Exemplo n.º 1
 public function toHtml(array $params = array(), array $innerCallbacks = array())
     require_once 'lib/lib.htmlgen.php';
     $o = $this;
     //h::li(function () use ($o, $params, $innerCallbacks) {
     h::li(array('id' => $o->getInternalId()), function () use($o, $params, $innerCallbacks) {
         h::div(array('class' => 'builderElementLine'), function () use($o, $params) {
                       h::div(array('class' => 'builderElementActionItems'), function() use ($o) {
                         if ($o->isEditable()) {
                           h::a('Details', '#', array('class' => 'btn details'));
                         if ($o->isDeletable()) {
                           h::a('Delete', '#', array('class' => 'delete btn danger'));
         h::div(array('class' => 'popover builderElementPopover right'), function () use($o, $params, $innerCallbacks) {
             h::div(array('class' => 'arrow'));
             h::div(array('class' => 'inner'), function () use($o, $params, $innerCallbacks) {
                 h::h3(array('class' => 'title'), function () use($o, $params) {
                     h::div(array('class' => 'actualTitle'), 'Details for ' . $params['title']);
                 h::div(array('class' => 'content'), function () use($o, $innerCallbacks) {
                     h::form(array('class' => 'form', 'action' => ''), function () use($o, $innerCallbacks) {
                         h::fieldset(function () use($o, $innerCallbacks) {
                             $params = array('help' => "Uncheck this if you don't want this task to execute at all.", 'label' => 'Active?', 'name' => 'active', 'checked' => $o->isActive());
                             foreach ($innerCallbacks as $cb) {
                                 // Filesets are special cases, because we might need to
                                 // iterate on more than one (in the future)
                                 if ($cb['cb'] == 'getFilesets') {
                                     if ($o->getFilesets()) {
                                         $filesets = $o->getFilesets();
                                         foreach ($filesets as $fileset) {
                                     // Normal to-HTML callbacks
                                 } else {
                                     call_user_func(array($o, $cb['cb']), $cb);
                             h::div(array('class' => 'actions'), function () {
                                 h::input(array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn', 'value' => 'Nothing to save', 'disabled' => 'disabled'));
                                 h::button(array('class' => 'btn delete danger'), 'Delete');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Module page generation, menus rendering, blocks processing, adding of form with save/apply/cancel/reset and/or custom users buttons
 protected function generate()
     $Config = Config::instance();
     $L = Language::instance();
     $Page = Page::instance();
     if ($this->api) {
     $this->main_menu_auto && $this->main_menu();
     $this->main_sub_menu_auto && $this->main_sub_menu();
     $this->main_menu_more_auto && $this->main_menu_more();
     if ($this->form) {
         $Page->content(h::form($this->Content . ($this->apply_button && $this->buttons ? h::button($L->apply, ['name' => 'edit_settings', 'data-title' => $L->apply_info, 'id' => 'apply_settings', 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => 'apply', 'add' => Cache::instance()->cache_state() ? '' : ' disabled']) : '') . ($this->save_button && $this->buttons ? h::button($L->save, ['name' => 'edit_settings', 'data-title' => $L->save_info, 'id' => 'save_settings', 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => 'save']) : '') . ($this->apply_button && $this->buttons || $this->cancel_button_back ? h::button($L->cancel, ['name' => 'edit_settings', 'id' => 'cancel_settings', 'value' => 'cancel', 'data-title' => $this->cancel_button_back ? false : $L->cancel_info, 'type' => $this->cancel_button_back ? 'button' : 'submit', 'onClick' => $this->cancel_button_back ? 'history.go(-1);' : false, 'add' => $this->cancel_button_back ? '' : (isset($Config->core['cache_not_saved']) ? '' : $this->cancel_button)]) : '') . ($this->buttons && $this->reset_button ? h::button($L->reset, ['id' => 'reset_settings', 'data-title' => $L->reset_info, 'type' => 'reset']) : '') . $this->post_buttons, array_merge(['enctype' => $this->file_upload ? 'multipart/form-data' : false, 'action' => $this->action], $this->form_atributes)));
     } elseif ($this->Content) {
Exemplo n.º 3

 * @package		CleverStyle CMS
 * @subpackage	System module
 * @category	modules
 * @author		Nazar Mokrynskyi <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright	Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Nazar Mokrynskyi
 * @license		MIT License, see license.txt
namespace cs\modules\System;

use h, cs\Config, cs\Cache, cs\Index, cs\Language;
$Config = Config::instance();
$L = Language::instance();
$sa = $Config->core['simple_admin_mode'];
Index::instance()->content(h::{'table.cs-table-borderless.cs-left-even.cs-right-odd tr| td'}(core_input('gzip_compression', 'radio', null, zlib_compression()), core_input('cache_compress_js_css', 'radio'), core_input('put_js_after_body', 'radio'), !$sa ? core_input('inserts_limit', 'number', null, false, 1) : false, !$sa ? core_input('update_ratio', 'number', null, false, 0, 100) : false, [h::{'div#clean_cache'}(), h::{'div#clean_pcache'}()], [h::button($L->clean_settings_cache, Cache::instance()->cache_state() ? ['onMouseDown' => "cs.admin_cache('#clean_cache', '{$Config->base_url()}/api/System/admin/cache/clean_cache');"] : ['disabled']), h::button($L->clean_scripts_styles_cache, $Config->core['cache_compress_js_css'] ? ['onMouseDown' => "cs.admin_cache('#clean_pcache', '{$Config->base_url()}/api/System/admin/cache/clean_pcache');"] : ['disabled'])]));
Exemplo n.º 4
 switch ($rc[2]) {
     case 'add':
     case 'edit':
         if ($rc[2] == 'edit' && isset($rc[3])) {
             $storage =& $Config->storage[$rc[3]];
          * @var array $storage
         $a->action = "admin/System/{$rc['0']}/{$rc['1']}";
         $Page->title($rc[2] == 'edit' ? $L->editing_of_storage($Config->storage[$rc[3]]['host'] . '/' . $Config->storage[$rc[3]]['connection']) : $L->adding_of_storage);
         $a->content(h::{'p.lead.cs-center'}($rc[2] == 'edit' ? $L->editing_of_storage($Config->storage[$rc[3]]['host'] . '/' . $Config->storage[$rc[3]]['connection']) : $L->adding_of_storage) . h::{'table.cs-table-borderless.cs-center-all tr'}(\cs\modules\System\form_rows_to_cols([array_map(function ($in) {
             return h::{'th info'}($in);
         }, ['storage_url', 'storage_host', 'storage_connection', 'storage_user', 'storage_pass']), array_map(function ($in) {
             return h::td($in);
         }, [h::input(['name' => 'storage[url]', 'value' => $rc[2] == 'edit' ? $storage['url'] : '']), h::input(['name' => 'storage[host]', 'value' => $rc[2] == 'edit' ? $storage['host'] : '']), h::select(['in' => _mb_substr(get_files_list(ENGINES . '/Storage', '/^[^_].*?\\.php$/i', 'f'), 0, -4)], ['name' => 'storage[connection]', 'selected' => $rc[2] == 'edit' ? $storage['connection'] : '', 'size' => 5]), h::input(['name' => 'storage[user]', 'value' => $rc[2] == 'edit' ? $storage['user'] : '']), h::input(['name' => 'storage[password]', 'value' => $rc[2] == 'edit' ? $storage['password'] : '']) . h::{'input[type=hidden]'}(['name' => 'mode', 'value' => $rc[2] == 'edit' ? 'edit' : 'add']) . (isset($rc[3]) ? h::{'input[type=hidden]'}(['name' => 'storage_id', 'value' => $rc[3]]) : '')])])) . h::button($L->test_connection, ['onMouseDown' => "cs.storage_test('{$a->action}/test');"]));
     case 'delete':
         $a->buttons = false;
         $modules = [];
         foreach ($Config->components['modules'] as $module => &$mdata) {
             if (isset($mdata['storage']) && is_array($mdata['storage'])) {
                 foreach ($mdata['storage'] as $storage_name) {
                     if ($storage_name == $rc[3]) {
                         $modules[] = h::b($module);
         unset($module, $mdata, $storage_name);