizeMin(self::dirImgProductGalery() . $this->{$img}, 25, 25)) {
                 // Charge la classe pour renommer le fichier
                 $makeFiles = new magixcjquery_files_makefiles();
                  * Renomme le fichier
                 $makeFiles->renameFiles(self::dirImgProductGalery(), self::dirImgProductGalery() . $this->{$img}, self::dirImgProductGalery() . $imgcatalog . $fileextends);
                  * Initialisation de la classe phpthumb
                  * @var void
                 $thumb = PhpThumbFactory::create(self::dirImgProductGalery() . $imgcatalog . $fileextends);
                 //Charge la taille des images des galeries du catalogue
                 $firebug = new magixcjquery_debug_magixfire();
                  * Création des images et miniatures utile.
                  * 2 tailles !!!
                 $imgsizelarge = $initImg->dataImgSize('catalog', 'galery', 'large');
                 $imgsizesmall = $initImg->dataImgSize('catalog', 'galery', 'small');
                 if ($debug) {
                     $firebug->magixFireGroup('Setting image');
                 switch ($imgsizelarge['img_resizing']) {
                     case 'basic':
                         if ($debug) {
                             $firebug->magixFireGroup($imgsizelarge['config_size_attr'] . ' => ' . $imgsizelarge['type']);
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizelarge['img_resizing'], 'Type');
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizelarge['width'], 'Width');
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizelarge['height'], 'Height');
                         $thumb->resize($imgsizelarge['width'], $imgsizelarge['height'])->save(self::dirImgProductGalery() . 'maxi' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $imgcatalog . $fileextends);
                     case 'adaptive':
                         if ($debug) {
                             $firebug->magixFireGroup($imgsizelarge['config_size_attr'] . ' => ' . $imgsizelarge['type']);
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizelarge['img_resizing'], 'Type');
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizelarge['width'], 'Width');
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizelarge['height'], 'Height');
                         $thumb->adaptiveResize($imgsizelarge['width'], $imgsizelarge['height'])->save(self::dirImgProductGalery() . 'maxi' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $imgcatalog . $fileextends);
                 switch ($imgsizesmall['img_resizing']) {
                     case 'basic':
                         if ($debug) {
                             $firebug->magixFireGroup($imgsizesmall['config_size_attr'] . ' => ' . $imgsizesmall['type']);
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizesmall['img_resizing'], 'Type');
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizesmall['width'], 'Width');
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizesmall['height'], 'Height');
                         $thumb->resize($imgsizesmall['width'], $imgsizesmall['height'])->save(self::dirImgProductGalery() . 'mini' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $imgcatalog . $fileextends);
                     case 'adaptive':
                         if ($debug) {
                             $firebug->magixFireGroup($imgsizesmall['config_size_attr'] . ' => ' . $imgsizesmall['type']);
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizesmall['img_resizing'], 'Type');
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizesmall['width'], 'Width');
                             $firebug->magixFireLog($imgsizesmall['height'], 'Height');
                         $thumb->adaptiveResize($imgsizesmall['width'], $imgsizesmall['height'])->save(self::dirImgProductGalery() . 'mini' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $imgcatalog . $fileextends);
                 if ($debug) {
                 if (file_exists(self::dirImgProductGalery() . $imgcatalog . $fileextends)) {
                     $makeFiles->removeFile(self::dirImgProductGalery(), $imgcatalog . $fileextends);
                 return $imgcatalog . $fileextends;
             } else {
                 if (file_exists(self::dirImgProductGalery() . $this->{$img})) {
                     $makeFiles->removeFile(self::dirImgProductGalery(), $this->{$img});
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception('file: ' . $this->{$img} . ' is not found');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             magixglobal_model_system::magixlog('An error has occured :', $e);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * function debug pagination
  * @param void $page
  * @param void $num_pages
  * @param int $limit
  * @param void $getpage
 private function debugPager($page, $num_pages, $limit, $getpage)
     if (defined('M_LOG')) {
         if (M_LOG == 'debug' and M_FIREPHP == true) {
             $FirePHPOpt = array('Collapsed' => false, 'Color' => '#FF772F');
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireGroup('Test pagination', $FirePHPOpt);
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($page, 'Page');
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($num_pages, 'Page number');
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($limit, 'Limit');
             $page = max($getpage, 1);
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireGroup('Test pagination', $FirePHPOpt);
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($page, 'Page');
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($num_pages, 'Page number');
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($limit, 'Limit');
             $page = min($getpage, $num_pages);
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireGroup('Test pagination', $FirePHPOpt);
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($page, 'Page');
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($num_pages, 'Page number');
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($limit, 'Limit');
             if ($getpage > $limit || $getpage <= 0) {
                 $page = 1;
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireGroup('Test pagination', $FirePHPOpt);
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($page, 'Page');
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($num_pages, 'Page number');
             magixcjquery_debug_magixfire::magixFireLog($limit, 'Limit');
     } else {
         print 'Page : ' . $page . '<br />Num_Pages : ' . $num_pages . '<br />Limit : ' . $limit . '##########<br />';
         $page = max($getpage, 1);
         print 'Page : ' . $page . '<br />Num_Pages : ' . $num_pages . '<br />Limit : ' . $limit . '##########<br />';
         $page = min($getpage, $num_pages);
         print 'Page : ' . $page . '<br />Num_Pages : ' . $num_pages . '<br />Limit : ' . $limit . '##########<br />';
         if ($getpage > $limit || $getpage <= 0) {
             $page = 1;
         print 'Page : ' . $page . '<br />Num_Pages : ' . $num_pages . '<br />Limit : ' . $limit . '##########<br />';