public function doin() { global $_M; if ($_M['form']['temname'] && $_M['form']['temname'] != '') { $query = "INSERT INTO {$_M['table']['skin_table']} SET skin_name='{$_M['form']['temname']}',skin_file='{$_M['form']['temname']}',skin_info='',devices='{$_M['form']['devices']}'"; DB::query($query); } else { turnover("{$_M[url][own_name]}c=temtool&a=dotemlist", '操作失败!请填写模板文件夹名称!'); die; } if (file_exists(PATH_WEB . "templates/{$_M['form']['temname']}/install/install.class.php")) { copy(PATH_WEB . "templates/{$_M['form']['temname']}/install/install.class.php", PATH_OWN_FILE . 'tmp/install.class.php'); $ini = load::own_class('admin/tmp/install', 'new'); $file = $_M['form']['temname']; $re = $ini->dosql(); $query = "DELETE FROM {$_M['table']['templates']} WHERE no='{$file}'"; DB::query($query); foreach ($_M['langlist']['web'] as $key => $val) { foreach ($re['sql'] as $ksql => $vsql) { $query = "INSERT INTO {$_M['table']['templates']} SET no='{$file}',lang='{$key}',{$vsql}"; DB::query($query); } } } else { if (file_exists(PATH_WEB . "templates/{$_M['form']['temname']}/lang/language_cn.ini")) { $ini = load::own_class('admin/class/inc', 'new'); $ini->ini($_M['form']['temname']); } } turnover("{$_M[url][own_name]}c=temtool&a=dotemlist"); }
/** * 获取COOKIE值 * @param string $key 指定键值 * @return string $_M['user']['cookie'][$key] 返回当前管理员或会员的相关COOKIE值 * 例:get_met_cookie('metinfo_admin_name'):返回当前管理员的账号 get_met_cookie('metinfo_member_name'):返回当前会员的账号 get_met_cookie('metinfo_admin_pass'):返回当前管理员的密码 get_met_cookie('metinfo_member_pass'):返回当前会员的密码 */ function get_met_cookie($key) { global $_M; if (defined('IN_ADMIN')) { if ($key == 'metinfo_admin_name' || $key == 'metinfo_member_name') { $val = urldecode($_M['user']['cookie'][$key]); $val = sqlinsert($val); return $val; } return $_M['user']['cookie'][$key]; } else { $userclass = load::sys_class('user', 'new'); if (!$userclass->get_login_user_info()) { $userclass->login_by_auth($_M['form']['acc_auth'], $_M['form']['acc_key']); } $m = $userclass->get_login_user_info(); $m['metinfo_admin_name'] = $m['username']; $m['metinfo_member_name'] = $m['username']; $m['metinfo_member_id'] = $m['id']; $m['metinfo_admin_id'] = $m['id']; $m['metinfo_admin_pass'] = $m['password']; $m['metinfo_member_pass'] = $m['password']; if ($key == 'metinfo_admin_name' || $key == 'metinfo_member_name') { $val = urldecode($m[$key]); $val = sqlinsert($val); return $val; } return $m[$key]; } }
function __construct() { global $_M; parent::__construct(); $this->moduleclass = load::mod_class('content/class/sys_article', 'new'); $this->module = 2; }
public function donews_info() { global $_M; $sval = $_M['form']['search_title']; $table = load::sys_class('tabledata', 'new'); //加载表格数据获取类 $where = "(lang='{$_M['lang']}' or lang='metinfo') "; //整理查询条件 if ($_M['form']['search_type'] && $_M['form']['search_type'] != 'all') { $where .= " AND type like '%{$_M['form']['search_type']}%'"; } if ($sval) { $where .= " AND member like '%{$sval}%'"; } $order = "time DESC"; //排序方式 $array = $table->getdata($_M['table']['infoprompt'], '*', $where, $order); $j = 1; $url = ''; foreach ($array as $key => $val) { if ($val['type'] == 'job') { $title = $val['newstitle']; $news_type = $_M['word']['recruitment_information']; $url = $_M['url']['site_admin'] . "content/job/cv_editor.php?anyid=29&lang={$_M['lang']}&id={$val['news_id']}"; } if (strstr($val['type'], "feedback")) { $title = $_M['word']['news_prompt1']; $news_type = $_M['word']['physicalunread1']; $type = explode('-', $val['type']); $url = $_M['url']['site_admin'] . "content/feedback/editor.php?anyid=29&id={$val['news_id']}&lang={$_M['lang']}&class1={$type['1']}"; } if (strstr($val['type'], "message")) { $title = $_M['word']['news_prompt']; $news_type = $_M['word']['physicalunread2']; $type = explode('-', $val['type']); $url = $_M['url']['site_admin'] . "message/editor.php?anyid=29&id={$val['news_id']}&lang={$_M['lang']}&class1={$type['1']}"; } if ($val['type'] == 'official') { $title = $val['newstitle']; $news_type = $_M['word']['official_information']; $url = "{$_M['url']['own_form']}a=doofficial&id={$val['id']}"; } $valinfo = $val['content']; $val['content'] = preg_replace('#^(?:[\\x00-\\x7F]|[\\xC0-\\xFF][\\x80-\\xBF]+){0,0}' . '((?:[\\x00-\\x7F]|[\\xC0-\\xFF][\\x80-\\xBF]+){0,30}).*#s', '$1', $valinfo); if ($valinfo != $val['content']) { $val['content'] .= '..'; } $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $val['time']); if ($val['see_ok'] == '0') { $color = '#656565'; } else { $color = '#c5c5c9'; } $list = array(); $list[] = "<a href='{$_M['url']['own_form']}a=donews_jump&id={$val['id']}' style='color:{$color};' >{$title}</a>"; $list[] = $time; $rarray[] = $list; } $table->rdata($rarray); }
public function dopatch() { global $_M; $curl = load::sys_class('curl', 'new'); $curl->set('file', '?n=platform&c=system&a=dopatch'); $post_data = array('cmsver' => $_M['config']['metcms_v'], 'patch' => $_M['config']['met_patch']); $difilelist = $curl->curl_post($post_data, 10); $difilelists = stringto_array($difilelist, '|', '*', ':'); if ($difilelists[0][0][0] == 'suc') { foreach ($difilelists[1] as $keylist => $vallist) { $met_patch = $vallist[0]; unset($vallist[0]); foreach ($vallist as $key => $val) { $dlfile = load::sys_class('dlfile', 'new'); $copydir = str_replace(':/admin/', ':/' . $_M['config']['met_adminfile'] . '/', ':/' . $val); $copydir = str_replace(':/', '', $copydir); $re = $dlfile->dlfile('file/v' . $_M['config']['metcms_v'] . '/file/' . $val, PATH_WEB . $copydir, 'metcms'); if ($re != 1) { break; } } $update_file = PATH_WEB . "{$_M['config'][met_adminfile]}/update/patch/v{$_M['config']['metcms_v']}_{$met_patch}.class.php"; if (file_exists($update_file)) { require_once $update_file; } @unlink($update_file); $query = "update {$_M['table']['config']} set value='{$met_patch}' where name='met_patch'"; DB::query($query); } echo 1; } else { echo 2; } die; }
public function json_list($where, $order) { global $_M; $this->table = load::sys_class('tabledata', 'new'); $where = "lang='{$_M['lang']}' and (recycle = '0' or recycle = '-1') {$where}"; $data = $this->table->getdata($this->tablename, '*', $where, $order); return $data; }
/** * @func void * @return void */ public function __construct() { echo 'tss1 controller works<br/>'; /* load::service('validator'); $rules = array ( 'name' => 'alpha|required', 'year' => 'num|required', ); $Validation = new Validator(); $Validation->validate($_POST, $rules); if (!$Validation->passed()) { $Validation->goBackWithErrors(); } if (!empty($Validation->getErrors())) { print_r($Validation->getErrors()); } */ load::library(SF::STRINGS); load::library(SF::NETWORK); #$test_string = Strings::generate_password(4); $test_string = Strings::generatePassword(4); var_dump($test_string); $numeric_test = (int) '-abc12.3edf'; // this SHOULD FALL AND THROW AN ERROR #var_dump(Strings::strip_to_numeric($numeric_test)); var_dump(Strings::StripToNumeric($numeric_test)); #var_dump(Network::get_client_lang()); var_dump(Network::getClientLang()); exit; // database testing $data = Entries::getData(); var_dump($data); /* load::library(SF::DEBUG); //load::library(SF::DEBUG)->func('pr'); // will only load clean_str() ExecuteTime::start(); $parameters = array ( 'key' => '1e46165dsa5ds4a', 'action' => 'push', 'userid' => 1234998, 'keywords' => 'test' ); ExecuteTime::end(); echo ExecuteTime::display(); */ }
public static function del($file, $type = 'php') { load::sys_func('file'); if ($type == 'file') { @deldir(PATH_CACHE . $file); } else { @unlink(PATH_CACHE . $file . '.' . $type); } }
static function config() { parent::config(); // load the default panel config file self::file(c::get('root.panel') . '/defaults/config/config.php'); $root = c::get('') . '/' . c::get('panel.folder') . '/config'; self::file($root . '/config.php'); self::file($root . '/config.' . server::get('server_name') . '.php'); }
protected function __construct() { load::service('DB'); // calling a connector class into an instance if (is_null($this->DB)) { $this->DB = new DB(); } // returning the connector class return $this; }
public function doauth() { global $_M; $auth = load::mod_class('system/class/auth', 'new'); if ($auth->dl_auth($_M['form']['authpass'], $_M['form']['authcode'])) { turnover("{$_M['url']['own_form']}a=doindex"); } else { turnover("{$_M['url']['own_form']}a=doindex", $_M['word']['authTip2']); } }
function callClass($file, $class_name, $method) { if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; if (method_exists($class_name, $method)) { self::$log[] = $class_name . '::' . $method; call_user_func_array(array($class_name, $method), self::$params); } } self::$params = array(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); global $_M; nav::set_nav(1, '会员列表', $_M['url']['own_name'] . 'c=admin_user&a=doindex'); nav::set_nav(2, '会员组', $_M['url']['own_name'] . 'c=admin_group&a=doindex'); nav::set_nav(3, '会员属性', $_M['url']['own_name'] . 'c=admin_set&a=douserfield'); nav::set_nav(4, '会员功能设置', $_M['url']['own_name'] . 'c=admin_set&a=doindex'); nav::set_nav(5, '社会化登录', $_M['url']['own_name'] . 'c=admin_set&a=doopen'); $this->userclass = load::mod_class('user/class/sys_user', 'new'); }
/** * Function start function server JSON RPC. * @access public * @static */ public static function start() { // checks if a JSON-RCP request has been received. if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' || empty($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) || !preg_match('/application\\/json/i', $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) { // If cross Domain true. if (config::sys('crossDomain') == 1) { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Request-Method: POST'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept'); } // class html startTmpl. html::startTmpl(); } else { // reads the input data. $request = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); // Gestion error. try { // Si app-maintenance. if (config::sys('off') != 1) { // Exception. throw new Exception('SERV-ERROR-OFFLINE-MESSAGE'); } // method post. $reqConMethod = explode('_', $request['method']); // Controleur. $control = util::filtre($reqConMethod[0]); // Action. $action = util::filtre($reqConMethod[1]); // Load. load::auto('controleur_' . $control); // forward_static_call_array. if ($result = @forward_static_call_array(array($control, $action), $request['params'])) { // Succes. Array. $response = array('id' => $request['id'], 'result' => $result, 'jsonrpc' => $request['jsonrpc'], 'error' => NULL); } else { throw new Exception('SERV-ERROR-INVALID-PARAM-OR-METHODE'); } } catch (Exception $e) { // JSON RPC Error. Array. $response = array('id' => $request['id'], 'result' => NULL, 'jsonrpc' => $request['jsonrpc'], 'error' => $e->getMessage()); } // output the response. header('content-type: text/javascript'); // If cross Domain true. if (config::sys('crossDomain') == 1) { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Request-Method: POST'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept'); } // Print request. print json_encode($response); } }
/** * 初始化 */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); global $_M; met_cooike_start(); //读取已登陆管理员信息 $this->load_language(); //语言加载 $this->check(); //验证管理员 load::plugin('doadmin'); //插件加载 }
function __construct() { global $_M; parent::__construct(); $this->moduleclass = load::mod_class('content/class/sys_product', 'new'); // //$this->shop = load::app_class('shop/admin/class/sys_goods', 'new'); if (!($this->shop = load::plugin('doproduct_plugin_class', '1'))) { $this->shop = load::mod_class('content/class/sys_shop', 'new'); } $this->paraclass = load::mod_class('system/class/sys_para', 'new'); $this->module = 3; }
/** * 获取当前会员信息; * @return array $user 返回记录当前会员信息的数组 */ function member_information() { global $_M; $metinfo_member_name = get_met_cookie('metinfo_member_name'); $user = load::sys_class('user', 'new')->get_user_by_username($metinfo_member_name); $user['usertype'] = $user['groupid']; $user['admin_id'] = $user['username']; $user['admin_pass'] = $user['password']; $query = "SELECT id,name FROM {$_M['table']['column']} WHERE access <= '{$user['groupid']}' AND lang = '{$_M['lang']}'"; $column = DB::get_all($query); $user['column'] = $column; return $user; }
public function authinfo() { global $_M; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$_M['table']['otherinfo']} WHERE id='1'"; $key_info = DB::get_one($query); $curl = load::sys_class('curl', 'new'); $curl->set('file', "index.php?n=platform&c=authcheck&m=web&a=doauth_json&key={$key_info['authpass']}&code={$key_info['authcode']}&domain={$_M['url']['site']}&datatype=data&weblang=cn"); $post = array('post' => ''); $info = $curl->curl_post($post); $re = jsondecode($info); $query = "update {$_M['table']['otherinfo']} set info1='{$re['webtype_h']}' where id=1"; DB::query($query); return $re; }
function load($file) { load::ext('getid3'); // Initialize getID3 engine $getid3 = new getID3(); $getid3->encoding = 'UTF-8'; // Analyze file $info = $getid3->analyze($file); if (!isset($info['video'])) { self::$tags = array('time' => @$info['playtime_string'], 'bitrate' => round(@$info['bitrate'] / 1000), 'title' => self::getAudioTag(&$info, 'title'), 'artist' => self::getAudioTag(&$info, 'artist'), 'album' => self::getAudioTag(&$info, 'album'), 'year' => self::getAudioTag(&$info, 'year'), 'genre' => self::getAudioTag(&$info, 'genre'), 'mime_type' => @$info['mime_type'], 'filesize' => @$info['filesize']); } else { self::$tags = array('time' => @$info['playtime_string'], 'bitrate' => round(@$info['bitrate'] / 1000), 'x' => @$info['video']['resolution_x'], 'y' => @$info['video']['resolution_y'], 'mime_type' => @$info['mime_type'], 'filesize' => @$info['filesize']); } }
public function query() { $conn = load::getConnection(); $sql = $this->get_sql(); $output = ""; $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if ($result && pg_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result)) { $output .= $this->process_row($row); } } pg_close($conn); return $output; }
function start() { db::connect(); if (!router::get(1)) { return true; } self::$map = array('mode' => router::get(0), 'app' => router::get(1), 'module' => 'main', 'action' => router::get(2), 'id' => router::get(4)); s::set('SYS_PATH', 'http://' . SERVER . SYS_DIR); define('APP', APPS . self::get('app') . '/'); s::set('APP', APP); define('MODULE', APP . self::get('module') . '/'); s::set('MODULE', MODULE); if (stristr(self::$map['mode'], 'admin')) { self::$map['mode'] = 'admin'; } else { self::$map['mode'] = 'web'; } if (self::$map['mode'] == 'admin') { if (defined('ADMIN_USER_SITE_ID')) { admin::observer(); define('ADMIN_SITE_ID', ADMIN_USER_SITE_ID); s::set('ADMIN_SITE_ID', ADMIN_USER_SITE_ID); db::table('admin_sites'); db::where('site_id', ADMIN_USER_SITE_ID); db::limit(1); $row = db::select(); define('ADMIN_SITE', db::get('site_domain')); s::set('ADMIN_SITE', ADMIN_SITE); } } else { web::getSite(); $lang = lang::gets(LANG_INDEX, SITE_ID); /* Authentification webUser */ web::observer(); } /* Set params */ params::send(); if (router::get(0) == 'feed' || router::get(0) == 'rss') { self::$map['module'] = 'feed'; } if (self::$map['mode'] == 'admin') { load::module(self::get('app'), self::get('module'), self::get('action')); } else { load::handler(self::get('app'), self::get('module'), self::get('action')); } }
public function get_info_by_curl($unionid) { global $_M; $data = $this->get_other_user($unionid); $url = ""; $send['access_token'] = $data['access_token']; $send['openid'] = $data['openid']; $data = jsondecode(load::mod_class('user/class/curl_ssl', 'new')->curl_post($url, $send, 'get')); $data['username'] = $data['nickname']; if ($this->error_curl($data)) { return false; } else { return $data; } }
public function get_info_by_curl($unionid) { global $_M; $data = $this->get_other_user($unionid); $url = ""; $send['access_token'] = $data['access_token']; $send['uid'] = $data['openid']; $send['source'] = $this->appkey; $data = jsondecode(load::mod_class('user/class/curl_ssl', 'new')->curl_post($url, $send, 'get')); $data['username'] = $data['screen_name']; if ($this->error_curl($data)) { return false; } else { return $data; } }
public function json_group_list() { global $_M; $table = load::sys_class('tabledata', 'new'); $order = "access"; $where = "lang='{$_M['lang']}'"; $grouplist = $table->getdata($_M['table']['user_group'], '*', $where, $order); foreach ($grouplist as $val) { $list = array(); $list[] = "<input name=\"id\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$val[id]}\">"; $list[] = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"name-{$val[id]}\" data-required=\"1\" class=\"ui-input listname\" value=\"{$val[name]}\">"; $list[] = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"access-{$val[id]}\" data-required=\"1\" class=\"ui-input met-center\" value=\"{$val['access']}\">"; $rarray[] = $list; } $table->rdata($rarray); }
public function get_tel($tel) { global $_M; $session = load::sys_class('session', 'new'); if ($session->get("phonetime") && time() < $session->get("phonetime") - 220) { return false; die; } $code = random(6, 1); $time = time() + 300; $session->set("phonecode", $code); $session->set("phonetime", $time); $session->set("phonetel", $tel); $sms = load::sys_class('sms', 'new'); $ret = $sms->sendsms($tel, "验证码为 {$code} ,请及时输入验证。({$_M['config']['met_webname']})"); return $ret; }
public function json_list($where, $order) { global $_M; $this->table = load::sys_class('tabledata', 'new'); $p = $this->tablename; $s = $_M['table']['shopv2_product']; if ($_M['config']['shopv2_open']) { //开启在线订购时 $table = $p . ' Left JOIN ' . $s . " ON ({$p}.id = {$s}.pid)"; $where = "{$p}.lang='{$_M['lang']}' and ({$p}.recycle = '0' or {$p}.recycle = '-1') {$where}"; } else { $table = $p; $where = "lang='{$_M['lang']}' and (recycle = '0' or recycle = '-1') {$where}"; } $data = $this->table->getdata($table, '*', $where, $order); return $data; }
public function query($sql, $orm = FALSE) { // If SQL statement is a SELECT statement if (preg_match('/^SELECT/is', $sql)) { $res = $this->con->prepare($sql); //$res->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($orm) { load::orm_class($orm); $res->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $orm . '_orm'); } else { $res->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'dingo'); } $res->execute(); $this->last_result = $res->fetchAll(); } else { $this->last_result = $this->con->exec($sql); } return $this->last_result; }
public function doappdetail() { global $_M; $return_this = 1; $appdetail['type'] = $_M['form']['type']; $appdetail['no'] = $_M['form']['no']; //$appdetail['appid'] = $_M['form']['appid']; if ($appdetail['type'] == 'app') { nav::select_nav(2); $getapp = load::mod_class('myapp/class/getapp', 'new'); $app = $getapp->get_oneapp($appdetail['no']); if ($app) { $app['url'] = "<a href=\"{$app['url']}\">{$_M['word']['dlapptips5']}</a>"; } $buy_Explain = $_M['word']['langshuom']; $buy_Explain1 = $_M['word']['purchase_application']; $demonstration = "<span class='demo_url'></span>"; } if ($appdetail['type'] == 'tem') { nav::select_nav(3); $query = "SELECT * FROM {$_M['table']['skin_table']} WHERE skin_file ='{$appdetail['no']}'"; $app = DB::get_one($query); if ($app) { $app['ver'] = '1.0'; $app['url'] = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$_M['url']['adminurl']}n=theme&c=theme&a=doindex&mobile={$app['devices']}&anyid=70&lang={$_M['lang']}\">{$_M['word']['configuratio_template']}</a>"; } $appdetail['no'] = $_M['form']['appid']; $buy_Explain = $_M['word']['template_domain']; $buy_Explain1 = $_M['word']['buy_template_must']; } if ($app) { $appdetail['download'] = 1; } else { $appdetail['download'] = 0; } $appdetail['ver'] = $app['ver']; $appdetail['url'] = $app['url']; $query = "SELECT * FROM {$_M['table']['otherinfo']} where id=1"; $th = DB::get_one($query); $authkey = $th['authpass']; $authcode = $th['authcode']; require $this->template('tem/appdetail'); }
public function json_para_list($where, $order, $module) { global $_M; $this->table = load::sys_class('tabledata', 'new'); $where = "lang='{$_M['lang']}' and module = '{$module}' {$where}"; $data = $this->table->getdata($_M['table']['parameter'], '*', $where, $order); foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $val['id_html'] = "<input name=\"id\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$val[id]}\">"; $val['no_order_html'] = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"no_order-{$val[id]}\" data-required=\"1\" class=\"ui-input met-center\" value=\"{$val['no_order']}\">"; $val['name_html'] = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"name-{$val[id]}\" data-required=\"1\" class=\"ui-input listname\" value=\"{$val['name']}\">"; $val['paratype_html'] = $this->para_type($val['id'], $val['type']); $val['wr_oks_html'] = "<input name=\"wr_oks-{$val[id]}\" type=\"checkbox\" data-checked=\"{$val['wr_oks']}\" value=\"1\">"; $val['wr_ok_html'] = "<input name=\"wr_ok-{$val[id]}\" type=\"checkbox\" data-checked=\"{$val['wr_ok']}\" value=\"1\">"; $val['description_html'] = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"description-{$val[id]}\" class=\"ui-input listname\" value=\"{$val[description]}\">"; $none = $val['type'] == 2 || $val['type'] == 4 || $val['type'] == 6 ? '' : ' none'; $val['options_html'] = "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-info{$none} paraoption\" data-id=\"{$val[id]}\">设置选项</button><input name=\"options-{$val[id]}\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$val['options']}\">"; $datas[] = $val; } return $datas; }
function Topic() { if (MEMBER_ID < 1) { response_text('您是游客,没有权限举报'); } $tid = jget('totid', 'int', 'P'); $report_reason = $this->Post['report_reason']; $report_content = $this->Post['report_content']; $data = array('uid' => MEMBER_ID, 'username' => MEMBER_NICKNAME, 'ip' => $GLOBALS['_J']['client_ip'], 'reason' => (int) $report_reason, 'content' => strip_tags($report_content), 'tid' => (int) $tid, 'dateline' => time()); $result = jtable('report')->insert($data); if ($notice_to_admin = $this->Config['notice_to_admin']) { $message = "用户" . MEMBER_NICKNAME . "举报了微博ID:{$tid}(" . $data['content'] . "),<a href='admin.php?mod=report&code=report_manage' target='_blank'>点击</a>进入管理。"; $pm_post = array('message' => $message, 'to_user' => str_replace('|', ',', $notice_to_admin)); $admin_info = DB::fetch_first('select `uid`,`username`,`nickname` from `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'members` where `uid` = 1'); load::logic('pm'); $PmLogic = new PmLogic(); $PmLogic->pmSend($pm_post, $admin_info['uid'], $admin_info['username'], $admin_info['nickname']); } response_text('举报成功'); }