function processXMLFile($xml_file) { global $timestamp, $logger; $xmlt = new xml_tools(); $xml = $xmlt->loadFile($xml_file); $order_date = $timestamp; $segments_id = (int) $xml->LOCAL_INFO->SEGMENT_ID; $group_name = (string) $xml->LOCAL_INFO->GROUP_NAME; $refill_orders = $xml->REFILL_ORDERS->ORDER; $counter = 0; foreach ($refill_orders as $ro) { $products_id = (int) $ro->PRODUCTS_ID; $articles_id = (int) $ro->ARTICLES_ID; $products_ean = $ro->PRODUCTS_EAN; $quantity = (int) $ro->QUANTITY; $trans_type = (string) (strtoupper($ro->TRANS_TYPE) == 'NULL' ? '' : $ro->TRANS_TYPE); $trans_id = (int) $ro->TRANS_ID; //CREATE DEPOT ORDERS $q_check = "SELECT depot_orders_id FROM depot_orders " . " WHERE segments_id = {$segments_id}" . " AND trans_type = '' AND trans_id = {$trans_id}"; $r_check = tep_db_query($q_check); //ONLY CREATE ORDER WHICH NOT IMPORTED if (tep_db_num_rows($r_check) == 0) { $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_do->newOrder($segments_id, $products_id, $articles_id, $products_ean, $quantity, $order_date, $trans_type, $trans_id, $group_name); $counter++; } } $logger->write("{$counter} orders imported"); unlink($xml_file); $logger->write("xml deleted"); return $counter; }
<?php use_class('Product'); use_class('bins'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('styles'); Product::loadDIOHsettings(); $class_bins = new bins(); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_s = new styles(); $segments_id = SEGMENT_ID_DEFAULT; $whid_depot = WAREHOUSE_ID_FOR_HANDLING_ORDERS; $min_status_orders = '8'; if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'SEARCHFILTER') { //var_dump($_POST); set_time_limit(0); $maxproducts = 100; $filter_diohge = null; $filter_diohle = null; $filter_dioh2ge = null; $filter_dioh2le = null; $filter_refill = null; $filter_missing = null; $filter_stockhealth = null; $filter_stockrefillhealth = null; $filter_missing_al = null; $filter_overstocking_al_ge = null; $filter_overstocking_al_le = null; $filter_stock_vs_stal = null; $filter_stockrefill_vs_stal = null;
<?php /** * Automatically order depot refill for products offered (active) in Zalando * * @author IT TEAM BONOFACTUM * @created Jul 19, 2013 4:54:57 PM */ global $db; require_once '../confy.php'; require_once '../functions.php'; require_once '../functions-2.php'; tep_db_connect(); use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_do->queryZalandoNeedRefill(true); echo 'Done!'; tep_db_close();
set_time_limit(0); global $db; require_once '../confy.php'; require_once '../functions.php'; require_once '../functions-2.php'; tep_db_connect(); use_class('logger'); $logger = new logger('cron', 'depot-refill'); //$logger->write('SIMULATION'); //Include Required Classes (and create object when necessary) use_class('Product'); use_class('products_minierp'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('styles'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_s = new styles(); $whid = WAREHOUSE_ID_FOR_HANDLING_ORDERS; $segment_id = SEGMENT_ID_DEFAULT; //Grab all data that can be retrieved collectively for the whole products //stock from below function already exclude active booking $products_stock = $class_pm->stockRetrieveAll($whid, '', true); //Grab all required Settings Product::loadDIOHsettings(); //For now we can not run auto cancel in Manobo Local due to the //sync issues of Depot Orders with Manobo Central if (!SERVER_IS_LOCAL) { //query all auto refill orders currently open //and can still be canceled(grouped by article) $logger->write('1) AUTO CANCEL'); $logger->write('Query orders which can still be canceled:');
* List for excel needed of Levelling Orders generated via Products Analysis * @author IT TEAM BONOFACTUM * @created Jul 21, 2014 11:53:29 AM */ set_time_limit(0); ini_set('memory_limit', '512M'); global $db; require_once '../confy.php'; require_once '../functions.php'; require_once '../functions-2.php'; require_once DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_output.php'; tep_db_connect(); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('forecasting'); use_class('Product'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $segments_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['segmentid']); $keywords = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['pids']); $fc_year = date('Y'); $current_month = date('m'); $fc = new forecasting($fc_year); $fc->calcForecastLevelling(); $target_is_overlap = $fc->isLevellingTargetOverlap(); $list = $class_do->recommendationList($segments_id, $keywords); $header = array(); $header['a'] = 'No'; $header['b'] = 'Image'; $header['c'] = 'Info'; $header['d'] = 'Size'; $header['e'] = 'EAN'; $header['f'] = 'L30D Sold No Promo';
<?php use_class('Product'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('products_ean'); use_class('elements_suppliers'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_ean = new products_ean(); //PAGE OPTIONS //if (isset($_POST['segments_id'])) //SUBMIT ACTION if (isset($_POST['me_action']) && $_POST['me_action'] != '') { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADOUTSOURCELATESTPRICES') { $products_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['products_id']); $articles_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['articles_id']); $price = $class_do->getOutsourceLatestPrice($products_id, $articles_id); ajaxReturn($price); exit; } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == "CREATEOUTSOURCINGORDER") { $segments_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['segments_id']); $products_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['pid']); $articles_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['aid']); $products_ean = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['ean']); $qty_full = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['qty_full']); $qty_batch = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['qty_batch']); $suppliers_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['suppliers_id']); $price = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['price']); //handle when user use comma as decimal separator in price $price = str_replace(',', '.', $price); $price_cur = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['price_cur']); $total_qty_ordered = 0;
/** * Get total refill quantity of an article which currently still open * @param Int $articles_id * @return Int */ public function getRefillQuantity($articles_id) { use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); return $class_do->refillOpenOrdersQuantity(SEGMENT_ID_DEFAULT, $this->id, $articles_id); }
$type = $r['type']; $oid = $r['orders_id']; $oiid = $r['items_id']; $sp_id = $r['sp_id']; $is_prioritized = $r['priority'] == 1 || checkCustomerIsVIP($type, $oid) || in_array($sp_id, $sp_using_red_paper) || in_array($brand_id, $brand_using_red_paper); $key = "{$type}|{$oiid}"; $ok_print = false; if ($type == 'SP' || $type == 'JG') { /*Disabled this, since all orders that goes to ready will directly printed //ignore printing pdf for this order if there item that still on cancel request. $ok_print = (!orderItemHaveStatus($oid, 10, $type)); */ $ok_print = true; } elseif ($type == 'DP') { use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $do = $class_do->retrieveDetail($oid); if ($do['trans_type'] == 'SP') { use_class('jng_sp_orders'); $class_jo = new jng_sp_orders(); $oiid = $do['trans_id']; $i = $class_jo->retrieveItemDetail($oiid); $oid = $i['jng_sp_orders_id']; $o = $class_jo->retrieveDetail($oid); $sp_id = "{$o['jng_sp_id']}"; } elseif ($do['trans_type'] == 'JG') { $sp_id = '0'; } $is_prioritized = $do['trans_type'] == 'AR' && $do['trans_id'] == depot_orders::AUTO_REFILL_ID_ZALANDO || $is_prioritized || in_array($sp_id, $sp_using_red_paper); $ok_print = true; }
$order_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['op_id']); $update_status = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['update_status']); if ($update_status === 'ISSUE') { $issue_text = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['text']); } $sda = array(); $sda['status'] = $order_late_status; if ($update_status === 'ISSUE') { $sda['issue'] = $issue_text; } tep_db_perform('orders_late', $sda, 'update', "order_items_id={$order_id}"); exit; } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADORDERSLATE') { $reloadlist = true; use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $orders_late_status = array(); $orders_late_status['U'] = 'Unhandled'; $orders_late_status['H'] = 'Handled'; $orders_late_status['O'] = 'OK'; $orders_late_status['1'] = 'Closed'; $orders_late_status_filter = array(); $orders_late_status_filter['S'] = 'Show All'; $orders_late_status_filter['U'] = 'Unhandled'; $orders_late_status_filter['H'] = 'Handled'; $orders_late_status_filter['O'] = 'OK'; //$orders_late_status_filter['1'] = 'Closed'; $filter_date = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['filter_date']); $filter_status = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['filter_status']); $date_id_userformat = $filter_date; if ($filter_date == '') {
public function setAsConfirmed() { //WE DISABLE THE ELEMENTS SOURCING INTEGRATION HERE AND WILL BE IMPLEMENT IN A NEW MODULE TO DIRECTLY CREATE A PO global $session_userinfo; use_class('stock_booking'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('products_minierp'); use_class('elements_preorder'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $depot_orders_id = array(); $booking = new stock_booking(); $booking->create('Preorder: ' . $this->name); foreach ($this->items as $i) { $stock = $class_pm->stockRetrieveDetail(WAREHOUSE_ID_PRODUCTS_HAMBURG, $i['products_id'], $i['articles_id']); $booking->addItem($stock['products_stock_id'], $i['qty_booked']); for ($q = 1; $q <= $i['qty_preproduce']; $q++) { $depot_orders_id[] = $class_do->newOrder(SEGMENT_ID_HAMBURG, $i['products_id'], $i['articles_id'], $i['products_ean'], 1); } } $elements_sourcing = $this->getElementsNeededForOnDemand(); // foreach($elements_sourcing as $eid=>$qty) { // $epo = new elements_preorder($eid); // $epo->addOrder($qty, null, 'Preorder '.$this->id); // } $this->updateConnection($booking->id, $depot_orders_id, $elements_sourcing); $this->updateStatus($this->status, 2, $session_userinfo['username']); }
<?php use_class('Product'); use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADOVERVIEW') { $pids = explode(',', $_POST['pids']); $year = date('Y'); $month_now = date('n'); $months = array(); for ($m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++) { $mp = str_pad($m, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $months[$mp] = date('M-y', strtotime("{$year}-{$mp}-01")); } $fc = new forecasting($year); $fc->calcForecastLevelling(); $sales_real = array(); $sales_forecast = array(); $levelling_split = array(); $levelling_orders_real = array(); $levelling_orders_real_out = array(); $levelling_orders_real_ptb = array(); $levelling_orders_real_out_open = array(); $levelling_orders_forecast = array(); $levelling_target_forecast = array(); $no_values = '<span class="notice">-</span>'; //set default value per month foreach ($months as $mp => $mtext) { $mp_value = intval($mp); $sales_real[$mp] = 0;
<?php use_class('Order'); use_class('orders'); use_class('jng_sp_orders'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('products_minierp'); use_class('products_articles'); use_class('products_ean'); $class_o = new orders(); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_jo = new jng_sp_orders(); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $class_pa = new products_articles(); $class_ean = new products_ean(); $source = strtoupper(tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['source'])); $order_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['id']); if (!isset($_GET['id']) && isset($_GET['item_id']) && $_GET['item_id'] != '') { $item_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['item_id']); if ($source == Order::ORDER_TYPE_JULIE_GRACE) { $item = $class_o->retrieveProductDetail($item_id); $order_id = $item['orders_id']; } elseif ($source == Order::ORDER_TYPE_SALES_PARTNER) { $item = $class_jo->retrieveItemDetail($item_id); $order_id = $item['jng_sp_orders_id']; } } if ($order_id == '' || $order_id == 'undefined') { $content .= '<h2 class="red">Manobo can not find related order for this customer</h2>'; $title .= 'No Order'; } else {
<?php use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('products_minierp'); use_class('products_articles'); use_class('minierp_customers'); use_class('products_ean'); use_class('jng_sp_orders'); use_class('jng_sp_customers'); use_class('jng_sp'); use_class('orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $class_pa = new products_articles(); $class_mc = new minierp_customers(); $class_jo = new jng_sp_orders(); $class_jc = new jng_sp_customers(); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); $class_o = new orders(); $sp_list_raw = $class_sp->retrieveList(); $sp_list = array(); foreach ($sp_list_raw as $sp) { $sp_list[$sp['jng_sp_id']] = $sp; } function getTotalOrderAmount($type, $order_id, $currency = 'EUR') { $type = strtoupper($type); if ($type == 'J') { global $class_o; $orders_total = $class_o->retrieveTotals($order_id); $total_price = $orders_total['ot_total']['value'];
public function renderRow($order_type, $orders_items_id, $template_row = self::ROW_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT, $is_order_first_row = false) { use_class('Product'); $order_item_data = $this->retrieveOrdersItemsDetail($order_type, $orders_items_id); $row_data = array(); //SET GENERAL VARS VALUES $products_id = $order_item_data['products_id']; $articles_id = $order_item_data['products_articles_id']; $obj_product = new Product($products_id); $product_image = $obj_product->displayImage(80, 80); $product_image_thumbid = "{$products_id}-{$articles_id}"; $article_no_link = '?open=product-detail&products_id=' . $products_id; switch ($this->filters_status) { case '1': $is_sp = $order_type == self::ORDER_TYPE_SP; $is_prepayment = strtoupper($order_item_data['payment_method']) == strtoupper(PAYMENT_METHOD_BANK_TRANSFER) || strtoupper($order_item_data['payment_method']) == strtoupper(PAYMENT_METHOD_PREPAYMENT); $is_unpaid_prepayment = $is_prepayment && !conditionPrepaymentIsPaid($order_item_data, $is_sp); break; } if ($order_type == self::ORDER_TYPE_SP) { use_class('products_minierp'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); //self::ROW_DATA_LEADTIME_OR_DATE $order_date = $order_item_data['order_date']; //self::ROW_DATA_CYCLETIME DATA $previous_status_date = $this->filters_status == 4 ? $order_item_data['status_date_prod'] : $order_item_data['status_date']; //self::ROW_DATA_CUSTOMER_OR_ORDER_NO DATA $order_id = $order_item_data['order_id']; $orders_number = $order_item_data['order_id']; $order_no_link = '?open=customer-care-order-detail&source=SP&id=' . $order_item_data['jng_sp_orders_id'] . '&hidemenu=true'; $customer_name = $order_item_data['customer_name']; $cust_link = '?open=sp-customer&id=' . $order_item_data['jng_sp_customers_id'] . '&hidemenu=true'; $cust_name = '<a href="' . $cust_link . '" class="view_webpage" >' . $customer_name . '</a>'; //self::ROW_DATA_ORDER_ID DATA $source_name = $order_item_data['package_prefix']; $barcode_id = strtoupper(self::ORDER_TYPE_SP) . '-' . $order_item_data['jng_sp_orders_items_id']; $barcode_id_link = '?open=sp-order-history&oi_id=' . $order_item_data['jng_sp_orders_items_id'] . '&hidemenu=true'; $crown_link = '?open=sp-customers-special-detail&id=' . $order_item_data['jng_sp_customers_id'] . '&hidemenu=true'; //self::ROW_DATA_ARTICLE_NO DATA $product_image_thumbid .= "-{$order_item_data['jng_sp_id']}"; $article_no = $order_item_data['article_number']; //self::ROW_DATA_PRICE DATA $products_price = $order_item_data['price']; //self::ROW_DATA_QUANTITY DATA $order_quantity = $order_item_data['order_quantity']; //self::ROW_DATA_MARGIN DATA $mat_exp = $order_item_data['material_expenses'] > 0 ? $order_item_data['material_expenses'] : $order_item_data['current_mat_exp']; $product_margin = number_format($class_pm->calculateMargin($order_item_data['price'], $mat_exp), 1) . '%'; $product_margin = '<span class="' . ($class_pm->priceMargindIsGood($order_item_data['price'], $product_margin) ? 'green' : 'red') . '">' . $product_margin . '</span>'; //self::ROW_DATA_ACTION DATA //Tab Unpaid Prepayment if ($this->filters_status == 1 && $this->filters_sub_status == '0') { if ($order_item_data['jng_sp_id'] == '8') { $action = '<span class="green">Waiting Payment Status</span>'; } else { if ($order_item_data['last_sent_date'] == '') { $action = '<span class="green">Reminder Not Sent</span>'; } else { $overtime = strtotime($order_item_data['last_sent_date']) < strtotime('-' . PAYMENT_METHOD_BANK_TRANSFER_OVERDUE); if ($order_item_data['sent_count'] > 1) { $action = '<span class="red">Cancel Notification Sent</span>'; } else { $action = '<span class="blue">Reminder Sent</span>'; } } } } } elseif ($order_type == self::ORDER_TYPE_JG) { //self::ROW_DATA_LEADTIME_OR_DATE $order_date = $order_item_data['date_purchased']; //self::ROW_DATA_CYCLETIME DATA $previous_status_date = $this->filters_status == 4 ? $order_item_data['status_date_prod'] : $order_item_data['status_date']; //self::ROW_DATA_CUSTOMER_OR_ORDER_NO DATA $order_id = $order_item_data['orders_no']; $orders_number = $order_item_data['orders_no']; $order_no_link = '?open=customer-care-order-detail&source=JG&id=' . $order_item_data['orders_id'] . '&hidemenu=true'; $customer_name = $order_item_data['customers_name']; $cust_link = '?open=customer&id=' . $order_item_data['customers_id'] . '&hidemenu=true'; $cust_name = '<a href="' . $cust_link . '" class="view_webpage" >' . $customer_name . '</a>'; //self::ROW_DATA_ORDER_ID DATA $source_name = 'J&G'; $barcode_id = strtoupper(self::ORDER_TYPE_JG) . '-' . $order_item_data['orders_products_id']; $barcode_id_link = '?open=sp-order-history&opid=' . $order_item_data['orders_products_id'] . '&hidemenu=true'; $crown_link = '?open=customers-special-detail&id=' . $order_item_data['customers_id'] . '&hidemenu=true'; //self::ROW_DATA_ARTICLE_NO DATA $article_no = $order_item_data['products_model'] . ($order_item_data['products_length'] > 0 ? '_' . textLength($order_item_data['products_length'], false) : ''); //self::ROW_DATA_PRICE DATA $products_price = $order_item_data['final_price']; //self::ROW_DATA_QUANTITY DATA $order_quantity = $order_item_data['products_quantity']; //self::ROW_DATA_MARGIN DATA $product_margin = ''; //self::ROW_DATA_ACTION DATA //Tab Unpaid Prepayment if ($this->filters_status == 1 && $this->filters_sub_status == '0') { if ($order_item_data['last_sent_date'] == '') { $action = '<span class="green">Reminder Not Sent</span>'; } else { $overtime = strtotime($order_item_data['last_sent_date']) < strtotime('-' . PAYMENT_METHOD_BANK_TRANSFER_OVERDUE); if ($order_item_data['sent_count'] > 1) { $action = '<span class="red">Cancel Notification Sent</span>'; } else { $action = '<span class="blue">Reminder Sent</span>'; } } } } else { use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); //self::ROW_DATA_LEADTIME_OR_DATE $order_date = $order_item_data['order_date']; //self::ROW_DATA_CYCLETIME DATA $previous_status_date = $this->filters_status == 4 ? $order_item_data['status_date_prod'] : $order_item_data['update_time']; //self::ROW_DATA_CUSTOMER_OR_ORDER_NO DATA $order_id = ''; $customer_name = $order_item_data['customer_name']; $depot_orders_info = $class_do->translateOrderSource($order_item_data['trans_type'], $order_item_data['trans_id'], true, null, $products_id); $cust_name = $customer_name; if ($depot_orders_info != '') { $cust_name = $cust_name . ($cust_name != '' ? " <br/>{$depot_orders_info}" : $depot_orders_info); if ($order_item_data['group_name'] != '') { $cust_name .= ': ' . $order_item_data['group_name']; } } //self::ROW_DATA_ORDER_ID DATA $source_name = 'DP'; $barcode_id = strtoupper(self::ORDER_TYPE_DP) . '-' . $order_item_data['depot_orders_id']; $barcode_id_link = '?open=depot-order&id=' . $order_item_data['depot_orders_id'] . '&hidemenu=true'; //self::ROW_DATA_ARTICLE_NO DATA $article_no = $order_item_data['article_number']; //self::ROW_DATA_PRICE DATA $products_price = $order_item_data['price']; //self::ROW_DATA_QUANTITY DATA $order_quantity = $order_item_data['quantity']; //self::ROW_DATA_MARGIN DATA $product_margin = ''; } //FIRST ROW OF ORDER if ($is_order_first_row) { $crown_img_col = array('V' => 'vip', 'B' => 'black'); if ($order_item_data['list_type'] != '' && array_key_exists($order_item_data['list_type'], $crown_img_col)) { $crown_img_title = array('V' => 'VIP Customer', 'B' => 'Blacklist Customer'); $crown_img = '<a href="' . $crown_link . '" class="view_webpage">'; $crown_img .= '<img src="images/list-' . $crown_img_col[$order_item_data['list_type']] . '.gif" title="' . $crown_img_title[$order_item_data['list_type']] . '" />'; $crown_img .= '</a> '; $cust_crown = $crown_img; } else { $cust_crown = ''; } $cust_order_count = ' <sup>' . $order_item_data['customers_order_count'] . '</sup>'; if ($orders_number == '' || is_null($orders_number)) { $order_no = ''; } else { $order_no = '<br /><small>order no:</small> <a href="' . $order_no_link . '" class="view_webpage">' . $order_id . '</a>'; } $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_CUSTOMER_OR_ORDER_NO] = $cust_crown . $cust_name . $cust_order_count . $order_no; $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_SOURCE] = strtoupper($source_name); } $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_LEADTIME_OR_DATE] = $is_unpaid_prepayment || $this->filters_status > 9 ? date('d-M-y', strtotime($order_date)) : displayLeadTime($order_item_data['leadtime_start_date'], strtotime($order_item_data['leadtime_start_date'])); if ($this->filters_status == 1 && $order_item_data['update_time'] == '') { $order_item_data['update_time'] = $order_item_data['leadtime_start_date']; } $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_CYCLETIME] = displayCycleTime($previous_status_date); $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_ORDER_ID] = '<a href="' . $barcode_id_link . '" class="view_webpage">' . $barcode_id . '</a>' . ($order_item_data['order_item_total'] > 1 ? ' <sup>' . $order_item_data['order_item_count'] . '/' . $order_item_data['order_item_total'] . '</sup>' : ''); $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_ARTICLE_NO] = '<div class="thumb" thumbid="' . $product_image_thumbid . '">' . '<span>' . $product_image . '</span></div>' . '<div><a href="' . $article_no_link . '" target="_blank&hidemenu=true" title="View Product Detail" ' . 'class="view_webpage">' . $article_no . '</a></div>'; $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_PRICE] = number_format($products_price, 2); $order_quantity = intval($order_quantity); $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_QUANTITY] = $order_quantity; $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_MARGIN] = $product_margin; $el_link = '<a href="?open=products-elements-stock&products_id=' . $products_id . '&paid=' . $articles_id . '&qty=' . $order_quantity . '&status=' . $order_item_data['stock_status'] . '&hidemenu=true" class="view_webpage"></a>'; $pr_link = '<a href="javascript:void();" onclick="alert(\'Please use Finish Good Stock\');"></a>'; $dp_link = '<a href="javascript:void();" onclick="alert(\'Please use Depot Stock\');"></a>'; if ($this->filters_show_stock_status) { switch ($order_item_data['stock_status']) { case '0': $stock_status = '<strong class="red">!</strong>'; if ($this->filters_status == 8 && ($order_type == self::ORDER_TYPE_SP || $order_type == self::ORDER_TYPE_JG)) { $do_status = $order_item_data['depot_orders_status'] == '4' && isset($order_item_data['depot_orders_prod_status']) && $order_item_data['depot_orders_prod_status'] != '' ? statusNameProduction($order_item_data['depot_orders_prod_status'], false, true) : statusNameShort($order_item_data['depot_orders_status']); if (!is_array($do_status)) { $stock_status = '<a href="?open=depot-order&id=' . $order_item_data['depot_orders_id'] . '&hidemenu=true" ' . 'title="MMO product, current status is ' . $do_status . '" class="red view_webpage">' . $do_status . '</a>'; } } break; case 'R': $stock_status = $el_link . '<abbr title="Element Stock OK, Ready for Production" class="green">OK</abbr>'; break; case 'S': $stock_status = $el_link . '<abbr title="Element Stock Need Sourcing" class="red">NS</abbr>'; break; case 'P': $stock_status = $pr_link . '<abbr title="Use Finished Goods Stock" class="green">FG</abbr>'; break; case 'D': if (is_null($order_item_data['depot_orders_id'])) { $stock_status = $dp_link . '<abbr title="Use Depot Stock" class="green">DS</abbr>'; } else { $stock_status = '<a href="?open=depot-order&id=' . $order_item_data['depot_orders_id'] . '&hidemenu=true" class="green view_webpage">DS</a>'; } break; case 'W': $stock_status = $el_link . '<abbr title="Product is using Wholesale Element" class="red">WP</abbr>'; break; default: $stock_status = '<strong class="red">?</strong>'; } $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_STOCK] = $stock_status; } if ($this->filters_status == 3) { $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_PRINTED] = $order_item_data['print_count'] > 0 ? '<img title="Printed ' . $order_item_data['print_count'] . ' time(s)" src="images/icon-tick.png">' : '<img title="Not yet printed" src="images/icon-tick-dis.png">'; $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_SCANNED] = $order_item_data['print_confirmed'] > 0 ? '<img title="Scanned ' . $order_item_data['print_confirmed'] . ' time(s)" src="images/icon-tick.png">' : '<img title="Not yet scanned" src="images/icon-tick-dis.png">'; } //TODO: DEFINE ACTION BUTTON BASED ON SELECTED TAB $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_ACTION] = $action; if ($this->filters_status == 4 && in_array($this->filters_sub_status[0], $this->PROD_SUBSTATUS_USE_LINE)) { $row_data[self::ROW_DATA_STATUS] = strtoupper(statusNameProduction($order_item_data['prod_status'], true)); } //FILL DATA INTO ROW TEMPLATE $row = $this->getRowTemplate($template_row, false, $row_data); $result = ''; if (count($row) > 0) { foreach ($row as $c => $r) { $result .= '<td class="' . $c . '">' . $r . '</td>'; } } return $result; }
<?php /** * Description of outsourcingoverview * * @author IT TEAM BONOFACTUM * @created Oct 7, 2013 10:35:36 PM */ use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('products_minierp'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $jng_sp_id = '5'; $whid = WAREHOUSE_ID_PRODUCTS_HAMBURG; if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADOVERVIEW') { $shipping_window_range_start = generateMysqlDateFromGerman($_POST['shipwin_rs']); $shipping_window_range_end = generateMysqlDateFromGerman($_POST['shipwin_re']); $show_only_nostock = $_POST['nostock_filter'] == 'NOSTOCK'; $show_only_nostock2 = $_POST['nostock_filter'] == 'NOSTOCK2'; $q = "SELECT joi.products_ean, joi.products_id, joi.products_articles_id AS articles_id"; $q .= ", joi.status, joi.stock_status, SUM(joi.order_quantity) AS total_qty"; $q .= ", p.products_image, p.stars, p.products_model"; $q .= ", IFNULL(pa.length, pnc.products_length) AS length"; $q .= " FROM jng_sp_orders jo"; $q .= " INNER JOIN jng_sp_orders_items joi ON joi.jng_sp_orders_id=jo.jng_sp_orders_id AND joi.status NOT IN (10,12)"; $q .= " INNER JOIN products p ON p.products_id=joi.products_id AND p.is_outsourced=1"; $q .= " LEFT JOIN products_non_configurator pnc ON pnc.products_id=joi.products_id"; $q .= " INNER JOIN products_stock ps ON ps.jng_warehouses_id={$whid} AND ps.products_id=joi.products_id AND ps.articles_id=joi.products_articles_id"; $q .= " LEFT JOIN products_articles pa ON pa.products_articles_id=joi.products_articles_id"; $q .= " WHERE jo.jng_sp_id={$jng_sp_id} AND (";
<?php //AJAX ACTION use_class('orders'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('jng_sp'); use_class('jng_sp_orders'); use_class('jng_sp_packages'); use_class('minierp_packages'); use_class('products_ean'); use_class('bins'); $class_o = new orders(); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_sp = new jng_sp(); $class_jo = new jng_sp_orders(); $class_jp = new jng_sp_packages(); $class_mp = new minierp_packages(); $class_ean = new products_ean(); $class_bins = new bins(); $item_status = statusName(); define('EAN_MISMATCH_ERROR', 'EANMISMATCH'); $waiting_box_name = 'Waiting Box'; $packing_box_name = 'Packing Box'; $finish_box_name = 'Finish Box'; $order_show_sp_info = array('9'); // function printPackageTip($type, $no, $info = '', $spname = '', $spclass = '') { global $waiting_box_name, $packing_box_name; if ($type == EAN_MISMATCH_ERROR) { $result = '<div class="package-tip red-bright">';
//Set Refill OFF/ON based on current backlog and "Min Backlog to Skip Refill" $refill_requirement = $backlog < $backlog_limit_refill; $duration_hold_not_zalando_orders = intval($open_orders_config['stock-delay-non-zalando']); //in minutes $duration_hold_not_zalando_orders = $duration_hold_not_zalando_orders * 60; //change to seconds use_class('orders'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('jng_sp_orders'); use_class('products_minierp'); use_class('elements_stock'); use_class('products_ean'); use_class('element'); use_class('stock_booking'); $class_o = new orders(); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_jo = new jng_sp_orders(); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $class_es = new elements_stock(); $class_ean = new products_ean(); $elements_collection = array(); $temp_order_date = array(); $temp_jng_sp_id = array(); $temp_import_timestamp = array(); $otto_prepayment = strtoupper(PAYMENT_METHOD_PREPAYMENT); $oi_status_to_reset_stock_status = array('1', '2'); //CLEAR IDLE BINS use_class('bins'); $class_bin = new bins(); $class_bin->clearIdleBins(); //INIT FULL ORDERS VARIABLE
<?php use_class('payone_invoice'); use_class('Order'); use_class('orders'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('minierp_customers'); use_class('customers_special_list'); $class_o = new orders(); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_mc = new minierp_customers(); $class_csl = new customers_special_list(); $default_order_status_comment = 'Comment for new status'; $order_language = 2; function drawOrderTotalBox($order_id, $order_total = null) { global $class_o; $order = $class_o->retrieveDetail($order_id); if (is_null($order_total)) { $order_total = $class_o->retrieveTotals($order_id); } //ORDER TOTAL $ot_box = '<div class="draw-table">'; $ot_box .= '<table class="order-total" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $ot_box .= '<tr>'; $ot_box .= '<th colspan="2">ORDER TOTAL</th>'; $ot_box .= '</tr>'; $ot_box .= '<tr>'; $ot_box .= '<td class="text">' . $order_total['ot_subtotal']['title'] . '</td>'; $ot_box .= '<td class="price">' . $order_total['ot_subtotal']['text'] . '</td>'; $ot_box .= '</tr>';
<?php use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('bins'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_bin = new bins(); $id = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['id']); $package = $class_do->packageDetail($id); if (is_null($package)) { $package_code = ''; $content .= '<h3 class="red">Package Not Found</h3>'; } else { $package_code = $package['package_code']; $sent_date = is_null($package['sent_date']) ? '<span class="notice">UNSET</span>' : date('d F Y', strtotime($package['sent_date'])); $received_date = is_null($package['received_date']) ? '<span class="notice">UNSET</span>' : date('d F Y', strtotime($package['received_date'])); $segment = $class_bin->retrieveSegmentDetail($package['segments_id']); $contents = $class_do->packageGetContents($id); $contents_table = array(); $ct = array(); $ct['d'] = 'Date'; $ct['o'] = 'Order ID'; $ct['e'] = 'Order Source'; $ct['a'] = 'Article No'; $ct['a2'] = 'EAN'; $ct['q'] = 'Quantity'; $ct['d2'] = 'Time Added'; $contents_table[] = $ct; $counter_orders = 0; $counter_products = 0; foreach ($contents as $do) { $counter_orders++;
$htable[] = $htp; unset($history_prod[$hpk]); } } } } //$content .= '<h2>Order '.$order['order_id'].' ⋅ '.$item['order_item_count'].'/'.$item['order_item_total'].' ⋅ '.$item['article_number'].' ⋅ '.$item['billing_text'].'</h2>'; //$content .= '<h2 style="margin:0;">Order '.$order['order_id'].' ⋅ '.$item['order_item_count'].'/'.$item['order_item_total'].' ⋅ '.$item['article_number'].'</h2>'; $content .= '<div style="float:left;">'; $content .= webImage($product['p']['products_image'], '80', '80', $item['products_id'], 'img-padding img-border'); $content .= '</div>'; $content .= '<div style="padding:3px 0 20px 100px;">'; $content .= '<h2 style="margin:0;">Order ' . $order['order_id'] . '</h2>'; $content .= '<h2 style="margin:0;">Product ' . $item['order_item_count'] . '/' . $item['order_item_total'] . '</h2>'; $content .= '<h2 style="margin:0;">' . $item['article_number'] . '</h2>'; $content .= '<h2 style="margin:0">' . $item['billing_text'] . '</h2>'; $content .= '</div>'; $content .= tep_draw_table('', $htable); //DEPOT ORDER EXISTS use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $do = $class_do->retrieveDetailTransmigran('SP', $oi_id); if (!is_null($do)) { $content .= '<div style="margin-top:30px;">'; $content .= '<h2>Depot Order ' . $do['depot_orders_id'] . '</h2>'; $_GET['id'] = $do['depot_orders_id']; include 'depot-order.php'; $content .= '</div>'; } $title = 'Status History of SP-' . $oi_id; //$title = 'Status History of '.$item['article_number'].' ('.$item['billing_text'].')';
<?php /** * Description of anlysisdepotstock * * @author IT TEAM BONOFACTUM * @created Mar 3, 2014 3:43:11 PM */ require_once 'confy_open.php'; use_class('php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart'); use_class('product'); use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); //PREPARE MAIN DATA $psid = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['psid']); $ps = $class_pm->stockRetrieveDetailByPSID($psid); $whid = $ps['jng_warehouses_id']; $pid = $ps['products_id']; $aid = $ps['articles_id']; $period = '120 days'; //tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['period']); $start_date = "-{$period}"; $chart_start_ts = strtotime($start_date); $chart_start_ymd = date('Y-m-d', $chart_start_ts); $chart_start_dmy = date('d.m.Y', $chart_start_ts); $chart_end_ymd = date('Y-m-d'); $chart_end_dmy = date('d.m.Y'); //RETRIEVE STOCK DATA INFORMATION $cs = $ps['stock']; $dates = getDatesBetween($chart_start_ymd, $chart_end_ymd); $euh_asc = $class_pm->stockRetrieveHistoryDaily($whid, $pid, $aid, $chart_start_ymd);
$class_o = new orders(); $item = $class_o->retrieveProductDetail($oiid); if ($counter_on || is_null($item['ean_printed']) || $item['ean_printed'] == '') { $class_o->printConfirmAdd($oiid); $class_o->eanPrintedSet($order['orders_id']); } $pid = $item['products_id']; $aid = $item['products_articles_id']; $ean = $class_ean->getEAN($pid, $aid); $qty = $item['products_quantity']; $ean_printed = $item['ean_printed']; $barcode_id = "JG-{$oiid}"; break; case 'DP': use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $item = $class_do->retrieveDetail($oiid); if ($counter_on || is_null($item['ean_printed']) || $item['ean_printed'] == '') { $class_do->printConfirmAdd($oiid); $class_do->eanPrintedSet($oiid); } $pid = $item['products_id']; $aid = $item['articles_id']; $ean = $item['products_ean']; $qty = $item['quantity']; $ean_printed = $item['ean_printed']; $barcode_id = "DP-{$oiid}"; break; } if (statusIsCancelled($item['status'])) { $cancel = true;
<?php use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); //DEPOT FILTERS if (isset($_SESSION['vars']['dpo_option'])) { $dpo_option = $_SESSION['vars']['dpo_option']; } if (isset($_POST['dpo_option'])) { $dpo_option = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['dpo_option']); } if (!isset($dpo_option)) { $dpo_option = 'ALL'; } if (isset($_SESSION['vars']['dpo_group'])) { $dpo_group = $_SESSION['vars']['dpo_group']; } if (isset($_POST['dpo_group'])) { $dpo_group = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['dpo_group']); } if (!isset($dpo_group)) { $dpo_group = ''; } $_SESSION['vars']['dpo_option'] = $dpo_option; $_SESSION['vars']['dpo_group'] = $dpo_group; //SET FILTER BRAND ID if (isset($_SESSION['vars']['brand_id'])) { $brand_id = $_SESSION['vars']['brand_id']; } if (isset($_POST['brand_id'])) { $brand_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['brand_id']);
use_class('products_brand'); use_class('styles'); use_class('minierp_users'); use_class('production_instruction_manual'); use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); use_class('jng_sp_catalog_params'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('elements_stock'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $class_pa = new products_articles(); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $class_s = new styles(); $class_mu = new minierp_users(); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); $class_jcp = new jng_sp_catalog_params(); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_es = new elements_stock(); $ebay_name_max_chars = 80; $ebay_language_id = '2'; function delete_extra_image($pei_id, $pei_name = '') { global $uploaddir; $deletion = false; $del_image_query = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_extra_images WHERE products_extra_images_id = {$pei_id}"); $del_image = tep_db_fetch_array($del_image_query); $check_double_query = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_extra_images WHERE products_extra_image = '{$del_image['products_extra_image']}'"); if (tep_db_num_rows($check_double_query) <= 1) { if ($pei_name != $del_image['products_extra_image']) { $delete_file = $uploaddir . $del_image['products_extra_image']; if (file_exists($delete_file)) { $deletion = unlink($delete_file);
$order_type = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['order_type']); $item_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['item_id']); $status_current = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['status_current']); $status_new = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['status_new']); $user_name = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['user_name']); $at_machine = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['at_machine']); //$order_type = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['order_type']); //$item_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['item_id']); //$status_current = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['status_current']); //$status_new = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['status_new']); //$user_name = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['user_name']); //$at_machine = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['at_machine']); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('jng_sp_orders'); use_class('orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_jo = new jng_sp_orders(); $class_o = new orders(); $status_name = statusNameShort(); $order_types = array('SP', 'JG', 'DP'); function oiErrorStatus($item_status) { //STATUS MISMATCH HANDLER global $order_type, $item_id, $status_current, $status_new, $user_name, $class_do, $class_jo, $class_o, $status_name; $result = ''; $add_info = ''; if ($item_status == 'OUTSOURCING-2-PRODUCTION') { $result = 'ERROR: Outsourcing Orders, can not set to Production!'; } else { //error when set to production if ($item_status == 4 || $status_current == 3 && $status_new == 4 || !is_numeric($status_new)) {
<?php use_class('Product'); use_class('depot_orders'); use_class('products_ean'); use_class('elements_suppliers'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $class_ean = new products_ean(); $forecasting_conf = load_config('forecasting'); //PAGE OPTIONS //if (isset($_POST['segments_id'])) $special_mode = ''; if (isset($_GET['mode'])) { $special_mode = tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['mode']); } //SUBMIT ACTION if (isset($_POST['me_action']) && $_POST['me_action'] != '') { if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADOUTSOURCELATESTPRICES') { $products_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['products_id']); $articles_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['articles_id']); $price = $class_do->getOutsourceLatestPrice($products_id, $articles_id); ajaxReturn($price); exit; } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == "CREATEOUTSOURCINGORDER") { $segments_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['segments_id']); $products_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['pid']); $articles_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['aid']); $products_ean = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['ean']); $qty_full = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['qty_full']); $qty_batch = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['qty_batch']); $suppliers_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['params']['suppliers_id']);
} } } elseif ($type == 'J') { use_class('minierp_packages'); $class_mp = new minierp_packages(); use_class('orders'); $class_o = new orders(); foreach ($pack as $p) { $items = $class_mp->sendPackage($p['packages_id']); foreach ($items as $items_id) { $class_o->updateProductStatus($items_id, '7', $session_userinfo['username']); } } } else { use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); foreach ($pack as $p) { $class_do->packageSetSent($p['packages_id'], $session_userinfo['username']); } } } echo utf8_encode($logistic_id); } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == 'SAVELOG') { use_class('products_minierp'); $class_pm = new products_minierp(); $bgst = $class_pm->retrieveBestGoodSettings(); $logistic_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['lid']); $logpart = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['lpart']); $ldate = explode('.', tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['ldate'])); $logistic_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($ldate[2] . '-' . $ldate[1] . '-' . $ldate[0])); $logistic_code = strtolower($logpart) == 'dhl' ? 'DHL' . date('ymd', strtotime($logistic_date)) : tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['lcode']);
$htp['status'] = 'Production: ' . statusNameProduction($hp['status']); $htp['login'] = $hp['update_by']; $htable[] = $htp; unset($history_prod[$hpk]); } } } } $content .= '<div style="float:left;">'; $content .= webImage($product['p']['products_image'], '80', '80', $item['products_id'], 'img-padding img-border'); $content .= '</div>'; $content .= '<div style="padding:3px 0 20px 100px;">'; $content .= '<h2 style="margin:0;">Order ' . $order['orders_no'] . '</h2>'; $content .= '<h2 style="margin:0;">Product ' . $item['order_item_count'] . '/' . $item['order_item_total'] . '</h2>'; $content .= '<h2 style="margin:0;">' . $item['products_model'] . '</h2>'; $content .= '<h2 style="margin:0">' . $item['products_name'] . '</h2>'; $content .= '</div>'; $content .= tep_draw_table('', $htable); //DEPOT ORDER EXISTS use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $do = $class_do->retrieveDetailTransmigran('JG', $opid); if (!is_null($do)) { $content .= '<div style="margin-top:30px;">'; $content .= '<h2>Depot Order ' . $do['depot_orders_id'] . '</h2>'; $_GET['id'] = $do['depot_orders_id']; include 'depot-order.php'; $content .= '</div>'; } $title = 'Status History of JG-' . $opid; //$title = 'Status History of '.$product['products_model'].' ('.$product['products_name'].')';
/** * Get vip status of customer from an order * @param String $type * @param Int $orders_id * @return Boolean */ function checkCustomerIsVIP($type, $orders_id) { $type = strtoupper($type); $is_vip = false; if ($type == 'SP') { use_class('jng_sp_orders'); use_class('jng_sp_customers'); use_class('jng_sp_customers_special'); $class_jo = new jng_sp_orders(); $class_jc = new jng_sp_customers(); $class_jcs = new jng_sp_customers_special(); $o = $class_jo->retrieveDetail($orders_id); //GET CUSTOMER DETAIL VIP OR NOT $cust_data = $class_jc->retrieveDetail(null, $o['jng_sp_id'], $o['customer_billing_id']); if (is_array($cust_data) && $cust_data['jng_sp_customers_id'] > 0) { $cust_detail = $class_jcs->getCustomerDetail($cust_data['jng_sp_customers_id']); } $is_vip = $cust_detail['list_type'] == 'V'; } elseif ($type == 'JG') { use_class('orders'); use_class('customers_special_list'); $class_o = new orders(); $class_csl = new customers_special_list(); $o = $class_o->retrieveDetail($orders_id); //GET CUSTOMER DETAIL VIP OR NOT $cust_detail = $class_csl->getCustomerDetail($o['customers_id']); $is_vip = $cust_detail['list_type'] == 'V'; } elseif ($type == 'DP') { use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $do = $class_do->retrieveDetail($orders_id); if ($do['trans_type'] == 'SP' || $do['trans_type'] == 'JG') { if ($do['trans_type'] == 'SP') { use_class('jng_sp_orders'); $class_jo = new jng_sp_orders(); $it = $class_jo->retrieveItemDetail($do['trans_id']); $orders_id = $it['jng_sp_orders_id']; } elseif ($do['trans_type'] == 'JG') { use_class('orders'); $class_o = new orders(); $it = $class_o->retrieveProductDetail($do['trans_id']); $orders_id = $it['orders_id']; } $is_vip = checkCustomerIsVIP($do['trans_type'], $orders_id); } } return $is_vip; }
error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); set_time_limit(0); ini_set('memory_limit', '512M'); global $db; require_once '../confy.php'; require_once '../functions.php'; require_once '../functions-2.php'; require_once DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_output.php'; tep_db_connect(); use_class('PHPExcel/PHPExcel'); use_class('Order'); use_class('Product'); use_class('depot_orders'); $class_do = new depot_orders(); $oids_raw = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['oids']); $filter_date = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['late_date']); $filter_status = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['status_late']); $oids = explode(',', $oids_raw); $oids_total = count($oids); if ($oids_raw == '' || $oids_total == 0) { echo 'NO PRODUCTS SELECTED!'; exit; } function mergeArticleRowsToProduct($start, $end) { global $obj_ws, $pi_rowheight; //UPDATE STYLE OF PREVIOS PRODUCT (merge rows, etc.) $obj_ws->mergeCells('A' . $start . ':A' . $end); $obj_ws->mergeCells('B' . $start . ':B' . $end);