Exemplo n.º 1
 static function avatar($picture, $size_data = array(200, 100, 75, 50, 32), $save_dir = '')
     $image = img::open($picture);
     $true_size = img::info($image, 'width');
     $save_name = basename($picture, pathinfo($picture, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     if ($true_size >= $size_data[0]) {
         $arr = null;
         foreach ($size_data as $target_size) {
             $target_img = img::create($target_size, $target_size, 'ffffff', true);
             $arr = array(0, 0, 0, 0, $target_size, $target_size, $true_size, $true_size);
             $copy_result = img::copy($target_img, $image, 5, $arr);
             if ($copy_result) {
                 img::save($target_img, $save_name . '.gif', $save_dir . $target_size . '/');
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 static function avatar($img, $size_data = array(100, 75, 50, 32), $save_dir = '')
     $res = img::open($img);
     $true_size = img::info($res, 'width');
     $save_name = basename($img);
     $save_name = substr($save_name, 0, strpos($save_name, '.'));
     if ($true_size >= $size_data[0]) {
         $arr = null;
         foreach ($size_data as $target_size) {
             $target_img = img::create($target_size, $target_size, 'ffffff', true);
             $arr = array(0, 0, 0, 0, $target_size, $target_size, $true_size, $true_size);
             $copy_res = img::copy($target_img, $res, 5, $arr);
             if ($copy_res) {
                 img::save($target_img, $save_name . '_' . $target_size . '.gif', $save_dir);
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Process images
  * @return string
 protected function imageFile($path)
     $params = array_intersect_key($_GET, array('x' => '', 'y' => '', 'adapt' => '', 'crop' => ''));
     $params['path'] = $path;
     /* Adaptive imgs */
     $resMax = 0;
     if (isset($params['adapt']) && isset($_COOKIE['DW']) && isset($_COOKIE['DH']) && isset($_COOKIE['DPR'])) {
         $resMax = max($_COOKIE['DW'], $_COOKIE['DH']) * (int) $_COOKIE['DPR'];
         $resMax = $params['adapt'] = ceil($resMax / 100) * 100;
         /* to limit amount of cached images versions */
         if (isset($params['x']) && $params['x'] > $resMax) {
             $params['x'] = $resMax;
     $cachePath = 'var/cache/' . str_replace('/', '_', http_build_query($params, '', '_'));
     /* get only allowed vars and secure generated path */
     if (!is_file($cachePath)) {
         /* if cache doesn't exists */
         include 'modules/core/classes/img.php';
         $img = new img($path);
         if (isset($params['x']) && isset($params['y'])) {
             if (isset($params['crop'])) {
                 $img->crop($params['x'], $params['y']);
             } else {
                 $img->resize($params['x'], $params['y']);
         } elseif ($resMax > 0) {
             /* If there isn't x and y params we resize img to max Resolution of user's screen */
             $img->resize($resMax, 9999);
         $img->save($cachePath, 80);
     return $cachePath;
Exemplo n.º 4
 static function transform_image($spath, $dpath, $data)
     $datas = explode(':', $data);
     $srcWidth = $datas[0];
     $srcHeight = $datas[1];
     $srcX = $datas[2];
     $srcY = $datas[3];
     $dstWidth = $datas[4];
     $dstHeight = $datas[5];
     $origWidth = img::getWidth();
     $origHeight = img::getHeight();
     $xRatio = $origWidth / $srcWidth;
     $yRatio = $origHeight / $srcHeight;
     $srcWidth = $dstWidth * $xRatio;
     $srcHeight = $dstHeight * $yRatio;
     $srcX = $srcX * $xRatio;
     $srcY = $srcY * $yRatio;
     img::transform($srcX, $srcY, $srcWidth, $srcHeight, $dstWidth, $dstHeight);
Exemplo n.º 5
 static function edit()
     $img_name = post('img_name', 'title');
     list($width, $height) = getimagesize($img_name);
     $p_width = post('p_w', 'int');
     $p_height = post('p_h', 'int');
     $res = imagecreatetruecolor($p_width, $p_height);
     $img = img::open($img_name);
     imagecopyresampled($res, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $p_width, $p_height, $width, $height);
     $new_img = imagecreatetruecolor(post('n_w', 'int'), post('n_h', 'int'));
     imagecopyresampled($new_img, $res, 0, 0, post('t_x', 'int'), post('t_y', 'int'), $p_width, $p_height, $p_width, $p_height);
     $img_name = basename($img_name);
     img::save($new_img, $img_name, dc_file_create);
     http::json(array('error' => 0, 'info' => $img_name), true);